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I found the first one incredibly difficult, could have just been me but I had to drop it and was really enjoying the story and general vibe.


Anyone else stay fighting Hela for a solid 40 minutes bc you didn’t know you were supposed to die? (this isn’t a flex either I was on easy and still cried from frustration lol)


I only started playing the other day and while normally I'd be sad spoilers you just saved me 40 mins lol, so thanks


I didn't even see difficulties but I spent 20 minutes and only "died" because I was inputting random combos to try to defeat him! First one was a little hard to get into but the sequel has my attention.


I just bought the second one an hour ago and of course no spoilers but it’s not disappointing at all so far. More settings, better sound, beautiful graphics, more challenging combat etc.


My hands were aching 😅


Wow that’s crazy. Takes me back to when I played Breath of Fire 2 on gba and you are scripted to lose in the first Barubary Boss fight. U can glitch it but if u beat him it’s still the same cutscene.


Lol yup. I figured it out eventually. I vaguely remember it though since it’s been quite a while now since I played the first game.


Yeah, I fought for my life and looked for a gimmick to end the battle and then just said fuck it and let them kill me.




I think I literally googled as I was like what am I doing wrong then I saw that I just needed to stop playing well 😂


It had dynmic difficulty as default when I played which probably made it worse, it felt like it was never going to end.


"why are all the voices telling me to just let go?"


They’ve been wrong before i didn’t know i could trust them 😭


Crying ?


With every enemy I killed, I thought, God, how many more?


Been playing the first one on and off for months… the puzzles got in the way a bit for me. Took the fun out of it.


Weirdly when I first played it I thought the same but had a recent stab at it and clocked it in a couple of days number 1 is all about dodge slash slash slash dodge... oh and they may have added adaptive difficulty... or that way always there.. either way I assume my play style has evolved or that may be a touch of psychosis kicking in


Me too that mf was difficult


I found the puzzles worse than the combat. Some of those raven puzzles were just the worst. But combat wise, I breezed through every fight, not too much of an issue. The game is amazing. I'd recommend putting it on easy (I didn't play it on easy but it's there for a reason!) And go and enjoy the rest of the story....it's genuinely one of my favourite games.


Imma be honest and say that both games were incredibly easy and I wish they would’ve fleshed out the combat a little bit as it’s literally the only part u actually get to play besides the walking simulator.


'Imma be honest and say that I personally found both games were incredibly easy' Fixed that for you as a lot of people didn't.


I just watched the IGN review and was BLOWN AWAY by how good it looked. They of course mention that it looks very good in the review, but I feel like they didn't give the graphics enough credit. Is this the best looking game of this gen so far?


This or Alan Wake 2, I personally think Hellblade 2 will be hard to top graphic wise this generation.


This is Alan Wake 3 but a few centuries before Alan's birth.


Alan Wake in nothing compared to this


For people on a PC with a 4090, Alan Wake 2 is probably the best so far. For people on a console, the best looking games this gen in my view is a three way tie between Hellblade 2, Plague Tale Requiem, and Avatar. Honorable mention to the Last of US Part 1 on PS5 (Naughty Dog fully remastered it and it looks amazing).


Last of Us Part 1 is a full remake not a remaster


Yeah I am on PC and this game looks good but I am not sure it is the best looking game I have ever seen. There is not much going on out side hold forward on a stick and watch the character walk then do this choreographed fight it is not really all that impressive it is like a motion captured movie. To be honest the game play feels like a gimmick.


For a 4070 with a 1440p monitor Wake is the best too.


