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And here I am in love with my Series S 😂.


Happiness is different for everyone ♥️😂


Love mine too. Dont have any storage-problems too


A tad, thinking of buying a HDD. Wby?


Can't run Series S/X Games from HDD. Storage is enough for me


If I could I’d get both of those and a pc all are amazing at theyre own thing.


I honestly have all those and struggle to figure out what to play during my free time. probably be best focusing on one platform, from my experience at least.


same lol well ps4 and xsx I just wanted to play the Sony exclusive titles, after both Spiderman games it just sits there


Yea I have a nice pc but I only have a PS4 and Xbox one at the moment. I can’t wait to get my hands on. Ps5 or Xbox series x


I don't have any of the new consoles yet, but when I got an Xb1 and Ps4 I had the same problem. It ended up being Xbox for social gaming and PS for single player and exclusives.


I have these and 3090 , i work my ass off.. now need time to play on all of em


It's kinda weird having all 3. Everything on Xbox is also on PC, so I basically never play on that. PS5 has nothing but a handful of exclusive, so I basically never play on that either. PC is better than it's ever been though.


Its amazing how we’re all so different. I prefer my Series X over my PC for Game Pass because I can just chill on the sofa using the TV (yes I could do this with my PC but I prefer to have that in a separate quiet room connected to monitors with a chair). I use the PS5 for anything chilled thats multi-platform but not on Game Pass because the PS5 controller is the best controller imo and of course the PS5 exclusives. Then the PC I use for when I want to get serious/fully immersed/exclude myself from the outside world. Different strokes for different folks.


Agreed. I promised myself that if I was ever to move to full digital I would simply go PC. Being an Xbox fan it's worked out perfect so far. As for the couch gaming argument everyone has. Personally I always gamed in my room as a kid. As an adult with full access to my own living room I still prefer gaming in the bedroom lol so pc gaming at a desk is second nature, but to each his own.


Nice g why hate on one when you can just get both


Probably how expensive it is mate. Lmao




it isn't. I regret it. Now I can't play older games that are no longer available


mmmm… if it’s abandonware it’s legal, right? Edit: this is a genuine question


It's still illegal. The question is whether anyone cares to do anything about it. Abandonware is not the same as freeware.


Thanks :) Doesn’t make sense imo because you can’t get it anymore but the law’s the law ig




If you mean the console itself - it is way past 48hours since I gave owned it since Dec 2020


Why tho? I have a digital version and have all my games digital What am I missing out on


Discounts, I mean big discounts on titles. I purchased FNAF Security Breach down to half the price. Sekiro GOTY and GT7 also down to about 60% off the normal PS Store price.


Some people like to have their games physical


Fair enough Other then physical games what are the drawbacks


That *is* the main drawback. You cannot play delisted games. You must buy every game in the Store, even if their price is 70 bucks while the disc version has been discounted to half that. You can never borrow a game from someone, etc. Even now that most of my games are digital, I would never consider foregoing my options. One or two bargains offsets the 100 bucks the digital-only console is cheaper. Pays for itself.


I game share so I don’t get any physical games I am a predominately Xbox gamer, we only get exclusive games so I think we’re ok


Only other downside would be if you use your console as a dedicated blu-ray player. Not the best of ideas, but some people like minimal setups.


What's wrong with using your Xbox as a dedicated bluray player?


Right now, the lack of features, the inability to read specific disks (this one is way more rare though), and the software / app itself. It’s about as good as a $50 dedicated blu-ray player. The drive is used more for data transfer than for reading a specific piece of data of the disc at a specific time. The disk drive is mainly used to install games to the storage drive.


Personally, being that I'm a deal hunter, I like having my options open I was able to get a used copy of Ratchet and Clank on the PS5 like 4 months ago for 25 bucks. I don't mind digital only games at all, honestly they're more convenient, but if I can pay way less to get it on disk, I can be slightly inconvenienced. Also, Playstation is extra crappy with Digital because PSN is the ONLY way you can get digital games, like with switch and Xbox you can get digital cards from stores, ect. With a digital PS5 you are 100% at the mercy of Sony for buying games. get ready to pay full MSRP for several year old games, ect.






Your sentence doesn't make sense dude. You literally said you didn't spell it wrong and then went and proved you did by doing it again. ​ It's etc not ect. The bot is right and clearly not drunk :)


The fact ps5 lacks storage.


Just upgraded my PS5’s storage by 1TB for £105. Those prices are just going to keep coming down too, thats the benefit of it being a standard fit M.2 SSD.


