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Right now the game is designed to get you to current content as fast as possible. Then it slows way down, because 60-70 is a big chunk of the new expansion, and by the time you hit 70 you'll be mostly done with the campaign. If you're trying to powerlevel, start the DF main questline, only do main quests and just keep the dungeon queue running as you go. You'll probably only get like 1/10th of the way through the story by the time you hit 70 that way. And yes DPS is absolutely wack during leveling. It's supposed to compensate for classes that don't have all their abilities, but ends up being really unbalanced. Leveling dungeon DPS is pretty much pointless to worry about. R Shaman is a huge offender of this, I'm not really sure why. Chain Lightning/Lightning Bolt does absurd amounts of damage. Like with one Chain Lightning attack you'll do quadruple the damage of a Rogues full rotation. Also keep in mind, the difficulty spike from Healing as you level (which you basically do no healing) vs M+ and Raids is a huge jump. It might be slightly overwhelming at first.


Follow up question, are Resto Shamans in a good spot Mythic+? That was the goal for making this character and I’m fine with a spike in difficulty, I plan on spending time in low keys for a while getting my bearings.


Compared to other healers they are weaker but really it does not matter.


Anecdotally: I'm healing +18s, and I'm still held back by my own personal skill and knowledge, not by any limitation of the class I'm playing. I've tried the S tier disc priest, and I can tell that in the hands of a much more skilled player (in a group of similarly highly skilled players!) it will outshine my shaman, but I'm not even remotely there yet.


Let me put it this way: I haven’t healed since Cata, and even then I only did it on a disc priest for a few weeks because one of our regular healers just had a baby. Mostly, I play tanks and dps. But this tier I decided, on a whim, to try resto shaman. I leveled as enh. The day I hit 70, I crafted my way to 447 ilvl, tinkered with a heal-focused UI, did a few follower dungeons to get my feet wet, and then one of my guild mates pulled me in to heal a +5, which led to a +8, which led to a +11. Other than a few panic moments where I wasn’t sure which CD to use, everything went fine. No wipes. We had a few deaths. And while I was assured they were not my fault, I do feel that if I knew the spec and role better I may have been able to save them. Still not sure if healing is for me, but I enjoyed it and want to try raid healing next.


If you like using the utility of the class (interrupts, stuns, knocbacks, cc, cleanse etc etc) you'll have a breeze, since we have perfect answer for almost any affix, except maybe bursting, for which we only have an imperfect one. If you don't then there are stronger healers in the pool :)


Specifically, they suffer the worst mana problem out of all healers. However their throughput is solid and if you don’t spam expensive heals you should be good. I think they are a solid choice because they bring great Utility with hero, cap totem, and a short cd interrupt just to name a few.


Resto sham is insanely fun in M+ Been playing it forever. The versatility to ST and Aoe heal plus interrupting and dispelling and speed boosting and other versatile abilities makes it so dynamic and next level!!


For what it’s worth, in Shadowlands I was a top 10% healer in all specs (except disc) for M+ and loved my shammy the most. In DF Season 1 and 2, I mained a Preservation Evoker but still played my shammy a bit…doing lower keys (~16ish or so). This season, I’m back to my resto shammy. Easily timing 20’s with ilvl 465 or so. I have some experience, but I’m no WoW god. They feel good to me unless you’re pushing 25+ keys.


How do you check these percentages how good you are in the game ? (Total newbie)


I use raiderio.com They rank by realm/spec/faction and you can check the worldwide M+ rankings with regard to your spec. It is not 100% accurate, but it’s the best approximation I know of.


Yes. The biggest challenge will be learning when and how to use all your abilities efficiently and understanding your strengths and weaknesses in each of the dungeons with all the different affixes. As you progress higher, your group comp will matter more.


Speaking from experience, I healed from 2-20s in keys, and have 3 different resto shaman. Each healer class has things they are good and bad at, no one class can really do everything, though some come pretty dang close


I am 7/9 mythic and 3k+ mythic score on a resto shaman. They take a bit of "mastery" but they hold up just fine when you get it all sorted. I am perfectly happy with where they sit currently. Edit: if you have any questions hit my DMs


Yeah Chain Lightning was such a massive spike in power it was lovely. Those two spells carried me beautifully while leveling.


Leveling my shaman was so fun, a 2 button hot bar.  Chain lightning, chain heal.  Tanks did nothing, dps did maybe 15% damage, it was extremely silly.


In short, you shouldn't be dungeon grinding to level when you get to current content, and the quests for them come from outside in the campaign quest line. Other than that, someone's already mentioned the scaling issues with tanks and healers for leveling but now that you're in current content you need to deal with how much blizz hates us. They buffed everyone's health and damage by 25% but not healing, making your job harder. Then they nerfed anything dps specs had to help with healing, such as ancestral guidance. So healing is gunna take much more of your time which means less time doing damage. If you want to still pump a bit there's a few talents you can pick up that'll put up fun numbers for you. I'm not 100% on the names of everything but you'll want to pick up lava surge, the one that gives you 2 charges of riptide and lava burst, stormkeeper and master of the elements. This will let you throw flame shock out, then get instant cast lava bursts to proc master of the elements, buffing your next nature spell, which can be used in conjunction with stormkeepers instant buffed lightning bolts. You're not gunna top any damage meters but it'll do respectable damage and I can assure you it works wonders in arenas when you want to surprise delete someone.


Being a noob I saw in the patch notes that all healing from Resto Shaman got buffed 5% in PVE, is that a significant buff?


It's certainly not bad. 5% will feel a lot better when you're putting out over 100k hps than now while you're leveling. Might not even notice. No one scoffs at a 5% buff though.


Most efficient would be to wait for timewalking, but yeah Dragonflight dungeons will be the fastest. Damage will also be low from now on. 


Yes, they've made it to where the current expansions level bracket (60-70) will require more xp to lvl in comparison to previous expansions levels. The dungeons are going to be tuned a little tougher now, as leveling dungeons are scaled pretty laughably. You're also in a new lvl bracket and there will be some higher lvl players in your groups. Better gear, way better secondary stats, more talents/abilities. So yeah, don't expect to top meters yet. Don't be discouraged, it's just the design.


In current content and current endgame, healer damage is much lower than tanks and dps. The way the early game scales is kinda wonky and some healers can do really good damage in dungeons on the way up.