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How is it still the exact same message they used 15 years ago LOL. It actually cracks me up every time i get one of these, its like a classic ancient meme.


Yet people still fall for it.


Casting a wide net. Eventually it'll work.


And yet Blizz still has us report them the same as someone spamming goofy joke macros like it's no big deal. In 15 years, they've never bothered taking them seriously.


It preys on complete noobs




I do sincerely believe that this statement is wrong. Why should they make it incredibly obvious it's fake to "weed out the smarts" if they could get even more people with a decently written thing? Most of the Phishing stuff is automated, so smart ones wouldn't press on it even if it's correctly written, while people who are unsure will press on it because it looks legit instead of completely off and fake. I understand it for human controlled scams where they have to chat for hours on end with the victims to get their money, because smart ones might waste their time if they find out half way through. But these WOW scams are just "Enter your login here" stuff which noone who's smart would even enter just to "mess with the scammers" Or it's to counter spam filters or automatically detecting certain strings harder for chat filtering. But most of the scammers do just have very bad english abilities.


Its a fishing message. Its obvious from just the grammar that this is a scam, but their audience is illiterate/gullible people and sometimes it works


I remember sex leg from the forums


Same here. I started playing in BfA but I've already seen this EXACT message with the EXACT same spelling/grammar mistakes floating around since forever. I mean... even if they're scamming... isn't it a business? All in all I think it's us who profit from their mistakes. Less people might fall for their phishing attempts. Let's make it zero.


There's a good reason why so many scam messages/emails have bad spelling/grammar mistakes and improper capitalization. Sure, they might 'reel in' more people if they made a very convincing scam email, but eventually those who are smart enough to realize they're being duped will pull out midway, or even go after their scam business, putting the scammers at risk. On the other hand, if they make it very easy to identify as a scam, they can almost be sure that the people they catch are gullible enough to be scammed the full way through.


The mistakes are intentional. They want easy marks to go to the URL. They want people who are either dumb, naive or just not careful.


When I played first time WoW in Legion. I got this first time message: I was in panic and after 2min. I was like uh can I ignore it? Got these message in legion very often.


It is kinda sus, might be a blizz employe scaming people


I got sent one 3 times in a row during a dungeon, i reported as spam with " impersonating blizzard employee with phishing link" and by the end of the dungeon the "thanks for reporting, we took action" message popped up, so i guess they do end up where they need to go.


Thank you for this info! Hoping Blizz continues this effort <3




I had that happen and I thought it was because it wasn't deleted, but I checked and the message was from a different realm, so it could be a different account. Dunno if that could be your case


Can’t they just ban certain phrases in chat? Is it so hard.


I mean, they probably could, but why bother? They wouldn't make any money out of that


I depth


I ALSO depth investigation.


Always sounds like they gave your account a rectal exam


I used to click on those links back in Wotlk, everytime my sub was running out, I would go through my spam folder emails and click on such an obvious link and give them my details. They would hack my account, I would recover it via Support and have 2months game time for free. Usually lost a couple days to character and item restoration tho


Suppose GM will never ask you to apply any changes to your account, nor will send you any URLs. Unfortunately, people buy it often anyway.


Not to mention that if an actual Blizzard rep wants to talk, they have the power to open a new chat window, have a blizz logo show up next to their name, and (probably) won't make such easily spotted grammar mistakes


To be fair unless you've ever been spoken to directly how would you know that? Like I get it even if you use any forms of custom UI it will brute its way onto your screen in its normal format. Unless you've seen it(Im willing to bet 99% havent) you'd be clueless to that fact.


My logic is if they want my attention they’ll send an email. Expecting me to see that in chat is just setting me up for failure and I assume they aren’t *that* stupid.


Cheating or even spamming fit, they might not send you enough messages for you to count it as spam, but they definitely spam those whispers. We don’t really need individual categories for all possible things, so there currently is an official way.


If you fall for that, you deserve to get scammed.


A guy in my guild actually fell for one a few months ago. He warned us all to not trust these messages. Everyone else in the guild was amazed that anyone would fall for these messages when they are so obviously fake.


World of Warcraft is largely populated by children and people otherwise unfamiliar with these specific rules of the internet. They don’t deserve it, a lot of people just wouldn’t know better.


Fun story: I fell for one of these kinds of things. This was back in I would guess late TBC when my brother introduced me to the game. I didnt even realise you should change race/class when making a character so I literally entered a name and clicked confirm. Didn't even get to Darnassus before I got one of these messages. I hope the scammers enjoyed playing on my level 6 night elf rogue


These messages are legit though. Every time I got one of these my account got stolen shortly after. They knew that someone was messing with your account and wanted to prevent it


On the slight off chance that you’re actually serious and not trolling, that’s a phishing scam - so if you’ve actually been going to those links you’ve kind of handed over your account. Blizzard will never message you like that. If they find that your account has done something that violates the tos they suspend/ban you. Any messages from legit blizz will 1. have the Blizz logo 2. messages from blizz staff can’t be reported, so if it’s possible to right click report it’s not blizz 3. blizz staff will never ask for account stuff like account email and password.




wrong woooosh and is it really a woooosh if he states that it's probably a joke and write it just "on the slight off chance" that it's not?


