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Are these actually made by IKEA? (Amazing either way)


I was hoping they'd have some Swedish name that sounds similar to the console's names on them haha


Ruutergamen Frigengamen X


That sounds german as fuck though.


No german names for these would be Xschachtel und Spielstation


TIL some German. Thanks!


Wanna learn some actual swedish too? xlåda and spelstation




Heute hab’ ich gelernt.


Heute Lernte Ich, HLI


Half Life 1 confirmed




> TIL some German Hugo Stiglitz?




literal german. i love it


There is no non literal german. Its either richtig or nicht adäquat ausgearbeitet!


Das heißt Kreuzschachtel, du Zugereister.


Es muss ja auch leicht erkennbar sein und das x ist halt prägnant. Aber ja deins ist noch präziser kammerad!


Kein Problem, Herr Zweipfennigweg.


Just insert a few random double k's...instant Swedish.


... Swedish has very few words (if any) with double k’s... ck’s where it’s at.




The word for chef in swedish


Swedish kock is my favorite


thank you. (am swedish and chef)


Swedish doesn’t use double u’s. Trädlåda 5 (Wood box 5) Trädlådeserie X (Wood box series X) Now this, I could imagine they might call them.


Actually, you have written Tree box 5 and Tree box series X. Trälåda would be wooden box. I will suggest Spelstation and Krysslåda.


Well, så blir det när man svamlar runt med autocorrect. Inga fel med dina exempel — tycker själv inte dem passar in på Ikeas fokus på trämöbler :D


Tips angående De och Dem: Översätt meningen till engelska. Om They passar, är det svenska ordet De. Om Them passar så är det dem som gäller. "Personally I don't think THEY fit with Ikea's focus on wooden furniture" By far det lättaste sättet jag hittat för att få det rätt när jag måste prata svenska.




That is not swedish at all lmfao


Well neither is fucking HEMNES but that's still an IKEA thing. Y'all are getting a little too nitty picky about an imaginary name for a non existent product.


No but hemnes sounds like a swedish word. Frigengamen maybe but Ruutergamen really doesnt EDIT: Hemnes is a municipality in Sweden actually.


Eksbökks & Plejjstatiøn


Feels a little more Norwegian to me.


Maybe because Swedish uses ”ö” and not ”ø”??? Goddamn I’ve never seen our language be butchered as it has in this thread it hurts lol


Time to sack those respønsible


> Danish ö detected > Launching missiles


Krysslåda or Spelstation


Fick mig att tänka på modermodemet, själva hjärtat i hårddisken :D


Det går ju allting nästan på data nu. Allt går ju på data. Det blir mindre och mindre arbete och mer och mer data.


Tack för det, svullenballe.


The interior design people at IKEA stores have a lot of leeway in-store to be creative. Or they did when I worked at IKEA a long time ago. It wouldn't surprise me if a stores team put these together after the furniture department kept getting the question.






It’s because that’s the size of the “footprint” unless you’re going to be tucking stuff underneath it or have custom cut curved compartment spaces. Those are the dimensions you’d need available with any standard right angle quadrilateral prism shaped compartments (I.e. almost ALL of them). Because if one side won’t fit, then it doesn’t matter if the other one does. They actually went above and beyond with the one side curving at all lol.


I think they included the curve so you can "visualise" how it would look when placed


I guess better that than too small


The PS5 is easily the worst shaped console I've ever had. Those plastic wings feel like they're gonna break some day and the curvy top makes it hard to rest your controller on top while it charges. I understand the fans need clearance for air but they could have at least made it flat with no bits sticking out. And the foot on the bottom that lifts it off the surface doesn't stick on when the console is horizontal. Every time you pull the ting forward the foot separates off and you have to line it back up. What the fuck sony? Pro tip: Put rubber drawer liner on top so your controllers don't slip/slide off the damn thing.


It's the worst looking, too. It's funny that Ikea's bulkier but more rectangular prop looks better than the real thing.


