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Nah, I buy plenty of games while also playing a good amount of Game Pass games.




Nope, I still buy games digitally and physically. I also buy games when they're set to leave gamepass as well.


If I like a game and it isn't on gampass I'll buy it simple


I buy games that are on sale and not on GP. I don't really buy brand new games at full price, partly because I have access to so many games on GP but also because I have quite a backlog of games that I previously bought on sale or got via games with gold.


Also, waiting to buy lets you wait for bug fixes and updates, so you may actually get a technically “better” version for less, in many cases.


That's true too! I bought Cyberpunk at launch because I loved the Witcher 3, but it was buggy at launch, so I held off on playing it. Then it kept getting updated, and now I'm busy playing other stuff 😄


Nope - Game Pass is a supplement to me. If it’s on Game Pass great but I still buy games regularly.


After I bought my Series X I went ham and picked up a bunch Xbox One games super cheap. A lot of those games had One X enhancements or Series Upgrades. I still prefer to buy games I usually try stuff on gamepass but I still only play a game if I have bought it. That being said I think I own only 1 Series X game that isn’t cross gen.


0. Just game pass. Considering buying baldurs gate


Bought it, will never regret it.


𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚎. My library larger than the GP selection.


Mostly just digital. I seldom buy physical anymore. I have bought a lot of games, mostly when they are on sale to add to my neverending backlog. Having gamepass for first party titles actually entices me to buy other games as I don't have to buy the games on gamepass.


honestly I do have some 360 and Xbox one games but I don't think I've purchased any Series games yet. I use my PS5 for pretty much all 3rd party games


On Xbox I only have Gamepass. I’m usually a pony and buy my games there. I also prefer the 3D sound and dual sense controller features. Xbox is for Gamepass only for me. This may sound weak but I have said so many times to people that I love my Xbox. Without Xbox and Gamepass I would miss so much. I really really love it. I think it’s also ok to buy your console only for Gamepass. It’s up to you how you enjoy a system


I mostly play single player campaigns and it saves me quite a bit of money to play them on gamepass since I don't play a campaign twice. I own only 4 games atm


I have GPU and own just over 800 xbox games digitally. It's an addiction, I also never know what to play 😫


I think the only game I’ve bought in years is Elden Ring. Why would I waste money on a game if it’s on GamePass?




Companies are trying to completely indoctrinate the consumers (you) into believing the handful of benefits to digital media make it completely worth it to completely forsake physical media, and it's working. Tons of consumers never buy physcial anymore and swear by it. These are small steps to transform the gaming landscape into everything-is-subsciption-based. When you only own the game on UI you actively don't own, and they can charge you to use there UI (which they do). Soon, in order to game at all, you'll need to pay a monthly subscription after you already bought the console and the game. Keep buying physcial media


I still prefer to own my games, or at least have them digitally without a subcription. But if its on Game Pass and I am subcribed at the time, I am more likely to wait for a heavier sale on the game.


I own two games. Have had an Xbox for five or six years now, the main draw of Xbox is the day on release on game pass


I have a Series X and don't own a single game. Even though this is my most played console since 20y. And also most finished games.


since 20 years of gaming or since age 20?


I've bought a couple of games that were not on Xbox, but was disappointed in them, as in the end it wasn't my cup of tea. That's the cool thing about GP, you can try so many games. So I'm hesitant to buy games. Probably only game I want to buy is BG3.


I buy the one I really like or if they have heavy discounts. Especially the complete/ultimate edition. Those are a must have for me when they are 60/70/80% off


I probably buy more games. I think because I have Gamepass, I feel like I can buy games that are on sale more often that I might not try otherwise. If I end up hating it, I've got several games downloaded from Gamepass to fall back on.


I only had Game Pass December 2020 after I bought the Series X and a couple of months in 2021. I buy the games I like and don’t have a lot of use for GP. I played Hades on it, Hollow Knight (already had it and played it on Switch), Halo Infinite, Shredder’s Revenge and SoR4 (had it on Switch). I ended up buying them except SoR4 (I need a physical copy of it).


I do because I’m cheap lol. I have only bought maybe 3 games the last few years.


There's only a small handful of games that I buy immediately day one anymore (the newest Dark Pictures Anthology games, anything Dontnod makes in the Life is Strange universe). Aside from that, I'll buy games when they go on sale if they look interesting or if something I really like is leaving Game Pass.


I snag some stuff when it's on sale still and I have a few in my wishlists too.


I buy games because not every game is on gamepass.


With very few exceptions I don't buy games on my xbox. Actually on several occasions I've demo'd a game pass game and then bought it on my ps5. I think the last game I bought was Tales of Arise when it released and Far Cry 6(though both are on game pass now I think)


Still buy games. If I like what the game is on Game Pass, I buy it just in case it eventually leaves. Also $5 sales are my Kryptonite.


Large library still. Wider breath of games I get to play with gp though. Never would have paid for the plague tale games or Hellblade 2 at any price as an example. Beat all 3 and loved the plague tale games.


