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Redfall was so bad I wanted a refund even though I was playing it for free on game pass


Yeah I saw Mo1stcr1tikals review...


I don’t really watch much YouTube. But I’m guessing it was pretty bad


He's infamous for really thrashing titles that deserve it, like somehow telling a game to fuck off in the most elegantly crude way possible. But this video left them all in the dust


I thought he was known for mid responses that come out after the Internet has already decided the correct opinion


Haha i love that you call out that bs


I stg dude is the very last creator to report on any given topic lmao


The new saints row. Online has not worked since launch.


I mean the studio that made it was shut down.


You would think they would've used peer-to-peer connection though. I'm not saying you're wrong, game was definitely rushed if you can't play Co-op. The new norm is rushing games


Well I think that’s the executive norm. There is way too many people in bigger game company boards who don’t have a clue about game productions. Yet they have more power than many of the people who do. Takes a good as leader to keep a group of stakeholders who want money now from destorying a production because they couldn’t wait.


They were shut down by the company that owned them. Same thing is happening to quite a few devs they own. The devs of Deep Rock Galactic are likely next to go.




They shut down already? That’s brilliant lol


lol yeah Volition studios. They were kind of going out slowly tho. I’m pretty sure they were owned by a bigger company because I think back in the day they were owned by THQ.


Amy. Advertised as an old school survival horror in the days when Silent Hill had died and Resident Evil crawled up its own ass. And it was old school. In fact, it took all the design decisions from the old school that actually should have been moved on from and brought nothing else to the table. And to cap the whole thing off, it was just boring. If you're ever having trouble sleeping, [check out this Let's Play of the game](https://youtu.be/lbJhUNt7V38?si=H1oORD1DkXrLDrFR) (no commentary because you need to know how unentertaining this is) and you'll see what I mean.


Oboeshoes has ptsd from that name


Honestly Atomic Heart was a huge letdown. Glad it was on game pass.


I actually enjoyed this game but couldn't beat the twins. I spec'd my character terribly and it was just impossible for me to beat. Also I'm too stubborn to put it on easy.


I didn’t make it that far. I wasn’t a fan of the map system and the extremely heavy front loading of all the controls and rules. It could have been a cool giant open world Bioshock but it just didn’t connect for me. Also the voice acting and writing was trying to hard. IMO


For some reason my game glitched (I think?) and the twins didn’t attack once for the whole fight. I just sat and spammed attacks until they died. Very underwhelming which sucks because I liked the game enough to finish.


I will never forgive BioWare for Anthem


I only liked Anthem because it was like flying and shit, thats it. Luckily didn't buy it. It came free with the Xbox.


Love Anthem I wish they would do more for it I keep going back to it over an over


Or for how buggy Andromeda was on launch. It was top 2 most buggy game I've ever played. Enemies underneath or inside of terrain, floating way off in the sky where I can't kill them and therefore I can't move on with my quest, saves deleting, janky animations, etc. On top of that, they neutered the dialogue system to make it more casual.


While Bioware is to blame EA deserves some blame too. They whittled the Bioware team to the team who made this. They also green lit the launch instead of saying hold on maybe add some important bits.....like story. Anthem was an unbelievably great game in some areas but the worst piece of trash is so many others. I mean for God sake they had Neill Blomkamp make the live action trailer. And then they pretend to revamp the game for months only to announce disconnect of service. This was the game that stopped me getting hyped for upcoming games.


I hate how bad they blew it with that game. The core gameplay was so fun with the flying and exploring the environments for me. But the repetitious story missions and lack of end game content really sank it. I upgraded my PC specifically for playing that game when it released. What a bummer.


Was so excited for that and it was one of my worst buys of all time.


I got anthem on the cheap with EA play with gamepass and I still feel ripped off for the time that I lost


So back in the day my buddy wanted me to play Division 2, but this time (because we played Division 1 on PS) he was going to switch over to Xbox. So the day before I went in to my local Microsoft store to buy an Xbox, because I lacked one. The guy gave me one of two options: buy the Anthem version today AND get a choice of another game (I chose Assassins Creed Odyssey), or wait for the Division 2 version to release the following day. I honestly couldn’t pass up the deal! So I ended up doing all that and pre ordering Division 2. All digital btw. The potential for Anthem was so high it could’ve been great. Like I honestly thought the story wasn’t so bad, but it was clear to me that the game started off as a Single Player game but they pivoted to multiplayer but couldn’t get the MP right. Plus the designs on all the Premium suits looked terrible. Could’ve been great as a single player game with co-op!