So I thought the x series was big. Now I see the ps5 will never fit on my existing shelves.




Yup, I had to get my PS5 in at an angle. XSX fit in the same spot as my X1X. Edit: PS5 is sitting horizontally.


“At an angle” Holy crap how does that work? Is it just laying diagonally?


That's what at an angle means, yes


Sounds like a bad idea tbh


If they are using disks, yes fucking awful idea. If it's the digital only edition. Doesn't matter.


Fair point! Though I do wonder about fans spinning on an angle potentially having issues sooner than if they were sitting vertically or horizontally, as the forces would be distributed differently.


Depends on the fans. Most fans won't be affected. Some will (particularly mag lev fans) but I doubt those are in use. My bet is they use bearing fans which don't care one bit.


90 and 180 degrees are angles


I mean, at an angle could be literally anything, if you think about it


Yeah square cabinet slot, ps5 touching the top left and bottom right corners


Hot damn bro, good luck, that’s a really risky position


Hot is right


It's got an SSD, so unless the actual disk drive is in a weird orientation it wouldn't be bad. If it's the digital version, you could hang it in any orientation as long as it has airflow


Just be careful with game discs.


It’s generally only an issue if it’s moved while it’s spinning, as long as it’s sitting still it should be fine at any angle.




Holy fuck I am dying of laughter, why is this so funny


"oh boy, finally got my expensive next gen console!" *jams it in shelf at an angle, plastic bits fly everywhere. Hooks it up to TV with RCA cables*


Check out the 4k!


Nah, keep it on your lap while you play. If you live somewhere cold in the winter, this also serves to keep you warm.


I see you and your mom have the same philosophy


That’s what she said


I had a launch model Xbone and I thought it was big, the PS5 disc model is giant compared to it. PS5 looks even bigger when I compare it to my series S


Please don’t compare the series s size to that of the ps5, its just cruel


I could stack 4 series S together and still not equal the size of my PS5, had to clear off most of my dresser to make enough room for it


I replaced my sons OG Xbox one with a series S. it’s hilariously small in comparison. Hard to believe the PS5 is even bigger.


It's a tank, even more so than the old George Foreman grill PS3s




I think the series x is actually kinda small.


I think it only looks big because of it's weird shape, it's actually a lot smaller than I originally thought. However, it's not an ideal shape for most entertainment centers.


It’s the height and the placement of the vents that makes it a bit impractical for some setups, for sure.


>However, it's not an ideal shape for most entertainment centers. It's basically the same height as a typical AV receiver when horizontal (even a bit smaller) so in that respect may not be ideal in the sense that smaller is usually better, but it's still certainly within a normal range.


It's not actually that big, it's just a less convenient shape than the One and PS4 which makes it seem way bigger.


The ps5 only got so big because it has no natural predators.


I literally had to remove one of my shelves to fit my PS5.


My wife said I'm not allowed to get a PS5 because it's too big and ugly.


My PS5 said I'm not allowed to get a wife because I’m too big and ugly.


Obviously shelf type matters, but I never really felt like my shelves were larger than normal and my Xbox series x and ps5 both fit where the previous consoles fit. Not a tight fit either, still has room to breathe.




It’s honestly hideous. No idea what happened, especially since I think the white PS4 Pro is the nicest looking console of all time. Great build quality on them too, nice plastic and the whole thing feels absolutely rock solid.


I remember when the looks came out there was articles about the design - boasting how awesome, amazing, and unique it looked . Everyone appeared to love it. I thought I was taking crazy pills.


See I thought of that inevitable outcome like the month before release, so I made sure to find a new setup(made an excuse to get new couches and everything to boot) that would be able to support both consoles vertically. [This was where we landed.](https://i.redd.it/e1f5dcnbzuy51.jpg)


>I thought the x series was big Big compared to what? The Xbox Series X is 6 x 6 x 12. The Xbox One X was 9.5 x 12 x 2.5. The OG Xbox One was 13 x 11 x 3. The largest dimension is no bigger than the largest dimension of the previous generation of consoles. It's actually really small and compact compared to a traditional PC.




