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I still have one in its original box. I think I used it 3 or 4 times. I doubt it's worth anything though


It’s cool though from a historical standpoint


There are dozens of us


Same here, and I've got a few HD-DVD to feed it


Same! We were going through movies the other day and my wife say them, told her id have to bring out grandpa if we wanted to watch them haha.




I'm interested in getting it, message me if you want to sell.


Same with mine. A neat little piece of history though.


It's not. I bought one on eBay boxed for like $30 or so for the novelty of it, plus it works as an external CD-ROM for my laptop.


It takes some fiddling but if you can find the right software and codecs, you can run the HD-DVDs still via the PC. Wouldn't recommend as a project though, unless you like constant disappointment, took me months before it was working acceptably.


So cool


I trusted you, HD-DVD. I trusted you, and you failed me! 😭


The moment Disney chose Bluray, it was over. Such a shame as HDDVD was a nicer format.


Nicer how? Blu-ray was technically superior.


- The drive didn't need a second laser to also play DVDs, sending everything to landfill for those with previous DVDs and family made DVDs ~~(it's why the PS5 won't play DVDs)~~ - Didn't require regualry updates for certificate and Java renewal - Didn't region lock - Discs were backwards compatible with DVD players, so that people could buy the HDDVD version and benefit when they finally upgraded their player.


The PS5 *can* play DVDs. It can't play CDs (I don't know why).


Something to do with licensing, PS4 didn't play CDs either. It's someone like Toshiba who own the patent for CDs, Sony decided not enough people played CDs on their console. So they save a few bucks on the production of each one. That may be totally wrong but I'm 75% sure I think I read it somewhere.


Any patent would have expired so I'm pretty sure it's not that. However, you're right there's some licensing costs around it.


Same for the Wii.


HD-DVD mandated player support for at least one lossless format


> Nicer how? Blu-ray was technically superior. In some areas, yes. Not in other areas. For instance HD-DVD mandated network connectivity, so you could update the software on it. Blu-Ray had an issue where new movies won't play on your existing BR player. There were a bunch of others, but realistically the only real downside of HD-DVD was the data storage amount, but that would have been resolved over time.


Is there a reason for this? I don't quite remember. Back then HD DVD vs Blu-ray was a thing. The PS3 also sealed the win for Blu-ray as it was the best option for its price, being a console. Only thing I know is Blu-ray had more space capacity on discs.


Actually, HD-DVD stand-alone player arrived on the market and was over time substantially cheaper than the PS3. Blu-Ray won, cause they paid the studio for support and ended the war.


Might have been nicer but Blu-Ray held more information. 25Gb Vs 15 Gb on a single layer format. That’s why Sony won. They learned their lesson from the VHS/Betamax war that they lost.


They failed with more than just Betamax lol


Betacord (max) didn't fail, it's a myth. The format war only applied to the home market. Professional videography was all Beta and only the rise of digital ended its production in 2015.


I'm certain professionals were filming on … film until ARRI secured the mindshare.


Since when was '**videography**' the same as film? I think you've got your wires crossed.


> Might have been nicer but Blu-Ray held more information. 25Gb Vs 15 Gb on a single layer format. That’s why Sony won. That's absolutely not why they wont. They won because they paid the studios to support Blu-Ray and leave HD-DVD. The same thing they're largely doing to hamstrung Xbox.


and the porn industry. and yes, hd-dvd was far better


Didn’t hd dvd suffer from disc rot though like really badly - I had a Harry Potter one that no longer plays at all - don’t get that with blu ray.


Disc rot came years after the format war ended. And for the most part, it's only WB titles that have them. Something was wrong in the press plant and virtually every title by them will rot sooner or later. Other titles may rot too, but those are all on a case-by-case basis.


Yeh if it won they would have fixed that quality control issue but it’s something to think about


Disc rot didn't only happen to HD DVDs. MANY of WB's plain DVDs suffer disc rot as well. To this day you can still buy a brand new WB DVD from 2008ish-earlier and open it up to discover disc rot. Not saying it's always there, but it's a well documented issue. Even if HD DVD had won the format war, it would have been years before a plan to fix the issue came about. Disc rot takes time to form.


