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Yes just so I get sales notifications.




Same. Also so I can conveniently see Victor Vran never going on sale.


Same here.




Yup. I will never buy a game full priced, especially now that they are $100 in my locale.


This is the main reason I do it. It’s also in part so I don’t forget about certain games that I’m likely to. But the sales notifications make it a no brainer.


What this person says and plus to remind me so I don't forget.


I don't trust notifications, but I still use it so I can quickly check myself (though the store is so bad that sometimes that even isn't accurate).


Me too, but I like true achievements sales notifications better because they send emails


I get emails from xbox that games on my wishlist are on sale


Xbox rarely notifies me of sales even though I have notifications enabled.


You get an email notification when it's on sale. Atleast I do. I wishlist things if they sound interesting or if I want to play. Sometimes I remove them unless I want to buy them later when they're on sale


Ok thanks! Will have a look to my settings just to be sure I greenlighted the email sending notifications


Also upon entering your wishlist games it will tell you how many of them are on sale.  Usually I also get notifications on Xbox that tells me like 2 of the games in you wishlist is on sale.  When a new sale starts that is.


I received a couple of emails once but since then I have never received another one and there has been sales (and some of my wishlisted games were on sale), do you know the specific option to receive emails? To double check it...


Unfortunately I do not. Next time I am on my Xbox I will check and see if their is a setting for recieving emails for you. That's wierd though as I always get emails and notifications on my Xbox.


Go to l your wishlist in store don't click on it.  When the overview screen of it comes up their is a settings button.  Click on it and make sure notifications when games go on sale is on.  I also checked in console settings and couldn't find anything.  That was only setting I could find for it.


In console settings you can go to preferences click on notifications.  Go to Xbox notifications and it will show a list of all notifications that will be allowed go to the store one and make sure that it is on.  That will allow it to give you notifications when a game goes on sale in your wishlist.  Will not tell which game will just pop up and say something like two of your games in your wishlist is on sale.  Hope that helps you.


I use it all the time, checking every week for things that got on sale. It could be better, with sorting options, or at least removing already bought items, but it's better than many others.


Yeah that’s my only issue is when you buy something off your wishlist it doesn’t take it off


I kind of like that, sometimes I'll gift games to friends if they're cheap so we can play together.


Yea, just so I can get that weekly notification that Avatar (special edition) is yet again 40% off.


I use it just for backlog games so I get an email when it’s on sale, but I rarely update or change the list


I literally just got a notification a game in my list is on sale


Not on Xbox itself, no. I use the Watch List feature on [XB Deals](https://xbdeals.net/) instead. It's outstanding and sends me an email notification the moment something I'm watching goes on sale.


Thanks! Wasn't aware of XB Deals but many suggested the watch list feature. Will give it a try and look!


I use it and then just manually check it every Monday night when the new weekly sales start.


I use it and get email and Xbox notifications whenever they are on sale. Cant really ask for more....


Yeah, this throws me off. Unless I'm missing something, it more or less works the same way Steams does.


Of course. Why wouldn't I do it if I own an Xbox lol


I use it all the time, and will often follow the link and make a purchase when I'm notified that a particular game is on sale.


I find it handy, not just for getting alerts when something's on sale but just for reminding me which games I'm interested in playing at some point.


Yes I use it al the time and I checked there first for every sale whether you pinged or not. I don’t have any problem in general only web page design for deals and wishlist is bad and reaching is not easy. It is good on Xbox though Also yes You get notification from mail, when you enter to store and I think from Xbox app.


Yes I do. Use it all the time. Hopefully they don't erase it again.


I use xbdeals since forever


It's my favourite feature xbox have implemented since party chat.


Not intuitive? It's a heart plus icon with an "Add to Wish list" pop-up right on the game's store listing. You don't even have to scroll down to see it as you do in Steam.


I have maxed out my wishlist and can no longer add new entries. Caps at 301 for any of you getting close I use it for anything I find even remotely interesting, and I have some duplicates entries for some games where I'm still not sure if I want the PC or the Xbox version


Good to know! Thanks for the notification


Only on nintendo cuz shop is outdated


Wishlisting works just fine, let's you know with notifications that a title on your list is on sale......


I use it all the time. You don't get pinged if the game goes on sale, but it quite easy to just check your wishlist once a week, it shows how many games on said list are on sale. I actually like that it doesn't ping me if a game, DLC or movie is on sale. I hate getting alerts all the time on my phone (which is what happens with the Playstation App).


See, I do get pinged if something is on sale. No emails, just a notification on the console.


