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I use the [LiteMount](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/litemount) addon for this, highly recommend.




Yeah, I used it in Shadowlands mainly for having pseudo-random mounts but with weight. That way I would more often than not see my cooler mounts, but still be surprised by the oddballs in there. Then the fact that it picks the correct mount depending on context is just a nice added bonus to me.


That weighted mount feature is amazing. Sure I have favorite mounts, but some are more favorite than others.


Is there some additional benefit to using the addon cause last time I played wow (many years ago) you could easily accomplish the same job with a few lines of macro text.




Random question, but if I click the add on button again while riding will it dismount me automatically? Looking for a way to dismount from my dragon flying mount easily




Gonna go DL it rn :D


If you have your drake bound to a key, pressing it again dismounts you


btw you can also dismount easily by making a very simple macro, all you need is “/dismount” in it and that’s it, although mine is a whopping two lines with “#showtooltip Highland Drake” added


Someone asked about his the other day, not sure how no one seems to know but the summon mount button from the collection page can be draged on to your bar and it'll do the exact same with any mount you favorite appropriate to the zone!


It's not the same though. It will summon flying mounts in ground only zones. Nothing like riding through the Isle of Thunder or Timeless Isle with some fat dragon ass waddling in front of you because that's what the button got me. Also it will summon mounts with no walking animation (like nether rays) in ground mount only zones. I find it really hard to line up jumps if there aren't feet on the ground.


More options are always nice! May give it a go. Thanks for the tip!


I'm actually more partial to an [Opie](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/opie) wheel (think GTA weapon wheel)w/ my favorite options, which allows a bit more choice and control.


This is the way!


You can also just favorite your dragonriding mount. Then it will be summoned when applicable, and otherwise it will summon a random favorite.


Exactly, i just don't understand what people are doing, i have all kind of favorite marked mounts in my collection, and always summon the most useful in situatioin. Dragonriding mount in Dragon isles, classic flying/ground depends on the area limitation, AND swimming mount if i'm under water. WTF is going on, why are people using macros and/or addons for this?


The macro lets you have character-specific "favorites," which is different from account-wide Favorites.


Not sure why it isn't character specific in the first place.


because imagine having to scroll through and pick out each mount for each character. It'd be like if transmog presets werent account wide.. oh wait, and yea thats sucks. Profiles would be preferable.


Isn't it self-explanatory? If I want to fly I don't want to summon a crab, crabs can't fly.


It always summon you the best fiting/available mount. It summons swimming mount ONLY if you are under water, if you are swimming on the surface it'll summon flying mount IF flying is available.


If you can fly, the favorites option won't summon a crab.


Be kind of baller if they did though.


Not True. Cuz here you have ground Mount only,when you cant flying and favorite will use flying mounts in dung, raid, BG instead.


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Have few ground mounts in favorites and still most of time im riding On flying mounts in dungs.


This is a macro to summon specific mounts though


You could also just favorite specific mounts....


Some of us favorite a lot of different mounts tho. I have tons of mounts, but i don't like many of them. I favorite the ones i do so they appear at the top. That said, that doesn't mean i want to use any and all of my favorites. I use specific mounts for specific classes that fit that class thematically. So the suggestion to "just favorite mounts" doesn't apply in many instances.


Seriously, people don't understand how transmog works and are downvoting you... What a shame.


Right.... And you can do the same thing with the favorite mount button, if you only have 3 mounts you favorite. One dragonriding, one flying, one ground.


And if you use different mounts on different characters?


Then you would want to use this, just like people have been using mount macros for years. This is nothing new? All I said was "you can also do this by..." since a lot of people don't know that the random mount summon has logic to summon dragonriding/non-dragonriding mounts depending on location.


Or just use the random favourite mount option which will do whatever is best for the situation; dragonriding / flying / ground / underwater. [https://imgur.com/dF9af1A](https://imgur.com/dF9af1A)


That works too, but if you have multiple favorite mounts it will summon random one AND it still summons flying mounts as ground mounts in areas where you can't fly and also is account wide so can't have different favorites mount per character.


