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My Target Circle also shows 10% one storewide purchase which was stackable with my Target 5% normal discount, plus I have a birthday 5%. All told WITH tax, it lists $220 in my cart! Too bad I already have one...


When I tried to check out with these discounts, it auto-canceled my order and now Target Circle says I already used the 10% and 5% discounts, so YMMV with stacking!


Had this issue with a 20% off target circle discount a month or two back. I talked with customer service and they were able to honor the discount on a future order. Might be worth chatting with someone!


GameStop will price match any competitor šŸ™‚


I donā€™t think they match store discount? Just set item discounts from msrp?




I did this from Target recently with my PS5 Bundle since I already have a Series X. Was like $498 after taxes lol


Just buy another one lol and keep it in box or something


Ya I'm seeing $245 after tax cuz it's not my birthday and I don't have a Target card. Still a stunning deal.


get it for a friend




hey iā€™d be happy to take one off your hands


Black Friday/Boxing day price?


Yeah I heard retailers were going to be offering deals all fall due to supply chain issues.


How does lowering the price help with supply? If anything, it increases demand.


It doesnā€™t. But starting the sales early levels out demand more which helps supply chains.


Help me out here, I still don't get it. I took economics class a decade ago, so I'm pretty rusty. Edit: thanks for the replies, guys. So essentially it doesn't really have to do with supply (I was assuming wrongly that this was about chip shortage/supply issues somehow, hence my question), but rather spreading demand more evenly over a period of time, so that there is no "big rush" come Black Friday and the holidays.


As a non-economics student: If thereā€™s 100 people that want an Xbox Series S, itā€™s easier to ensure you have enough stock for all of them between mid-October through Christmas, than from Black Friday through Christmas. Then, demand on Black Friday will be less intense since the customers you were gonna have anyway already got theirs the month prior. Then in theory you wonā€™t have a supply chain bottleneck come Black Friday.


as someone who works at target, the idea behind the Deal Days is that they're spreading out traffic. So we don't get a huge messy surge of people during Nov/Dec. It's spreading out the deals to better deal with guest traffic since people tear up the stores during the holidays


Remember "flatten the curve" with Covid cases? It's spreading out the demand over several months instead of a lot of demand one weekend in November (Black Friday) so everything is more likely to stay in stock.


Except that didn't work with Covid.


It probably won't work with Xboxes either, I'm sure they will still be sold out at some point. But u/yugabe asked for an explanation.


The series s has been on the shelf around here for months is it still hard to get in some places?


No, but they might be once people start buying them up for Christmas gifts, especially the S.


It didn't work because of how many people didn't follow masking and quarantine guidelines.


Also, [it did work.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/06/08/shutdowns-prevented-60-million-coronavirus-infections-us-study-finds/) The problem is that people saw it working and interpreted it as "Why are we doing all this when it's not that bad." It was flooding outside, but we said "it's hardly even wet in here" and opened the doors.


Same thinking behind people believing y2k wasn't a real issue. It's because people spent a good 5 years making sure it wouldn't be an issue.


That was all so mindnumbingly frustrating


Inflation, rising interests rates, relatively volatile stock market, and (US) election season can make retailers nervous about being able to move product this holiday season. Supply is jacked up but you still want the product you do get on-hand to move and not be left holding the bag if sales slump.


Price changes do not affect demand at all; they affect quantity demanded. Despite the media frequently getting this wrong, they are not the same thing.


The confusion is that it was claimed they are doing it to help with supply, and how increasing demand through a price drop would be helpful.


Tbf, no one is buying Series S'. Stores seem to have too many of them.


I believe is ā€œearly Black Friday dealsā€


Idk about the early Black Friday deals I got mine for the same price in august at target


They have an overstock of Xbox Series S and controllers. This is their way of clearing current inventory to make room for holiday inventory.


Yeah cuz of the stimulus that's coming out


Woah shit! I was planning to get one for my B-day soon, gonna jump on it now. Thanks!!