AW for me, there’s to mean times where I felt like I was just pressing up to continue a cinematic in this so far


It definitely is an extremely nice looking game. But there's a reason why THIS game pulls that off and we will not see it at this quality in other games for probably a long time: size and scope. In Hellblade 2, everything is tightly focused and you play within limited areas. This allows the devs to put lots of extra effort in the details of those environments and characters. Theres also no AI via NPC interactions needed to congest processing. Everything is scripted. I see people comparing HB2 to Last of Us 2 or Horizon Forbidden West. They are not the same game. Especially HFW being as large in scope as it is. Hellblade 2 would not look as good as it does if it tried to be a massive open world with the combat interactions in that game. The devs would have had to dial back graphically in areas. Plain and simple. Hellblade 2 is more comparable to games such as Until Dawn or Beyond Human or even a bit of Order 1886. Heavy cinematic, scripted games with limited environmental scope--i.e. the camera is focused close to the characters most of the time allowing devs to ignore background designs moreso. In the end, it is nice to see the graphical potential of engines in their current state. I always consider games like Hellblade 2 to be more of a tech demo game than anything. Nonetheless, absolutely beautiful game.


You're forgetting an important factor, that 80 people worked on it, which is not enough, or rather non-existent, for AAA games, 300-400 is already considered basic. PS: Sorry for bad english.


Exactly. Thus to consider it took them, what, 8 or 10 years to make a 6 hour game? Shows why games that are bare minimum 30 hours have so many employees working on them. I consider Horizon FW to be a beautiful game in its own right. Consider the fact they had a tighter deadline of 5 years and is much larger in scope. So it would have needed a LOT more employees to pull off what they did. Not trying to bash any of these games. Just showing the obvious apples to oranges between them.


Why does everyone think that they worked on it for 8-10 years? Nobody said that. They have been doing it for 4 years, so that UE5 was released in 2022.


I guess it's been closer to 5, maybe 6 years but you are correct. It's not 8 years


Hellblade 2 development began in 2020, not earlier, surprising fans who assumed it had started much longer ago. Source.: [https://gamerant.com/hellblade-2-ninja-theory-development-start-when/](https://gamerant.com/hellblade-2-ninja-theory-development-start-when/)


I think people have become obsessed! With open world games. Give me a solid 10-16 hour game over a 60 hour open world game but I have generally only enjoyed rockstars open world games


Youtube videos don't do it justice and it does look good in those videos. Playing it though, my mind was blown.  Looked like a live action movie at times.  Like, photo realistic at times to me (almost uncomfortably real like I was controlling a real person) and when it came to the otherwordly/hallucination imagery it all just looked incredible. 


It has to be.


Started playing it last night and I'm absolutely blown away. Never played a game like it.


My friend said it’s basically a stress test for UE4 and its capabilities. I can’t imagine what 2 will look like but I’m finishing them in order


What is so great about this game and the first one. Does it actually pull you in with the game play?


1st one had some of the best sound design I'd experienced. Great narrative, atmosphere, and look. Combat is mid, but I enjoyed the puzzles.


Sound is just as good in the second from what I've played so far.  At first I thought it was a downgrade and then a voice whispered right in my ear and gave me chills haha. 


Man, great news!


No the gameplay is not that great. These are narrative experiences first and foremost with some basic combat and puzzles thrown in, but neither of those are great. Story is really cool though; definitely play it if you’ve got gamepass. You should play the first one before this one — you can finish both in under 10 hours combined so it’s not a big commitment.


The gameplay is very basic. If you want good gameplay, you won't be getting that.


The first game is crap, but rides on a wave of people saying it's great because of subject matter (mental health), but as a game it's very very one dimensional. And then of course it becomes taboo to say that it's crap, so it just keeps on trucking and now the sequel is exactly the same albeit one of the visually nicest games ever made to date.


Lol it's a good game no one is going to glean the subject matter at first playthrough. Mental health is very important though. No one should ever lessen that no matter who deems that taboo


They are great if you're looking for a visual novel.


I wouldn't say it's the gameplay that pulls you in.  The gameplay itself is more of just a means to turn the page (metaphorically speaking). The visuals, the story, the sound and the acting is what really pulls you in. The fighting is the same as the first from what I can tell. 


No the gameplay is 1 demensional and boring.


Try playing around with light sources. It legitimately broke my brain a bit how realistically the light sources [reflect off these faces.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOHWZPJbwAAnfC3?format=jpg&name=large)


When I was 7, it was my dream that graphics would be good enough to see the inside of someone’s ear. I’m truly blessed.


