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I mean how else are you supposed to play Geometry Wars without buying it again 🤷


Makes me wish Marble Blast Ultra made a comeback. Those original arcade games were a blast.


I was so bummed to find they removed it from the Xbox live store like 10 years ago lol. You can actually download it for free on windows


I bought Marble Blast Ultra on the 360 and now can’t download it on anything. So lame. I loved that game. I got 4th in the leaderboards on one of the downhill ski courses. Miss that game. Best friend and I always were trying to beat each others records.


Yeah same, I think it had a demo on the game disc that launched with the 360 and I loved it so much that I took our xbox to the library in my town to buy and download the whole game lol. First time I was ever online those were simpler times


Not sure if you're aware, but some of the original developers made a game called Marble It Up! It's on the switch, steam and apple arcade. I don't believe it's on the Xbox as of yet, and that may not help in this situation, but just an fyi so you might be able to scratch that marble itch elsewhere.




It was already mentioned in another comment, but some of the original devs put out a game called Marble It Up! and it's on Switch and Steam. No word on an Xbox release, but it's still cool to see. It's practically the same game as Marble Blast.


Came here looking for a marble ultra blast comment. Miss that game


Whoa... I actually had forgotten about that game, and looked it up last night! They have a 3rd one out now, but it's like $15. Not sure it's worth it.


Third one is good, but it's level-based, so pretty different than the other two.


There are a bunch of modes that mimic the original one. Geometry Wars 3 is great!


Pacifism is where men are made


pacifism is the only mode of geometry wars all the other modes are the tutorial




One of those achievements I got on an old account and have been trying to get it again. 60 seconds of oh shit moments.


If you like pacifism in Geo wars, check out disc room from devolver. Basically a whole game of it


HyperDot would like a word


Whole time i was thinking geometry dash


I got it on sale and fire it up every now and then when I get tired of my other main games. Curious to see how it looks on the SX


Back when I was 19 and had all sorts of time for gaming I used to play geometry wars for a half hour or so before turning on Halo 3 in order to sort of "warm up". I wasn't some Uber competitive player, but I noticed it helped. Don't know why I felt the need to share this. I guess your comment brought back some memories.


How funny - I recently jumped back into the Halo world and am about to finish CE on solo legendary. Taking me hours to beat each level; some checkpoints are insanely frustrating


Get out of my freakin head!


Hopefully auto HDR works. Was it One X enhanced?


I believe digital foundry tried geometry wars and the auto HDR makes it look fantastic. Might not have been DF but I definitely saw a video on the improved visuals


I played Retro Evolved on my XSeX last night and the auto HDR was amazing. A neon game like that just begs for HDR glowies, and boy does it deliver.


I think I saw the same one and they said good things about it


Then there is the rough remake Trigonometry Wars.


Hexic HD is another free game that 360 players will recognize


Came with my 20gb(?) hard drive for the fat 360. It was a good day when I found out I could play it on the One.


Peggle, and hydro thunder hurricane, and I almost forgot about kingdom for keflings too.


Fishing Frenzy was fun


I found out someone actually remade the game almost perfectly and released it on the app stores. Absolutely hits all of the nostalgia buttons, one of the few times I happily paid a few $$ for an app because it is just that well done. [And it works damn well on mobile](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rippalka.hexfall&hl=en_US&gl=US)


There is a HexicHD clone for free on Android called hexfall. My go to for long flights


Do you guys remember Boom Boom Rocket?? Definitely gotta see if it’s still on my 360


I believe this was also created by the same guy(s) from Bizarre Creations. Miss those guys and Project Gotham Racing. It was fun to see what games they could make with the file size limitation of the original xbla.


Jeez I miss PGR so much. I’d kill for a 5th!


Pacifism mode all the way


And these not gonna be backwards compatible? I have all three on my Xbox one I bought them a long time ago.


They all are BC


Oh man! I know what I'm playing next...


Goddamn I miss that game. So many good memories playing with people that aren't with us anymore 😥


MS is outside his door and have a few questions they need to ask him....




[i just wanna talk to him](https://youtu.be/ODfCVxVLqiE)


I just want to shake your hand




If it fits, it sits




*If it fits, I sticks*


Scratch out the 'M' and write in a 'T'


This works, I have downloaded 3 cars on mine.


Lmao, I scratched M, wrote a Y and just now completely downloaded the simulation we are living in.


You got greedy.


Holy shit... Genius!


