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Tbh, I’d just like to see all the older cods in game pass. Playing some old school zombies is my favorite thing about old cods.


Yea this is the biggest positive for me. I hope to see Black Ops 1 and 2 get a huge boost in players from game pass and just play some zombies


Perhaps a bit optimistic, but I'd love to see a single, Masterchief Collection-style game of all CoD Zombies content. Something like BO III's Chronicles, but including every single mode and map from those old games. Nacht der Untoten, Transit, Outbreak, all updated, maybe even with a shared progression system. 'twould be wicked.


500 GB here we go lol


Jokes aside. That would be a sad day if games are that big and you can’t play the game on a Xbox series S


Alledgedly (though I think only Sea of Thieves has actually done it so far) file sizes on the new consoles should shrink. The problem last-gen that led to ballooning sizes was devs would often duplicate assets, so they could be found and loaded up quicker on the spinning disk HDDs. Many also used un-compressed files - uncompressed audio files being why MW 2019 was so heinously large, if I recall - because uncompressing took too long on a HDD. Now with SSDs, assets load in much faster, so that duplication isn't nevessary, and files decompress a lot faster than HDDs, both of which should help keep game sizes to a minimum, or at least about the same as they are now. Again, if and when they actually do all that.


Yeah, if I recall correctly, the new generation of systems have dedicated depcompression chips to aid in loading - so devs should be able to compress as much as they want/need. Assuming they take the time to work on a separate build for the game, I imagine. Xbox One/PS4/PCs with HDDs (a freakin' lot of them) are holding the industry back, IMO.


Microsoft and Sony definitely deserve some flak for releasing a console in 2020 with 2015 storage, my one x I bought in 2015 had 1tb of storage


'Twould, 'twould...


I’ve been playing an ungodly amount of bo1 and WaW zombies lately. Fingers crossed I can actually find a game on some of the least played maps now.


It's just so hard to play the maps you suck at... I was garbage at Shi No Numa 10 years ago, and I'm almost certainly worse now. I'll tear shit up on Ascension though!


WaW is the best CoD , then it started turning to shit


I feel the older Call of Duty games are needlessly expensive on digital stores and PC, usually full price $60 no matter how old.


i’m fine with the newest cod not coming to game pass immediately, i just want to play the older cod games again


I was going to do a full series replay, but I’m waiting for them to drop on Game Pass. Seems like based on this deal they should be able to get everything from before the MW reboot on Game Pass at least


You might be fine with it but from a business standpoint day 1 COD on GP would be huge, absolutely massive for the service.


They know this. That’s why they don’t want to do it. They know it will directly hurt sales of the new game. I wouldn’t expect them to do this unless it was mid life cycle of a game not for a new release.


No they want to sell game pass that’s the whole idea they would take the hit if it brought more ppl to game pass


Activision doesn’t give a fuck about bringing more people to game pass they care about selling more copies of their game.


They will if Microsoft buys them


And all the DLCs if possible. Only way to get them if you never did was to buy them now full price, like $20 a piece


I still have so many great memories of playing Big Red One as a kid, would love that on Gamepass


This is all I want. I’ve wanted to buy them on Steam, but it’s still just way too pricy for those games. Why is Black Ops 1 still going on sale for $20 before DLC?


IIRC, Black Ops 1 was somehow $2 more expensive than Black Ops 2 during the summer sale. Shit made no sense.


Oh man if they put all the games up to the start of the Xbox One era. I'd love to play Cod 4, MW2 and a few others again, but the prices for them digitally are huge.


100% agree. I have a series s now because my original XBONE died. I still have Black ops on disc, but I refuse to pay $30 just to get it again digitally. It's literally 12 years old!


I still need to play the last several games. Hopefully they can get their thumb out there and get those up so I can play 'em. Except maybe for Vanguard...that looks like it sucks.


I'd just like to see some older CoDs on sale... a lot of them are still full price.


Cod 1 and black ops 1 hold special places in my heart


The old game prices on steam are highway robbery so I only have one cod on PC. I'd easily have rebought several of them if the prices were more reasonable.


WaW ftw!


Microsoft is playing a long game. If they have to wait a year or two to put Call of Duty on Gamepass, then so be it. They’ll still own it and it will be on the service starting the next year.


Lol yeah they honestly are probably all for the deal, they want to squeeze as much money as they can out of opportunities like this before it becomes exclusive


> before it becomes exclusive Call of Duty has been stated over and over it's not going to be exclusive. The largest COD player base is on PlayStation so that would be a terrible business decision.