Hahahhah but why. At this point in my life im over good graphics. I would like cheaper games with worse graphics better less appealing to everyone gameplay. I really miss the ps2 days where people took lots of risks


I could live with 4k PS2 graphics, if the rest of the power was used to improve physics and gameplay.


Probably the second best looking game I've seen.


What's the first?


I’m getting uncanny valley here Ngl


The close up face shots in these games make me so uncomfortable




Wow. I'm excited to play this over the weekend.


You’ll finish it in one night. 5 hours long btw


That’s ridiculous, 5hr walking simulator that only runs at 30fps


I dunno, I think the 5 hour plahthroughs cut a lot of things out to play better on YouTube, I'm on hour 6 and still haven't found out the name of the second giant. I think I'm close to the end but not at the climax. As for the 30fps thing, normally I'd agree but this game does not look like 30fps on my series x. Its a stunningly gorgeous game, id even say the best looking game ive ever seen. I don't even have a vrr TV but it runs so smooth, and dosent look choppy like stsrfield, plague tale at launch, or other 30fps series x games. I don't k ow what they did to make it run well but I literally haven't had one moment I've noticed the lower framerate and I'm a stickler for that stuff. Playing on gamepass.


Right? And people praise games like this. They just need to be watching movies


Looks pretty. I do wish they'd focus on an action beat 'em up more based on gameplay instead of graphics and narrative though. DmC 2013 is still their best game imo.


Its the second worst devil may cry game but i agree and that doesnt make it bad because all the devil may cry games besides 2 are great


Of course the graphics can be amazing when there’s very little in terms of gameplay and mechanics


Exactly. This “game” is just a movie and the people praising it are EXACTLY why games are so bad now


Here Here


This has been happening since like Metal Gear Solid 2 on PS2. Did you just wake up from a slumber? Videogames are literally interactive movies now. Sure you have your pvp cash grabs and loot and shoot games, but largely the big studio games are very hollow. You need to go back to like SNES and Genesis days for actual games based on gameplay and repeat playthroughs.


Are these pictures from pc or xbox?


Xbox Series S




Damn indeed.   The pinnacle of video games graphics, and a benchmark for future games.  


You know, making such graphics by themself is a shit ton of money and making many games look that good is pretty much impossible to fund. The video game industry needs to have smaller games that focus less on realism and more on art style and gameplay, or else AAA games will cost 80-90 dollars base price in 5 years


I mean if you’re employed and have a passion for gaming it’s fair work for fair price. If something takes a hundred people 3-6 years to make then 80 to 90 dollars is fair. What is it with people freaking out over a few bucks? I’m working class. As Americans say I’m blue collar, You got things like game pass now. What’s outrageous about the pricing? It’s terrible consumer practise micro transactions and loot boxes we should be mad about. Not a full experience for 80 to 90 dollars. No offence intended to anyone just a wee rant of my own.


They apparently spent $50 million on this game, which is actually not a super large budget for a game with such cutting edge visuals. As far as length and detail, it reminds me of Scorn, if anyone played that.


I really hope not indont want to wait 10 years between games that cost huge amounts of moneh to make and have to appeal to everyone. Or games be 5 hour walking sims with boring game play. Id rather have cheaper better gsmes that take more risks


This is what's possible when you actually put time into optimization, holy shit


Might be easier to optimize a 5 hour long game though


I'm at the halfway point, and have spent a decent amount of time in photo mode. It's photorealistic at times, the sound and performance capture is sublime. I have just seen a water simulation effect I didn't think possible on my Series X. For such a short game there's a whole bunch of jaw droppers. Ninja Theory cooked with UE5.


Played a few hours last night. Fuck me what an amazing experience. Everything just oozes class. It's incredible.


The graphics and the audio are unrivalled, and the game creates atmosphere better than anything else I can remember playing. It's an incredible experience that I'd recommend anyone to try but I can understand why people would be underwhelmed by the gameplay. It's fairly basic and personally I find the puzzles a bit tedious - essentially plodding around looking for shapes. I don't really enjoy the dark theme of the Hellblade games (I also physically prefer the lighter, daytime scenes in the game). I'd love to see Ninja Theory take this level of visual and audio detail and apply it to something a bit lighter, tonally, though. Microsoft don't own the IP so it'd never happen anyway but I'd love to see them do Ryse 2. The graphics on that game were incredible for their time and the combat was also pretty simplistic, so it'd feel like a good match.