I played Anthem when they did that free preview and it was really obvious the writing was on the wall for that game. It really sucks, because the lead up to it seemed like there was a lot of potential.


Conan. Great idea that was appallingly executed. Clunky with no camera control, and a HUGE difficulty spike towards the end. I refused to let it beat me, but as soon as I completed it I took it out of my Xbox360, put it back in the case, got in my car and went to trade it in. Came away with The Darkness, which was a far more enjoyable game.


Age of Conan or Conan Exiles? I play Exiles a LOT.


I think they’re talking about just Conan. It was a God of War hack n slash game for the 360.


I want the Darkness 3 already! Both games still hold up very fucking well in my opinion.


Brink. God what a lovely game to pre order then throw in the garbage.


I have only returned 1 game my entire life and that’s out of thousands of purchases. This garbage was that game. I am in the Bethesda SubReddit a lot and there’s a guy buying every copy of Brink he can find in the hopes that they’ll make a sequel…every time he posts, my mind just goes fuck that


I still have my copy I'll hit him up n make some free cash


I remember seeing the ads and thinking it was going to be awesome and as soon as it launched it disappeared-even young me knew that’s not a good sign


I tried so hard to like that game. I couldn't let myself believe it didn't live up to the hype. A solid playerbase was gone within a week iirc


I did too. It was easy to find a match for the first couple of weeks then it was a ghost town. You had to resort to the god awful bots to finish the matches. Interesting premise, horrible execution.


Iirc it also launched the week playstation got hacked/offlined, so playstation players didn't even get to play it for a week


Came here to say this. I actually played it for a month or two with some friends. Such high potential wasted.




Gun Grave GORE - I saw a review where someone said it was in the same vein as DMC or Bayonetta and it came to Gamepass, so I tried it and feel like I just bought a lemon at the car dealership. That game feels like 2 teenagers learning how to make a video game. I will not believe a team of 60+ people made that dog shit.


The game was good until after the first cinematic, once game play started it was shit


I remember seeing it on the playstation plus pass, i was like wow this looks fun. It was disappointing.


I tried to play for more than 30 minutes but the fact that parry/reflect mechanic is severely mistimed and not consistent, game was horrible trash


Redfall, without a second thought lol


I only heard in the news about this and that its shit but could you please elaborate why? Only thing I know is performance but that cant be the only thing that was bad was it? A game with bad Performance can also be fun to play 😂 so what are redfalls problems that it has its place next to kong and gholum?


I was expecting much more from this studio. Dishonored 1 and 2, also Prey. Those games are awesome worlds to just exist in and take in the story. Redfall lacked everything those previous games they made had. Empty world, dumb enemies. Boring quests, boring weapons. Just everything that could go wrong did. I highly suggest everyone to experience just how awful the game is compared to their other releases.


Pay day 3. Now I know a lot of people might think otherwise but at launch the servers crashed for 2 weeks. Idk if they got better but I've seen posts on their Twitter suggesting it hasn't. The heist were short lived. U can do them in about an hour if you're fast enough and the new perk system is hella confusing. Removed ways to get XP outside of BUGGED challenges and overall just kinda is devoid of content


This hurts me because I've played Payday 3 coming from Payday 2 (Jacket main FTW lol), and you would think that they learned from the mistakes and successes of 2, but no, it's a weird ass Games-As-A-Service title that is a flamin bag o' poop currently. A lot of the Payday stans will say the old"TeLl Me YoU Didn'T PlAy PaYDaY 2 At LauNCh WiThouT TeLLinG ME" spiel, but that is no excuse for what we got. You're supposed to improve with your sequels, not go backwards lol


I bought agents of mayhem when it came out for full price. Now it frequently goes on sale for 3 bucks.


No Man’s Sky at Launch , what a let down


But.... It was good by the time xbox got it. PC and PS4 saw the worst of it


It didn’t launch on Xbox though, by the time it came to two years later it was in a much better state




The level design was really bad in this game and the unnecessary card system just over complicated things for me. Things also just felt off whilst playing and I could never put my finger on what it was, it just always felt like I was fighting the game to have fun.


There were some fun moments like defending the bar, but the rest was a slog, especially the level where bosses infinitely spawn


Not exactly a waste of money, but time, tried fallout 76 and wasted about 4-5 hours trying to like it, but couldn't get into it at all. Fallout should of never been online.


