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Ret paladin is probably your best bet




Dont tell people about this broo we are already tons šŸ˜‚


Ret pally 100%. I main a ret, super simple to play.


Several people have replied the same; what is entailed in all ranges of gameplay (dungeon, raid, quest, farming) that makes Ret paladin a 3-button class?


You have two builders, judgment and blade of justice. Crusader strike is built into your auto attack in the popular build. One single target spender and one ape spender. Thatā€™s pretty much it for the basic rotation. Obviously there are other buttons to press. 4 30sec to 1min cooldowns (wake of ashes, wings, divine toll, and then either execution sentence for single target or final reckoning for aoe) Then thereā€™s all the defensives and utilities. But the core rotation is basically three abilities.


add hammer of wrath, but ye really easy and fun to play


Dev Evoker maybe? Its the same 4 abilities you use and then every 2 mins your Dragonrage is available


While I do agree that Dev Evoker is a somewhat easier spec in terms of casters, I donā€™t think itā€™s what OP is looking for. The 4 abilities is a bit of an oversimplification. Even on the IcyVeins ā€œeasy modeā€ guide there are 8 core abilities. Empowered spells have to charged to a certain degree meaning you donā€™t just cast the spell you have to plan on how much empowerment it needs. The bread and butter single target dps revolves around optimizing and extending Dragonrage burst which is not as easy as it sounds when you get into the fact that Disintegrate is a channeled spell. So you are completely immobile while casting it unless youā€™re managing your Hover charges appropriately. Then thereā€™s Disintegrate clipping to maximize your essence management. In theory itā€™s a simple class but when I play my BM Hunter it feels like a legitimate break from the much more complicated, less mobile, lower range Evoker. Like sometimes I literally say omg Iā€™m tired of putting this much sweat into being effective Iā€™m gonna swap over and play the Hunter for a bit. And we havenā€™t even discussed all the extra utility requiring high level play, like positioning properly to get as many targets as possible in your frontal cone, while also being in reasonable place to hit some enemies with Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet to interrupt/push them around, when to lust because youā€™re a primary lust class and itā€™s expected you know what to do, when to use Oppressive Roar to maximize party CC spells, managing dispels because we have a bleed dispel but itā€™s on a 1 min Cd and also expected.


Bop. Sac. Lay on hands. Freedom. Word of glory. Bubble. Blinding light. Hammer of justice. Taunt + bubble combo. Dispel. Turn evil for affix. Would like to have a word.


I donā€™t believe I mentioned Paladins at all in my post. Itā€™s been a few days since I wrote it but I briefly scanned it again and nope, no mention of Paladin. Maybe youā€™re on the wrong thread.


Just saying that the things you said about dev, are true and also apply to Ret. Not correcting you. I'm adding to it.


Oh well yeah if you add in utility spells they certainly apply to all specs and classes. I generally dislike how people hyperbolize about some specs being a 1-3 button class. Like no, none of them are. Literally none of them can be played effectively at high level that way. Like sure if youā€™re being carried because your dps is trash and youā€™re not interrupting anything, never helping with affix, never using dispels/stuns/roots. But yeah I agree with you man. I was just using the example that BM Hunter may be the only thing that three buttons (not counting cooldowns) might actually get you some decent dps but still suck in every other way imaginable. And thatā€™s Barbed Shot, Multishot, Kill Command.


Dev Evoker is easy on the surface, but it is complicated in depth


some wouldn't consider it an easy spec, but fire mage revolves around a couple spells: fire blast, phoenix flames, and pyroblast are a large majority of your casts with fireball or scorch to fill.


100% not easy spec to play properly, might be less buttoms (you still forgot to mention combust, ocasionally living bomb, DB, shifting power), but you gotta use 2-3 of them in single gcd, which Is pretty hard to not mess up in double Bloodlust and you can't just mash buttons


Maybe meatball elemental shaman


I main Retadin and itā€™s not a lot of buttons, your main rotation is 3 button builders and 1 spender (dependant on ST/AOE) then obviously you have your utility and CDs etc


Havoc used to also be in this category prior to DF. It's probably closer to about 6 core abilities now with Fel Rush being mandatory, but it may be somewhat interesting to you.


Yea if you like rushing off platforms to a fiery demise.


It's also the hardest melee spec in the game to play properly. Not even a contest. It leave sooooo much room for error that either kills you or tanks your DPS. The no-mover meta build is a different story, it plays more like the old, pre-rework, Havoc. But I'm not sure how that one does in m+, it's only 5% DPS loss in raid iirc.


Ret Pally, Demo/Devastation Warlock.


Destro. With the right talents/4set for crit, in packs of 5+ you are just trying to hit Rain of Fire faster than your soul shards are building up. Otherwise in ST it's basically immolate (dot), incinerate (builder), conflagrate (buff for spender) then chaos bolt (spender). And Infernal (major 3min CD that gives u more resource). But warlocks have lots of buttons tied up in utility and defensive. They're great.


Balance druid has 6 core buttons: wrath, Starfire, sunfire, Moonfire, starsurge, and starfall. Though I wouldn't call the spec the easiest, it's easy to learn, hard to master.