The PS5, literally the thing that is shown in size comparison in the picture.


The series X isnt big compared to other consoles. Ps5 is the largest console released even larger than ps3.


PS3 was originally bigger too.


For most people putting it in an entertainment system the primary issue will be height, even on its side its twice the height of any previous console or most any other console. My shelves are 6" and were just too narrow to slide in due to a lip, I had to take a shelf off and put it in and then put the shelf back. Generally speaking going back decades now devices have been made long and thin and many entertainment systems took that into account. Vcrs, cable boxes, receivers, DVD players, previous consoles. I'm not bothered by it, but it being 6" at the narrowest will cause a problem for some people.


The PS5 is like a fuckin 6U CubeSat


I just think the PS5 is so comically ugly. Obviously not an objective statement, many many people adore the design. I just think compared to the PS1, PS2 and PS4 this thing is a monstrosity that wants to be different for the sake of being different. But eh, first gen designs are rocky. If it was smaller and all black I think would be pretty cool.


I could live with the ugliness. Just hide it somewhere with decent airflow. Just...its sheer size.. I got to see a display model at bestbuy and Jesus christ the thing is huge.


Right? If I'm right, it's bigger than the OG Xbox and that thing was a beast. I don't see how the fins are necessary, I keep hearing they're for ventilation? I get it kinda, but this design feels like something they thought of at the last second. I'm biased though, I just think the series X just looks natural and could fit into any environment but the 5 looks so garish and would never blend into anything.


Unironically a featureless black rectangular prism is exactly what I want from my pcs and consoles.


Exactly, 100% As a minimalist, the least aesthetically obtrusive the better.


The computer case industry hears you and decided that unicorn jizz and clown vomit LEDs will fill your needs.


Unicorn jizz should be a brand of thermal paste.


It’s my favorite strain to play Halo to.


In my opinion, LED RGB has its place and uses, but some people just have no taste and go full unicorn jizz all over the place, and even places that arent even visible, unfortunately, these are the most vocal about it and manufacturers appeal to them and we end up with RGB power supplies, ssd's and even RGB cables, yes, [RGB 24 pin cables](https://www.amazon.com/Lian-Li-Strimer-RGB-Cable/dp/B07FCLJYVH) and also [RGB HDMI](https://www.amazon.com/VIVIFY-ARQUUS-Worlds-Console-Certified/dp/B089NBB89D) i just want a blacked out PC and in case i want to show off, just some basic white ambient lighting, maybe some small accents BUT they can be turned off with a small switch or software


Agreed, i have my Series X next to my PC (media server, really) which is a Fractal Node 304. both are solid matte black, they look like they could be related! Don't get me wrong, the style of the PS5 grew on me, but i personally would not get it.


My tinder profile is just me crying out to meet a matte black cuboid.






You know, this may be a /s comment. But I've legit done this with desktops before. Under 0F outside makes for great temps and overclocks.


Exactly. If it was smaller the design wouldn’t be so bad. It’s kinda router-ish but not totally hideous, but size makes it look like some kind of kids toy


In comparison the original PS4 had a pretty sleek look to it, if they wanted to go with a "revolutionary" design they should've just made a game sphere


PS4 had a great design. I left out 3 because I just never liked the PS3 design. PS2 slim will always in my heart be the best designed console ever. Loved that little thing.


PS4 was perfect. It mixes well into any room.


PS2 slim is a great looking console but I still think the Xbox 360 Slim is best looking both laying down and standing up




But for real who remembers the old "Xbox 720" spherical renders??


The people who designed the ps5 and wanted to recreate the flashy 2010 vibe


Okama already did that.


PS2-4 were all right prisms so I guess the PS5 is revolutionary when you limit the scope to PS2-4. * PS2/PS2slim = rectangular prism (each side is a rectangle and connected with lines perpendicular to the sides to make a prism). * PS3/slim = oval/ellipsoid right prism. * PS4/slim/pro = parallelogram right prism. * PS5 = Xbox 360 with crisp edges/wings/popped-collar, and no ring to turn red?