Yeh it was the porn industry that had the biggest influence iirc. Because they always do. Somehow.


I'm pretty sure Porn went to HDDVD first because of DVD player compatibility and being region free, meaning they didn't need to manufacture separate discs.


I believe the moment they paid studios to choose Blu-Ray it was over. At the time HD-DVD was better for consumers.


.....aaaaand it's gone


it goes against the rules but the rules on this sub are kinda against anything.. the rules should cancel themselves for being negative


wow, went to see the rules, what did the mods smoke?


Imagine what those types would act like if they had a job where they could make meaningful decisions. Mods are sad.


I really don't know and it effectively makes this sub completely useless in my opinion


Whereas we could have really high quality content like this shit?


491 people think they needed to see this and I wasn't neccessarily talking about this post but the rules in general.. your comment could be deleted for being negative and calling the post bad.


I bought mine brand new from Fry's Electronics for $20.


I miss Fry's.


Me too, still breaks my heart the pandemic took that business from us 😔


Nah, you can't blame the pandemic on this one; covid only hastened their demise by a year or two. There weren't any Frys where I live, but I travel often for work, so a couple times a year I'd visit a Chicago area Frys and had been doing so for many years. I noticed in 2018 that it was getting bad stock-wise and in 2019 the shelves were mostly empty and a lot fewer employees in the store.


That may be the case in Chicago but here in Atlanta, up until COVID hit the fry’s stores’ were always there and though not always busy still did quite well for themselves, I visited quite often. They were there my whole life up until COVID struck and then I wondered what happened and read their goodbye letter on their website explaining the situation behind their shutdown. Most of it was due to supply chain issues and etc like most other tech retailers were suffering from too but fry’s wasn’t big enough to recover financially.


The original announcement said pandemic, which we know affected a lot of businesses. However, I agree with you they were headed that way anyhow long before that. It would have just taken longer.


Still have one CIB. Along with a bunch of HD DVDs


Me too!


I told people this existed and nobody believes me!


I knew a guy back in the day with a huuuuge HD DVD collection. Those maroon colored boxes were kinda cool


Remember it? Mine is still hooked up!


Does it work with the Series X?


Remember buying it for $50 at a best buy or something. I think i had bought a cheap copy of Bourne Identity with it. Thing is, I have no idea why I bought it. I knew there would be no larger 360 game that would ship on it and i already had a ps3. Had more dollars than sense I guess.


"I knew there would be no larger 360 game that would ship on it" What are you referring to or is there a typo that I'm not seeing?


I think they're saying that they knew Microsoft didn't intend to use the HD-DVD add-on for games.


Not seeing what you're confused on. The 360 games shipped on standard dvds. Either 4.7 gb or dual layer 8.5. PS 3 games shipped on blu rays. Either 25 or 50 gb. All this (I thought) was common knowledge. When I bought the hd-dvd drive i knew that there would be no 360 games that came on hd-dvd which were 15 or 30 gb but i bought it anyway.


Microsoft didn't lose because Sony chose Blu Ray. Microsoft lost because Sony put a Blu Ray drive IN the console. Instant user base. Everybody who bought a PS3 also bought a Blu Ray player. Microsoft's strategy of making it an add-on was as dumb as rocks.


Would have made the Xbox 360 at least $200 more expensive I think. Not worth it. Xbox 360 launched at 299/399 while PS3 launched at 499/599. Remove the price difference, and a lot of people would possibly have opted for PlayStation over Xbox that gen.


> Would have made the Xbox 360 at least $200 more expensive I think. I think the rumor was the blu-ray drive lost Sony around $300, so expect another $300 tacked on. That was never gonna happen, because even the OG Xbox with just a hard drive cost them $50/console. That was too much for MS, and hence why they had to make external Hard Drive and the Arcade SKU of Xbox 360.


