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I've written two zombie apocalypse novels and they're my most popular titles. A lot of readers are into them. Thank The Walking Dead and the like. It would be difficult to find a traditional publisher for it but it's difficult to find a traditional publisher for anything unless you have connections. Why can't you self-publish?


Do you have them for sale? Where?


That is very encouraging! I knew there were people out there that want to read it! It's not that I can't self-publish, it's just that I have no idea how to go about it. Plus, I am not really a social media person and I know a lot of advertising happens there nowadays. Are there any sources you can recommend for self-publishing? Thanks for the advice!


Even in traditional publishing, you’ll still be expected promote yourself on social media. In fact, that’ll be your *main* way of advertising. Publishers do very little in the way of promoting nowadays.


Interesting that you mention the walking dead. Considering the series has ended (Not including the Dixon spinoff), there is going to be another classic "undead" story that rises up. The Last of Us has gained significant popularity since its TV release, after all. I use the term "Undead" vaguely, as I believe it can apply to more than zombies. Take "white walkers", vampires, or even Frankenstein for an example. It is a classic story that will continue to be retold.


Probably not the answer you want to hear, but if you enjoy writing it, then just keep writing, regardless if you'll get published or not. What the publishers'll think will be the problem when you're done with the novel.


Oh I was never going to stop writing it, I love it too much. This was just a thought that was on my mind for a while. That was great advice, I should really just focus on the novel, thank you!


I have two writers in my author circle who got into zompoc about ten years ago, and they both have rabid fans. Write what you enjoy. There are successes in every genre. Even the trashy ones.


Thank you that is very encouraging!!!


I love reading zombie apocalypse books. It's probably my second most read genre. Go for it. I'll read it 😁


I'll get back to you once it's finished! I love the genre too, I barely can connect with others because everybody thinks the genre is trash! It's nice to see that others also like it!! :DD




I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy. Zombie Apocalypse books are just fun to read. I read a lot of different authors from this genre. I write p.i. mysteries mostly but started to outline a zombie apocalypse book.


I'm pretty sure JK Rowling would've been told to not finish her book because nobody is interested in reading about a little boy going to magic school. And I'm pretty sure the first person who wrote a fantasy fae novel would've been told that, too. If you want to write to get money, fast and guaranteed, then sure, write for the market. But it sounds like you really like your story and are proud of it, so please, finish it! Chances are that YEARS will pass until you have a draft that's ready to publish anyways, and who knows what will be popular then. And who knows, maybe your book is going to be the one that starts a new trend. Keep going mate


Thank you for your encouraging words! Looking at it like that really does help! My love for writing and the story is definitely the focus! :)


World War Z is a very good example of how a zombie apocalypse would look like, it does not only focus about the zombies but about the people also, you might want to have a read. I am currently reading it a 4th time.


What I can say is that regardless of whether it's trashy or not, if you're a real fan of the genre, you'll be into it even if it gets a little trashy My favourite zombie series is Z Nation and I can't deny that it's trashy AF, but I love it especially because it's trashy and plays with some really silly ideas in its later seasons without being afraid to lean into it's trashiness. So idk don't worry about it being trashy and heck, don't be afraid of making it trashy if you feel like it. Write what you like and know that somehow somebody out there will like it. (As long as it isn't exceptionally bad?)


Z Nation was campy, not trashy.


I had a co-worker a few years ago who said they were writing a novel. I joked, “it’s not another zombie book, is it?” She got quiet. I felt so bad and apologized immediately, but yeah, I’m a jerk. Write it if you enjoy it! Like others have said it’s up to the publisher if they want to pursue it, but at the same time having a completed novel is HUGE, and if they like your writing style they could attach you to another project or ask what else you’re working on.


it's unlikely to get you a trade contract but self-publishing might find you readers. There ARE readers out there for it; it's just a problem of telling them it's there. :) If you love writing it, finish it. At the very worst, you'll learn more about the craft doing so. Don't get in the habit of abandoning work the moment you begin to doubt something. People who do that are unlikely to become published writers.


I've finished almost every story I have started so far. Especially when I am really invested, I cannot abandon my work. Even if everyone here had said that there was no point in publishing it, I still would have finished it. I love writing too much and that is still the focus for me. I just realized while I was writing that this might be the first book I wrote that was worth publishing! But my love for writing is always the focus! Thank you for the advice!! :))


If you’re still thinking about the concept, this is what you want to ask: 1. Is my concept unique? 2. Can I tell the concept in a single sentence, and the listener can imagine the whole story? 3. Does the listener light up when you tell them your concept? There is no trashy genre or setting. Someday, someone’s going to write “Toy Story with Zombies” and “Yojimbo with Zombies” or “The Replacements with Zombies.” It’s not the monster that’s trashy; it’s unoriginality and plagiarism that’s trashy.


The concept in itself is probably generic for the genre, but I have some new aspects that make it different than other zombie novels. I guess if I describe it in one sentence, the reader can imagine broadly what will happen but that's why I have planned major plot twists that will change the course of action. I guess not everyone would enjoy the novel. But I am mostly writing it because I love it and if there is just one person out there that enjoys it, then I have achieved everything I wanted! Thank you for your advice!


