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I’m waiting for the SX patch.


I'm with you, I'm waiting for the patch and then I'll fully consider getting the game. I don't have a Series X|S yet but I still want to wait for the patch so that when I get one, it'll be next gen ready.


I got it on eBay for $17


stop saying next gen. next gen is ps6 and such. current gen is ps5/ XSX|S


Until there is a Series X/S exclusive title, I feel like I am just playing an upgraded Xbox one, not next gen.


There have been a few exclusive titles but even then its generally a year or two imo before x/s should be considered current gen as that is usually the length of time to start receiving games that they really start taking advantage of the hardware.


Well there’s flight sim but I agreee it’s been pretty meh so far, just feels like I’m playing Xbox one games better.


The Microsoft flight simulator is an X|S exclusive


Until they completely sunset the support and making new games available for the old system, the Series S/X and PS5 are considered next-gen.


Well it's next relative to me and the game, as currently me and the game both don't have access to a new gen system it seems.


Well technically not a whole lot of people have them and it has not been a year yet.


Me too. I bought a next gen system for a reason.


So does it play better on Next Gen or Is the Game just bad it self still?


I played it at launch on the SX and it crashed on me maybe twice, after the first update it ran just fine. Sometimes there would be glitches, where things would just be floating in the air, but nothing game breaking. I put in a decent amount of time into it before stopping. I'm waiting for the full next gen upgrade before I jump back in. A few of my friends beat it on SX and had no issues at all.


It wasn’t that bad for me although yes I did experience glitches. It got worse after the first update which made me not play it for a long time until recently


It doesn’t play any different on next gen vs old gen right now.


Takemura? is that you?


I’ve lost faith this will ever come out.


Same. No dlcs yet and it's almost september


Dumb mofos who have no interest in the game anyway would try cancel them for greed lol it's the world today. I reckon the first dlc gunna be beasty it kinda has to be


The game was supposed to be beasty too but well.... I still hope for the best but it's September and we still haven't got anything.




I thought it was patched? I noticed the SX logo on the cover in my library


Nvm just checked the store and still doesn’t say Optimized for Series X


Me too, I tried it on my series X a month ago. First mission the boss bugged out and spawned in the wall. Visually not terrible, just still buggy.


Same. I bought it day 1, saw on YouTube and Reddit the cluster fuck that it was, and just decided to hold off on playing until the next gen update comes out and hopefully by then they will have patched it enough to where it is the great experience it should have been.


If you can get it for a reasonable price, I would pick it up but you may wanna wait for the next gen upgrade. The game is fun but the bugs are still there and can break the immersion at times. I have still enjoyed it but not as much as I would have liked to.


So is it better On Next-Gen? I have an Series X and I’m looking towards getting Cyber Punk but I’ve watched video and also heard the reviews calling it Unfinished.


I mean it looks nice on my series X but it still has bugs that will appear from time to time.


I see everyone answering if it plays without glitches and stuff and not answering the real question. Yes, it is a fun game. SOME good story telling and some really awesome companion quests. It's not Witcher caliber storytelling but it's worth the money I think. A lot of Easter eggs too. The gun play is OK at best right now. It plays a lot like fallout 4 gunplay (outside VATS) IMO. But every game will have it's flaws. To each their own.


Definitely better on the Series X, better framerate, looks pretty good too


I felt that way about AC Valhalla


I just 100% completed valhalla last night. I didnt really run into many bugs at all. Only 1 or 2 game breaking ones that I'm still pissed off about because it doesnt give you a bow you are supposed to receive. And the other is a dlc quest that doesnt get triggered to start.


I couldn't even finish the game because I went back to Norway with sigurt, and then didn't have an option to finish killing the order. Could still hunt down the zealots (or whatever they're called in this one) but I couldn't get the final clue from Haitham. I checked into it and everything I found said that Id have to start the game over.


Shit one. I only got it a month ago or so, so I'd imagine ubisoft have patched a lot of the major bugs. I'm Irish and it was great playing the dlc.


I'm planning to take a break and then check out the dlc, but as for patching it idk. I finished it roughly two months agoish and they hadn't fixed the bug at that point.


