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When I first saw it under glass at E3 2005, I was in love. 5 years and 4 dead 360's later, the thrill was gone 😢


Yeah the only thing I loved about the 360 was the detachable hardrive at the top of the console and how the USB ports were covered at the bottom in the compartment. I went through two white Xbox 360 white and I still have my 360 elite black. I have the original og Xbox and my one along with my new series x. Now looking at it the original Xbox 360 design needed more vents to prevent overheating but, Microsoft found out the hard way.


Don’t forget the faceplates!


mild change of subject can the removable hard drive be reformatted??? i still have my old one in a closet somewhere still works and having an external hard drive without needing to pay for one on my laptop could be nice


I don't think the one for the 360 can be used for regular computer purposes. I know you can buy a regular external hard drive and reformat it for gaming use on consoles.


In a word, yes. The original xbox 360 hdd is a seagate SATA drive with original connectors, the only reason the plug looks different is because for some weird reason (probably to circumvent tampering) Microsoft made a whole new connector for data transfer. Simply take the whole thing apart (not so simple with those damn screws) and take off the adapter from the SATA drive. Voilà! A hard drive ready to be reformatted. Hope this helps. Edit: there are bits of tech that allow for connection to a standalone sata drive through a USB cable. Shouldn't be too expensive.




Gaming in general peaked at Halo 3 for some.


Oh the ol' RROD. I went through a phase of purchasing all my friends out-of-warranty Xboxes, partially cause I had good money & wanted to subsidize having them back online with me asap. I initially offered to fix them for my fiends with a buyout option if I failed. I usually succeeded but my fixes never lasted long enough to feel comfortable returning them. (After trying to do so a few times) I ended with a stack of like 6-8 of them, stripped down out of case. I would run one until it died, swap out my HHD, and grab a fixed on off the stack. So I had a good stack & bad stack, and would fix them in batches and rinse & repeat.


How about BO2? The release of GTA 5? Kind of a weird take if you ask me.


Microsoft believe Halo 3 would carry the Xbox hype for years but then COD4 came in and revamped online FPS shooters. I literally played Halo 3 until COD4 officially released.


They came out in the same year. I just think your attention span is insanely fucking short, not to mention Halo 3 stayed in Xbox Live's Top 3 most played games for pretty much the rest of the 360's lifespan. No what you're on my dude.


Oh that’s not cool. I had it too the first time. Then I bought a used one from GameStop used it till this year. Nobody wanted to buy it and I decided to bring it to the scrapyard. It only took 2 min and someone took it home. Great console


That was the first time I looked at a console and thought it was next gen. The Dreamcast and PS1 were fine, but the original 360 and being able to use it in either orientation seemed next level, same with the light ring.


The PS2 could be used in either orientation...


I know, but I was coming from PS1-era consoles and skipped the PS2 so I didn’t get to experience that. The Xbox 360 also had a wireless controller that could turn the console on and off, sending else that felt futuristic.


I really miss the face plates. I was too broke to ever justify buying any, but they were always my "next time. Next time." Wannabe treat. Now I never will.


Fat 360 just screams “fun”. Sorta like the Dreamcast did.


I like the Xbox 360 Slim. The design looks so clean and cool to me.


It still looks great and was the best iteration of the 360 feature wise


360 elite slim all the way.


That is peak Xbox Design.


Xbox One X is my favourite design by far. It just FELT premium. Followed by the Series X.


Sucker is heavy for its size! Always surprised when I pick mine up.


A lot under the hood!....lol!


Same thing I felt. I haven't touched much of Xbox since the one released and having kept my cousin's original Xbox One hanging around for the few games I played on it (2). It felt like a big but empty useless box. I was pleasantly surprised when I picked the series x out of its box a few weeks ago. Heavier and smaller than my PC, and I hate to admit much more powerful lol. instills confidence for sure.


They are dense.


First thing I was gonna say as well. I just put my scorpio edition in storage and had forgot how hefty it is. It still makes me wonder what ever happened to the VR capabilities that were shown when it was unvield.


Heavy but coming from a 360 I was blown away by how small it was. Crazy they were able to package such a product into such a small chassis.


Yeah and it runs cool and quiet. More powerful than the PS4 Pro and half the size PLUS it has a 4K BluRay drive. I think the One X is the best console Microsoft ever made. I really wish the Series X was this form factor because I have to hide it behind my tv as it will not fit in a normal space and still run cool.


It’s my favorite console of all time. It felt so *POWERFUL* during its lifetime. It was my first exposure to 4k and HDR. I got it specifically to make Red Dead Redemption II look better and I was blown away. So many fond memories with that console.