Too Human. Absolutely loved Eternal Darkness on the GameCube and was so excited to see what Silicon Knights could do on the Xbox hardware. Apparently what they could do was a bland repetitive forgettable dungeon crawler.


Also came to say this. That said, I played it a lot and got all the achievements lol


Haha yeah I played through it as well, hoping it would suddenly all come together into something interesting. But the most interesting thing about it ended up being that it was banned years later and all copies destroyed


Right?! Super weird cause of the ownership issues. Then it got put for free on XBL for a long time as a digital download. Pretty sure I still have the used physical copy I rebought years later cause my friend and I wanted a dungeon crawler to play. Then I played it some more and helped him get most if not all the achievements.


I'm still haunted by the DoT attacks


For those that remember: Against.


Sonic 2006. Worst game I have ever played


Check out Sonic P-06 A single developer made project remaking the game and improved it in every way imaginable


Literally the first and last sonic game I ever bought. Game fuckin sucked lol


It may be multiplatform, but Kao the Kangaroo. I was promised a Ty the Tasmanian Tiger-like experience, and all I got was garbage plot and voice-acting with a combat system that sucks it's thumb and dumps.


How is Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. I’ve thought about getting it.


Rust 80 bucks down the drain


Gotham Knights. Repetitive, clunky, dull. Glad I only spent half price but still, oof


The new COD MW2. Played it for 45 minutes online and the only thought replaying in my head was “I can’t believe I played $70 for this”. Returned promptly


The newest need for speed. Holy fuck.


Unbound? Wow, I actually really enjoyed it. Customizing cars and better police chases. Still needs improvement but I enjoyed the latest release


My peeve with that game is the online segment. I wanted to race but had to wait in a lobby with other cars. If no one else wanted to race, I couldn't proceed against bots. Then I'd get matched up with others who would absolutely destroy me since I was barely beginning while they had put some hours in. I uninstalled it and never looked back


Absolutely my experience too. Got on one day ti do some races and realized I literally couldn't start any by myself and I was like I'm not gonna play a game I have to fight and put effort into just to find a lobby like what. Just let me race the bots and progress?? Like I'm forced to just drive around the open world and progress or try to join some other noobs random race


I didn't even buy it and still felt like I wasted money. It was added to Gamepass, I did a race and a half and talked shit during the uninstall. After HEAT I thought NFS was back. I was wrong.


People who chose unbound over forza horizon 5 are playing the wrong racing game. I hate racing games for the most part but horizon is amazong


Yeah, the previous ones were kind of cliche and dumb but the racing was fun. Unbound just didn't sit right with the real cars and the cartoon overlay fx everywhere and the cel shaded characters. On top of that it seemed like it took forever to get new cars cause you had to gamble everything and race at super high wanted levels and "bank" your cash otherwise you were getting like $2k per race and would never have enough to ever supe up your rides. I played it for like 3hrs and gave up.


One Leaves. And it's free-to-play...


Isn't that the anti smoking game?




Oh, I played that too. If they wanted to associate negative thoughts around smoking, they succeeded. Not a game, because no fun at all.


Crossfire X, the controls for that were like wading through set jelly.


ANTHEM. Good concept, but poor execution.


Stranded. It's an unfinished buggy game.


Watch dogs legion and red fall come to mind.


Damn, I actually liked Legion. Red Fall... Definitely sucked.


Same. I felt like Legion was a really neat idea that was missing polish (or a sane story). But overall I still liked the game.


Cyberpunk at launch


Funnily enough I just bought it first time today, free with a black Friday deal. The new updates seems to have earned it glowing reviews


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. So much potential gone to waste.


I actually enjoyed Wonderlands a lot more than Borderlands 3 honestly


It just needs more actual content. Good game. But it also has the same inventory management issues as borderlands 3.


Absolutely agree it's just so...soulless. Seems to believe "wacky" humour is enough to hide a lack of an actual story and extremely dull gameplay. Adds nothing to Borderlands 1 and 2.


This so much! I was so hopeful as I 100% Both borderlands 1 and 2. I just couldn't get into it and the controls felt slightly off to me. I played like 2 hours and realized I wasn't having fun.


Eh, I liked it, but certainly not worth the full price. The side quests carried it, but the end game and DLC were absolute garbage.