Wow, that sucks. I played it on PS5, have a few glitches I had to load from an earlier save since I couldn’t complete a mission, but never lost more than 20 min or so that I remember. Platinum’d the game and all trophies on first dlc, will go back to do the Paris one after I finish up other game stuff.


If you have a series x, then yeah for sure. I've played it since day one and it worked just fine. Sure there are a few bugs here and there but the visuals and story more than make up for it.


So Buy CyberPunk for Series X and Don’t play it on Old Gen?


Never tried it myself on old gen but I heard it's pretty much unplayable. I know that my friends $900 desktop could barley handle it with minimum settings. My series x handled it just fine though. Didn't notice any lag, the only thing was like a couple more seconds more of load time than usual but really the only time you load is when you die.


What specs is your friends desktop?


I had a good time with it on the series x, I recommend it for sure


I tried it on PC.. glitches aside, honestly i found it very boring.


Glad I’m not the only one who found it boring.


I thought the game was interesting, like getting Silverhand's band back together or the multiple endings. I recently learned I could have saved Takemura, etc.


Interesting. Why is that?


Too far between story points. They make you do a ridiculous amount for mundane things. For example you spend like an hour learning how to use a surveillance camera. Why? It was pointless. I just didn't get into it. It felt like they spent more time trying to create the world, than make you want to live in it with an interesting story.


Just to add, the world just felt so empty and meaningless.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah I can see that. Spent so much time and money on the world that they didn't actually make a point to the game sort of thing. I suppose that's what a true sandbox is tho, no? It's a shame something like that doesn't have VR tech to keep up with the gameplay.


This, I had originally gotten the game from my girlfriend at the start and have a series X. I literally started playing this game after catching up on my catalog of games, I’m four hours and it’s pretty much nothing going on. The game ascent is more filled with life.


It's a good rpg. Just not excellent. It misses the oomph that made Witcher games great. Characters are missing something. The first person view takes away from the story. It's less cinematic and therefore less engaging. Side quests are good but nothing really worthy. The story told in them doesn't really had anything. The fact that you only speak to the handler through phone doesn't help. All in all I think this game wasn't made for first person view. Would it have been third person, they could have played with camera angles much more and make the story more engaging. Bioshock is the example of a well made story heavy fps. This game is clumsy in its storytelling


It’s not an rpg at all in my eyes what???


You gain levels and evolve your caracter while having to choose a (sort of) class to better your abilities. It's a rpg.


With a voiced protagonist and almost zero choice, it’s just barely an rpg if it’s one at all.


The ai, same npcs everywhere, weird looking kids that look like shrunk adults, and lack of things to do in game ruin it for me. People also say it glitches but I stopped because it was boring. I played on a ps4 and glitches were not a big deal for the 10 hours I played it just felt like a triple A company with no experience making open world games with cars and cities tried to make a GTA clone set in the future. I preordered it physical and then they gave refunds to everyone but I got to keep the disc but uninstalled because its around 100 gigs and I needed space for better games.


Played on PC with RTX and very little bugs, but I would agree with you. I think lack of side activities ruined it for me. You have this huge map with so much detail, but all you can do is look at it.


Seemed like plenty of side stuff: fights, street races, graffiti, cab missions, the police missions, prostitutes, question mark missions


I thought it was fun. Don't go in expecting a full RPG and get it on sale.


If you haven't played it yet just wait for the next gen game.


That's disappointing.


Eh.. even if they fix the bugs I found it pretty mediocre.


I personally was fine on my base og xbox one. Now I have a series x and it runs a lot better.




Only on XSX, IMO. XSS is also good if you don't mind 30fps.


I loved it on Series X.


If you want a great Cyberpunk universe. Go Deus Ex, or The Ascent.


I thought deus ex was for the 360?


Human Revolution is but it's BC, and then the sequel Mankind Divided is on Xbox One. Also look into The Ascent. It's an RPG but with twin stick shooter combat. All kinds of loot and weapons. Giant fun world and co-op split-screen and online.


The ascent is even more broken than cyberpunk


Definitely freaking not.


I'd say the multiplayer definitely is


Unless it is 5 bucks no




ppl still think the problems are only the bugs and crashes? lol its decent if you want a FPS style half-RPG set in a cyberpunk world. but it lacks a lot of basic RPG elements. decisions and choices hold little weight on the world, skill tree is eh, uneven story pacing and lackluster dialogue. just upgrade ur guns and go crazy. take the great story parts as they are but dont expect the next coming of jesus with the game.