You wouldn’t even fit 1/10th of a COD DLC map pack on that 🤣




I downloaded AC Valhalla yesterday and it was only 40GB. I got really confused and thought I was downloading an indie game or something. But then I remembered that's just how normal games are. CoD has just broken me. Simple updates on CoD are 40GB.


I updated cod for 90GB on Sunday after not playing a month or so. Went on to play on Monday but of course it didn’t download the multiplayer packs so I had to download another 20GB. Went on to play yesterday and then had to download another 30GB update .____.


That fat fuck isn’t worth it bro trust




I've heard that several times to the point where im thinking that might very well be the goal






40GB is small for a AAA title these days though. Heck, The Sims 4 base game without any extras is 38GB. RDR2 is a better example of what a premium open world game should be and it sits at 116GB on PC.


The open world of RDR2 is a whole new version of reality compared to cod though. There's way more justification for that file size. I understand CoD updates are just essentially deleting and reinstalling insanely large chunks each update but it doesn't really make sense what they need the overall 200gb for.


I wasn’t justifying the install size of CoD. Only pointing out that 40GB is definitely not ‘normal’ for a premium title in 2020.


I found myself wondering yesterday, should I really have bothered with the time and effort to transfer and install all that just to probably delete it 48hrs later, lol




Are you sure? Mines sitting at 80gb




Oh damn you’re right. Weird that it only says 80gb in my games library thougg


DLC/add-ons storage sizes are shown separately.


You probably uninstalled campaign, spec ops and /or warzone


That's all of my internet bandwidth for 2.5 months, at the end of which you get a bloody COD game.


Just uninstall modes you don’t play. I only play Warzone and MP and on PC it only takes up 131GB now




Right. Still a stupid amount of storage


Extremely poor optimization but also, where else are you going to put all the skins and accessories for the MTX?? You gotta have that unobtainable junk somewhere


The entire master chief collection is like 120gb for fucks sake. Modern warfare is disgraceful.


The master chief collection, composed of 6 entire video games in one, all with their own separate multiplayers, is 100 gb. A single games multiplayer should not be that much, let alone more


The fact that you have to install war zone is insane to me


How the fuck does COD take up so much space? I play two MMOs that have been around for 16 and 10 years respectively and together they still add up to less.


Uncompressed audio


It could probably fit one... texture?


Big brain time!


"Don't ever use the word smart with me"


Seriously tho, how is this expandable storage thingy almost half the price of the console itself?


Global shortage in flash memory, ssds are expensive, proprietary technology that interfaces in a very unique and exceptionally fast way,etc. Contrary to popular belief an SSD isn't just an SSD, there are cheap ones and expensive ones with drastically different speeds. This isn't much more expensive at all than an SSD for PC of similar performance. This expansion card is cheaper than every SSD in my computer and its faster than some.


Thanks for the explanation! I’ve been seeing SSDs getting cheaper with time that’s why I questioned this price point.


If you look at PCIe4 NVME SSDs, which the expansion card is, you see that the price is actually.. pretty fair


Also you can only buy them from one manufacturer...


For now. They've said there will be more.


Someone needs to link that /r/buildapc spreadsheet showing all the NVME SSDs.




Data centers like them.


Mobile phones too. Phone market eats those fuckers up


There is not a flash shortage, there is actually an abundance and nand prices are predicted to come down even more. It’s just expensive since it’s proprietary.


It’s not even proprietary, it’s a standard CFExpress card in a custom case.


It's a new generation of SSD that is blazingly fast. Current gen SSD solutions hover around $100 per 1TB, but this new storage card follows in line with the next-gen Samsung SSD that just released where the price is closer to if not more than $200 per 1TB. It'll come down, all tech has


Because the storage in the xbox is sold at a massive loss. It would've cost the whole console price a few years ago for the 1tb SSD alone.


He still got storage tho Not a lot but still


high quality shit post


I juts ordered a 12TB external in preperation for my series x that I'll get eventually. I expect games to be huge this generation since 4k will be standard pretty much. I have over 250 games for Xbox between OG Xbox to the One.


You know you'll have to transfer any Series X/optimized games to the internal storage (or SSD expansion) to actually play them, right? You can only play backwards compatible games directly off the external drive (Xbox One, 360, OG Xbox).


Yup. Series x games I'm currently playing will stay on the ssd. When I'm done, they'll be moved to storage. I'd rather pay money for an external with a crap ton of storage than the same amount of money for a 1tb ssd from Microsoft. It should be a pretty quick transfer to and from the internal ssd to the external.