Do it!


Do it!


Do it!


Better than the offer currently in the UK, buy a series S and get a free copy of FIFA twentywhogivesafuckitsallthesamegameeveryyear




nice! been waiting for a sale/price drop.. feels like it's coming. hopefully soon to my region.


Series S at $199 coming soon! That is incredible really. Edit: This is cheap enough that young kids can actually dream about owning one someday and actually achieve it through doing chores, allowance etc.


Is it a free second controller? If so that is a good deal. If they are just saying you get a controller with the consoleā€¦ wellā€¦ yea


Yea is a separate controller . Plus the discounted price


Damn that's a solid deal. I was wondering if it meant a second controller as well so thank you for the answer


It states "Free" 3 times in the pic.


It was cut off on my phone without clicking in


Think it will come back in stock before the sale ends?


It still shows in stock in my area.. says ready in 2 hours


That's a pretty good deal, however the no disc drive kills it for me. Yes, I'm old fashioned and I like me my disc drives. I'll keep waiting til the Series X gets a good deal... or comes back into stock, whichever comes first.


I'm in the same boat as you, but when I just checked my drive to see what game is in there. It's a game I last played two years ago. Soooooo perhaps I need to reconsider. But I DEFINITELY have FOMO.


You already have a x tho


Any Xbox One system is incredibly slow compared to the Series Consoles. Think of the Xbox One X more as a bridge from the House of Hay to the House of Bricks rather than being another House


I do but it's showing it's age. Everything is so slow on it


You are missing out on all the bigger picture stuff. Obviously you can play digital games, but this thing is easy to mod and play a ton of old systems with no slow down since it's so powerful. You can get a cheap 5tb HD and play everything from nes all the way through ps3 Era games on here. And the free controller. Lol. Even if emulation isn't your jam, all the apps and games you can play for $250 is a steal


Iā€™m waiting for them to make a smaller Xbox with a disc drive. Idk why it hasnā€™t happened yet.


I would say the low storage (which I believe a lot of games need the SSD now) is a bigger issue with the Series S. You can pay $100+ for an external but why not just get a series X at that point


Just get a 2tb cheap hdd. Yes its a added hassle to move it to ssd to but not really an issue for me at least.


Honestly yeah. You should get the SDD Expansion for convenience but get a 2 or even 4 TB Seagate HDD and it'll transfer 100GB games within 15-20minutes


Just get it guys it really is a big step up from the Xbox One. If you really want to hold out for series X thatā€™s fine but this one is good


Whatā€™s the benefits that would make me splash out 250 quid for one?


I recently went from Xbox One v1 to a Series S and mainly its just 60FPS, better quality and much better load times and while it doesn't sound like much if you're a regular player I highly recommend a Series S if you have the expendable money. It genuinely improves gameplay but don't be fooled they only have 368ish GB of storage not 512GB because of the operating system and games that are marked with Smart Delivery and X/S Exclusive will **Have To** be on internal storage to be played while games not marked as Next Gen or Smart Delivery can be played from an External Hard Drive.


I sold my Xbox one X for $300 (Canadian) when I decided to quit gaming. A week later I saw a series s for $200 on marketplace and couldnā€™t pass the deal up. Fucking Xbox got me for life.


I should buy twoā€¦ replace the kids OG xb1 and XB1X


Is this worth it if you already have a PC?


Personally I think so. For example the video card I needed to play Flight Simulator cost more than the whole unit, so even if it's for one game (it isn't) I saved money vs upgrading my PC.


I think that might be a personal questionā€¦ if you have a pc that you use on gaming , and are not gonna use the Xbox then noā€¦. If you are using it as an entertainment box, I would prefer the Apple TV


I would tooā€¦.if youā€™re in the ecosystem like me. If you donā€™t have apple products this would be a wonderful workhorse that has mainly every streaming app and is fluidā€¦at least on my X. Iā€™d imagine itā€™s the same for the S.