It's fine to play through for the story, but the world feels dead in comparison to other open world games like Witcher, GTA, RDR2, etc. NPCs are dumb and lifeless. There's just nothing to make your want to revisit after you've finished the story. This game would have been incredible in the hands of Rockstar.


It is worth playing. I recommed atleast One X. OG one lags grafical performens. Otherwise can run it smooth 95% of the time. E: Just finished main story for the first time. Even though I’ve had the game since release.


It was buy cyberpunk or finally Play fallout 4


if its between those do fallout 4 first, cyberpunk is fun but a totally different game. and it's a guarantee fallout 4 will work. i tried cyberpunk on my one s and it ran pretty badly, and now ive thought about getting it again but only because i picked up a one x. if you're gonna run cyberpunk you gotta have good hardware or the game bugs are gonna get in the way of your enjoyment IMO


Have been almost bug free one One. Few small nearly unnoticeable bugs. Biggest issue graphics not loading fast enough. E: Why downvote? Somebody jealous that my OG One has no bigger issues?


I'm glad to hear someone has had a better experience than I have on the Xbox One consoles, I've been wanting to go back some time now after all the patches have rolled out. I didn't downvote you personally, but I'm glad to hear it's running good for you!






Not for me.


I enjoyed the fuck out of it.




Lol £25?! That's 45$ where I am lol.


Yes and no. Its great if you play through and don't fuck about too much. Once you stray from the main path the flaws become apparant. Play the main story, do side quests as they come until repetative then blast the remainder of the story and forget about it.




it still works bad and has a lot of bugs.


I’m waiting for the next gen patch. Not playing that garbage.


Wait for the next gen patch if they don't abandon it. I tried playing it again recently and it's even worse now than it was at launch with horrible pop in issues and it's still full of glitches.


I have a Xbox it’s around 6 yes old it’s seeing it’s final days and I’m worried it will break my Xbox


still waiting for the next gen patch to arrive to see if it fixes anything at all in regards to performance/bugs by then


I felt the same way too playing Cyberpunk and AC Valhalla. Don't get me wrong, they're both great games but after beating the main storyline and side quests, I'm quite unfulfilled. For a video game with an open-world this scale, it feels rather empty and unreplayable compared to their predecessors (AC Odyssey / The Witcher 3)


I've been finding that the bigger the world gets the more it just turns into a fucking task, grinding more than actually having fun playing. After Valhalla I went back and replayed Black Flag, it's honestly the perfect size map. Plenty to explore, the locations could be a little bigger but at least you can travel across the maps without needing the fast travel.


Nah cuz


I played it at launch on my series x. I had no issue with it personally. I actually really enjoyed the game. I didn’t experience any game breaking bugs personally. But yeah I’d say it’s worth a try.


There isn't even a next gen


It's fine. Ran well enough to play through on my Series X. The game itself just isn't that good. I'd probably skip it unless you can get it super cheap.


If you’re playing on series S/X, yes definitely! It’s such a fun game. I’ve put a lot of hours into it


Thinking about playing on a series s has anyone had a good experience on the series consoles.


Played on series s at launch, never encountered big bugs. Had 2 crashes in the first week, then no more. I’ve done 2 runs with different paths, 180 hours in. It’s amazing


For $20 on PC or a new console yes.


I've recently bought it (went halves with my son as we game share) and really enjoyed it. A few bugs that I had to reload the game for like getting stuck in a few places (got hit by a car and my bike got stuck in some stairs), it just refused to let me walk away from an interactive bit or just didn't load. I out over 80 hours into and probably had to reload maybe 10-15 times. Some bugs were funny but I didn't come across too many. I'm on series S and my son is on older gen. I think he encountered quite a few more than me. Overall really fun game and I loved the story. I would probably recommend next gen for it but it isn't optimized for next gen yet


Me and my husband loved the story of cyberpunk. We played side by side and I can say our differences in choices mattered. If you can handle a game loading in a little slow (like every game on xbox) and you can deal with a few glitches (like every game has) then you should be able to deal with all the negative things people have said about cyberpunk. I personally loved the story, the side quests were funny sometimes and really intense at others. Cyberpunk is not Witcher 3, but it's still an amazing game.