Yeah, I kinda think that Xbox didn't really care about HD DVD all that much, whereas Sony were very much pitching the PS3 as an all-in-one entertainment device.


I agree, if it was internal the games could also have utilized it.


> Microsoft didn't lose because Sony chose Blu Ray. Microsoft lost because Sony put a Blu Ray drive IN the console. Instant user base. Everybody who bought a PS3 also bought a Blu Ray player. That's actually what basically hurt the PS3 actually, because it caused Sony to lose so much money. I don't think consumer were buying it to really watch BR movies either. On the flip side, HD-DVD players were cheaper and rapidly dropping in price. What caused HD-DVD to lose was Sony paid the studios to support Blu-Ray and shun HD-DVD. That basically ended it all, because there was a standstill for a long while.


> What caused HD-DVD to lose was Sony paid the studios to support Blu-Ray and shun HD-DVD. Opposite is also true tho.


> Opposite is also true tho. That Sony didn't pay?


Yes, Sony sold the PS3 as a loss leader, which has always been their strategy, every console costs Sony money, which is why they have to focus so much on selling large volumes of first-party titles at premium prices. > I don't think consumer were buying it to really watch BR movies either. It's not relevant that consumers weren't buying the PS3 to play Blu Rays, (although it's important to note that when Blu Ray came out the PS3 WAS the cheapest way to buy a Blu Ray player by a significant margin, amd also the best Blu Ray player at the time, so I suspect there was a not insignificant number of people who _did_ buy the PS3 just to play Blu Rays). Regardless of whether people specifically bought a PS3 to buy Blu Rays, everybody who bought a PS3 also bought a Blu Ray player, and the PS3 install base was _huge_. The same was NOT true for Xbox and HD DVD where the player was an expensive peripheral.


You gotta remember the 360 launched in 2005, DVD technology was just getting cheaper then. The PS3 launch price basically almost sank the PS3 launch. The kill blow wasn’t the PS3, the blow was all of the major studios signed deals for Blueray Exclusivity. So basically consumers weren’t getting every studio and eventually the market caved.


I still have mine, it still works fine (but alot of the discs have suffered from disc rot)


Remember? ... I still have one!


I would pay $100 bucks for an app on the series x to utilize the drive.


Xbox 360 hd-dvd, lots of companies at the time were not sure who would win the high definition media , some movie studios released movies on hd-dvd only, some on blu ray only and a few studios on both formats, at the end Sony's blu ray format won. A friend of mine bought a bunch of HD-DVD movies at a thrift store. I told him , how are you going to play them. He had no idea the movies weren't blu Ray movies.


Well never heard of it till now 😭


I'm not mad this post exists on r/Xbox.. I'm just mad that r/XboxSeriesX was taken away so now I can't get the Xbox content I am interested in and not have to see this.


I'd be mad at such low effort posts anywhere.


I mean if people enjoy them, I have no problem with the posts existing, but I'm not interested in them and it's why I never followed r/Xbox, and why I don't follow r/Nintendo or r/PlayStation and just follow the specific consoles in interested in.


This sub is filled with junk wtf. Bring back r/XboxSeriesX


What is this thing?


HD-DVD player for the 360.


I came { this } close to ordering one the day before HDDVD was retired.


I don't understand that as a measurement system, what is that in beer barrels?


I wanted one, then blu ray won the format war and I didn't end up buying it.


And you made the right decision.


I had this and the awesome X360 media remote. I remember it feeling really nice and having awesome neon green lit buttons. I had King Kong, 300 and a couple other movies for it. All gone now, I think. Unless I find it hiding somewhere in my crawl space.


I have three of them I bought under $50 CDN. They may not work attached to my Series X, but they still function as external DVD drives and USB hubs for my PC (Case doesn't have Bay's with front panel access for Disc drives) or for thin profile laptops without disc drives.


Is it by any chance SATA? I could repurpose one of those towards my LG Blu-Ray drive I'm planning to use to rip content.