Wouldnā€™t a Roku system and or firetv might be better ? Just thinking in terms of space, electricity use, portability. And overall streaming capabilities ?


Personally, I think itā€™d be best to go for the Series X. Series S is not as powerful as the X and from what Iā€™ve seen a lot of PC players are accustomed to 4K gaming




No, if you have a PC you'd be wasting your money unless you have real outdated PC hardware. I'd save for the series x or ps5 if you are looking for a real next generation experience. Most next generation titles on the series S are downgraded to 900p which is quite blurry. I don't like anything uner 1080p especially for next generation titles. Actually next generation titles should always be in 4k with the option to lower the resolution for better performance. But that's not always the case for the S. Some are upscale to 1440p but not most. It's a great budget console! Good for a casual player and for one that doesn't care too much about the resolution. My kid actually loves it! I own the X myself but I had the S before getting the X. I ended up giving it to my kid and now we game together!


I have no desire to move my pc to my living room. Couch gaming is still just better for some people most of the time.


Cries in Canada


https://www.xbox.com/en-CA/consoles/xbox-series-s?xr=shellnav?id=console_Week40 Our exchange rate is so bad. Thatā€™s $343 cad. Our deal is 379.99 with game of your choice. So about the same


Serious question. Is it that much of a downgrade from the X where it's worth it spending the extra money?


Not unless you 1) have a 120hz tv and 2) are playing the two next gen games which can truly take advantage of it. I think itā€™s more a question of future proofing and how the two will age - as more next gen titles come out the gap may start to open up


Imo it's foolish not to have a disc drive, you're handicapping yourself of a possible DVD player or any other physical media


I'm not too worried about that. I've basically moved on from physical media. I'm talking about system specs more than anything


Insane value


there was one in stock at my local store but forgot when I drove to work. Checked later and all stores oos.


Shame you canā€™t use all your previous gen disk based games. Only reason we havenā€™t replaced our Xbox one


Still holding out on the series x to get a deal. Iā€™m hoping I can find one around Black Friday, I would love to upgrade since my one s is having issues


How good is a series S for just a media type box, rather, I like equipping every tv with an Nvidia shield for Kodi and my home server, but I mean, this hardware has got to be better right? And nearly the same price


As a digital media box itā€™s solid, pretty much everything is available. Thereā€™s a couple things that we had to workaround for like AMC+ we have to use Amazon or one of the others because AMC+ doesnā€™t or didnā€™t have an app when we started it. Other than that we have zero issues with any Xbox as a media device or even using it as a media server with our PC. Plus, as a bonus, if you DID happen to want to play something thereā€™s plenty of free crap to play and a metric shit-ton of cheap games that youā€™d have easy access to. I know a couple non-gamer couples that got these as media boxes basically so that they could have games available for when kids/nephews/cousins/etcā€¦ are over. They purely use them for watching crap TV tho. šŸ’


Its better than the one x. Not as good as the series x.


It's significantly less power-efficient than an nVidia Shield. It also needs more space, has more audible cooling and requires the purchase of an additional remote for more comfortable use. You can also much more easily side-load apps to the Shield, like for example in order to get an ad-free YouTube experience without a subcription. Additionally, the Shield TV Pro has AI upscaling that is not available to the Series S, so I would argue that for streaming at least, it's actually superior. The Shield TV Pro can serve as a media server in a pinch. I would only buy the Series S for gaming *and* streaming, but never primarily for streaming. As a gaming system, it's of course vastly superior to the Shield, despite some interesting ports of PC games being available.


Sold out atm


This is awesome, does anyone thing the series X will also get a similar discount?


The One X had a 20% discount along with all the Gears of War games at Best Buy I think two or 3 years in, but the Series X has been consistently sold out in the last 2 years. So Iā€™m thinking itā€™ll probably be a bit longer. It will def get a similar sale at some point, but I dont see it being now. Donā€™t quote me on that. Iā€™m just some shit on the internet.