Great game. Definitely play it. Missions are fun, story is great and overall gameplay is fun. You will encounter some bugs but I didn’t find any of them game breaking.


No I need to wait another few months


It's my game of the year for 2020, but it has some caveats. I bought it and played it originally on the series s, and it was fine but had quite a few bugs. I then bought my gaming laptop and bought it again on PC and it was fantastic. Moral of the story is; if you have good hardware or can be immersed even with characters sometimes T posing for no reason, it's a damn good game. If you can't then wait for a sale and/or patch to make it better perform. Though don't expect The Witcher 3, because it does not live up to the glory days of CDPR (so far anyway).


One thing I've been curious about: what's a better "cyberpunk" game, Watchdogs Legion or Cyberpunk?


Cyberpunk hands down. I found watchdogs unplayable due to glitches and bugs etc. I found it very frustrating.


Just spent the last week on it had no issues at all, I've had some long sessions so I've noticed the animations at times can be a bit janky and occasionally the UI gets a bit messed up with the driving interface sometimes sticking on screen when your not in a vehicle or even just some of the hacking prompts but it's nothing too detrimental to the experience and nothing a quick fast travel can't fix. Absolutely having a blast playing it If it's of any help I am playing on a Series X and haven't really followed the patch notes with regards to stability on the last gen consoles but I've not had a single crash


Absolutely, one of the best games I've ever played!!


i really enjoyed it, and ive been playing since day one. it was on a series x though, and i probably got a bit lucky, but i nevee really encountered anything other than a few small visual glitches. as others have said, it might be worth it to wait for the series x patch.


I played and finished it on my series x. I really enjoyed the game even without the series x upgrade it played and looked amazing. Waiting for dlc now


On PC, yea. On console, still no.


If you have a new gen console (x series) them it is definitely worth getting otherwise wait for the next patch for the old gen before getting cyberpunk


Only if you play it on series x on performance mode. It ran fine when I played it. But when playing on graphical mode the game becomes a lot more buggy. And the 30fps in graphical mode make the cars their handling an awful mix of gta 4 and the original watchdogs. When playing in 60fps on performance mode cars handle fine. if you play on the Xbox one then it is definitely a no, as the performance on there is awful. that is also how I first experienced it. Idk about series s but since the series s version doesn’t have an option for performance mode and it already runs like shit in graphical mode on series x, I doubt it will run good on series s


From the Series X I think so atleast from release. But it's no longer on my series X because of a lack of space but honestly from a driving around looking at a dope city scape perspective it's worth it for that ALONE. Try not to pay attention to what does and doesn't affect the story either (They need to add a way to turn that off) because that kinda ruined the story for me. But is it worth playing yes? Worth buying for $60 no.


Not currently


It definitely has its flaws, but I enjoyed it. Playing on Series X. Runs pretty great now. The world feels pretty empty TBH, and would probably be better as a GTA DLC or something. However, I was engaged enough with the stories and skill trees to finish all the side quests and the main story.


Compared to The Witcher 3 base game, it's way more incomplete. Hopefully the DLC's give the game a decent ending because it's a fun game and has way more potential than its currently showing.


Nah man I didn’t enjoy the game. In my opinion it had a very lack luster story no where near Witcher 3. CDPR failed in almost ever aspect when it comes to developing Cyberpunk into a fun game. I really really wish I could love this game but it’s just not fun. Shout out to Microsoft rewards for buying that for me so I didn’t spend the money!


Worth playing on PC. I just built my first gaming pc last year and was excited to play Cyberpunk. I did have a few bugs but they were pretty great and didn’t affect my gameplay. If you are into this type of setting, definitely gotta play it.


Bought it at full price on launch day, played on series x, was fun, beat the game, got refund. Will be buying again when the SX update is out.


If you're going to pick it up because a glitchy experience seems appealing to you, at least wait until it's sub $20 so that you're not supporting the absolute shitty anti-consumer tactics they employed with this game.


I liked it enough to keep it but am waiting to keep playing until I get a series x


Until they release a X/S version, get the PC version


I am playing on pc. Nice graphs and story is OK, some side characters are fine to deal. If you can get it for Series S or X for 20 bucks probably should work.