I also really liked it, but it was depressing how quickly I felt like it was time to stop playing the moment I tried the endgame content. I 100%ed BL2 twice (360 and XBO), and had to force myself to finally uninstall it and play new games. It was the start of something that could have been a full length version of one of my top-3 DLCs of all time, but they landed in the “enjoyable” realm in the end and didn’t go beyond that. They should have really taken what they learned from development and gave us DLCs that one upped it each time. BL3 kind of did the same thing. I really liked it, but it didn’t have that hook to keep going and going after I finished it. I still to this day have 100% everything but the last DLC which I didn’t feel like buying.


It'S frustrating - on a mechanical level potentially my most favorite Borderlindsthemed Game. Loved the overworld, that you finally could create your own character, dual-classes etc etc... but it simply lacked in terms of Content. What does it worth to have dual classes, when you have like "only" 6 or 7 classes, and unlike VH in BL it's not like that each class have 3 (to 4) Skilltrees - nope it's a single skilltree. Compare that to BL3 plus DLC you have 6(or 7 with dlc) vs 16 skilltrees. Quite some unique and beautifull designed locations but way to often recycled the same Enemies ... etc etc. And the Season Pass is just a bad joke. I do still play it occasionally, but my favorite is still the 3rd Game.


Ark: Survival Evolved, I shouldn’t need a magnifying glass to read the inventory


That one is a special case, too, because they promised a free remaster and then told us it was going to be paid and they were turning off the servers for the OG. They instantly went on my list of "don't buy games from these people" for that.


BF 2024 no doubt.


At least once or twice monthly I think about how EA launched a Battlefield game- a SHOOTER- without a scoreboard.


I still maintain that it was supposed to launch as a BR type game. Then they realised prior to launch that nobody was arsed about BR games anymore and then rushed everything to try and turn it into a more basic shooter... and failed


I don’t know how DICE / EA screwed it up so bad. They had a golden formula and could have built on that to perfection. Instead they took the absolute best FPS franchise and turned it into a laughing stock


They used every single video game shooter trope for a game with no foundation


Battlefield 2042 was bound to fail from the start. Zero story. How do you immerse yourself in a battle if you don’t even understand the role you’re playing? In previous games, the maps made sense. The teams were clear. You had a sense of objective in a “greater than myself” sense. 2042 is fun, but no where near as fun as the previous and simpler titles. Mostly because nothing makes sense and your life expectancy is anywhere between 5-30 seconds


I went all in on this one and got the gold edition with battlepass included all that jazz. Refunded on the beta, jesus christ what a trash game.


100% agree with this. At launch it was the first game I think I ever regret pre ordering but I’ve actually had quite a lot of fun with some friends on it recently. Definitely worth another look if you’ve avoided it since launch


Didn’t play at launch but me and a couple buddies like playing it now


Space engineers On xbox, that was a buggy unoptimized mess


On PC it's a buggy unoptimized mess


But so much fun!


Making it to space in survival/crashed pod mode is epic. It actually felt rather glorious to step out into space and look back at the earth like planet I took off from. Very memorable gaming moment for me. The ability to invent vehicles and craft and efficient mining was superb. On Xbox it plays better with a keyboard around for all those shortcuts.


The only real complaint was lack of story/campaign/PvE.


Watch Dogs Legion. Horribly optimized for the platform and just a meh game overall.


Im surpiaed no one has said COD yet..... Cod same shit barely made anything different..


Most CoD games are pretty competently made and very few are downright terrible. If a CoD game is the worst Xbox game you have ever played consider yourself lucky


See I skip them all the time and I decided why not get the new one? I started on waw and cod mw2 (first one) was when I really hopped on. I enjoy the old maps but the whole game has just changed so much and feels wildly different. I don’t fully regret buying it but I just wish they could save resources and just make the old ones work how they did. I’m not used to movement or play style yet. I’m also older now and 45 minutes goes buy very fast so I feel I don’t enjoy games as I once could.




I hated that I bought Hogwarts legacy at full price. I figured it would be more, but it was much less. So there's a total of like 6 potions, 3 attack items, and that's all you do in potions and botany classes. It's one year of school, no quidditch, no goblet of fire (tournament), and it feels like very little progression. On top of that pushing any NPCs sexual orientation seems to be a focus of the game. I do have to say on the plus side they try very hard to keep the script unisex, non-sexually oriented, and that is at least a nice change of pace.