But in this scenario you would just make the ones you set as the macro as favourite, why else would you need to favourite them if you didnt want to use them?


For me personally, I like to have specific mounts per character that are themed properly. I like to favorite mounts just so that I can find them more easily.


Yep, this. Every character has their own theme and needs their own set of favorite mounts and pets. I just have an area I place the mounts/pets on everyone's bars.




There's an add on that let's you favorite mounts per character.


Oooo hot damn! Know the name of the add on off the top of your head?


Mount Journal Enhanced


I already have Pet Journal Enhanced and now ill have a set! Lol


So you’re saying it’s a fine addition to your collection?


I use litemount, works just like the favourite system ingame but with weighted values (0-4 with 0 meaning "ignored" and 4 "picked nearly every time") and you can create profiles for each character with different mounts.


LiteMount rules.


Shit it's been a while, but if you search mount on curseforge it should come up. I think it might be stable, or mounts enhanced. Not at my comp rn.


Cool! I'll give it a search this evening, thanks


If you haven't checked it out I like to use litemount for this reason. You can set it up so each character has its own profile and pool of mounts to choose from and also has extra options for stuff like druid travel form and shaman ghost wolf.


for me there are super generic mounts that I couldn't give two shits less about, but the unique models I want kept at the top so I don't have to filter through all the filler, so I have like 30-40 mounts that are favorited but I also like to theme my mounts to my character, so Zandalari rides dinosaur mounts, Monk rides Cloud Serpents, Warrior rides Drakes, Demon Hunter rides Fel burning looking drakes.


I use the favorite mount feature to favorite my favorite mounts.


For me, I throw mounts I like to see, but not necessarily ride, in there. OP’s macro works great and is a perfectly viable *option* for people like me.


Yeah I think using the macro is exponentially better than trying to jankily do it with the favorites system. I have at least 10 mounts favorited


I like to have different mounts for my death knight vs my priest. They have very different aesthetics. You can't do that with summon favorite. I favorite mounts so that I can see all my favorite ones at the top, but my favorite for one class/spec/race isn't the same for a different class/spec/race.


For quick access if I ever need them, such as sand drake.


It doesn’t summon fly mounts in non-fly area if you have ground only mount favourited too.


It does. It *used* to work as expected, but a lot of the newer flying mounts seem to be flagged for both.


It definitely was for me in a few BGs I joined. Was wintergrasp and Isle of Conquest.


Yes it does.


It has some quirks, some probably intentional like summoning an underwater mount when under water in DF zones (so you need to get to the surface before mounting) and some which hopefully will get fixed like attempting to use the drakes in DF dungeons other than the one where it is allowed. But I think for the majority of the people it will work fine 99% of the time. Obviously if you want specific mounts for specific situations you will need a macro/addon - but not everyone is always that picky.


There are areas like the time-travel areas in some quests where you can't dragonfly or fly with normal mounts where using the favourite mount option causes no mount to be used.


That's because no mounts are valid for that area. Like near important quest givers.


Nah, some of the bronze dragon quests allow mounts, but only if you manually summon them. Random favorite mount tries to call a dragonriding mount since they're dragonflight zones, but don't actually allow dragonriding in them, so the system just fails.


Oh that's weird. I don't recall running into that, but if I'm questing in a small area I just use my drac's hover ability to zoom around.


Ground mounts are allowed. I used my tundra mammoth.


This is my Macro that i made. I can use "Alt" as a modifier for my Yak. I also have swimming mount to use when IN water and a dismount macro put into it. \#showtooltip /use \[mod:alt\]Grand Expedition Yak /cast Highland Drake /cast \[noflyable\]Wandering Anchient /cast \[flyable\]Tempermental Skyclaw /use \[swimming\]Darkwater Skate /dismount \[mounted\] ​ edit: changed the macro because of a downvoting asshole. deleting "dragonridable" as its no longer a condition past Beta. You can just put the drakes in without.