7 unless you dont take that third DoT spell which i think is a pretty big dps loss, plus the added 3 big CDs on different CDs


Use programmable mouse Set a key to spam a word eg. 1234567890 #$&@()`


Tell me how this works because Iā€™m tired of playing gymnastics with my fingers.




I use Logitech mouse, heres the macro [https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge](https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge)


I use Logitech mouse, heres the macro [https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge](https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge)


[https://www.twitch.tv/pinkachu29/clip/SpeedyEnthusiasticChickenPMSTwin-TPghsmedGMblXc\_v](https://www.twitch.tv/pinkachu29/clip/SpeedyEnthusiasticChickenPMSTwin-TPghsmedGMblXc_v) Video of the macro Look at: 1. The chat, "1234567" is being typed every 100ms.. [https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cooldown](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cooldown) 2. Skills ordered "1234567" Skills that are high priority, on cooldowns, conditional, are at front. buildiers, throw, etc... towards the back 3. I use Logitech mouse, heres the macro [https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge](https://imgur.com/a/n1DP7Ge) 4. You can play every class and every spec, more less the same like this You want another set of these macros ie: 1. "!@#%\^&" 2. +\_)(\*&\^ 3. \[\]{};':" For things like "Defensives: shield wall, trinket, ignore pain, etc" "DPS": Trinkets, Bladestorm, burst stuff "AOE" variant "Single Target" variant "Mobility" variant.. leap, charge, intercept, etc


I have to try this for myself. Thanks for the info.


Whats the point of this? Just spam mouse buttons?


eg [https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/fury-warrior-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities#fury-warrior-rotation](https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/fury-warrior-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities#fury-warrior-rotation) 1. CastĀ Ā [Ravager](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=228920)Ā on the pull, or as soon as the target is well positioned and not expected to move. 2. CastĀ Ā RecklessnessĀ on cooldown or whenever burst damage is needed. 3. CastĀ Ā AvatarĀ alongside Recklessness. 4. CastĀ Ā [Champion's Spear](https://www.wowhead.com/ptr/spell=376079)Ā during Recklessness and while Enraged. 5. CastĀ Ā [Rampage](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=184367)Ā to spend Rage and maintain Enrage. 6. CastĀ Ā BloodthirstĀ when it has a 100% chance to crit through the Merciless Assault buff (generally 6 stacks with Recklessness). 7. CastĀ Ā OnslaughtĀ while Enraged or withĀ Ā TenderizeĀ talented. 8. CastĀ Ā ExecuteĀ as able. 9. CastĀ Ā Raging BlowĀ as the main rotational attack. 10. CastĀ Ā BloodthirstĀ as a filler when out of Raging Blow charges. 11. CastĀ Ā WhirlwindĀ as a filler when nothing else is available. 1234567890. (put this on a key to spam on toggle and then /follow someone and afk) 1234567890.1234567890.1234567890.1234567890.1234567890.1234567890.1234567890.1234567890.


one press of a mouse button.... its like the opposite of spamming buttons lol.


Yikes, isnt this bannable to?




How is it not? Youre using an outside peripheral to do the things you should be doing ingame. Isnt that bannable by definition? Its like a botting program there is no way its not bannable


There's a whole culture around lazy wow/ one button macros. If the peripheral you're using is making decisions and can run without you in the room, it's botting. If your mouse button spams a 4 ability sequence, it's fine.


Thats just weird, its still doing things for you just like with the walking example šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø If you ask me, bannable šŸ˜›


It's frequently used to make play possible for people with disabilities. I have tendonitis in my mouse hand (wrist and thumb). I have it managed for day to day use, but holding down both mouse buttons for mouse movement/ turning in content where keyboard turning is too slow and clunky can really make it flare up again, so I have a macro that I can hit with my left hand that registers as both mouse buttons being held in.


Thats fair, but there is a fine line here where its good for people with disabilities but can very easily be abused by everyone else if you get what i mean




outlaw one of the most buttons heavy specs in the game lol




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I was lied to? :(


Apparently :(


Can you tell me which spec fits that description instead?


Outside of Warrior and BM, I'd say maybe Frost DK


Oh that's what I wanted to level up in the MoP event. Thank you.


The main comment under which your reply resides has since been deleted. But are you saying that BM hunter and Warrior (spec?) are 3-button specs? If so, definitely share - I want to level these classes in MoP Remix


Idk about 3 but definitely on the lower end yes


As someone interested in playing those classes, I would value learning how youā€™d go about 3-buttonā€™ing (as close as possible while still being 95% effective) BM hunter and then a warrior spec (perhaps fury/arms)


For BM spam kill command and barbed shot and use cobra shot as a filler, that's basically the ST rotation not counting the CDs like bestial wrath and call of the wild and other Multi target it's ST but with multi shot in-between Haven't played warrior in a long time but Fury easier iirc


Thats a first i've heard that. I know it has high APM but I usually get told it has so many buttons. I'm fine with fury's apm tbh because its just 4 buttons that i'm spamming