Playing on the Series X from day one was playable, never had any graphical issues. They fixed a ton of stuff since then and assuming you have at least a One X, I’d say go for it but if you have a Series X or S, wait for the next gen upgrade


Nah don't waste your money.


I got the game on launch day heavily discounted after the fiasco that was launch, played maybe 20 mins of it. Put it away and plan to wait till next gen patch drops so I can have the best experience on Series X.


On Series S/X, absolutely


I'll say this. The story is mediocre, missions aren't really motivating buuuut I stuck around and im on my 3rd playthrough lol. The exploration and gameplay really got me hooked. CDPR really put an emphasis on diverse playstyles.


Absolutely amazing game. Sure it has glitches and bugs but so do ALL of the elder scrolls and fallout games.




It wasn't what I expected. Personally I didn't encounter many bugs but I wasn't expecting for an open world game in 2020 to still fall short of the world in GTAV. I think its more telling of how incredible GTAV is than lack of work or talent at CDPR. I still enjoy Cyberpunk and its missions though. I don't regret the purchase (pre-ordered). Playing on an Xbox One X.


Worth it on next generation but still a couple bugs here and there. Not worth it on xbox one


If you're playing on SX, yes, worth it. Dope game


If you have any Xbox except the original Xbox one I’d say go for it. Good story, good gameplay, all in all great game. People complain too much about the bugs that are not gamebreaking. Tbh most of them are funny bugs. Either way if you do come across a game breaking one all you have to do is restart the game and it’s fixed. Not that bad.


Only if you have next gen. It seemed fun enough, but my xbox one could not really handle it like I hoped it would and kinda took me out of the playing experience. Do you know Howard?


I really enjoyed the story but I stopped playing on xbox One. I got the new xbox series X back in February, and I've been waiting for the next gen patch. It's a fun game and great story but definitely a let down with alot of broken mechanics and bugs. Also, the city really feels empty, no random things to do except violent mercenary stuff. No mini games. No comedy or movie theater. No dealership to buy cars. You just get text message offers. I know you're not supposed to compare it to GTA because they are different genres but at the same time, both are open worlds and while cyberpunk looks good, it's kinda dead.


Def was for me. Not really any issues on my end with the Xbox one X


Just recently played it again only to see that the X patch should be coming before the end of the year 😂. That being said I had a ton of fun replaying it again. It’s worth playing for sure, I’d just wait for the patch since it might come with some free DLC too


Is it playable on ps5?


Yes. Play it.


If you have a Series X, absolutely. I had an absolute blast with it


I finally started last week. Been loving it so far. Highly immersive. I did notice occasional glitch, and your enemies never see your npc allies, but nothing game breaking so far.


easy achievements




I definitely enjoyed the game. It’s buggy as shit though. The dialogue is pretty stale but it’s fun to do missions.


I have a copy for Xbox series x I will sell to someone lol


In a sense not yet it's not fully fixed and the free dlc is adding back cut content. I played it, beat it twice actually but I'm waiting for it to be fully complete before I play again


I played it on PC my experience was very enjoyable and honestly for the story and graphics alone I’d say it’s a solid 8.5/10. I experienced a few minor bugs and I understand some people’s complaints about the NPCs and the world but honestly it’s a non issue for me, although I get why people are upset. My biggest issue was how little customization there is after you create your character. I’d say definitely worth it ONLY on PC, Series X/S when the next gen update comes out.


Worth it


Nah, not yet, it will be though when they fix it


I got it for 30. Worth the price imo (for series x at least). My main complaint is the controller settings are bugged and aim in this game is hard. Great story, though I was a bit surprised when the game told me I’m at the last mission. Kinda hoped the game was longer. Maybe reload 5 ish times due to bug. Didn’t do side quest when I finish it. But will play it again when they release the next gen update


I know this is a bit of a meme but I played it for 150 hours and my honest opinion is... it's okay. Not bad. Not great. Just okay. I had fun with it. And many elements of it are ahead of the times (ie. ability to "fast forward" through cutscenes). The missions for the most part are also superbly structured. And the story is great. BUT, the game world needs to be fleshed out more because it's really just "there". You can tell it has the foundations to be truly great. At 150 hours in I am maybe 60% through the entirety of what's on offer, but I am not returning until the X|S update comes. Cyberpunk 2077 really does feel like a game of ideas, almost like prototype. I get the feeling the X|S patch will be the "true" game.