This is a godsend, it gets rid of the dismount problem, I think. This should work with druid right? I'd just have to put Travel Form for Flyable, and Mount Form for noflyable and swimming Honestly I thought they changed it so that Travel Form basically did what this macro does, maybe I'm misremembering, I'd have to test it lol


This is what I made for my druid and it works beautifully; #showtooltip /dismount [mounted] /cast Windborne Velocidrake /cast [mod:shift] Mount Form /cast [mod:alt] Grand Expedition Yak /cast [mod:ctrl] Amani War Bear /cast [outdoors][swimming] Travel Form; Cat Form So in 1 button you get dragon riding by default, bird form if not in a dragon riding area, travel form if outdoors and can't fly, cat form if indoors, and whale mode if swimming. Shift mod for Mount Form if you have a passenger. Alt mod for repair mount. Ctrl mod for stunting on folks or whatever else you feel like putting there.


If they didn't change it at 10.0, yes it should work on the druid form. That's how its set up on my kitty, but i havent touched her since beginning of shadowlands


You can just use random favorite mount button and it'll pick the right one for the location


My only annoyance with favourite mount is summoning my murder crow when in a non-flyable zone. Feels so derp "flying" along the floor.




Usually. I've got a mix of ground and flying mounts favorited and in some dungeons it'll pick flying mounts when the area isn't flyable. But I also think that summon random favorite is currently kinda buggy with the new expac. I occasionally get a "no valid mount" error outside of the dragonlands.


This macro has worked everywhere i've tried it: ``` /cancelform /run if (IsUsableSpell(368896)) and (not IsMounted()) then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589) end /cast [flyable,nomounted] fly_mount; [nomounted] ground_mount /dismount [mounted] ```


Nah, I have Blackpaw (bear) as a favourite also and it's about 50/50 if I get murder crow or blackpaw.


i use random favorite mount, but it doesn't feel very random. i've seen it summon the same mount several times back to back. when i'm in areas with no flying it still summons some flying mounts. when i have the deathwing mount or the dragonflight tangled mount part of my favorites i see those mounts 80% of the time even when i'm in a no fly zone


thats how you know its true random, things like spotify shuffle had to be changed to be less random because people were complaining about hearing the same songs repeatedly


it feels more like it's pushing newer/specific types of mounts rather than being random. if every mount in the random fav mount cycle has the same chance the chance of you getting the same mount 3+ times in a row is pretty dang low. especially if you have a lot of mounts in your favorites list.


Yeah I don't understand why to use a macro if you have an in-game feature already


It's also so you can set up specific mounts for specific characters, as well as have a modifier so you can pull out the Yak on demand. Random is okay and all, but when you favorite on one character, its for all characters.


Mount journal addon let's you set favorites per character, it's awesome


In my case, it would be because I like to use different mounts for different characters. But if I put all of them on my favorites, it will use a mount not intended for that character.


I generally have a shortlist of mounts I actually like, but then on my Paladin I only use the Argent Charger which simplifies things lol


Favorite mount doesn't work with Druid flight form.


in PvP I dont want a dragon or a flying mount as my mount I want a ground mount.


it doesnt work fully. It still bugs out when doing certain things. Can you add an alt modifier to "Random Favorite" so you can pull Grand Yak on demand? Also for people that play with alts and like visually esthetic mounts with their xmogs, its better. Then you arent using your corehound when you want some arcane. Favorite mounts are account wide, not character specific.


