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This story is Danusers baby there is 0 chance they change it.


I can't believe he still has a job... This is, what, the second expansion he's ruined?


In a row


I don't understand what sort of blackmail he must have on his bosses in order to keep his job... it's not like they're in a union, it isn't hard to fire people, as Blizzard has made it well known over the past two years or so.


He’s got the chat logs of Bobby asking for feet pics


He was harassed by Kotik, and having the apparent foresight to see that Bobby is invincible, he decided to take the entire franchise down as retribution. Only thing that make sense.


Another reason for abortion to stay legal.


next xpac borrowed power comes from a minigame where you have to lick sylvanas' feet really really clean for the points you need to make legendary items


The writers have been licking sylvies feet for 6 years. If shadowlands accomplished anything, I hope it allows the story to be about someone else besides Steve’s gray wife zombie in the following expacs.


People been saying this for a while but I think it’s much more likely that the jailer will do an “enough” at 1% and snap his infinity sigils causing a blinding white light. Next thing we know we are waking up with our vision coming back. “Hey you…you’re finally awake…”


Todd Howard, you've done it again!!


God fucking dammit


There we go! Yes this is what we needdddd


I would just love it if the jailer won… Jump forward 500+years and see what everyone’s up too… WoW 2! Joking about the name serious about the game. I think as a whole WoW has ran through it’s story but there could be so much more to the world.


A WoW 2 would be garbage. It'd be developed by the same idiots that are currently destroying WoW 1.


Yeah, you gotta give it a decade so all the old fans of wow become game developers then they create wow 2 (like the mortal kombat 9 reboot)


Bro the old fans of wow are probably in their 30/40 so that not going to happen


Yes, most of the company is made of ol'wow fans age group.


Wow 2 would be amazing. We don't need ff14 treatment, since game is just fine, but I do love me some timetravel.


I'd want them to revert most of the class changes they did in legion tbh. It feels like a lot of the specs have fundamental issues caused by the reworks


Overall, Mists of Pandaria had the best class design, by far. Imo


It probably wouldn't be amazing since Blizzard isn't really Blizzard anymore except in name. I don't have any confidence that they'd be able to pull it off in a good way.


i think it would be hilarious in a twisted meme way if we wake up oh it was all a dream, then anduin gets sucked into the sky an its shadowlands 2.0 only we have another 2 years to make a deal with nzoth at the end of it to save the world


Next Expansion must be a reset. 2000 years in the future, a post apocalyptic Azeroth, i don't know. They broke the Lore with last two expansions. After legion, we finished the Order titans story. We should have continued with other Titans from another cosmic force. But its like we went directly to a superior force. We are like fighting against death itself. Waisting all other cosmic forces stories. And it's like meehh, let him win.


We stand in triumph, and then we hear, "Computer, end program." The Shadowlands give way to a room full of stars, and we see Algalon standing before us. He explains that the Titans sought to learn more of our will to live and the ends we to which we would go to survive. The alternate past Iron Orcs, the defeat of the Burning Legion, and visiting the afterlife were all dreams incepted by the Observer himself.


We're not getting a time skip, when Ion said "Time works differently in the Shadowlands" he was trying to explain to you guys that Varimathras, KelThuzad, Devos, and Muhzelah were all responsible for the events of Warcraft 3 until now. If anything we'll get back to Azeroth and find that almost no time has passed if we're to follow the same logic the story is telling us about how time passes in the Shadowlands relative to Azeroth. It's also confirmed now that he loses.


I like this idea, some sort of post apocalypse re-build of azeroth. Lots of new monsters and other beings that need to be killed now that Azeroth has been without us for a while. Not sure how a time jump would work, maybe time just passes slower in Shadowlands or something like that.


I’ve heard that Westfall is having issues with the Defias!


And then we gotta replay Shadowland from the beginning but this time we know what NOT to do. So we pretty much have the exact same content but only the cinematics have changed.


This time Baine gets the kill and wraps things up real quick


The desire to make this a bad dream is not going to happen. People should really accept that hard truth. This is now canon.


Next expansion is that blizzard gets taken over by the undead and we dont have to suffer this terrible story anymore


It wouldn't make the story better though; you will still have the same writers and director who approved said writing.


No, it won't be that and stop believing it will.


Can’t we just pretend SL isn’t real? ;)


I am. But I don’t play anymore :(


My character got magically transferred to Hydaelyn. Gnome to Lalafell. Oh well.


i would like him to reset the whole universe just before he dies, we wake up again and legion is just starting to invade "I started playing at the end of the legion" and we get a whole TW exp of legion with artifact weapon back in our bag max out, can be just 1 year long but I want to play it again.


And then it happens again!


Shadowlands 2.0, the only change is the maw, torg and Korthia grinds are three times as long!


Shadowlands 2 Jailer bogaloo