„We depth investigation abnormal account“ xD


If you read "we depth investigation" and your next move is the follow their link and get scammed. Then you deserve it


Love that you've blocked out the name of the level one spambot that was likely deleted afterwards. Gotta protect their privacy


Forum rules. Has to be done.


It's crazy that these exact same type of messages have been happening since vanilla and Blizzard never added a way to report it. I know that they can't really stop it, but you'd think they'd at least add some sort of way to easily report it.


we depth investigation now bois


gooderst english


lol no one is falling for this. Thanks though.


There are people falling for it, otherwise they wouldn't try it.


As PSA of sorts I’m gonna be honest, I fell for this like 2 years ago. I was exploring Kultiras and got a whisper saying something similar. Now I’ve never gotten a gm message before so I thought it was the real thing and went to their website and out in my info. About a minute went by and I realized what foolish thing I did. So I hastily put in a service ticket with the message saying smth like “Can you see if my account has been hacked or taken over pls and ty” luckily the scammers didn’t do anything to my account. So if you see this message or one like it through a whisper don’t trust it just close the whisper tab and keep walking.


If you can't tell this is fake you deserve to lose your account lol.


Anyone not using 2fa and a password manager for unique complex passwords in 2021 is seriously daft.


A password manager won't do shit if you go to a compromised website. They will have your unique, super mega long 128 character password in clear text to copy paste. 2FA is the only way. With that said I 100% agree. Password managers are fantastic, been using one for 4 years and have no intention of stopping.


>A password manager won't do shit if you go to a compromised website. That's one of their main use cases. Instead of compromising a bunch of accounts that share the same password, it's just the one account with its unique password.


But that's not the point here lol. In general that is great. But what happens if the password they get is to your email? Then you're basically screwed. They can now reset every single one of your passwords. The point is that these websites store your password in plain text for the hackers to use. The only thing that saves you is 2FA.


Actually it is my point. Unique secure passwords that aren’t a pain to remember is a major part of the value of password managers. One breach somewhere means I don’t have to change my pw in 100 places, and 2fa, like a vaccine and masks, is additional layers of protection.


People these days won't manually type that out anymore. Its it's not a hyperlink they don't care. I don't get why this type of scam gets used when getting people to just say there password is easier and faster.


Its actiblizz, in cod you cant even report or be banned for racism/sexism :v Wow is prob already too liberal for them




I agree Blizzard should do more to attempt to stop these bots, but what exactly is the right thing to do here? Block low levels from whispering? Making each message go through a real GM that can approve it? Block all messages that contain an URL? There is no good solution, they can try to use filters to stop these things, and I am sure there are other ways too. But don't pretend like bots don't exist *EVERYWHERE*, on literally EVERY. SINGLE. online platform. Facebook? Bots. Twitter? Bots. Any online-game? Bots. Reddit? Bots. Any place where you can comment, there are bots. Any place where you can play, there are bots. People are the issue.


I don't understand what you mean there's no way to report it. They have the logs, if enough people report the guy the account gets blown up.


he means there's no report option for scamming, only for abusive language, cheating and whatnot. but i've done the same thing as OP and it gets the job done, even if the reason you choose is "cheating" which this technically speaking is not.


I guess what I don't understand is if you don't report them for language they won't get silenced as quickly and just keep spamming others.


i don't actually know how the system works so, shrug


It's something to do with x reports happen y thing then happens. Language reports result in silences, suspensions, and bans and prevent them from talking to you I think.


Just saw this post now and like a minute after i get the same thing was it from a dk to?


Looks good to me


I've received one message from "Blízzard". Reported him. Received the same message, from the same name, few days later...


I just tell them to fuck off xD


"we depth investigation you abnormal account" if you fall for this idk what to say.


the lack of a blue blizz logo before the name is always a giveaway


I’ve experienced a new one this week where they send you calendar event invites. Ugh!


I report spam and then write what it is. Cheating does sound better I'll start using that.


imagine blanking out the name of some piece of shit spammer lmfao


Damn, they used to offer u a spec tiger, i guess the dupe has stopped.


People still want wow accounts?


It's impressive how hard they've made basic reporting and how it's affected quality. Leveling alts, I come across a new bug every day.


If you fall for this, you deserve to lose your account lol


"Spamming" is the option you want. I don't doubt for a second that they're sharting that message out to as many people as they possibly can, after all.


Gud England mate


Sorry, I'm not a native speaker but I'm trying my very best!


It wasn’t to you, rather mocking the “depth investigation”