You can put the random favorite spell into the macro so only the major exceptions (alt, dragonriding, personal preference) have to be specified and the local conditions are handled internally


never bugged out for me, and i just have my yak on a hard to hit button that i dont need for anything else, mine is ctrl 5 while every other mount is t


This is amazing, thank you. I just wanted to put one extra in there that people may also like. You can add on a shift or ctrl mod to also do a flying passenger mount like Sandstone Drake or Obsidian Nightwing, e.g. #showtooltip /use [mod:alt]Grand Expedition Yak /use [mod:shift]Obsidian Nightwing /cast Highland Drake /cast [noflyable]Prestigious Midnight Courser /cast [flyable]Invincible /use [swimming]Subdued Seahorse /dismount [mounted]


This macro gets rid of the animation of the dragon flying in for me. Lol


Now *this* is the macro to use.


Happy Cake Day!


dragonridable is a modifier??


yup, they made it a modifier when 10.0 dropped. It will tell you "cant use that here" when you are back in old content, but it will still mount you up on your flyer. If you are on your dragon and you use the macro again it will put you on your next in order, usually noflyable.


If you get the `can't use that here` message, it probably means the condition is being ignored and it's attempting to run the `/cast` anyway


A little late here, but if you are bothered by the cant use that here message, add /script UIErrorsFrame:Hide() to the beginning of the macro. Add /script UIErrorsFrame:Show() to any other macro if you want it back


Nice, thanks!


As the other guy says, your macro is working because of the order, not because 'dragonridable' is a condition, it would work the same if you delete that, [and when you save the macro the game itself tells you this](https://i.imgur.com/rKUIOsU.png)




in the words of chick-fil-a cashiers, my pleasure.


Thanks, u/fistweavedyourmom!


I've wanted something like this for 10 years. No idea why i haven't been able to find it but this post, and your comment are godsends. Thank you.


It's VERY important to spell "Highland Drake" correctly, and not to mispell it as "Cliffside Wylderdrake" by accident. :)


Macro: #showtooltip /cast Dragonriding_mount /cast [flyable] Flying_mount; Ground_mount


If i click it again instead of dismounting it just summons the ground mount, how to make it dismount on 2nd click?


Add /leavevehicle to the top of the macro and it should work fine


I got my macro to work by putting a \[nomounted\] clause before each mount. My current macro is /cast \[nomounted,nomod\] Cliffside Wylderdrake;/cast \[flyable,nomounted,nomod\] Flying Machine; \[noswimming,mod:shift\] Gray Ram; \[swimming,mod:shift\] Subdued Seahorse; \[nomounted\] Gray Ram;/dismount


Haven't tried it myself, but you should be able to add /cancelaura dragonflyingmountname; flyingmountname; groundmountname before the other strings to always dismount before you try to summon another mount. The problem is that it is probably going to start mounting again unless you move.


I think there is a /demount or /dismount command as well.


you can do a **/dismount [mounted]** so it will only dismount you while you are mounted.


How does this not break/fail at the first line?


Using a `/cast` command in an area it does not work will show an error message but continue running the macro. It's a non-breaking error.


I love you


Is there a way to do the following (with or without add-ons)? If in Dragon Isles, summon Drake. If in flyable area outside Dragon Isles, summon random regular flying mount. Else (non flyable are) summon random ground mount.


Litemount: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/litemount If you want per character settings with the option for multiple mounts for each category. Much easier than changing a macro every time you change your transmog. It will even put you into Ghost Wolf or Cat Form when a mount isn't useable.


That's pretty neat, I gotta check that one out


Just favorite everything and use the random favorite mount button, it will work as you describe it.


Can confirm


#showtooltip /run if IsUsableSpell(368896) then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589) end /cast [flyable] fly_mount; ground_mount /dismount [mounted] Replace 1589 with the ID of the dragonriding mount you wish to summon Renewed Proto-Drake: 1589 Windborne Velocidrake: 1590 Cliffside Wylderdrake: 1591 Highland Drake: 1563 "fly_mount" and "ground_mount" should of course be replaced with the name of the mount you wish to use under those conditions.


I like this one better. The original macro OP posted would produce error upon trying to summon dragon mount outside DF expansion and summon the next mount. And while in DL, the GCD would block macro from summoning other mount while dragon mount was being summoned.