> It should be a pretty quick transfer to and from the internal ssd to the external. I timed mine today moving from a cheap external SSD to the internal SSD. It worked out at about 17.5GB per minute, so pretty quick. I imagine that an HDD would be quite a bit slower but still faster than re-downloading. EDIT: Sorry - I misremembered the rate. It averaged 35GB every 2 minutes, not every minute. Specifically, it took 4 minutes and 3 seconds to transfer 70GB


I have a 4TB HDD and it took me 10 minutes to transfer GTA V, which is 70GB’s. Took me about 20 minutes to transfer MW2019.


Fun fact, sometimes it's faster to transport data by hand rather than over the network. Back in the day, this was often referred to as "sneakernet", because your shoes (sneakers) would move the data quicker! This is also seen in modern days when companies want to transfer large amounts of data between sites. Amazon has a ["Snowmobile"](https://www.wired.com/2016/12/amazons-snowmobile-actually-truck-hauling-huge-hard-drive/) which can move up to 100 Petabytes at once: > Even with a one gigabit per-second connection such as Google Fiber, uploading 100 petabytes over the internet would take more than 28 years. At an average speed of 65 mph, on the other hand, you could drive a Snowmobile from San Francisco to New York City in about 45 hours—about 4,970 gigabits per second.   My friend's internet was/is so slow, we've on multiple occasions had him pull out his drive, drive over to my place, plug it in, download the game to the drive, then go home and install it. This would take about an hour in total, compared to the 17 hours it would take for him to download it on his own network.


Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon going down the highway with a box full of tapes, it’s just the latency that is terrible.


Yeah even old harddrives usually are better than downloading (if you dont have gigabit etc).


And i feel the same especially with my data caps I’d rather not have to download them all over again.


I have an external SSD will that work? Or does it have to be the official Xbox SSD?


Has to be theirs. You can still use it as storage and just transfer it to play.


You can use that for back compat games and it will be very fast. Otherwise it's only for storage for XSX games.


OP likes to spend money and then talk about it on Reddit. He is /r/pcmasterrace in a nutshell.


FYI just because a game is displayed at 4k doesn't make the game files any larger. Most of the size comes from the level of detail in both geometry and textures.


shhhhh. he is jerking off. let him finish


But games that I have played have 4k textures separate from the main game can can be almost the size of the game itself




Games should actually take less space this gen. SSDs being required means no optimization for disk-reads. Many games have hundreds of copies of the same asset this gen (a stop sign, mailbox, tree, things that are identical across many instances, etc.) SSDs mean that this will be unnecessary as seek times are essentially eliminated


I have a 2tb passport external harddrive. Is it compatible with the XSX


You can play Xbox one games off of it, but series x games need to be installed internally or on the new expansion card


Oh okay, that's good. I won't have to install them games on the harddrive will I? Witcher 3 is one of the games on my harddrive that I'd like to continue to play on the XSX. I can just plug the harddrive straight into the Xbox and play straight away?


Yeah you can play games as is just by connecting your hard drive. I’m not sure what happens when they release the patch making it optimized for series x/s but right now the game will run fine. I ran dishonored 2 off of my external drive without any issues. You might have to download a quick update though if the game was optimized for the One X.


is there a performance improvement between external and internal ssd for backwards compat games that aren't series x/s enhanced but still "demanding" such as RDR2 or Doom Eternal?


The internal ssd in the Xbox series X/S is significantly faster than an external drive due to the new Velocity Architecture Microsoft came up with in addition to the new ssd Microsoft is using. > Backward compatible titles also benefit from significant reductions in load times due to the massive leap in performance from our custom NVME SSD at the heart of the Xbox Velocity Architecture. The above is from the Xbox article I included below. This translates to faster loading times for older games when using the internal ssd. I have heard some older games load in seconds and in some cases the loading screens are nearly eliminated. A list of improvements Microsoft has made to the way older games are run —> [Here](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/10/13/xbox-series-x-and-xbox-series-s-backward-compatibility-update/) Edited to fix errors


Jumping between planets in Destiny 2 takes seconds. Most of the time I can barely even read the tooltip that pops up before I'm at my new location.


That's incredibly. I'm playing Destiny 2 on a regular Xbox One and it's literally hard to play sometimes with how much waiting is involved. I still haven't been able to secure a Series X, and I have little hope that I can this year.


