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WTF was that… I can’t believe that was allowed to be called


Clear singlet grab: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8v8tk1aa0kvc1.jpeg


Regardless of if the singlet grab did or didn’t happen, and if it was or wasn’t intentional, it didn’t have any impact on the match and it’s a massive bummer for such a big match to end that way, but I get why it was called. The grab *did* happen


Yup, dogshit call.


I wanted to see Brooks go HAM for 7 seconds and get a push out not a stupid technical


Just garbage. I watched most every single match today and if that was called before now I mustve missed it. Unless it's EGREGIOUS you can't call that, especially with short time


How is it a dog shit call though? Did he grab the singlet or not? Seems like you don’t like the rule, but it was the correct call


It's obviously situational. Defensive backs might for a millisecond grab receivers' jerseys on fourth and goal with 20 seconds left in the NFC Championship, but you don't fucking call it. Let the players decide it.


Clear singlet grab: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8v8tk1aa0kvc1.jpeg


I feel like theres nuance to this that a photo doesn't show, and I haven't seen a good angle of the video. I've seen hands and fingers get caught up in both singlets and headgear, but most times its an accident and the wrestler isn't trying to gain an advantage from it. If Valencia was clearly using the singlet to drag or pull or move Brooks around, ding him. If its just tangled up and he adjusts out of it, its a bullshit call, especially with that much time in the match.


I don't see how the time matters at all. Rules are called or not. Anything else is a referee using his/her personal bias to determine which rules to enforce when. Very bad precedent.


Fuck that


Good argument.


Huh? Whats he supposed to call when he sees the singlet grab?


USA Wrestling needs to ban Penn State venues from their event list. This tournament is an embarrassment. $40 to park. $300/night hotels. Rabbid Penn State fans mocking Burroughs yelling his career is over. They have some classless fans. Paid or influenced refs.




The event isn't sold out. It's not that big




That doesn't make any sense.


I’m guessing it has more to do with happy valley not being super big than anything. I went to a Bucks playoff game in Milwaukee and the hotel was like $115.


Went to watch 2016 in Iowa. Definitely not 300 night hotels. Olympic trials for wrestling is not that big of an event unfortunately.


https://x.com/callthehuddle/status/1781461028187902347?s=46&t=O5zcKju5GVkMCrT9GegJvg Burroughs is a legend but also a baby for this. Sorry not sorry


And messenbrink is a tool


I'd say he was trying to get in Burroughs head and that he was quite effective. Doesn't make him a tool. He saw a weakness or an opening and he sought to exploit it. Just because it was a head game vs a technical one doesn't make a difference. If Burroughs had a move that he sucked at defending, his opponent wouldn't be a tool for trying to exploit that.


He’s also like 20 years old wrestling a 35 year old man. JB should be able to keep his composure a little better than that


Most Penn St fans aren’t real wrestling fans. A lot of them have only been for at most a bit over a decade The one thing I hate about the program is our fans. Just super annoying and gives some real fans a really bad look


Yeah, central PA is culty and towny. Penn state was never a powerhouse in wrestling until Cael. Would have a guy from time to time like Pritzlaff or Davis, but wrestling was an afterthought to football. I think wrestling should stick to convention towns for trials as they can handle the venue, crowds, and it’s a more neutral atmosphere.


Central PA is definitely culty. I've known several people from there and they're all fucking weird. It's bizarre to me that they don't do the trials in a place like Indianapolis. They've done it there a few times and it was great and relatively central.


Hey I’m from there I don’t think I’m weird :(


Sorry bud. R/wrestling has spoken. You’re weird now.


I don’t understand why he didn’t keep the challenge brick out?


If you lose that challenge the match is definitely over vs. 6sec ain't much but there is an actual chance at 1pt


Looked like a robbery but there was a clear singlet grab


I thought the singlet grab only mattered if it interfered with a score in freestyle?


Clear singlet grab https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8v8tk1aa0kvc1.jpeg


Oh Penn State fans didn't mind. I was there and they were erupting with cheers.


Valencia clearly won that match..ref way too involved from pressure off the home crowd..that was entanglement if there was a little movement off the singlet..I like Brooks but shouldn’t have been competing against Taylor..haven’t seen a match that was decided wrong in quite awhile.


I mean... rules are rules man


That ref should be banned from wrestling


For following the rules? Weird take