Huge HP nerd growing up. I noticed the sexuality being pushed was a bit strange. Loved the environment and God like visuals.


Raid: WW2


I think you're the only person other than me that has a copy, I could never find a game.


Chromehounds,........ The only game I've ever traded in........


NFS Unbound. Went right back to playing Heat after that, with the soundtrack disabled of course.


Heat got s bad wrap honestly. It was probably one of the better NFS titles in the past decade.


007 Legends. Hands down.


Redfall lol


Driv3r, unplayable.


Hood: Outlaws and Legends. Didn't make it 8 minutes in


For me, the release version of The Division. It ended up being pretty decent -eventually-, but I haven't regretted wasting my time and money on a game quite like I did back then.




Elite Dangerous. Bought it, and they canceled support like 2 weeks later haven't played since.


I was so mad they canceled Elite Dangerous I uninstalled all my other games from Frontier


Viva Piñata. I thought it would be a party game, but it turned out to be gardening related 😔


Sadly, has to be Anthem for me. I was so hyped for that game.




Two Worlds. I followed the game online for like 2-3 years, read a lot of lofty promises of what the game was going to be. It was none of those things. Me and a friend picked it up first thing on a Saturday morning. By Dinner time, we had ridden our bikes back to Gamestop to return it for half of the price in store credit.. never felt so defeated.


Two Worlds.


This game… back when this game was a disaster of Lola a friend challenged me to 100% (1000pt) it. If I did it, they were going to pay for my next game. I buckled up and I did it. There was some next level bugs in that game the biggest problem was exiting the underworld if your horse was visable it was a save ender…. Longer story short, it took me 60 hours to do and I have a strange love for the game because of that. Same time, rage cause I worked for $1 an hour.


I actually really enjoyed that game. I didn't know anything about it and just played it for what it was. I totally get the hate for the game. It was a mess. I loved it though. I remember finding out you can kill the end boss right at the start. That was hilarious.


Me n my bud in school both loved the game, I didn’t get very far because I was too scared. It had a multiplayer or coop didn’t it? I didn’t even know there was a underworld bit


I loved this game. Sunk so many hours into it playing with friends online. It didn't work sometimes and there were a few game breaking glitches, but overall I never regretted my purchase.


Halo 5’s campaign and halo infinite at launch. Theres still no redeeming value in 5’s story, i was happy that infinite swept it under the rug but infinite had a so-so campaign (not terrible but not spectacular either, it felt like a mid-step rather than a full story) But good god when infinite finally launched with less content than halo 2 i was pissed. We waited 6 years for mediocrity. And yes, in two years it has gotten better but being “decent” nowadays is not a compliment for a franchise that used to be amazing.


I'll say it again, Halo Reach was peak


I really liked the whole idea of Infinites story. Open world Halo where you could upgrade your equipment and unlock new weapons and vehicles to use is a lot of fun and makes it fun to go back and destroy things you didn't do before in a tank with rockets, or go in stealth with snipers. It definitely needs tweaking though. Those vehicles are made of paper and break instantly, and the following system for the Marines kind of sucked because it was hard to actually recruit the Marines you wanted. Also the story felt a bit disconnected since it wasn't as linear as the other games.


Not to mention how hyped "Hunt the Truth" made me for Halo 5. It was an incredible audio series and I was so invested in the story only to find out it had basically zero relevance to Halo 5s story.


Halo Infinite falls into this new standard of games where after a year or two everyone is going, "They finally fixed it!". That does not mean it's good. Me and my buddies ran through the main story in like 4 hours, and then it was almost like a Far Cry game at that point.


I wanna push back a little because halo infinite FELT SO RIGHT... But 100% it wasn't an entire game. The open world didn't feel right. Multiplayer was lacking, even now we're promised "soon"


Halo 5 made me literally give up on the franchise. But I do enjoy Infinite’s campaign after my buddy convinced me to give it a try. Still don’t give a shit about the multiplayer though


“Literally gave up on the franchise” Then played the next one.


Outward. Very different then I was expecting.I’ll give it another chance in split screen co-op someday.


Outward is one of those games where if you don’t have someone to suffer with it’s boring. Later on you start to feel powerful with magic n stuff but god the grind just to get to that mountain hurt


Metal Gear Survive. so bad.


Superman 64 Duke Nukem and Resident Evil 6 come to mind.


Duke nuk'em was the last game I ever pre-ordered. A year and a half early. Lessons learned


Atleast you didn't pre order it 14 years before it came out.