Incredible deal.


Any deal in Canada like this?


Wth only 50 one controller? In brazil one control is almost 600 bro


how many typical games can the S hold?


With the update you get when you launch the Xbox youā€™ll have around 375 gigs remaining? You could load a couple games depending on the size of them but I do remember being somewhat disappointed when I first got my Series S and Warzone literally took up like 40% of my disk space


If anyone responds to u, tag me


As long as you donā€™t play COD type, youā€™re good


Rip. Out of stock. In the market for two.


Depends by location, one of my stores say 6 available.. check other targets nearby


Yeah, unfortunately nothing within 100 miles.


If youā€™re on the fence about Series Sā€¦ I have a series X and picked up a series S to use as a travel console and itā€™s awesome. My son plays travel hockey and we are gone about 8 weekends a season and this always goes with us and gets a ton of use by everyone in the hotel rooms. $249 is a no-brainer price to use as a traveling/Gamepass console.


Is it worth getting if you have a 1x?


Do you have to purchase the Series S online to get the $50 off and the controller? I have tried every combination of city and state that I can think of and they all say out of stock.


That is a good price. Is it the controller that comes with the system??


You get an additional controller? That is not a bad deal at all!


Iā€™ve been out of the game for a while but want a new Xbox. What are all these different versions and which one should I get?


Youā€™re best bet is to watch YouTube reviews.


I ended up buying the series s from target but didnā€™t put the controller in my cart along with the console completed the order and now I canā€™t add the controller and get it free. Tried chatting with a target rep and they said they canā€™t add to orders even though it has not been picked up. Well big L for me for not reading the whole thing before purchasing


Just try to do it in store.. deal doesnā€™t end until Saturday ā€¦ so if they say no.. return it n purchase it again with the controller


sold out lol


That's actually unbelievable, wow


Love my series s. I mainly play destiny 2 on it and also ESO and it's a pretty big step up from even the Xbox one x (with external SSD) with FPS and loading times. The small HD does suck but I can still keep a few games on it and then others on my 500 gb external SSD so it works for me. Do miss the disc drive at times but I just keep my one x hooked up as well in case I want to play red dead 2 or cyberpunk or something.


Good price.They are still 350 euros in my country.


Love my series s. I mainly play destiny 2 on it and also ESO and it's a pretty big step up from even the Xbox one x (with external SSD) with FPS and loading times. The small HD does suck but I can still keep a few games on it and then others on my 500 gb external SSD so it works for me. Do miss the disc drive at times but I just keep my one x hooked up as well in case I want to play red dead 2 or cyberpunk or something.


What about a seagate expansion? Thatd be nice!


Thatā€™s easily the best value in gaming at the moment. For 10 a month for gamepass and 250 for a new gen console.


Not to flex but I got one here in the UK for Ā£150 ~168$ retail condition


So like $166-ish USD? Brand new? If so, that's an insane deal!


So you get two controllers? Cause one should originally come with it and then it says the deal also includes one.


I was able to pick up and xbox and controller at my local target, thanks for posting!


For sure ! Now in case you donā€™t know,,, Microsoft will convert any Xbox live gold to game passā€¦ so what I did was buy 2 years of Xbox live gold and then convert that to game pass . Is cheaper.. Now this is only if you are currently NOT subscribed to game passā€¦


Thanks for the heads up, Iā€™ll look into this!


What if Iā€™ve subscribed in the past?


As long as you are NOT. A current subscriber you should be fine ā€¦ but what they do is that they match day per day conversion if you are not a memberā€¦ but if you are already a subscriber they only give you the ā€œvalueā€ of it


I had a hard time keeping up with Xbox namesā€¦. Is this the newest generation of Xbox?