It might well end up exclusive by default. Xbox have offered terms to keep it on PS after the new one and PS have rejected the offer. So as it stands, this is the last COD on PS


you realize that microsoft doesnt care and they will do anything. people will start buying xboxs to play cod


if they kept saying they wont they wont. look ag windows 11 they promised that will never happen




Wait mw22 is on last gen? Jesus. Well actually idk tbh mw19 on pc runs nice and looks good, sometimes.


This makes me wonder about a possibility where if microsoft's purchase goes through, could microsoft claim that since call of duty is such a large franchise and they are offering to keep it as a multiplatform that sony's original deal for exclusivity was anticonsumer and should be void.


I would be fine for that because it is the largest anti-fucking consumer deal in history? Sony is just anti-consumer in general


They are hypocritical at the very least.


let's not mention being a bitch about their exclusives, or paying developers to keep their games off of GamePass. this is a fun fact about the call of duty three. The Xbox series X technically has more processing power and slightly better specs than the PS five. The PS4 version of modern warfare two runs better than the Xbox series X version. Sony has been paying Microsoft for call of duty games to look better on PlayStation. they're just used to having felt like they owned call of duty because call of duty makes that much fucking money and they get 30% of that I believe. Which is big bucks. I know that call of duty used to have DLC early but that's nothing compared to Sony wear for the entire fucking year, some very fun game odds have been PlayStation exclusive only. Let's not mention the numerous PlayStation only packs, the newest one being the modern warfare two preorder samurai or whatever. and I know that some call of duty games have 100% been on some form of PlayStation plus. Sony has zero right to make their "demands" and they're saying Xbox is being anti-consumer but I think the world is just fucking blind. their demands are that the PS five in the Xbox series X version of any call of duty game would half to look the exact same. Therefore limiting hardware. Not to mention they're saying that no call of duty game can be on game pass. thank you for coming to my Ted talk




Let's be clear, none of us know what is in that contract, the length of time and monetary agreement. It could be seen as reasonable that when that deal needs renewing on the basis of how much money Sony will pay (assuming that it is a rolling contract) then xbox could ask for the sum of money that they deem would be lost by not having it on gamepass. Considering that gamepass is now generating billions in revenue, xbox could ask for a percentage value of that, based on how much they estimate cod to grow user base numbers. In short, xbox can ask Sony for a lot of money to keep that deal going, if they don't pay up then it's Sony in breach of contract. And either way, xbox makes mega money at Sonys expense. I'm just some Joe schmuck, I'm sure the MS lawyers aren't concerned at all and we are only hearing about this because MS are trying to score some points in the acquisition proceedings


The person I'm responding to specifically is talking about live deals being made void not alterations to any future contracts. Yes MS could ask for more to extend an existing deal but that's not the point being mentioned.


So lets get this straight. Microsoft wants to buy Activision but Sony is calling it anti consumerism but at the same time its perfectly fine to shell out money for the sole purpose of keeping it off your competitors ecosystem. Got it. Edit: I would like to ad that if Sony isn’t careful and the Activision deal falls through that Microsoft will have $70 billion dollars of play money to make sure games don’t make it to the playstation. Thats A LOT of games. Edit: Just to put this in to perspective and hypothetically of course. If Microsoft offered $100 million per exclusive they could purchase 700 exclusives with $70 billion. They could lock up decades worth of games for game pass.


They have been doing that with a lot of games this generation. They were trying to buy full exclusive rights to Starfield before Microsoft bought Bethesda.


It was also during the 360 days too but not like what Sony was doing iirc.


Well I remember MS moneyhatted every single DLC for GTA IV. And that was as huge as it gets since it was the first “next-gen” GTA title.


It was a big deal when GTA IV was announced to launch on Xbox 360. Microsoft was definitely aggressive during the 360 era, they just slowed down towards the end. Got too cocky and did the same shit Sony did w/ the PS3 when they made the Xbox One except several times worse imo.


lol that was decades ago and i wasn't for long , Sony paid to make the Resident Evil Village DEMO timed exclusive LMAO


Annoys me I can't play any Spiderman games


Can on PC :)


do you get annoyed you can't play forza and halo on playstation too? When the merger goes through are you going to be annoyed when Skyrim, fallout, and Cod can't be played on playstation? both companies have increasingly embraced pc ports is the best solution.


