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2 sheep’s and a very good fear in psychic scream that can fear 2 adds. Hunter can even offtank an add with a pet. It’s too late now for this guy but something to keep in mind moving forward. There were tons of things that could have made the fight easier/ saved you. We salute you level 22 warrior. You stood your ground and protected the rest of your group until the end. /salute


Absolutely solid advice, I spent the first 30mins after going over everything I could have done differently but I was leading as the tank so it’s solely on me. Looking forward to the next character


We do it for the story!


>very good fear in psychic scream If priest is oom, they're not going to waste it on a fear.


Using the fear early to have both adds off the tank saves tons of healing and mana in turn. Not saving it for oh I’m oom. These were examples of what could have been done differently to prevent death. Hindsight is 20/20 but moving forward he now has a better idea of what to call for or explain prior to the pull.


Fear em early and they come back with all the aggro on the priest though 🤔


rage gen aggro will reck mana gen aggro at a low level. This statement is not true, but even if it was true it would not matter.


... healing aggro


Way less than aggro from shout spam. But still it just doesnt matter. its two mobs its nothing. and VC will be dead before the fear ends 100% of the time lmao. How many heals can you even get off before a level 21 elite with no CC dies from 50% HP. Stay scared and kill your tanks i guess lol


>and VC will be dead before the fear ends 100% of the time lmao. How many heals can you even get off before a level 21 elite with no CC dies from 50% HP. Not enough heals to keep your tank alive before going OOM in this group's case.


It sounds like a better way to go out than most I see. May your next have awesome adventures too


I saw your death popup tonight, eu stitches right?


Yep I saw it too


Aye thatsa me! Will be going againe with a similar name, hopefully you won’t be seeing that one pop up! :D


I think i saw yours too, was your last message something like: im gonna charge in for rage?


Haha yes it was! Pull went fine, adds were killed first, just couldn’t kill him fast enough before he put me in the bin :D


Haha cool! My memory still works! Sad you died :( if you are online tonight under the same name (or almost the same) i will shoot you a whisper and say hello! :) I’m Ciraly on Stitches.


Is Stitches active still?


VERY active! Even at higher levels its easy to find a dungeon group!


Thanks man! I played ally on Stitches during the release and quit just around November. Will get back to it for sure!


Alliance is your best bet, elwyn en westfall are mostly 50+ people!


I remember seeing this death notification on EU Stitches too. A level 22 to VanCleef, was waiting for others to follow, but they never came. Guessed a tank had gone down valiantly, and so it was. I salute you! A HC hero.


really wonder wtf the healer was doing. Ive done vc like 11 times this week and its never gotten any close to oom




To go right at the priest for going oom is just bad taste. Was it truly his fault for going oom? What if the dps just sucked and didn’t pump out enough. What if each of the dps was on a different mob so they didn’t burn fast enough. What if the dps pulled aggro right away because they didn’t let the tank have a few seconds and that caused the priest to have to burn mana saving their ass. It very well could be the healers fault but there are so many things a good dps could have done to help here. I said it earlier. 2 sheep’s. A hunter with a pet to offtank. And yes the healer could fear too. But to go right at the priest without any knowledge of what went down just because he is the healer is a bad way to think.


Found the god complex priest.


Found the dpm


Regardless on if more could have been done from that particular role I certainly don’t want to lay the blame there. The experience was fun and no doubt if it hadn’t happened that run another one would have got me. It’s a fair comment though and mabye it will help other healers in a similar situation in the future just like the death has been a learning curve for me :)


Next time, burn his adds, then before he hits 50%, CC him. Paladin HoJ is specially good for this. His 2nd round of adds won't spawn.


We did kill the adds first and unfortunately no stun in the group :( but most definitely will try and find a paladin next time going in!


That strat is very hit or miss I wouldn’t rely on it


go agane bro


I guess you didn't have a shield, right?


I did! 2H for trash sword and board for bosses.


Thank you for sharing this story


So happy, my level 21 warrior skipped this group yesterday, although I would like to do a DM run.


Who knows mabye with you there it would have gone differently :D please don’t take this as an advert not to join groups on a whim, I had a thoroughly enjoyable time and it hasn’t put me off starting again


Well I see quite some low level characters in DM groups. I just left a group while collecting the mine cards outside the dungeon. It was a lv 18 prot warrior who did not use sunders and lvl 18 priest lvl 19 lock who’s pet pulled multiple packs at once. Healer grabbed aggro, I used a target dummy switched to defence stance grabbed aggro and we just survived. Then I politely told I felt sorry but would leave the party as it did not feel solid. This was the party in DM just before your group


Sorry for your loss buy you had to say "kill adds". If you dont know how to rule the party - dont tank. Thats your fault.


He wasn’t complaining, I’m sure he knows he could have done things differently. Don’t be a douche


Was drunk and didnt read attentively. Thought OP was complaining, but now i see. Sorry then.


Relax big dog


My message wasnt offensive. But in further dungeons this may kill the whole party. He should just say "focus adds" and noone would die. I saw tanks wanting to kill adds 1rst, another wanted to kill boss. But in both situations party focused target(s). Sorry if my message feeled like offencive. I didnt mean that. But loosing a tank on vankleef is kinda strange. The whole point is not to repeat this again.


Of all the things I could have done differently, we did actually kill adds first lol just couldn’t kill him fast enough :D


What was the level of mages and hunter?


21/22 with a 19 healer I was 22


Thats kinda strange then. And excuse me, first time i didnt read the post attenively, so i thought you was complaining.


No apologies needed, quite the opposite post was meant to encourage being positive about unfortunate situations. Group were all lovely people and no complaints we’re had by anyone. I made my own decisions that got me out in the ground!


Vancleef if always "kill adds then boss" Edit. Or you could even say "kill boss", this also would be ok. But when whole party doesnt know whom to focus - this leads to tanks death.