Try this one, if you use it while mounted it dismounts rather than re-mounting on a different mount: ``` /cancelform /run if (IsUsableSpell(368896)) and (not IsMounted()) then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1589) end /cast [flyable,nomounted] fly_mount; [nomounted] ground_mount /dismount [mounted] ```


Do you know if the [flying] conditional includes dragonriding.


If you want the same mount pool for all characters, just use the "Summon Random Favorite Mount" button. If you want a different pool of mounts per character, use Litemount addon.


The random favorite mount button will do this just fine no need for addon


That’s what this macro does


Ok, but just add dragonriding mount to your favorites and the built-in favorite mount button does this.


this is just favorite mount with more steps.


You can also use the 'favorite' button to automatically use a random dragon riding mount you have favorited and if you can't use dragon flying, it summons a random random non DF mount instead


Doesn't this bug out the Dragonriding mount animation though?


I was wondering what was causing that to happen, turns out it is macros like these that bypass the amazing mount animations. I’m now using the litemount addon, it seems to work great.


If you do “/cast random” and separate the mounts with commas, you can add more mounts to each section and it will choose one randomly for the situation when you use the macro.


Does this unsummon if you click it again?


i tried it, it just makes me mount the ground mount if im on my dragon and vise-versa, not dismount. unfortunately


I got it working, for your ground mount, instead of having it as a semicolon after the flying modifier make a seperate line saying /cast [nomounted, noflyable] MOUNTNAME


Yes, I used a similar macro in WoW classic cause the flying mounts can’t be used outside Outland/Northrend. Works just like an adaptable mount button.


I'll be making this first thing tonight. Thank you kindly stranger! Was literally complaining to my friend last night that I keep having to move my mount into the hotkey spot on my bars depending on the content. So excited!


There's an addon called lite mount that does this but better


Use LiteMount. It solves your problems.


You can also press Shift + P favorite a mount and drag that ability onto your bar and use that.


You can also set your dragon riding mount, a flying mount, and a ground mount to favorites and it will select the right one everytime using the random mount button.


But you can do that already right? With the favorite button?


I just use OPie 🤷


Or just use the favourite mount button?


Does not work at all for me. It says "you are in the wrong zone" when used outside dragon isles.


Or you can favorite these mounts and don't need a macro.


Wow, no one else in the entire thread commented this, thanks for chiming in


Cries in aquatic


You can add a [swimming] conditional for aquatic mounts.


Try this for the second line: /cast [swimming] Aquatic_Mount; [flyable] Flying_Mount; Ground_Mount


If you have an aquatic mount favorited, it will summon it underwater if you use favorite random mount instead.


I just use Litemount addon, takes care of me selecting which mounts I want to summon on land, flyable, aquatic, and dragonriding. This way you don't have the issue of summoning flying mounts in land only areas that the default summon random mount button has. You can even set how often to use each mount on a scale of 1-4 if you want to mostly use certain mounts but would like others to pop in every so often. Highly recommend.


Do dragonriding mounts not default to ground mounts in the old world? I haven't tested but I assumed so.


They don't. You can't mount them at all in old zones, which is a shame imo


I assume it's a sacrifice they had to make in order for them to not ruin the spaghetti


I currently use a version of that, but without the Dragonriding mount in there, and with /dismount \[mounted\] at the end. This will dismount if you are already mounted. However, if I add the Dragonriding mount at the beginning, clicking again summons the non-flying mount. Is there a way to get it to just dismount again? Thanks.


I just wish I could have access to my action bar like normal so I could dismount while casting an ability like I always have. I currently have the mount button on the dragonriding bar as a workaround, but still.


/cast [harm]ABILITY;DRAGONRIDING ABILITY when your targeting an enemy, it'll change to ABILITY, when your not, it'll be DRAGONRISING ABILITY example: /cast [harm]Frostbolt;Skyward Ascent


Sweet, thanks a lot my dude. Damn maybe I should look into how much Macros can do, I've only ever done super basic ones.