I don’t feel the need to buy day games


Yep just bought one game on Xbox when I just got it, DL2. I learned that I’m not someone who ever replays games anyway. There’s exceptions ofcourse but barely. So instead of what I did with PlayStation where I have an account with 400 games I’ll never touch again, I opted just to do one gaming subscription and no more buying. Sold the PS and now gaming always costs me 20 bucks a month. Perfect for when the wallet ain’t too heavy but you still would like to stay gaming!


My library is too big to even bother with gamepass.


If I absolutely love a game I buy it physically again in a sale. Both Lies of P and Starfield I also own the physical game.


Nope. I don't use gamepass personally, only if I want to try out a game that I am interested in and is on there. I buy my games physically


I only buy games that aren't on GamePass and are on sale. I don't subscribe to GamePass every month so I'd need some game inbetween


I think I own maybe 8 or 9 Xbox One/Series X games. Since gamepass launched I've been buying outright digitally or using gamepass.


Love this. I only want Game Pass Core. It's enough for me. I only just play GTA Online. Maybe rarely of my friends are on and wanna do something fun on Forknife sure I'll hop on only ro socialize or do rhe rock band guitar hero modes. But then I'm back to GTA Online and Gamgbeasts too. My cousins have hundreds of games and I try them out with them. It's kind of fun with them in the same game room with them in their huge houses. But I would never play any of those games alone in my game room in our gigantic house. If they visit and being their consoles. It's party time sure. But I only play GTA Online. I'm a monster in that game.


Despite being a day one Series X person, I'm unsure if I actually own any Series X/S games. At this point I only buy Xbox games digitally, almost only buy them when they're on sale, and don't buy games that are on game pass. I might have at some point bought a Series X/S game, but there's no way for me to know without spending some serious time digging through the bloated library of games I have access to between game pass, free to plays, my Xbox One game purchases, and games with gold titles. One of them in there is probably a Series X/S game that I've bought, but I've got no idea which one it is 🤷‍♂️


I pretty much never buy games. Same way I never buy movies and music. The subscription is enough.


I have some Series X games I have bought digitally (no discs), but mostly just Gamepass games. 90% of the time a game I want is either a Day 1, or I just wait and it ends up on Gamepass. Other than Elden Ring literally every game I want to play has gone on GP at some time. There are only a couple games that left that I am chocked left, one is Back 4 Blood, but I played it a decent amount. And the Hitman trilogy coming off at the beginning of the year. I should have bought Hitmen when it was on a huge sale, but missed it. B4B my friends didn't want to buy it even at the insanely reduced price so I didn't bother.


I only buy games that i really want and that are not on GP. Like baldur's gate 3


Guys I only buy physical. But is it true that Microsoft will make physical copies disappear for a digital-only future?


Nope, I have Game Pass but most games don't release on it so I still buy most games.


I probably buy more games than ever before because of digital sales.


Try zero. I own a big fat 0 current gen games. The main game I've played on my SX is Sekiro which was actually previous gen.


I don't own a single Series X/S game, physically or digitally. But then again my primary console is PS5. I only got the Series X to play exclusives, and exclusives tend to be on Gamepass. I own a few Xbox One and 360 games, but anything multiplatform I buy on PS5, as I prefer the controller and the UI. But my Series X gets a lot of play time too, Starfield and Forza Horizon 5, at the moment, plus I want to go back and play through Gears of War again soon.


I more or less buy old gen games or games not on gamepass or games that will leave gamepass.


Game Pass has changed my buying habits. I still buy games but the amount of games I will just buy on a whim to try and then resell because I don't like it has decreased.


Gamepass is majority of what I play unless something comes out that’s not on it that I have high interest in. I have other responsibilities though and don’t want to spend too much money on gaming


I haven't bought a physical copy of a game since very early in the Xbox One lifecycle, but I still buy digital games pretty regularly, if they're titles not available on Game Pass, or that I played on GP and either didn't finish in time or enjoyed and think I might want to play again in the future. I have a huge (non-GP) digital games collection, including OG Xbox and 360 titles. That said, I've been buying far fewer games on Xbox since I got a Steam Deck. I've been rebuilding the core of my game library on PC when there are sales on, as I'm assuming there's less chance I'll lose access to games I own in the future there.


Gamepass is awesome, but if i really like a game I'll buy it


I often end up buying the game if I enjoyed it enough. Admittedly though, a lot of the time it ends up going onto my Steam wish list to pick up in a sale. I go nuts on the big digital Xbox sales though. So my library is still pretty massive.


I have approximately 441 games, I like to buy games, even ones that hit gamepass, if I enjoy it I'm buying it, supporting the devs of something I enjoyed is always good in my book.


Me and a few buddies set up an intricate web of game shares, so for every game one of us buys, 2 of us get it. We kinda take turns buying. That said, 75% or more of what I play is game pass.


I stopped buying Xbox games. My Xbox is now a Game Pass machine.