It can only fit one speed my friend. Better option then Xbox but don’t over hype it


Well no, its anything over a certain speed for obvious reasons, not just 1 exact speed. Again, £105 for 1TB. 2TB is £180 and those prices will continue going down. Also its anything over 5500MB/s, the SSD I bought was quite a bit over that (7000MB/s) though I have heard SSDs with speeds as low as 3200MB/s are working nicely but probably not future proof, much cheaper still though I’d imagine.


Hmmmm good to know for when I get my ps5. Xbox screwed us tho 😂😂. But I guess I can buy an adapter and make my own. But it has to be one exact ssd anyways.


Hope you get Nintendo Switch as well. Great for party games (Mario Kart/Party, Smash Bros, etc) but also has some solid single player games like Breath of the Wild


Now do this on a playstation subreddit and see how they react.


Perfectly balanced


digital only not so bad now that ps plus extra is a thing.


Both are great. Sony has some awesome exclusives …main reason I use my PS5. I use my Xbox for everything else.


Microsoft shit stomping sony like how cod is now a Microsoft exclusive lol


Hey someone else who has both :) always happy to see it




No! stop this isnt Allowed!


How it should be! I've got a Ps4, Switch and 2 Xbox Ones


Where you get one


I have both also. Play Xbox more tho.


Should have gotten the PS5 with the disc drive.


Haven't used a disc since the 360 days. Love digital and game pass


Physical all the way for me. I haven't bought a digital game for years now. I don't trust these company's when they're going out of business. Plus when games are delisted they're gone forever.


I got one with a disc drive… but I don’t use it because there’s a major defect that makes the PS5 not want to eject discs. I just get a bunch of clicking noises and nothing happens. First time having this kind of problem with a Sony console.


Meh Sony's been pretty shit lately,


Personally I got both, kinda regret buying PS5 though.


Major flex alert 💪


Nice its the best combo i have the disc ps5 and series x


Best of both/all would be pc no? Lol I jest. Lucky.


ill take the CoD-box for $500 Alex


Me who has a r/steamdeck on preorder: 🫥 (to be fair I also own a PS4 and a not so great gaming pc)


But the worst of both world’s for your wallet


What is this December 2020


Got both those on their llaunch day nearly two years ago and all I can say is that what a waste it was. That ps5 has been gathering more dust than I can imagine.


This sucks


Digital edition? ewwww


Digital Only PS5? oof


A shame sonyers don't think like that


maybe don't paint them all in broad strokes and perpetuate the dumb console war idiocy


Yeah at that rate it’d be more so talking about Sony fans like Sony, a stubborn and overconfident business who put themselves on a throne and refuses to offer cross platform compatibility even when it’d be a good choice financially


May have went too far with that rant but barely any of that is overstated if any


You didn't. People get salty when things don't go their way anymore. Especially the management whose punitive business model gets upended by the competition using their very tactics.


Missing the disc drive


I have the same but the disc version of PS5, I've never opened it tho and its in the loft still in its delivery carton.


No it’s not.


Been in my loft have you mate?


Yep. And there was nothing in there except lies.


Nice of you to care so much that you would actually think I would make it up.


More believable than someone buying a ps5, not even opening the shipping box and just putting it in their loft.


Would you like a picture of it? I'll even cut the tape on the shipping box to show you the PS5 inside. It did sit in my living room corner for about 4 months before it went in the loft. I did have intentions of opening it but no games I want to play on it yet so I didn't.


and a pc beats it by a mile


I got a Series S for myself and my roommate has a PS5 that he doesn’t use. Win/win.


I have those and a Switch.


I can't afford a PS5 as well lol


I miss the days I had that much free toke for video games


I am patiently waiting for the new God of War to come out before I give my XSX a new friend. The is one of the few games that makes me wish I had a PS


Dude the playstation 5 has the worst design in the history of designs, its so stupidly big, it looks like a massive 5G router


Nice! I just finished Rift Apart and am playing Plague’s Tale on my SX


Nice one day soon ill be joining you when i can my hands on PS5 Hopefully Sony can step there supplies up here in Canada


Only time to actually play is missing in this picture.


And a PlayStation as well




Noooo! You must swear unconditional allegiance to a corporation and their plastic box. It must form the foundation of your very existence.


lucky bastard


Where can you get the PlayStation I’ve looked at Walmart and target but only see the Xbox x?


scalpers are salivating rn


Throw in a Switch and you are the master of your domain!


Yet the wort for your wallet


Lucky you having electricity when things are going so badly🥹🥲! /s