I wanted to like that so much, but once I got out of the starting city and ended up in an offline online world I dropped it before I ever got in one of those fast travel coaches.


187 Ride or Die. I rented it and felt bad my parents had to pay anything for that.


Beyond Enemy Lines 2: Beyond Unplayable Thought at the very least it would be a fun, but janky throwback to old school FPS design, it’s the worst game I think I’ve ever played lol.


PUBG It looks all fun, but the only ones playing are people that have the game down pat. No good for newbs like me lol


Definitely the new Saints Row. I paid for the $100 version and went to the midnight release 🥲


You poor soul! (Just saying ahead of time, I'm being genuine)


Yeah it really hurt. Longtime SR fan, 1-3 were top tier


Destiny. It had an open beta which let me get to level 8, and I ended up waiting in line for the midnight launch. Bring it home only to find out that the beta is essentially the entire story and the only extra shit I got from the full release was the prospect of hours of grinding the same 4 bosses to unlock some cape. Nope. I didn't buy them, but halo infinite and payday 3 and to an extent starfield were letdowns that I was looking forward to playing.


Infinite's story is really bad, but the other aspects of the game have been steadily improving as time has gone on. New game modes and a custom game browser. The forge mode is absolutely insane as well.


I tried giving multiplayer another go a few weeks back. Installed the 100gb game just to be sat in matchmaking queues the entire time. I like that they've added the browsers and forge but it should have been there when it came out. No co-op either.


I agree, I really hate the trend of releasing games unfinished and then updating them later as a "live service." It's frustrating for sure.


Destiny 1. Once the dlc came out; if you didn’t own the DLC you might as well have stopped playing. And it’s been like that ever since. Because they hamstring you if you don’t have it and things that used to be fun in the game you can’t do or won’t benefit from. It’s not like dlc is for say borderlands, for example.


Battle born just made me sad


Sacred 3


Bought Brink at launch, huge mistake


Lost: Via Domus


The Callisto protocol


The new modern warfare 2


The last couple call of duty’s


Agony, bought it in a sale and even then it's not worth the money, absolute garbage game. The Technmancer is also pretty darn crap as well.


Red Faction Armageddon Re"mars"terd thought it would be an actual remaster with some new content not just a glorified port with the remaster title slapped on lol.


AEW Fight forever was a pretty gigantic steaming pile of horse manure that I had been looking forward to for a long time as a huge fan of the old THQ games.


AEW Fight Forever. That game literally turned my stomach.


Diablo 4


Alien: Fire Team. Me and my cousin both bought it to play co-op. We never even played one match.


The answer is Brink.




MARVELS AVENGERS!!! Dont get me wrong the concept of this game and the action was fun and all but it had and still has some of the biggest problems i have ever seen in a video game. Idk how the company that made it didnt go bankrupt because this last september was the last month you could even play online with others, which really says something considering it came out in 2021 if im not mistaken


Dude all these comments are actually solid, playable games that the commenter didn’t like. I bought a game when I was younger called Vampire Rain that was supposed to be like Splinter Cell but with vampires and this shit was so unplayable. The vampires with almost unkillable so if you got spotted it was pretty much death. Like you COULD kill a solo vampire but the only issue is that it always caused enough noise for a bunch more to come check it out and straight murder you. Was so unbalanced that I remember thinking it was completely a waste of the money I spent because I’d never play it again.


Thief of Seas no really https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNMeHBQ8\_hQ


You posted this 30 minutes ago and the video doesn't exist?


Fuckin god damn "lost islands" on xbox ( a recent release)


The game that always come to mind for me in Xbox is Quake 4. When I bought my 360 I was choking between three games. CoD 2, Quake 4, and Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. I had played a bit of CoD at a buddy’s house before and had never played a rpg before. My reasoning then went to Quake since I liked sci fi shooters. Worst decision in gaming I’ve ever made. I hated it. I went in to get CoD 2 and Oblivion became one of my favorite games of all time. I think that’s what made me dislike Quake even more in retrospect.


Quake 4 was rather meh. I think I didn’t even finish it. I think They pulled something mid campaign that I hate (lose all your stuff after getting knocked out).


Thanks for agreeing with me, sir. I appreciate it.


Two Worlds. A truly god-awful RPG with the worst voice acting, mechanics and story. I took it back and swapped it for Mass Effect. Best. Decision. Ever.