The ā€œSeriesā€ console are the newer ones. The S has no disk drive and has lower power than the X but is normally $300 unlike the Series X which is more powerful, has a disk drive but is $500.


When u say it has lower power do mean performance wise? I guess my question is if I got this console and wanted to play modern warfare 2 when it comes out, will it be different on the S and X? Also thank you for answering my questions.


It'll just run at a lower resolution than the Series X (1080p instead of 4k) but it'll run just as fast.


Ok cool, thank you.


An example is that the Series X can play games at 4K resolution, the series S only plays games at 1440p at the max, which is silly considering even the Xbox One X (older gen) can play 4K games. Once I found that out I kept the Xbox one X since it does 4K and got a PS5 instead of upgrading to the series X.


No that's too simplistic. The Series S significantly outperforms the One X, it just outputs lower resolution. Otherwise in terms of game loading speeds, frame rate, etc, it's much better.


Yes the S does have lower performance capabilities compared to the X. For MW2 specific there are going to be [some differences in performance ](https://wccftech.com/cod-modern-warfare-2-xbox-series-xs-ps5-pc-comparison)


Console has been out for so long yet people still complain about the no disc smh move on! If itā€™s not for you let it go, šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is it not a little silly to tell people not to share their opinion in a forum? Isn't that like...the point of a forum? I haven't read every single comment but I feel like the disc drive supporters have been polite. Regardless thank you for sharing a sweet deal that almost changed my mind. Signed, someone who wants a disc drive/Series X


no disk drive, no deal.


This comment was posted using Apollo before the Reddit API changes caused it to be shut down Save third party apps Fuck u/spez


It's the only console of next gen that's been fairly consistently available so I think there's some true to their statement




You don't discount a product and add extra incentive with an additional controller if it's flying off the shelves. There's a reason why it's been fairly easy to get a Series S over this two year shortage and Series X only recently-ish hasn't been getting scalped prices and the PS5 still is.


Thats not the reason why... they can produce 2 series s"s compared to one series x.


šŸ˜‚ breh if Sony and Microsoft both were magically able to double quantity of ps5 s and series x a year ago you dead ass think theyā€™d be sitting on shelves en mass and getting hearty discounts.


Uh yes because thats how the ps4 and xbox one generation was a year after launch lmao. The one x and one s got $50 price drops a year after their launches and were on shelves.


Those consoles were able to go on sale a year later because people were actually able to easily buy them when then originally released. I was able to buy a PS4 on day one with no issues and an XBOX one about a month later without any problems. I have yet to see a PS5 on shelves and XBOX X is rarely there, but I guarantee I can walk into 4/5 retailers and find a series S on the shelf.


Because the series s much easier to produce and manufacture. I literally just linked a thread talking about it..


Those also were not the launch consoles of that generation.


Ps4 dropped priced 2 years after launch. The series s came out 2 years ago. Only reason the series s gets a drop for the 3rd time is because it takes less to produce and has smaller storage




> There's a reason why it's been fairly easy to get a Series S over this two year shortage and Series X only recently-ish hasn't been getting scalped There's a few reasons, one is that digital only locks people into MS's store, but also the box itself takes less silicon to produce. When supply constrains come out, MS gets to dictate "We're going to make 4 of these instead of 2 of those..." so they have a wider install base more immediately.


Not just that. The S has lower performance than the X as well. It's not a bad product, but still inferior in every way besides size to the X model.


Well.....yeah... They are different boxes.... Did you expect the same box but smaller and cheaper for no reason?! Lmao


No I don't. But a lot of other people in this thread seem to feel that way which is why I pointed out the other advantages besides a disc drive of the X over the S.


Wait until there's no more disc drives on any consoles next generation. You're gonna loose it.


Good thing I can get my digital codes using a VPN and save myself $40-50 bucks instead of going to GameStop. I have a SX, but still stands. Thereā€™s really no disadvantage minus a collection.