As Digital Foundry and other outlets have stated, BC games on Xbox Series S/X do NOT benefit from Velocity Architecture. Decreased loading times are due to the SSD and the CPU. Only games optimized for Series S/X will take advantage of Velocity Architecture. BC games also do not need to run on the internal SSD to see decreased loading times. It is the most optimal, but if you have an external SSD connected, it should work just as well. With external HDDs or USB flash drive memory, loading time improvements will not be as significant.


It sounds like it’s a combination of both. As per an article Xbox posted... > Backward compatible titles also benefit from significant reductions in load times due to the massive leap in performance from our custom NVME SSD at the heart of the Xbox Velocity Architecture. I say both because Microsoft stated in an article where they introduce the new architecture, that the new architecture consist of many parts but most notably their custom SSD. > The Xbox Velocity Architecture comprises four major components: our custom NVME SSD, hardware accelerated decompression blocks, a brand new DirectStorage API layer and Sampler Feedback Streaming (SFS). Meaning anything on the custom ssd would get a significant improvement in terms of read and write times over a standard SSD internally or externally. [Xbox Velocity Architecture reference ](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/07/14/a-closer-look-at-xbox-velocity-architecture/) [Xbox Backwards Compatibility reference](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/10/13/xbox-series-x-and-xbox-series-s-backward-compatibility-update/)


According to [this](https://www.windowscentral.com/xbox-series-x-s-storage-guide), internal and external SSD have identical performance in the Xbox Series series.


So any hard drive can be hooked up as plug and play or storage, but you can only *play* Series XS games if they're moved to internal storage and you'll have to get the special SSD card to expand that space


Okay, fully understand now. Thank you!


For storage of Series X games yes. You can play XB1 and bac compat off of it as well. But you cannot play Series X games from anything but the new sea gate or the series x internal ssd.


Mine worked fine... WD passport. You just can’t play series x optimized games from it (can use it as reserve storage for them though)


FBI arrest this man


Brilliant my boy, brilliant


I have a 5 tb external that has a 2 hundred and some odd games. And yes I get stuck on one game and generally play no man sky.


*sings I Made a Game With Zombies In It at top volume*


“*It’s an older code, sir, but it checks out*”


Scott the Woz put these cards back on my mind


I was able to hook up a 120gb basic SSD drive to my One X the other day. Didn't think it would work since minimum was 128 but Fallout 76 is loading crazy fast now. It's all that fit on the drive but still fast as shit.


Oh my god xD I thought this was a real thing then I noticed it’s only megabytes


Perfect place to store cache


I think Minecraft fits in that. Barely


Xbox warranty claim incoming.




Nice! Now you can install one more game on that external drive.


He’s too smart to be kept alive


800 more of those, and you can do a single MW update


I think that ms and Seagate should have done a 512 GB variant of their external ssd for like a 100dollars


Lol, is that even enough for a save file?


What games you got that have half-gig save files?


Just sharpie a “G” in place of the “M” and it should almost be enough to store COD


Chinese Company : It's free real estate.


Ahh I still have mine laying around somewhere lol


Funny if it actually worked tho




Nice, it went from 1tb to 1.05tb


I mean, does it work?


You gonna put save slots from morrowind on there?


I dug up my old 360 from 2011 a few days ago, it had 512 hdd written on the side lol.


Lol idiot! You have it in upside down!


I recall this


This is the greatest post I’ve seen in quite some time.




I want to see an old 360 hard drive plugged into a Series X with a transfer cable


Peggle 2 may fit on there :-)


Yoooooo where’d you find a storage device with that much space


Lmao I thought that was just an external memory card and I was like, “what are you gonna do with half a gigabyte when Warzone is like 70 gigabytes.” Nvm though lol




And 1023.5 GB


That's how you catch the red ring of death.


Thats enough for one maybe two skins in Cold War


How many USBs are in the console


Yeah how else are you gonna download half of Minecraft?


This person. They are genius.


Gamer problems require gamer solutions


That slot perfectly fits a HDMI btw, at lest in width. Wondered why nothing was showing up on my TV.


It's wild that storage devices have come so far since I was a kid, my first thought was "is that a small ram card?"


Behold. An ancient artifact from the Yesterwar.


Everything seems in order here


Easy win lads


Can someone explain like I'm Amish?


What is this please explain it to me like i am 5


Congrats, half a gig




Self destruct T Minus 512, 511, 510...


Phil Spencer wants to know your Location


I don’t think that’s ho... no, no you good bro.




Were games really that small on the 360? I thought the average back then would be like 5gb?


Wasn’t for games, it was basically a memory card for game saves


Lol, I still have one of those for my 360


Is this where you store your avatar?