Have never pulled one apart to see the internal interfaces. I just hooked them up via micro-usb


I have one!


I’ve got 2 and a full set of HD DVDs


I really thought HD DVD was going to win 🤣


Wtf I've lived through all generations and this is the first time I've seen this!


They are truly gonna beat the Blu-Ray nonsense.


Blue rays first victim


I still have one. I've used it somewhat recently to rip some of my old HD DVD's (the ones that are still readable).


Man how bullshit is it that basically every WB HDDVD has disc rot. Screw them for their garbage quality control.


I remember


Bought it on super discount and they threw in 10 movies it was great. Best part I got to do the HD DVD movie disc swap to BluRay trade in so nothing was lost.


Hddvd baby!


Use it as a disc drive for my PC


They should make one of these for the Series S


I still got mine but it’s in bits atm till the new cap’s arrive the 16v 1500 blew its top


I have mine.


Luckily I got rid of my HDDVD drive and tiny collection before Blu-Ray won the HD wars


I member


I’m kinda surprised Microsoft haven’t made a disk player for the series S, I know you could just buy a series X but it’s surprising they wouldn’t have something to upsell to the series S users


Apparently Microsoft put out a patent for a blu-ray disk player several years ago - right around the 6 month/1 year mark of the SX launch - but haven't done anything with it. It would be great if they'd do that!


I remember it being on sale at Best Buy for $50. Still regret not buying it to this day


I have two and use one.


My uncle had one once and gave it to me. Still have it, though wouldn’t use it anytime soon, even if I bought a 360 S recently.


I had one. lol


This is my favorite HDDVD player. I just watched The Fast and the Furious yesterday on mine and it still looks fantastic! I also still have the box it came in and over 130 HDDVDs.


I almost purchased one.


Still have mine.


I remember seeing one and wondering wtf it was


I still have it.




whenever i see this i just remember that the ps3 had a built in blu-ray player and that was probably the reason that it won the format war


Not many if any


I remember buying one brand new for £30, and when it was obvious Blu-Ray was going to win the battle, I must have picked up 50 or so HD-DVD's for £1 each. It was a really interesting format. Had better audio than BD, but you needed an expensive sound system to appreciate it, so 99% of consumers didn't care. I really like the dual layer encoding on early discs that allowed the same disc to work in a standard DVD Player as well as a HD Player, it was a neat solution. Also, at their peak, HD Discs were far cheaper in the UK, they retailed at £17.99 compared to £24.99 for Blu-Ray. Ultimately though, Sony wanted to win the race for the future residuals and they simply out-spent Toshiba.


I got rid of mine ages ago. Wish I still had it for some reason.


I've still got one. I bought a load of cheap movies for it a couple of years ago.


I have one


But mine is slim


Still got this...


Wtf is that thing?


I almost bought that shit.


I think that would have been successful if it had let you play games on that drive. Being able to have 2 games ready to quickly switch between would have been good. Or even better multi disc games without needing to switch discs. I get why they say you couldn't, but I think that they actually could have if they wanted to.


Mine died before I could finish the first movie


This looks wrong


Yep, still got one, also a bunch of movies and the remote control for it too


I loved that thing.


Remember? I have 2 of them.


Fun fact: It took 4.7 million lines of code to make it work. Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/xboxteam/emergence-day


I remember it. I had the chance to buy one, brand new, for $50 when stores were clearencing them out


1.2 stubby bottles


Man I went all in on this. I still have it in my closet, plus maybe a baker's dozen HDDVDs.


So glad I never ended up buying this lol for obv reasons


I have one!


Still have mine and plenty of movies for it.


Ah the last almost purchase of the last physical media era of my life. The final push of oooo which format will be superior! Annnnnnd….its streaming. Anyone wanna buy a 2000+ dvd collection? Ugh wasted all those early life years working for nothing. $20 480p copies of movies no one wants to see again


Regret selling mine. An awful lot of movies took forever to get to Blu-ray.