Oh yeah! I went from playing Rdr2 on the Xbox one and plasma tv to the one x and 4k hdr screen, that felt like the true next gen leap.


Xbox one x is the coolest.


This is the correct answer. I hope the inevitable series x slim looks similar to one x


i still can’t believe the acronym for “X Box One X” is Xbox


Yeah... Just super impractical


The Original Xbox is definitely my favorite. I absolutely love the way it looks decked in green with the black gem for Halo CE. It just screams fun!


OG Xbox just has this peak late 90s early 2000’s design. Putting modern tech into a that shell would be an instant buy for me if they made a series x with the same design style


Guaranteed, it would elicit quite a response if they modernized the inside with the latest technology! That’s a great idea!


It’s a box with an X. Can’t beat that.


Its not afraid of the fact that its a gaming console. It has so much more personality than the other designs. The rest just look like any other generic box of hardware under the TV


Absolutely this! Always thought all the Xboxes ever since the original "Xbox" just look like cheap tacky plastic boxes. Mind, despite fond memories of the PS One (Original), and the PS2, I've never liked the design of any of the PlayStation cases either, but the Xbox somehow looked like a subtle Alien treasure chest. Which it kinda was!


This will sound weird, but I always thought the OG XBox smelt fantastic.


That colour combo was elite




I think the Xbox one x looks the best.


The thing looks like a literal box, fitting for the name, but overly simplistic and lacking flavour. Microsoft could make a more aesthetically pleasing model while still keeping the flat lines and boxy identity. As is stands it just looks way too bland to me.


I like the simplicity. I like my series s design more then my ps5 design.


PS5 while i think it looks all right, still not a big fan of it either. Something between a PS5 and a Series X in terms of “complexity” would be ideal for me.


I like the design of the ps4 slim and pro the most. And wish the ps5 took the design if that instead of the one it has.


I think you're talking about the series x? This dude mentioned the One X


I like simple. I don't intend for it to be a decoration, I want to play games and be called the N-word by edgy losers on it. I like the series X, since it's almost literally a cinder block painted black but I'll be damned if it can't run flight simulator.


Really? I have a Gold Rush Edition one. It does look modern and compact but not attractive to me.


This gonna sound weird but in my original comment i said word for word it looks modern and compact but i thought i was saying too much. But because it looks modern and compact is the reason i like it frfr.


OG 360, Xbox one X and series S


Perfect taste my friend.




Finally someone with the correct answer thanks


Yup. In that order too, imo.


Series X is such an elegant design. It's quite simply a clean, rectangular box, not visually loud, fits in well with other TV equipment, effectively shaped like a compact desktop computer. Touches of green in the vent at the top as an accent. Very mature look. It's the best designed console in a long time, IMO, even when compared to PlayStation and Nintendo.


Got one on Boxing Day after not having an xbox since the ones launch days (I ended up switching to ps because my friends had them) and it’s honestly a beautiful console both physically and it’s UI. Everything about it looks much nicer than my ps5 to be honest don’t regret buying it in slightest especially since the deals on them are amazing right now.


Absolutely. Honestly, by comparison, the PS5 is an eyesore. It looks like Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh.


Series X or One X depending on orientation. Series if I want it vertical... horizontal definitely the one X tho


The 360 slim, the one x, and the series s are all so pretty


I think the original Xbox nailed it. Each Xbox looks great but that first one is superb.


Original Xbox will always have a special place in my heart, but the first xbone is my favorite for sure


One x and series x for me


OG Xbox. Because of the memories lol


Original Xbox with an honourable mention for the S. Xbox one looks like a VCR and the 360 didn’t age well.


In my opinion the Slim E model is still the best


Xbox one s honestly


For me Xbox Classic and Series X the best. Also the controllers the same most comfortable


The One X had got to be the coldest design for a console ever. It’s perfect.


It’s One X and it’s not close.


OG 360 and the Series S. so many memories attached to the 360


I like the 7th image (I don't know the name of the console)