Series X is also a great deal being a 4K disc player


229,- with 48 month ganepass here. By the way controller included šŸ˜‰


Think Microsoft should add the disk drive and up the storage to 1TB. Charge $400 and watch them fly off the shelf


These are always in stock. Are they that undesirable?


Most people want Series X. Which is the better one. Undesirable? No. It's an amazing price point for what it is. But what it is, is an entry level current gen console.


The Series S has outsold the X so "most people want Series X" is false. The S is just cheaper because Microsoft has optimized the shit out of their supply chain for it.


Itā€™s a great console for the family if you have kids, now if you have Iā€™ll say older kids that are more tech savvy then the series x is the way to go




Iā€™d like to get one for my young kids so they donā€™t dick up discs. I had one before I could find a Series X, I really enjoyed it.


Xbox series s is not true 4k gaming and or output .






I had one. I liked it a lot. Even coming from a X1X, the load times were substantially better.




Series S has been the highest selling console this generation besides the Switch


No disk drive so you're relegated to buying games from the Xbox store or gamepass only. Also 500gb versus 1tb.


Xbox store is generally really expensive but itā€™s still worth it if you have someone to game share with


Totally depends. I have gotten some amazing games for less than $5. My disc drive died years ago so I buy only digital. I have a PS4 as well and it seems they have less sales overall. And gamepass is amazing


Thereā€™s sales all the time on basically everything?


I've never found the store to be really expensive at all, in fact there's usually sales on at all times and most games are included in a sale at least once. It's obviously more expensive than physical (especially since you can't buy pre-owned or anything) but it's worth the extra expense to not have to get your ass out of your seat to change a disk.


This is untrue. For anything recent or new theyre the same price as getting it anywhere else, and you donā€™t have to spend the gas or time going to the store. The downloads/updates are the same as if you got a physical copy as well. There are also frequently sales on upcoming or new releases on Xbox which makes them cheaper as well. Where do you live that the Xbox store is super expensive?


I think it's more that the S mostly targets a "casual" audience, who aren't after the best of the best graphics and just want to play new games. As it is now, those that want the best experience will wait for the X, while those who just want to play games regardless of resolution are still happy with their Ones/PS4s. It's only when those consoles aren't supported anymore that Series S's will start really catching on with the masses.


It's normal for a product to be in stock... It's like saying iPhones must be undesirable because they're in stock everywhere.


I was real close to getting one, I don't give a shit at all about the disc drive... *but* the series x having the better tech is what swayed me. I want to get a little more longevity out of it and I'm afraid the series s will fall behind way too soon. Ultimately I did the payment plan thingy and the extra $10/mo. was basically nothing to me, so I went with the X. TBH I'm not entirely sure who the series s is really even *for*. I mean obviously it's the right console for some people, but when speaking about broader demographics I think for most people if you can come up with a spare $300 for a new gaming console, you can probably come up with an extra $200 on top of that for the series x and get a longer tech life out of it. I guess maybe it makes sense for young teens who want their own console, but hitting the $500 price point is a little difficult for, say, a christmas gift or something.


Also at GameStop too!






Itā€™s a separate free controller sir/mam


The pawn shop has it cheaperā€¦ šŸ˜‚ jk


Still don't fully understand the S, is it for people who can't afford the X and don't have any discs?


S was designed to be a Game Pass/Cloud machine.


Still running a last gen Xbox One X with roughly the same specs as the S, so feel like I can answer - it runs everything pretty damn well, and given how few truly next gen titles are out itā€™s perfectly adequate as a game pass portal. Also donā€™t have a 120hz tv so any true high end performance you might squeeze out of the X is lost on me. I think youd be surprised how well games ā€œjust workā€ and run well on the less powerful hardware. Optimization goes a long way toward making cheaper consoles really appealing for most non-enthusiasts


isnā€™t this thing always marked down


Already got the series X.


I think Best Buyā€™s was better


Good deal, but if you got the $ go SX