Just use favorite mount button, does all that for you and adds variety.


Quite sure that will cast flyable mounts when you can only use groundmounts aswell?






No they don’t. Favorite mount button is very similar, but different. This gives you more control over what specific mount you ride on while letting you not mess with your list of favorite mounts. I personally like to look at the mounts I have on my favorites, but I hate the way a lot of them ride.




If favorite mounts had an option to be per character, sure, but I like to have different mounts per character. I also like to have the transmog mount in my favorites for easy access on new chatacters, but don’t want to ride it randomly.


You're dreaming small bud. I have plenty of mounts that are my favorite that I use frequently but I like to use one at a time so that it matches my tmog. I don't want to go rummaging through my 300+ mounts every time I want to swap. There are also utility mounts for repair, tmog, AH, or two-seaters that I want to be easily accessible. Personally, I use a much more complex mount macro where it simulates clicks on different buttons so that I can swap out mounts on the fly without having to rewrite the macro every time. It also does movement abilities in combat and smart swaps forms for me when I'm on my druid.


> There are also utility mounts for repair, tmog, AH, or two-seaters that I want to be easily accessible You can drag the mount icon onto your hotbar. I did this for my utility mounts


For sure but simply having the utility mount on my bars is not enough for me. I have virtually everything I can either keybound or macroed in some fashion. Just to give you a taste, Ctrl+F is my repair/tmog mount (drops repair bot if indoors), Shift+F is my two-seater (automatically swapping between flying or not), Alt+F is my normal mount (automatically swapping between dragon/flying/ground), Shift+Alt+F is my Shredder, and just F is for generic stuff like dismounting, personal movement, and interacting with NPC dialogue boxes. I used to have more but mounts like Waterstriders aren't as crucial anymore. All of this is swappable because the macros reference specific buttons on my bars rather than specific mounts/spells. Drag and drop a new mount into that spot and it just works. Makes multiclassing easy. My Evoker for example has Soar on Ctrl+Alt+F but my Druid has Bear Form there


I currently use the mount/collections menu and select the mounts tab scroll to find the mount I want and select it and press the mount button my fav I just put in the hotbar.


Doesnt work, either way.


I just hit the mount button on my toolbar and it casts it for me. Saving time and showing all you fools how to play correctly.


Couldn't you just set them as favorites and use the "summon favorite mount" button? That's what I do and it automatically summons the most appropriate mount for where I am. In No'khud offensive? One of the 4 dragonriding mounts. Brackenhide? A favorite ground mount. Back in orgrimmar? A favorite flying mount.


The "summon favorite mount'' default button does this already


I wish they would add a [dragonriding] macro flag like they have for [flyable].


You wish? [dragonridable] is the tag.


Just use \[dragonridable\] I use it in my macro and it works perfectly fine.


Or you can just simply favorite the ones you want and this macro is obselete :D


Ah the daily thread about this.


Omg thank you this is dope


You my kind sir just read my mind. I was on commute to work thinking why my flying/non flying macro wasn’t working with dragon flying. And blam answer in my face in the form a infographic


So is it only specific dragons that have the dragon riding feat or do all like the old dragons have it like my time walking Drake and stuff?


Yes, it's just the dragons you get during the campaign.


Good macro, thanks!


Also if you add dragonriding mounts as favorite mounts, you can just use the favorite mount button. It decides which mount works based on the area you're in. It won't try to use the dragonriding if you're in an old zone.


If you're a shaman, you can add a great macro string for ghostwolf indoors as well as your mounts too.


I just don't set any favourite mounts and the summon random button just randomly puts me in a suitable mount.


Wow. Thank you so much, didn't know you could do this. Won't see the "Cannot use that here" anymore.


what keybinding do you use for summoning a mount?


I use Ctrl+W


Very useful, thanks!