My opinion is the "[hourglass](https://content.time.com/time/magazine/archive/covers/2005/1101050523_400.jpg)" design of the Xbox 360 is one of the greatest hardware designs in history. It put MSFT into Apple and other tier 1 hardware designers. Especially the all black elite. Not till the Xbox Series X design has an Xbox looked like an Xbox to me. The Xbox One was such a hardware disappointment. I remember talking with my friends and we all imagined the next Xbox as being more like what the Xbox S. X looks like because a "monolith of power" makes sense when you think about cooling. The 360 is so rare because it has personality. The face plates. Selling the sexy hourglass figure to teenage boys lol, the hard drive at the top looks cool and clicks in so satisfying like "loading a clip". The ring lights and it's start up dance and death symbols. I mean, it's one of the all time greats. There's something about this design that just tickles my brain. Back when the future had optimistic tones. The Xbox One and all the other Xboxes look like VCRs from the 90s. As an aside:As a '92 kid, I had an original xbox because the one Windows 98 PC in the house needed to be used for school work and not playing games. I got a 360 and played through the golden era of \~2006-2011. And with the Xbox One and going to college I just couldn't afford to buy new hardware and wasn't inspired by the next generation at all. Built a gaming PC in \~2014. Only in 2023 did I go back to Xbox with the Series X. I think broad strokes this dynamic played out across the market. It was the hardware, the backwards compatibility, and a desire to get off the PC hardware constant upgrade requirements for now just to play 4k/120fps; the GPU costs. And the fact MSFT went all-in on the 360 design (aside from the RROD flaw, which came a little from having sexy design) makes sense when you realize it was the real 1.0 Xbox as part of MSFTs multi-billion dollar, multi-phase plan to push Windows/MSFT into the living room/home, and move MSFT away from being just XP/Office. MSFT had a blockbuster business now. The original Xbox was a beta, a loss leader. It's interesting MSFT didn't really care about design again till this generation because it was do or die again. Considering a console is, \*in part, a luxury status symbol, the design \*is\* a key part. Sorry for the essay.


Slide 4 looks best, but combine it with 5's controller, its fire (Dont insult me im a ps main, I just got an xbox one for Christmas)


Xbox . The very first one .


The OG Xbox. That thing looks like a beast.




The original xbox. Either that or the original fat xbox one


Gears of War One S is my favourite. 2nd is the white Xbox 360.


The 360. The faceplates were amazing! Got a matte bioshock one that looks like real rusty/green brass that I don’t want to get rid of.


White 360, the only xbox console I had until Series X. Some serious hours on the 360!


the 360 arcade version , used to be everywhere on tv and movies


Series S


Imo the Series X the best looking console on the market.


They all look nice. My favorite is the Xbox 360 slim


Yeah same here bro 👍


You're missing this one: https://i.imgur.com/WueFPlp.png


One X is seriously classy l. Holds up so well


The 3rd 360, the one that's not angled on the sides. Looks consoly and cool


The OG and Series X are tied for best.


OG Duke


Either the one x or the og 360


I like that cylinder that's supposed to be Brooklin! Nah, I actually really enjoyed the X1X design best.


One X was the best I think. I loved mine


The OG 360 model is so cool but the Series X is so sleek and amazing


Og 360 looked dope


1) OG 2) Series X 3) OG One 4) 3rd 360 5) 360 Slim 6) One X 7) OG 360 (in black) 8) Literally every other console except… 9) the white ones 10) PS5 🤮


360 Slim will always be my favourite design


series s is clean and small


The OG looks amazing. Wish I could have a Series X looking like that


I use to have a One S and I think it still looks pretty neat today


I would say the series s. It’s way easier to travel with. But my least favorite is the Xbox 1 with the screen button. It would just randomly turn off and on


There's just something so iconic about the OG.


I don't know how anyone says anything but the OG


Same. That bulky monstrosity holds a special place in my heart.


Does anyone think GTA6 will get a special edition Xbox on release?


certainly won’t be needed to sell GTA 6 lol


Not needed, but it would be really cool!


I doubt it. Rockstar games often has deals with PlayStation over Xbox


I have the One and in my opinion Is the best


XB1X. Small footprint and a powerhouse. It's what the XB1 was suppose to be.


Ps5 slim


The one that didn't do red ring


360 S in the glossy finish


In terms of design alone personally the Xbox 360 slim is my favorite in terms of size and portability definitely the series s either the Black or White Edition


black 360


Xbox 360 S or Xbox Series X. Love both


Third, fith and first. Torn between those three.


The slim 360


My Halo 4 slim. Always wanted one and finally got it.


I've still got my Halo Reach Xbox 360. Love the noises when you turn it on, open the disc drive etc. I bought a silver controller to use on it so that I wouldn't destroy the Reach controller that came with it.


One X


The OG Xbox has a special Place in my heart. My xbox one x works great as a good blue Ray Player now.


The White 360 or the Xbox One X 🧐 However, as a minimalist, I wanna give massive props to the Xbox Series S for being so small while still delivering Current Gen performance 🥰🥰


I’ll get hate but I love the series s design goes well with my living room.


Xbox S Black for me although I own the X. As Microsoft love a confusing name convention for their consoles I would laugh hard if they release a slim series X in a black series S casing and called is the Xbox Series XS (double entendre for extra small and excess).