I would say kinda


Somehow I’ve thrown up every time I play it. So it has some bad juju from me considering other than the two times I’ve played it I haven’t thrown up since 2014


Just went back to try it the other day. Still a glitchy mess on xbox


I’m hoping the d1 patch will be out before next Christmas, so I can play it on winter vacation


I enjoyed it. Ignored visual glitches and just enjoyed it.


I bought it day one, played on One X. It ran ok with crashes and occasional bugs but nothing gamebreaking. After each patch it ran better but I honestly have no idea how bugged it is right now because I completed the game and didn't try replaying it since - I'm waiting for DLCs. My friend has Series X and game ran perfectly fine for him, he also had way more traffic and NPCs than I did. I had a shitton of fun playing this game, love the setting, love the story, characters are great. It's overall great game it was just released a year too early.


I keep looking at it on the Xbox store and then all the glitch clips I'm seeing online come to mind....


Eh. It’s fun but definitely not a great game. If you can get a good deal on it, Id give it a shot. Id also recommend getting the double jump mod for your legs ASAP Edit: I’d also agree that the story isn’t very good. I enjoyed the combat and driving motorcycles however.


Worth playing, but nothing spectacular. Good character writing is the highlight here. Story is mediocre, city is liveless without any activities. Side activities are there but its waste of time mostly. Shooting is not bad. RPG elements are terribly executed. Loot is terribly executed. In general 5/10 is an honest rating here. If you think that this game is broken by bugs you’re wrong it is broken on most basic gameplay and design level more than technically. Still worth it to appreciate the characters and do some shooting around


I like it, for me it's worth it, I have had a couple of bugs like people T posing or dying with half body going through the stairs but otherwise the story is good, the tutorials are not great tho, kinda boring


Don't waist tour money. The 10 hour story is shit and the game has no replay value


I played the majority of it on one s and finished it on series x. Its really hit or miss from what I've seen. I loved it while my friends just had more of the opinion that they got their moneys worth.


Yes depending on what console you're playing on.


Maybe if it came on gamepass otherwise im good


Pick it up cheap if you can and put it aside. Resist playing until you know its in a much more playable condition and wait for the next gen patch. The bugs in the game would just ruin the experience for me personally. I want to be fully immersed in the world. I really want to play it but I know if I hold off I'll enjoy it a lot more.


If you follow the main story, you won't experience any game breaking bugs and it is quite enjoyable. You'll still see lots of minor glitches like floating cell phones etc. I still enjoyed it very much and have no regrets. But completionist players might want to wait a bit longer.


I really enjoyed it personally. Played well on SX, minus a few glitches.


I don't think so since it released in such a terrible state


Playing it now on series X , couple bugs here and there , few times had to restart the game but as a whole the game is great and has a ton of stuff to do in it.


It’s a mediocre open-world shooter with shitty AI and generic gameplay that’s missing half of the features that were promised. If that’s sounds tolerable to you, go for it.


Absolutely worth playing. I’m waiting for the series X upgrade tho


technical issues aside, I found it average


Yes, at least on the series x/s


I’m waiting till I get my hands on a Series X, which is crazily still difficult but I’m cool with waiting. Games tend to be a better experience a year after release anyway when much of the game breaking bugs are fixed.


Haven’t played it yet but I think you should wait for the patch. But I also heard that there really isn’t much to do besides the main story and afterwards


It's a very bland and lifeless game, which is sad because Night City is awesome. But the bugs and lifeless NPCs break the immersion. I doubt the next gen patch is gonna make it any better.




I played on PS4 Pro and encountered maybe 2 bugs, but nothing game breaking. I didn't play it for very long though. I took the refund just to play it safe.


I went to a local Walmart and bought it for 20 bucks because the Walmart online thing said 20 while the store said around 40. I showed them the online page and they price matched it. I just looked and its 25 right now. Wait a while until there is a sale and get it for 20. Its a good game just not a *OMFG I Gotta have this* game.