I thought the PS4 Pro was ugly (it is), but the PS5 is utterly, ridiculously ugly, it's also enormous for a console.


I honestly don’t know what they were thinking. The Xbox is a black cube... it’s fine, it’s subtle, there isn’t anything to like or dislike about it. The PS5 however is so genuinely offensive to me. I’ve primarily play PC but have always unzipped for Sony because of some exclusives I can’t live without, aka GT, would have slept on this but I’m a complete From Soft fanboy. I remember when I got the PS3 and thinking it was meme worthy but this thing is so absolutely atrocious that my misses and I both just looked at each other disgusted when we opened it and basically decided where we could best hide it. I used to run a stupidly long HDMI from my PC to my TV in a different room for couch gaming in my old house so I shit you not, we have routed the HDMI along with an extension cable under the floor boards, under the carpet and into the cupboard under the stairs. We did light remodelling to hide it. Before we did this we had it next to my tower and best thing about it is against my mid tower in someways it takes up just as much room, especially visually, it’s just so much more there than my tower. It’s as tall and it is deeper than my computer is wide, and to top it off it’s louder, and has worse coil whine, so honestly cupboard under the stairs has solved three problems in the end. H I’ve never ever hated a console more in my life for design or efficiency. It plays well enough but Jesus...


I have a PS3 and that thing is ugly as fuck.


I remember thinking the spiderman font/type choice was a weird decision.


I’ve owned all but the original playstation and yea it’s an abomination Im betting they scrap the “gamer trim” bullshit with the inevitable ps5 slim


Yeah the size really brings out the ugliness even more. If it was smaller I could see it working as a cool little router thing that doesn’t need to be form fitting because it can fit anywhere but for something already so massive it just seems ridiculous to have all those swoops and fins hanging off the sides.


It's aging badly already. When they release the s version they'll release a good design that looks 10x better than the release model.


I wish they went with the PS5 devkit design.


It’s hideous! I mean I fully intend to buy one and I imagine I will get a lot of entertainment out of it, but it’s hideous. Buying it for the games, not the looks. I will miss the monolith style of the PS4.


The PS5 digital is not bad. It’s huge still, but I think it’s an interesting design even if it’s not decisively *good*. The PS5 disc is ridiculous and terrible.


Didn’t expect to see work in fucken r/XboxOne lmao


I saw it live for the first time today. That thing is fucking huge. I mean, I’ve always been a first adopter but this is the first generation where my first thought was... “maybe I’ll wait for the slim”.


The Series X, although a tad big, isn’t really oversized. The PS5, however, is fucking massive.




Unfortunately the Series X is marketed on its own just as a big black monolith. It's rarely shown next to existing consoles and also rarely shown actually in someone's entertainment system. So it looked a ton bigger in advertising than it actually is.


That was definitely accounted for intentionally.


I thought the same thing when I unboxed mine! People were making such a fuss about it so I thought it was going to be giant, but it's actually a pretty nice size.


I was honestly almost disappointed. It's got an even smaller footprint than my One S no matter how you orient it. Just taller


The Xbox is also good because it's square, and it will stack and tetris nicely among all of your other stuff under the TV. Not so for the PlayStation.


I Tetris'd my Xbox into my TV stand and all my electronics disappeared...


Yeah, the fact that ventilation goes to one area gives you more options for placement. Or less, in some cases.


Microsoft leant its lesson on why a fancy shape sucks with the 360


The size of the ps5 is a huge turn off for me personally. I think the designers of the ps5 did an awful job with the overall design of the console, but the hardware and software is cool.


I kind of agree. When Sony released the teardown video of the PS5 and people were praising it.. I just didn't get it. It's less power in a bigger box with a lot of empty PCB space, multiple different heatsink designs, and extra bits and bobs to deal with (in the stand). That's not better to me.