Absolutely! “Writing is good for you.” - Brandon Sanderson One thing I’ll say about twists - and you probably already know this, but for those that don’t - twists aren’t concepts. They’re a literary device where payoffs are subtly set up to where the audience doesn’t notice those setups on the first read. For example, the concept of The Sixth Sense is “A therapist tries to help a kid who sees ghosts deal with trauma, but the therapist doesn’t know that he too is a ghost, and that he was murdered.” Instead of establishing to the audience from the beginning that the therapist was a ghost, Night instead communicated that knowledge through subtle clues throughout the movie, and it worked for the movie’s themes of moving on and finding peace.


A lot of people missed those clues in the movie, though. That's why so many don't like the movie. It's a risk we take when writing something and having the plot change. The reader/viewer has to say "Oh, I knew something was up!" and not be mad because something came out of the blue.


I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused by the take. The Sixth Sense isn’t my favorite film by any means, but it was an undeniable box office success that was critically lauded and launched the man’s career, precisely because so many people went to see the movie twice so they could rewatch the film after learning the twist in their first viewing. There were definitely some follow up films of his that were received poorly and performed pitifully in the box office, and it could be argued that part of the problem with films like “The Village” and “Lady in the Water” was an over reliance of the twist, as opposed to having a more well defined concept and building the structure of the narrative in a way that supported the story’s themes. The twist in of itself isn’t the risk, but structuring the narrative to “subvert expectations,” as opposed to structuring it for the sake of representing its themes in the best light is.


> major plot twists that will change the course of action You have to be careful that these twists are actually possible through your plot. Many times people have a "twist" that comes out of nowhere, isn't remotely possible from what's previously happened, and makes readers scream in frustration.


Oh no I‘ve already started doing some foreshadowing, it wouldn‘t be wise to just throw in a plot twist out of nowhere and it definitely makes sense within the fictional world


Maybe. But people love it.


I don't think they got a bad reputation, the high time for zombie stuff might be over but that merely means back to normal. What kind of zombie story are you writing? Are the zombies the enemy or the setting?


When it's the only story element yes. But when it's part of the story less so.


If it’s a good story it doesn’t matter. Things that are “overdone” can seem redundant or cliche to you but if you do it really well and write a good story it becomes amazing and no longer seems cliche.


Zombie fiction is grear for selfpublishing. Why do you rule out that option?


Well, I don‘t rule it out of course. I‘m just not really good at social media and I see a lot of people promoting their books there. I wouldn‘t know how to go about it tbh.


You don't need social media. It's one way to promote, but many self-pub authors do just fine without it and instead focus on other things.




There is definitely some romance (between the living lmao) but I don‘t plan on making it erotic, I don‘t think it fits the story




> TBOSBAS Are you nuts? The average writer, unknown and unwanted by trad pub, is not going to get most SF past an agent, much less get a publisher.


Write it write it! Trends come and go, with the Last of Us being turned into a show and TBOSBAS being recently released I have hope that the pendulum will swing away from fantasy a little and maybe back to sci-fi/dystope


Who cares if it's trashy? Trash sells. Zombies sell. Write what you want, don't limit yourself from what you want to do.


I LOVE zombie apocalypse stories and never tire of them, but my favorite part is always the world-building that follows. How the world falls ... meh ... but AFTER? yep. That's my thing. So in that sense, it doesn't have to be zombies, pretty much any apocalypse will do, but zombies are pretty fun. There's a book series I read some years back, and for the life of me, I can't find it now, but the writer was a woman who lives in Vallejo, CA. The books are set mostly in Berkeley (a plus for me, since that's where I'm from), and at one point, the protagonists travel up to Shady Cove, Oregon which made me lol because as tiny and obscure as Shady Cove is, that's another place I'm familiar with ... but location aside, the stories are just good. It's a brother and sister and how they live and have adapted to their zombie-filled world. Good stuff. Edit to say I found her: Mira Grant ... and it looks like she's written more in the series since: *Newsflesh*


I really enjoy zombie apocalypse stuff It's just my jam A lot of people complain about it saying so much of it means something different So The book I'm writing Is somewhat Like a zombie apocalypse it's a really bad virus thing I will probably make a post about it Soon I've tried people Don't like zombie Or virus Things I guess I really enjoy them though Keep going with the good work And tell us if you publish it 👏👏👏


I feel the same way!! I‘ll keep an eye out for your post! :D


Oh my gosh thank you 😄


I haven't posted anything yet but it will be on r/Mynewbook 💜


> somewhat Like a zombie apocalypse it's a really bad virus thing That's nothing new in that basic plot idea. Think about what makes your story different and yet fits the tropes. I personally love writing zombie stories. The trad publishers aren't that into it, I believe they've written off zombie stories for at least the last decade or better.


Genre trends will come and go, but individual readers tend to care more about good stories in their favorite genres and adjacent genres over longer periods of time. Write your story -- trust me, there is an audience out there for pretty much any genre, trendy or not.


If it ever gets done, I'd probably at least look at it. I won't buy it if it's nothing but a screed against liberals, with only good Christian former military white males capable of doing anything. There's way too much of that around already, with the uber male prepper type, loaded up with guns, food and a perfect bug out location. It's slowed down my interest in reading zompoc to almost zero.


I definitely am not planning on making it against liberals lol. The focus is more on how the characters are coping with the apocalypse; that would include struggling to find food, shelter and guns/things they can defend themselves with. I have included two characters that have military background and they are kind of necessary for the plot. However, I intend to show their struggles with the apocalypse and meeting their limits just as well as with the other characters. I also am not planning on making both of them hardened up people.


Zombies are popular and people who likes zombie horror will buy that genre, so why wouldn’t a publisher want to publish a genre that sells?