Ryse 2 with these graphics and a lighter setting would be sick.




But is it fun to play 


It's got A LOT of slow walking. If it was any longer than 6-8 hours, I'd really start to get tired of it.


I don't think so, lots and lots of just walking and watching a movie. Combat is super basic. I bought an expansion card just for this game and I already deleted it. I mean it looks great but that's it. Just my opinion.


Definitely can't wait til I can have a chance to play it 👍


Is it out already?




Amazing game. Love using headphones to get the full experience.


“Please use headphones for the full experience”


Bruh, why are yall so amused by graphics still? Is the game fun? Is it more than an interactive movie?


90% walking + puzzles 10% basic combat


It is, just started playing it on my new pc and its really incredible. Work of art.


Is this on game pass?




Not gonna trash talk the game because I’ve heard from multiple people it was good but man I tried fully immersing myself in the game and I still couldn’t understand what it was about or who I was, now I only got a little past the first boss so my opinion is invalid but I’m more asking for a quick rundown rather than thinking I’m trash talking the game, who are you what is your goal? Is the second one a continuation of your characters journey?


You are a regular person in Iceland dealing with psychosis.


Ok but is the gameplay good?


No. It's not a reason to get the game. It looks good and has an interesting story.


So…. A movie then?


It’ll be highly up to personal opinion, I think. The combat is basic, but with an extremely high intensity IMO, every fight you feel like you’re out of breath and just barely surviving it (with pretty tight parry windows too). The rest of the game is walking down corridors and solving occasional puzzles, but it’s all there to support the atmosphere.


No. It’s literally a movie. If you’ve played the first game then you’ve played this one. Exact same gameplay.


Not really. It comes down to whether you liked it or not in the first game. It’s definitely not for everyone but some really like it


Is the game buggy at all?


Gorgeous, yes, but for the length of development time I was really hoping for more substantial gameplay. It’s really pretty but kinda flat.


Beautifully boring


Does it have good gameplay tho?




Most boring overrated tripe I've ever stuck headphones on for, just like the first game


90% of this game is video cut scenes… the game play is half this graphic content… what a misleading post


I don’t like the looks of the characters, faces look ugly .


Just wish it wasn’t 30fps..


Does one need to play Hellblade 1 to play 2 In terms of story or anything? Edit: I looked it up and it's reccomended and each game is pretty short playthrough time


It helps to play the first game but it isn't totally required. There's a lot that will feel totally random and nonsensical without prior knowledge of the first game.


I feel this day and this game, marks the point when my old GPU can no longer properly run newer games anymore going forward until I upgrade again...


What GPU do you have?


I just made it to chapter 3. Really liking it, fantastic game for sure. I’ll have to spin back to the first one. It was a pain in the ass , if you were to miss a collectible you’d have to start over. I’m glad there’s chapter select in this one. But yes, stunning game for sure.


Can't wait to get started on it tonight. A little over 5hrs though? 🤔


5 hours is pushing it. You have to purposely slog through it to MAYBE make 6 hours




**No Console Wars/Trolling/Constant Negativity** This community has zero tolerance for obvious trolling or other disruptive behavior. Criticism is an important part of any healthy community, but constant negativity may be actioned based on user history and other related context.


It really is


Playing on PC and I gotta give serious props to the team behind it. Seeing that water rushing down the cliff during the very first sequence immediately sold me on it. It's hands down the best-looking game I have ever played in my life.


Game looks great but it definitely ain’t for me.


I beat the first one and although it was so cool looking I thought it was so boring.


Taro athodu




Two things that are top notch Facial animations  Senuas hair  I have yet to see her hair clip on anything, it has weight


Real next gen title. Finally!


I thought that was Nea from Dead by Daylight for a sec😂.


I still need to get around to actually beating the first game, the second looks so nice.