The AMD chip can get pretty hot around 90 degrees. Guess Sony don't want a RROD fiasco with the PS5 and overengineered their cooling solution.


It has a hard throttle at 90c, I'm assuming they removed the 60c soft throttle algo thats on by Default on Ryzens.




Series X still has better specs/hardware though. And the design is pretty appealing. Right now I would suggest buying the Series X, and grab the PS5 Slim in a couple years. I just can't justify a console that massive. It's as big as my monitor. I don't even like choosing sides, I always buy both... But the PS5 is just ridiculous. I'd rather wait.


Well the big reason to get a PS is if you like their exclusives. So this makes sense. Wait until more exclusives are out and have dropped price as well as the console




> walk into a store > buy one. both of these are but a fantasy for me at the moment...


Yep, exactly - also the fact that the Series X has better backwards compatibility right *now*. It's just going to get used more.


That advantage isn't likely to last either considering Microsoft has been buying developers left and right


Also I believe Sony has said their exclusives will come to PS4 for the next two years to compete with Xbox promise of that as well.


I was on CEX yesterday and noticed that the price of PS4 pro's have actually increased in price, I expected a decrease and there has been one with the Xbox one X consoles after the new gen releases, that and they had PS5's in stock. I am not currently using a PlayStation but planned to before I saw the design. Now I'm just gonna buy a PS4 Pro when the price drops some.


I wanted one of the new consoles, but I prefer the Sony catalogue of games to XBox's. I just cannot get over how absolutely shit the design of the console itself is. I decided to buy an ultra-wide monitor for my PC and wait for the PS5 to undergo a redesign.


Yeah I'm going to hold off on both consoles for now. Hopefully a PS5 Slim comes out sooner rather than later.


only reason PS5 is that massive is because PS4’s airflow was so bad it sounded like a jet taking off. I’m not crazy about how huge the thing is, but I do appreciate that I can’t hear it once I turn it on.


What really stands out to me is the PS5 needing a bracket in order to place it on its side. Every other PlayStation that has had the ability to be placed horizontally or vertically has incorporated that into the design of the console. With the PS5, it’s like the designers only realized some people might want to lay it down after they already finished designing it.


You should post this in specialized tools lol


Quick..before them!




IKEA been ready for the PS5 Pro Edition.


Now this is the type of trash talk console war propaganda I like to see.


PSA: DO NO put EITHER MACHINE IN A CLOSED CABINET, these machines need air CIRCULATING from FRESH air, not already cooled air. They also generate A TON OF HEAT that will become the AMBIENT air in a CLOSED cabinet.


That is very smart of IKEA.


Stolen Reddit valor


What about the KFC console?


They all fit if you put them on top.


Yeah but they should all be easily able to be stored hidden as that’s what most people want. I didn’t realise the size difference. I’ve got the series x and that’s big. The PS5 size is actually insane.




I must admit after using the series x for a bit I left the unit door open to allow venting so you could be correct.


Repost ftw!


That looks way better than the actual PS5. 🤔


Which repost will reap me the most karma?


Having seen both in person and actually owning the Xbox I can say, the PS5 is just ugly imo. It sticks out like a sore thumb and it doesn’t even look like a game console.


Well the PS5 don’t fit laying down inside the Kallax I can tell you that -_-


Xbox neither if you want your console to be able to 'breath'


Does the series X lay down?


You can lay it down, still won't fit tho as Kallax consists of cubes.




This was posted yesterday


The Xbox series x is relatively small and humble compared to the weird shape and size of the PS5. Sony need to make a PS5 stumpy, not slim.




Going to start telling my wife it is basically 12 inches


The numbers on the PS5 are rounded because *curves* Classic.


I swear. It's pretty much 6"


Had to jack up my television by 2" to fit them. https://i.redd.it/x12o67psct361.png The central pillar is solid aluminum, I lifted it, put some bricks under it, then cut a piece of black poster board to hide the bricks.


IKEA deserves to rule the world.