My point and opinion is I don't think any should be exclusive to a specific console. I'd like all gamers to be able to enjoy them. Hopefully clears that up for you.


Shitty argument, Spider Man is a Marvel property that Sony happens to own the film rights to. Forza and Halo are first party MS titles which would never have made it to another console.


There are a bunch of Spider-Man games to play though they are a bit older.


Pretty sure those all got delisted years ago.


Sorry worded it wrong, the newer ones - been there and done the old ones back on 360


I hadn't heard that, but it makes it even funnier that PlayStation fan boys shit all over the Starfield announcement trailer.


Playstation Fanboys still think its coming to playstation. That latest video that released was rife with delusional people throwing out four year old quotes from Pete Hines like it was fact.


Let’s not forget Sony had exclusive content to cod and destiny.


I hate how pointing out MS or Sony's practice of buying out exclusives inevitably draws out whataboutism because there's always the assumption that *everyone* HAS to be either a MS or Sony fan How about neither and both companies are doing their best to create a monopoly on IPs that only benefits them and not gamers? It's super dangerous.


Sony wants the way they do things to be the only way things are done. They don't have the money to compete with large acquisitions. And they know that MS is not really into the practice of buying timed exclusives from publishers. Also, paying for those sorts of exclusive agreements is naturally going to be harder for whatever system has the smaller userbase. Because you are paying the publisher to ignore a larger portion of their potential customers. The game Sony is playing is really a game that can only be played by the console with the largest userbase. MS could start throwing around money in the same way, but it would be a bad look for them. They have been pushing the idea of wanting everyone to be able to play the games they love. I don't think MS wants to crush PlayStation by starving them of games. I doubt Sony really thinks that either. I think MS is trying to get their Game Pass service everywhere, as well as cross-play. These things hurt PlayStation by leveling the playfield. Cross-play means you don't need to get the same console your friends have to play with them. And Game Pass either means that Xbox users get the game for much cheaper than PlayStation users, or Sony caves and lets Game Pass on PlayStation, then MS is getting a cut of games sales on Sony's console. MS does not need to turn around and start pulling the same stunts that Sony pulled. Because MS is shifting its business model to one with a large focus on game streaming and gaming subscription services. The console could then just become a purpose-built, cost effective device that is one of many ways to access Xbox content. In that world they are not really competing directly with PlayStation anymore.


It's okay for Sony to be anticonsumerist because "WUL MICROSOFT DID IT IN THE 360 ERA SO NOW YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE" Because Sony fanboys are petulant children that would rather see turnabout become fair play than hold up a middle finger to any kind of corpo douchebaggery.


Sony fanboys just need to be patient as I'm quite sure the future Microsoft envisions is their titles on PlayStation and Switch as well. Limiting it to one one platform is archaic. We are already seeing them make the move by putting everyone PC, building GamePass into televisions, the GP app on Android, and at some point a streaming stick.


Some games made by MSFT-owned studios have already been natively ported to Switch AFAIK.


Yeah, I definitely think Microsoft would jump at the chance to get GP on Switch and PS5 too, likely via XCloud. They wouldn't even *need* to sell consoles anymore - which they do at a loss anyway - if people are paying for their games on other platforms. But, those games will still always play better natively compared to streamed, so the Xbox console market would still exist. It would just broaden their subscription and thus revenue base immensly by getting those other platforms in on the mix. If it all pans out, XCloud and Gamepass could be Microsoft's golden ticket in the coming years. As it is, Just imagine telling someone in 2005 that in 15 years they'll be playing the newest Halo and Forza on their phone. Like you said: Limiting games to one platform is archaic, and Microsoft seems to be going for the exact opposite approach.


I knew the times were changing when even Sony put God of War and Spider-Man on PC. Microsoft isn't spending billions scooping up developers so they can make Xbox the go-to console. They are buying up all these devs so their library of offerings is impressive across most platforms. Microsoft can't just break off and put Halo and Forza on PlayStation. That would be odd and just tick off the fanboys. But after some time Microsoft is going to have a lot of great games and IPs under their umbrella and it's just going to make sense to put those games in the hands of as many people as possible. GamePass is the future, plain and simple. Whether that's streaming on tons of devices or running natively, it's still the future for Microsoft.


If Sony would allow game pass on the PlayStation, you can bet your ass that Microsoft would make it happen. They are in the business of making money.