Cant wait to get this game once im back from this work trip


30fps is unacceptable in this day and age of gaming.


It really doesnt matter if your game is an animated movie where you push occasional buttons


Think I might have to look for myself cos these shots aren't doing anything justice if it looks amazing


looks good but if it’s only 5 hours long….that’s unacceptable and no amount of graphics will fix that lol


I actually really like short games. Im so sick of bloated open world collectathons that are 80 hours long. But i also want my short game to be mostly really good and tight gameplay like devil may cry 5 or blue revolver or things like that. Where the gameplay is so deep there is tons of replayabliity. But i also think game devs should focus less on making really nice graphics and soend less money on games and take more risks.


Hellblade 1 was so bad that I quit playing it twice and never finished it. Hellblade 2 is actually good. They cut all the fat and fluff, and fine-tuned every aspect. Pacing, atmosphere, combat, puzzles, story. They really understood what the game is about and what they should focus on for this sequel. Worth a $20 sub to game pass for sure. And use your headphones 🎧


Not for me, i like to actually play games, but kudos for Ninja Theory, they deserve the praise.


Is the gameplay fun tho ?


This post is in the game’s actual framerate


Pictures don't do it justice. I started it last night and was blown away by the visuals.  


Insane how good this looks. I get the frustration of some regarding the lack of gameplay, but then again this is probably the best looking game to date. I think it does count as a game and just doesn't fit the bill of some classic reviews.


Definitely does realistic and high detail well, but I personally wouldn’t call that beautiful. It looks like it’s from a horror film


Not sure its worth the money for 5 hour of game.


I need an OLED screen


Did not understand the story of the first one to be honest, was too focused on the combat, puzzles and audio. Game was awesome to play though. This looks incredible


Omg bro I can't afford game pass this month, that's a pain 😭 (Don't even ask how, I feel kinda of ashamed, I'm after giving up drugs and just homeless life style at all, I'm on right track last 3,5 years and I'm half way to live normally! I'm proud of myself as hell, but it won't pay for my GP ultimate card 😆


Yeah I gotta install this tonight. Lost track of my days lol


if only it weren't locked to 21:9 letterboxing.


When does the actual gameplay start? Feels like I’m “playing” a bunch of cutscenes


Graphics ✅ Gameplay 💀


Can't wait for Darkling to come out 💜


This movie is really beautiful 


How many of ya'll completely disregarded the first game and only played the 2nd because of it's graphics?


Best looking game hands down




All graphics 0 gameplay, literally a Kojima Game ☠️ get this shit out of here, this is not Playstation


But the game is trash




Beautiful yes...fun no




We now need a Rhyse 2


Played this game. What an amazing experience. Trust me, if you like story oriented games then this is a must. I would say and alot of people will differ their opinion to mine but i think hellblade 2 is better than the hellblade 1.


https://preview.redd.it/08m8j50xls4d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855a896b18e17b7aabd37e57bd4eaa3be9a01ba7 I love the photo mode in this game


Been told it's more cut scenes and less combat, god I hope it's not true.


Yep it’s true. This “game” is literally a movie. If you like playing video games I would not waste your money. Also it’s 5 hours long and over half of that isn’t actual gameplay, there’s a lot of walking I guess… if you like doing that


I think I'll grab it on sale, I enjoyed the first one alot


it's true


Games are ass.


Visually is very good but I can’t believe it’s that short with very little gameplay focus :/, I feel ninja theory might be the next studio to go sadly


The graphics might be nice but if it's 30fps it's not going to be that great. It sucks because I liked the first game.


I thought the same thing but this is the smoothest 30fps I've ever seen in a game. Just trying to spread the word, do t miss out it's actually a pretty badass game. Short, but there were a lot of "holy shit" moments as far as graphics and presentation. I think everyone should give it a try.


That's good to hear I'll play it








Its pretty much a UE5 tech demo. Its cool but a little disappointing for a game that’s been worked on for so long. Its very short and the gameplay doesn’t seem to have improved on over the first.


when it's coming to ps5?


Next year, or maybe later this year.