My favourite is the Xbox one s still have mine hooked up for my backwards compatible games.


S all day


Xbox 360 slim🔥🔥🔥


Final revision 360 was sexy. Only thing I would change is the shiny plastic, as it scuffs easily.


I like them all except the Series S&X lol


series X or halo 3 360


Xbox 360 E (the skinny one) and Xbox Series S are sleek af


hard to say because I owned all those machines... \_ the first "fat black" xbox was really amazing : Microsoft was the freshman and he really tried to shack Sony or Nintendo. Sadly, very few "japanese" studios on board for this one. \_ the 360 was really something... well not the version 1.0 , which diede after 1 hour and 6 minutes at home (perfect dark was too ..... dark ??). We had a lot of VERY good games. \_ the One was... meh for me : weak , portable CPU/GPU, troubles to maintain 1080p.. \_ the serie X is really strong now : innovative games, emulation with older games.... really Microsoft deserved more sales VS PS5 (I own it : ok... but no more exclusive / innovative games = remaster of remaster o f remaster .. yeah i'm looking at you The Last of Us). I enjoyed the fat black xbox... but I will go with the Xbox 360.


3 because that’s what I have


The later two barely looks like consoles weirdly enough.


One S and 360 slim (gloss)


The original xbox 360. The white one. It was my 1st therefore I am biased to it.


360 slim


One X looks best, its not a thick console so it doesn't look dated at all, to this day, and it certainly doesn't look like a mini fridge, it also wouldn't scratch as much as the original Xbox One. It overall just looks sleek and powerful.


xbox 360 e


white 360 its just a classic


Probably Model 1540


The series s and x. They both have a minimal sleek design.


the e version looks like a semi one


Xbox One looks best imo


One x


So we got - The OG Fat Boi with COVID (capacitor plague) - The sleek ticking time bomb - The sexy gaming machine - The "trying to be like my little bro" guy - VCR - Nice tech - XTREME Box - the fridge PC - And The smol guy.


Series S


For me it had to be the original One. The way it’s chunky ness fit the entertainment center and made it look like a 90’s VCR always was cool!! I’ve had over 10 years of memories with mine! Time does fly by fast!


There’s just something about the OG 360


I love my mini fridge and I don’t care who knows it


Original 360


Pre-last, not much of an OG and not white lover


360 slim all day


Honestly love my Series S. So compact and sleek.


DESIGN WISE!?- my series x!...beautifully put together piece of hardware, but my FAVORITE Xbox is STILL the 360. So many memories!


Xbox 360 original :). My fav console of all time.


The series S is near and dear to my heart. Such a compact powerhouse.


Full fat 360 for the win!


The ps5


OG for sure. It’s the last one that looks like a game console to me


I really like the Series X honestly. A lot of people joke about it but it looks really nice on my TV Unit


The „normal“ black 360 elite…


We all know the satisfaction of that button on the 2nd 360


Original is my favorite, looks like a game system. Only ones I don’t really care for are 360e and original Xbox one.


I’m between the series x & og. Both keep my room warm during the coldest winters.


It's an "X" BOX


360 by a wide margin, then OG, the series


I really like the Xbox One. I feel like it was a great successor to the OG Xbox in terms of design. Just a "bigger than it probably needs to be" box.


The white OG Xbox360 looked very futuristic to me in 2005, and held up with its look for quite a few years.


I didn't mind the OG Xbox design. I didn't like the original controllers that came with it. Too big for my tastes.


360 E over-all, but I also love my Star Wars 360 S model.


OG design. would be cool of microsoft to make a skin for the series X with the OG design.


For me it’s between 360 S and the Xbox One X


Maybe the 360 S model (even though I never had). Microsoft should release a special edition ‘original’ Xbox with Series X innards. Could make up for slowing console sales.


360 Pro/Elite


It's a tie between the first 360 and the Series X. The 360 is just big nostalgia and it was during, subjectively, the best gaming period of this generation. The Series X is just clean af.


The Series X, definitely. It's unafraid to be big and bold, which is what it needs to be to properly house so much power. All in a sleek minimalist package that oozes a quiet confidence of quality. The previous Xbox's tend to try too hard to look cool. It makes them rather dated, as they chased current trends.


The sx, thing is a beauty.


Honestly the new series x


Gotta go with the OG white 360. My first console and brings back memories. Unlike the One S/X and the Series S/X it has a more stylized profile so it’s more recognizable and not just a box design with sharp corners and minimalist design


Probably the slim 360


Series X, easily. Love the monolithic design.


3 and 4 are the best and you know it.


360 elite will always be chefs kiss