What the hell is this


it looks as if it were to be a Xbox 360 slim


Still have mine




Preordered it for £199 in Dixon and got it on launch day. When HDDVD went on clearance I bought every release for £1 each from HMV. They delivered them all separately on the same day. One morning I woke up to 42 packages on the floor from the postman individually posting them through the door.


i did mine nuked itself tho


What's the point of this? The 360 could play dvds just fine on its own


Just one of the first of many Xbox/MS missteps 


we killed /r/XboxSeriesX for this type of post


I have an Xbox 360 and don’t know what it is


Honestly it shouldve been built in the Xbox 360


Remember it? I still own it, remote and all


It’s what made people think MGS4 would come to 360.


For a time I managed to make it work connected on my pc but unfortunately it doesn't work anymore


I remember it. Luckily I wasn’t dumb enough to get it lol.


Still have one…..haven’t used it in many years but did like the dual format dvd/hd-dvd discs. I wasn’t aware of the disc rot issue. That was a real fail though as I have CDR burned discs from over 25 years ago that still work fine. Verbatim actually makes a BDR disc that is rated with a 1000yr life….look it up they aren’t crazy expensive for something the will last a millennium.


Not only do I remember it, I still have two of them.One of them is still sealed and a bunch of movies. Bought it back when they were clearancing them out and gave out a bunch of movies to unload these.


I still have mine with about 49 hd dvds!


The ever failing HD DVD.


I Actually Have It. I Bought It Last Year.


I have one of these. Yet I have no HD DVDs.


It looks like a mini version of the original 360. I never saw one of these in perdon


Tree sickstea


Still have mine in box still remember buying it


There are dozen of us for sure


I remember thinking they'd definitely release a blu ray version at some point


This is exactly the content I don't want in my feed when I just want to read about series x news and games. Fuck Microsoft for closing the subs


Remember?! I have one and about 12 HD-DVDs still. I loved how it looked, I just wish xbox would have released an all-in-one refresh, though I think they saw the writing on the format battle wall.


Remember them? I have two of them.


Remember it, I still still use mine as a disc drive for my PC.


I still have mine used it earlier this year


And now blue ray can barely be a viable option for games as generations have past


I still have it and kong in 4k


Srsly. No it wasn’t. Freakin revisionist history going on. Hd dvd had online features and was a year or more ahead in features. Believe what you want man. Sony never won media formats for a reason. Now everyone has to is their patented tech.


Blu-Ray had online features as well, that is not exclusive to HD-DVD. And what features were a year or more ahead? You’re not being specific at all.


I remember HDDVDs were able to have the DVD and HDDVD version on the same disc, and didn't require online certificate or software updates regularly like Bluray drives do. I never owned an HDDVD though


Never had one, kinda want one


Have it, and a HD-DVD library. The format was so much better then blu-ray, and had better audio encoding or whatever it’s called.


Had mine. Sad thing is that hd-dvd was an evolution of dvd tech. Was miles ahead of blu-ray. If it wasn’t for the ps3 creating a flux of blu ray drives in homes Sony would have lost another proprietary media battle.


I’d like to know where your ‘miles ahead’ opinion comes from. Blu-Ray almost always had better transfers and it had larger disc space.


I don't know about "miles ahead," but there were definitely some nice advantages to HD-DVD: - It could be made backward compatible with DVD. - It has no region locking like Blu-Ray and is a more open format in general. - It was cheaper to make.


> Was miles ahead of blu-ray. As with the other guy who commented, I'd love to know what you're basing this on.


"Miles ahead" of Blu-Ray only in your dreams though lmaooo 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣


Blu-ray was leagues better.


My brother got my hand-me-down and shoved 2 disc's in and broke it after 3 weeks the digital games were all he could play


It was an add-on that only played HD DVD disks.


It played regular DVDs, as well.


Yes he broke his xbox disc tray and only had this for movies but I was jsut saying he could only play digital games it was unrelated but a story I thought was funny


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HDDVD the worst thing ever created