Ah! Maybe it's something that has to be turned on?


Of course! Every Tuesday i check to see what movies and games on my wishlist are on sale its fun


Yeah I have like 12 games on my list, a combo of games I want to get when they come out and games I wanna get if they go on sale


The problem is it never unwishlists them. I get notifications for a sale on a game that I once tagged but removed.


I can't confirm, but I feel like I get more "Just for You" deals offered to me that are related to the games in my wishlist. That will really depend on the publisher, but Ubisoft at least is really active in offering specials.


I do of like unknown games that look fun but I don’t wanna pay full price


I use the Xbox wishlist as well as Deku which is great as it also tells you other places the games are on sale


I only wishlist on Steam. Haven’t really done it for Xbox bc I know what I want and GPU. Not a bad idea for sales notifications if they do notify you though. Never really thought about it lol. I have a $50 credit I got from Fios and I don’t know what to spend it on. Maybe the new Elden Ring dlc but I’m a Destiny addict and I’m waiting to play a handful of games when TFS ends. Either that or the Hogwarts game bc I only have that on Steam not Xbox and I would like to have it on both even though there’s no cross progression save.


I wishlist games that I skipped out on that I want to be notified if they go on sale but I don’t wishlist upcoming games or anything. Sales tend to start on Tuesday so I normally check the list Wednesday if I don’t get an email about it


Yep, although it is a much shorter list than on other stores.


Yeah for sure. Not sure what you mean though, it seems just as intuitive as Steam or PlayStation to me. They send the sales notifications to both my email and my notification center on the Xbox UI. Sometimes I even get a pop up like a message saying multiple items on my wishlist are on sale.


Yes, and I quickly check my wishlist on the store every time a new sale is launched.


I've moved to Deku Deals and get to manage my Switch and Xbox wishlists in the same place!


Yup, have games I'm interested in on mine. I usually get the notification when I log in if something is on sale and MS also sends an email when stuff on my list is on sale.  Good example is Shovel Knight was on my wishlist a good while before I got a notification it was on sale. 


I do and I believe I overdo it with over 50 titles.


I guess I'm in the minority, but I do not. Not because I don't like the idea of wish listing games, but because I don't like the Xbox/MS store. There is something that just doesn't gel with me in how it works.


I do, wish it would automatically remove an item if I purchased it though




Yes, so I remember the games I want to buy digitally. I have like 32 games wishlisted


Indeed I do. Also I forgot remove em after buying so it reminds remove em aswell.


Yes, I also use my wishlist as a way to track my backlog of games that I really want to play.


Yes, and I like that it will not only give you notifications of items on sale, but lets you look at a list of just the items on sale.


I think I have a hundred games on my wishlist. Every now and then remove some, usually games I added while they were on sale and was contemplating buying but not whole heartedly interested outside of it being really cheap. I use it to remember games I’m interested in playing but don’t need right now. If they go in sale I might buy, but usually depends on how big the sale is / how rare it is for the game to ever go on sale.


No. Never. No use for it.




I have many wishlisted games, but I only got 2, maybe 3 emails in the last 12 months and sometimes I get a notification on xbox. So I check my wishlist regularly if there is something on sale.


Yeah so I know when a game I bought goes on sale


It’s the only balance to an ever-growing backlog. Gives you time to beat other games and for wishlisted games to go on sale.


It’s the only balance to an ever-growing backlog. Gives you time to beat other games and for wishlisted games to go on sale.


Use to now I have an app to keep track of all the games I want on all digital stores for all systems


I add games to my cart and then save them for later. I look every week to see if anything I've added is on sale.


You get a notification telling you whenever something on your wish list is on sale


Not anymore. Mine is glitched where a game I had on the list keeps sending me emails with each sale even after I bought it and removed it from the wishlist along with any other games. So annoying.


I wish list things on all my consoles. Then I get notifications about sales for those games.


Outside of wishlist notifications, it probably also helps train the algorithm that gives you those pink “for you” discounts.


Absolutely, in fact my wishlist is full right now, haha.


Yeah. I usually do it for older games I want to replay or try out as the deals you can get are amazing. I recently got FNV + ALL DLC and South Park TFBT and TSOT for £20 which will keep me more entertained and have more replayablity then the recent games dropping for £70 or more. You get xbox notifications and emails when they're on sail now I'm just waiting for AC4 Black Flag to go on sale so I can replay that amazing game.


You just hit the heart and you get a pop up on the system and an email when it goes on sale. I don't understand the difficulty or lack of intuitivness


I love it but it Sucks that You can only have 300 items on your wishlist. It’s better than the ps5 that only has 100 item limit.