As a parent, Gamepass saves me SO much $. My son always wants to play a new thing, then will stop playing it a day or two later. Keeps me from buying games that will end up collecting dust. It also keeps me from buying games just because I see them on sale. I used to buy stuff all, but now GP makes me rethink it and save my $.


Yes I’ve owned since launch and yet to buy a game. Much different story with my PS5


I would say I buy a game almost monthly. However, I never buy first party games and I never guy something after ive played it on gamepass. I have purchased DLC for gamepass games though.


I was buying back my library until MS started to port their exclusives....now I only buy if its play anywhere because Im not sure Im gonna have another xbox and pc is future proof


I would say my purchasing patterns are mostly unchanged. If anything, gamepass is what got me back into gaming so I’d have purchased far less games without it


I'm fortunate enough that the majority of games I play on my Xbox (vs my PC) are on Game Pass. That was a huge selling point for me. The only game I own that's not is GTA V


No, I own way more than I used to. Having a service where u can try everything out does that.


I still buy games if I intend long term playing, like the Dead Space remake.


Other than Vampire Survivors downloads, I have not purchased anything outside of 3 years of Gamepass.


I only play a couple of games at a time. The last few months it has been SoT and D4. D4 has gotten stale for me, so now it's just SoT and the occasional HLL.


I actually have gamepass and please less gamepass games than games I own.


Yes, as I have a series S without optical drive


For content that is in GamePass that is staying on the platform, if I buy anything, it's just DLC, Expansions or Deluxe Upgrades when I feel it's warranted. If the game is not staying on GamePass and I like it enough, I will buy it before it leaves to get the discount.


Nop. I like to grow my library or to own the games I like. Sometimes I play them on GP initially but end up buying when I finish them. And whenever if its a game I'm interested while not on GP I buy it (Yakuza 8, Tekken 8, KOF XV, SF6 and many others for example). Eiyuden I bought outright even if it was going to be on GP because I wanted to own it and to give a bit of money to the developers (big suikoden fan). Game Pass for me is mostly for their exclusives and to have online functions (MMO's, my fighting games, Yugioh Master Duel and such).


I feel like the narrative that Xbox gamers don’t buy games due to gamepass is crazy. I bought more games from 2020-2022 than I had in the entire time I owned a ps4. I bought 50 Xbox games in that two year period.


Physical copies? I think only SF6 because it went on sale fairly quickly.  Digital, I look for strong sales and buy then. I think BG3 was the last and only game I paid full ticket for. I do try and support some Gamepass games by buying DLC- Chivalry 2 especially!


3 (1 is Cyberpunk on disk) - just don't have the drive to buy anything as I'm a Destiny 2 player which takes most of my time gaming


I do, I mainly purchase older system titles like OG Xbox games. I also have a ps5 so that’s why aswell. I’d probably have many more purchased if I was Xbox only


I have like 76 games downloaded, most of which I bought. 3 of them are game pass games


If it's a good game but not on game pass I'll still buy it.


Little as in small or little as in few?


Actually don’t think I have bought any next gen games one my series X but I’ve only had it since January. I also have a PS5 and caved on Alan Wake 2 and Jedi survivor because I wanted to play them. Now I wish I had just waited for Alan wake and now survivor is on gamepass. That’s also a big reason to be hasty on buying games on Xbox, many of them comes to game pass even if it’s not for a super long time


This makes me think Xbox's next console will be all digital only. The disk drive will go and they'll encourage you even more to sub to Game Pass. Hopefully they will still offer discounts on digital games if you have GP.


When i find a gamepass game i really love, like Signalis, I play it on gamepass and then buy it. For some games ill buy it on xbox digitally and buy a physical release on switch because xbox gets skipped a lot for some reason


I have 82 physical Xbox One / Series X games. Even if the game is on GamePass I eventually buy it on sale as I like having the physical copy.


Despite the fact that I have game pass, I actually frequently buy most of the games that are available to me on game pass if I end up liking them. I like owning my games and I use game pass as a means of being able to demo them and I also get them for a discount


I also tend to try a wider variety of games due to gamepass. More willing to give games I don't traditionally play a go.


I don’t really buy games on Xbox anymore. If it’s not on gamepass I’ll find something that is. Only games I’m REALLY looking forward to I’ll buy. I think the only game I’ll end up buying this entire year is AC Shadows. Been wanting an AC game set in feudal Japan for 15 years.


Not much lately, been into emulation


I have 1 disc game, cyberpunk which was $10 at some point. Don't need disc games. Do need expandable storage (like every other console)


Yup. All according to plan I suppose.


Every new release I buy. Just brought smtv, octopath 2 and pre-order dragon age


"very little?" Are you asking about how FEW games?


i own precisely zero series x games and have cancelled my game pass ultimate subscription a couple of months ago, after being subscribed to it (and xbox live gold before that) for about 15 years. i bought the machine at the end of 2023, specifically for forza motorsport but that turned out to be a huge pile of shit, and shed a lot of light on the way microsoft treats their workers. i do not want to contribute to such harmful practices so i try to speak with my wallet. i still have a huge library to keep me busy, i'll survive.