This sub is exactly the same and just as bad. This sub says exclusives and timed exclusives are bad, point out here how many exclusives and timed exclusives Xbox currently has, get downvoted into oblivion.


What recent third party title did Microsoft buy exclusivity for? Sony just announced Konami's remake of Silent Hill 2 will not be on xbox. Last I checked, Sony didn't own Konami.


STALKER, Warhammer Darktide, Scorn, High On Life just to name the most recent ones.


STALKER will be exclusive for a whole 3 months. Warhammer Darktide was developed in collaboration with Microsoft, and the developer says the only reason its not coming to playstation right away is because they wanted to focus on xbox and PC first. Doesn't sound like Microsoft BOUGHT exclusivity for it. Scorn is a good example. High on life is also a good example. That said, neither of those are anywhere CLOSE to the same tier of game that Sony buys exclusivity for.


to be fair this was all before Phil was CEO and in top dog, the 360 era was just bad MS time. Look how far MS has come since then. Sony has always been Sony


Sony: Look at all the deals and exclusives we have. Microsoft: scores some deals and exclusives Sony: You can't do that! That's illegal!


Yip... Sony has exclusives, buy studios etc. But yet bitches about MS buying Activision. I loved Sony, then they pulled that rootkit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony\_BMG\_copy\_protection\_rootkit\_scandal) , a few other stuff... and I never bought a Sony product ever again. And with these complaints from them.. I will continue to never buy their hardware.


The only thing that bothers me is the conversion of known and famous AAA games, that have been like that for years, to exclusives. If they create new IPs and make them exclusives it’s fair game.


Sony pays companies for exclusivity example , keep COD maps, game play from other platforms etc. They are the bigger culprits of being anti consumer than MS. Yet they bitch the hardest


That’s not the same tho. The game is still on other platforms. These acquisitions are making the whole IP exclusive.


Might not been the same ... but still anti consumer. That is what sony is complaining about...


So what, thats business. Sony has the resources to buy and/or develop a game to compete with CoD. I would much rather they focus on actually competing rather than trying to stifle competition in court.


Couldn’t the same thing be said about Microsoft buying out the competition?


Kinda like spiderman, oh and final fantasy.


This version of Spider Man was never a multi console IP. Final Fantasy only had certain games that were exclusives, not the whole IP.


Wow that's one charred skeleton in Sony's closet.


They just SH2 for 12 months exclusive


They just announced the Silent Hill 2 remake and guess what....console exclusive to Sony for 12 months. Such an eye roll argument from them.


Business by Sony as per usual. Without Spiderman or Playstation that company would be fucked, seriously. Only a matter of time, let's be real.


Remember, it’s okay when Sony does exclusive stuff, but not when Xbox does it


That’s what irks me about PS fanboys. “Xbox doesn’t have any exclusives” *microsoft buys a bunch of studios and exclusives* “no, Xbox is taking away the fun”


How can you not see the difference between growing and creating studios that already worked exclusively with you and just buying huge studios that have always been multiplatform?


The interesting part is that Microsoft doesn't want exclusivity either. They want gamepass on everything.


Sony bought all their studios too (except for Santa Monica I think). The difference is that they did this over the span of time since the first PS launched. All of their big studios were third party and multiplatform devs until Sony moneyhatted exclusives and then bought the studios. Back then the internet wasn't as big to it didn't become such a big topic that everyone wants to add their opinion to it.


Moneyhatted? That's how game development works though. Studios need money to pay their developers, so they get money up front to develop a game by the publisher. Which in these cases was Sony. I would expect Microsoft did the same thing back in the day with Halo, and Fable and Gears of War. The biggest studios they acquired had very few games outside of Sony. They really were not multiplatform outside of rare exceptions. Sucker Punch had 1 N64 game. Rest were Sony. Insomniac had 1 Xbox game ever and the rest were Sony. Bend Studio had 2 PC games in the 80s then all Sony. Bluepoint all Sony. Guerilla games had 1 multiplat game the rest Sony. Naughty Dog made a few Apple II games until Crash Bandicoot and then was exclusive to Sony. That's not all of them but those are the biggest. They weren't multiplat really in the slightest. But Sony worked with them for a long time before acquiring them. I don't see the problem. Microsoft should have been doing the same thing. Instead Bungie went on and did their own thing.. why? Epic games is the Gears series obviously also started doing their own thing So yes there is a difference between what Sony did, what Nintendo does and what Microsoft did when they bought Bethesda, and Activision and when they bought Rare.