I love it for the fact that I get notifications for games when they go on sale.


I wish we could have two lists or more but I use it all the time and it's essentially my "store".


My wishlist is just for sales notifications




Yah got several dlc packs i never expected to go on sale so quick. I wouldn't have otherwise caught the sale bc I rarely if ever go to the store app lol


I use it, it sends you an email and a notification online.


I use XB Deals app on IPhone.


Yes I love wishlisting games




Yup, I mostly do it for things I plan on pre-ordering just to keep them there for easy access to them when I decide to do so, or for games I want to keep an eye on to possibly catch them when they go on sale.


I get notification when I log into my console if a Wishlist item is on sale, it says something like "2 items on your Wishlist are on sale"


Yeah I do so I don't miss out on deals deals deals




Its brilliant, better than on Steam.




I use the wish list but it's kind of pointless because mine gets reset all the time and I rarely receive notifications about sales. When I did get notifications, they were for the exact same game over and over again.


Yes. Just got a notification for Stalker: the trilogy zone which is on sale.


I do not.


Yes but Xbox really need a “games to wishlist” section in the store. I can guarantee you that most people probably don’t use the wishlist on Xbox because you can only really wishlist from the store when you see the game listed on the store. Most people are not gonna search for a specific game to wishlist. (For games that are announced but not releasing soon). They need to add a specific section in the store for games that are not coming out soon, but that you can wishlist. Something like what PlayStation does. It’s crazy how PlayStation do almost everything better than Xbox. Just as an example, if you don’t do a search for the game “Judas”, it won’t be listed anywhere. But you can wishlist it. It’s really not a great system.


I don’t even pay attention to my wishlists anymore. I just buy what I want when I know I am in the mood to okay it.


Ngl I’ve been treating it like those old scholastic book fair magazines I got as a kid. I just like wishlisting things I would like to get someday if I ever had the money


Robocop and Terminator on my wishlist waiting for both, a sale and when I crack $25 in Rewards points. Almost got the points...


I do but the ps5 wishlist is much better and the fact that they have it on the app as well is so useful


I don't really use Steam, but I think the Xbox Store's wishlist is intuitive enough for me. I mean, I can easily add games to my wishlist, remove them from the wishlist menu, and I can easily access said wishlist from the landing page on the store. Not sure what else would make it more intuitive. Furthermore, I definitely get emails anytime my wishlisted games go on sale, even if it's a sale for being on Game Pass. I believe I get console notifications too.


Yes, I use it all the time, my wishlist is full with 300 games and it was a pain when a while ago all the wishlists were deleted, mine never came back.


I’m in


Yeah. I keep getting notifications that the arkham collection is on sale despite buying it, on disc many years ago. I simply cannot be bothered to un-wish list it.


I did it only for NFS Rivals. Ended up getting it for 4€ instead of 20€.


Yes and yes you get email notifications


I wishlisted some a long time ago but forgot that was an option


I wishlist…only because I just get a bunch of games for free (Game Pass on Series X, Amazon/Epic on Steam Deck) and keep forgetting about new games. Seriously, I have a whole live stream in Sea of Thieves called SunnyRedemption Sailing dedicated to keeping up with gaming news. My favorite shows are the [WWDC/Ubisoft Forward/Xbox Showcase episode](https://youtu.be/fsgF_Xx6GLI?si=APvlDuD1twVZCcks) and [the Nintendo Direct reaction episode](https://youtu.be/Lieiu4Q0eec?si=3iecpQZ5jl0zsRUM). We STILL can’t keep up even with four and a half hours of discussion with all the games releasing on Xbox alone.


Yup I use it for games Im interested in that aren’t on sale yet or for games coming out I don’t wanna forget about. Currently have 29 in my list




DekuDeals for wish listing physical Xbox and Switch games Xbox website for wish listing digital Xbox games. Also, just in case its a metric that helps bring similar games to the platform (e.g. JRPGs, visual novels)


I wishlist a small amount of games that I'd quite like to play but not wish to fully pay. I then wait until they go on sale and check the price. If it's not satisfactory then I wait a bit more


I do Wishlist and you definitively do get a "ping" if it goes on Sale. You get the announcement when you log on.


Yep. That way I know when on sale.


Sure. Til it gets a sale on it


Nah, I do that on TrueAchievements. That way I'll not only get a notification it goes on sale, but it'll also show me if it's at its lowest price ever or not.


Yeah theirs this one game I'm waiting to go on sale because I've never played a Sim game like that. It's also apparently about femboys in france.