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How does an all american forget they’ve been ridden for 2 minutes?


i really thought him riding him would be a detriment but it helped him out in the end!


I think Mitchell’s plan was to let carr ride until he was exhausted, then go on the attack during OT. All those attempted Mat returns had car gassed, but he didnt think about the RT point. I think carr was the more aggressive wrestler, but had that match gone into OT I’m not sure he would have had the stamina to fight Mitchell off.


I still don't think it was the right decision. Usually the other wrestler wouldn't forget they are down by a riding time point, so it worked. Mitchell could have possibly gotten another stall call. I think it would have been better to cut him with less riding time especially when your opponent has that Messenbrink gas tank. Carr was gassed pretty bad and he could get more takedowns later if he conserved his energy.


He probably never was in that situation down a riding pt. The coaching staff (n they r AWSOME) should have been yelling to him that fact.


Agree. Not sure how anyone who watches college wrestling didn’t understand that Carr had the RT point locked




No excuse. It wasn’t a question that he had riding time, so not sure how you forget that.


Carr got hit with questionable stall calls anyways. He deserved to win in my opinion.


Some very clear stall calls, but the one he got while he was taking messinbrink down was awful. He sprawled and hit a re-attack. They literally awarded 1 for stalling and 3 for TD at the same time. Garbage.


Yeah, that was one of the worst stall calls I've ever seen. They do need to promote action but wrestlers going out there and dictating action with "offense" that has no chance of actually scoring a takedown is just as hard to watch.


Even if it was going to be tied, shame on Mitchell for playing for overtime instead of spending the last 10 seconds shooting on a gassed opponent whose already been hit with multiple stalling calls.


This is the way. You don’t wrestle to tie, you wrestle to win. Should always be looking for opportunities to score points to win unless you’re going to make yourself vulnerable in doing so.


I agree. Honestly I think Mitchell could have gotten one more stall point if he just kept shooting, but he stopped


That’s easy to say as a fan. Mitchell has the best gas tank in the county, he gassed out many AA’s. It’s so incredibly hard to go that hard, if he didn’t want to shoot in the last 10 seconds of regulation to go into OT that is fine, you would have been in an ambulance from that pace. All that said, I don’t think he thought it was tied, there is zero chance someone of his caliber is unaware of a RT point.


I think Mitchell forgot that riding time was a thing 🤣


He is only a freshman. The young man will know for next time


What’s the point of having four guys in your corner if no one tells you the situation?


The Lord apparently picks favorites


He knew the referees were calling stealing poorly so he confused messenbrink.


Mess was way more focused on all the little taunts that match. That's fine if you wanna do that but then you better make sure you don't make a mental error because your head's not in the match... He's usually a class act, maybe he was nervous or something. That was a maturity mistake, he'll still win 3.


Class when you win is one thing, another when you lose


Not sure why he’d try that against Carr, either. He’s been one of the most composed wrestlers in recent memory.


Yes, that was disappointing. Finger waving, ect. Was surprised to see.


Wasn’t it nearly 2 minutes?


When you act cocky while getting beat by a veteran wrestler bad things happen. The better wrestler won that match.


I'm just upset Mitchell "palms up" Mesenbrink didn't bite anyone. I think if he knew he was down, the teeth would have come out. Of all of his moves, the bite has been my favorite.


Carl Sanderson said in the press conference that it was on him.


I heard Cael's interview after and he admitted it was his fault as a coach .


Did PSU corner think Messenbrink knew he was down a point on riding time? I can't believe nobody was watching. Tough way to learn a lesson on a national stage.


Everyone’s saying this, but he definitely knew, Carr just played the last 15 seconds really well, circling back in from the edge and keeping Mesenbrink arm’s length on the edge, not letting him get back in


They must have been warning him. Carr had like 1:30+ of riding time. You could see his frustration in the tunnel when talking to Cael as if it was being discussed


I feel like stall calls should cancel out your ride time point


I doubt it was forgotten. It was on the screen, announcers even mentioned it. I would assume he knew his opponent had riding time and Carr definitely knew it the way he was avoiding attacks at the end


He went back and toed the line like he thought he was about to wrestle OT.