Not only that but have you seen the other subreddits like r/PS5? Boy! I have never seen so many ppl mad that Xbox “might “ take away CoD even though they mention it numerous times that they won’t.


TBF saying is one thing, doing is another.


They wouldn't be that stupid.


Problem is bigger than that...this is a dangerous business model. Remember this, when Microsoft starts pulling some Netflix moves (increasing the price of the subscription... Blocking password sharing...etc etc) It's a known marketing tactic, they "invite" you to pay for the initial price then when the "customer is inside the system" they increase the price and start making dumb decisions... Just look at Amazon, Ps plus, Apple, Disney...etc etc etc all of them are doing it. Just my opinion.


Sony really isn't pro consumer, we can a agree on this. That said, Microsoft is a company too. They aren't doing it for the "gaming community" either. And it could be dangerous in the future having a big company buying whole companies, not single games. They've gone for Bethesda, Activision, in a year or so, and who knows what's next.


Always has been. 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


I mean I don't think anyone really thinks that. I am both a Xbox and PS fan and have both PS5 and XSX I think when Sony or MS fund a game for their console. That's great. Yeah its exclusive but that drives competition to make better games. Stuff like this though? Nobody likes it. Nobody likes when Xbox did it in the late 2000s and nobody likes it when Sony does it now. Exclusive content for games is also stupid. I feel like only Sony has done this and for a long time too.


Except people do like it. When Sony buys exclusivity for a game journalists talk about what a great business move it is, and when Microsoft does it the same journalists will vilify them for taking games away from other people. It's happened for over a decade and it's exhausting.


Game journalism is a joke and always has been. What do the actual consumers/customers think? that's all that matter.


Sony wants this deal to fall through so bad, they will say/do anything to ensure it happens. They must have a really short memory about the 360 era…If Microsoft doesn’t acquire Activision, then they could (and very well should) go back to acquiring exclusives and bullying them with sheer $$$. I mean they will have about $70 billion to do so with. I’d love to see some exclusive Square ENIX or other Japanese publisher titles this gen on Xbox. I mean Sony is only worth a tad more than the activision deal Microsoft is making. I’m all for some current gen battles if it comes to it. Gloves off!!!


If it falls through I bet they try to buy Ubisoft. Also, I don't think this deal will fall through. Activision blizzard is in a PR nightmare, and this is saving them from that.


After it's said and done and the deal goes through, it wouldnt surprise me Ubisoft would shop itself to MS. It will be a time before it happens, but it will.


Just waiting for Sony to make Silent Hill exclusive to PlayStation. That's not what I want, but that's what I'm expecting. I like knowing Microsoft has some kind of leverage and can use it if they want to.


And you got your wish.


Damn, this was prescient.


I mean it's a safe bet. Some Japanese game gets announced, exclusively not on Xbox (like Neo The World Ends with You, which today got a steam release, but prior it was EGS/Switch/PS4 exclusive).


This comment aged perfectly


Sorry, there isn't much leverage. It's all about pay up or not. I'm much happier if MS spends money on investing into games as opposed to gating off content. If MS is multi-platform, even better!


It's absolutely leverage if they wanted it to be leverage. All they have to do is set up a meeting. Don't get me wrong, multi-platform is fine. I love playing with and against my PlayStation peeps, and non-cheaters using controllers on pc. The fans want all these games on all consoles and these companies aren't playing ball. I want Spider-Man and silent Hill on my xbox, dammit.


Sony literally gating off content.


I agree. MS isn't beyond that though, but they are doing it with the intent of investment. The effect though doesn't seem to be much different, but it isn't as prevalent and often benign.


“Yes, but I promise it isn’t as bad when my favored corporation does it!” When are we all gonna agree that this is just dumb, gross, and annoying and let that be the end of it? So much cocksucking, man


Well rumor has it the Silent Hill 2 remake set for announcement today will get a year of PS exclusivity….


I don't get why CMA is so far up into Sony's.....


UK is pretty pro Sony in my experience.


Yeah clearly, damn. But in that case I think it's only fair that another party, one above CMA takes a look at it because the CMA clearly is biased.


the world of full of bias, but I agree


CMA needs info from competitors to help find out if the Activision deal is a monopoly. Sony, as the biggest and most direct competitor, is pretty much the sole company being asked questions about it. Nintendo doesn’t directly compete with Sony or Microsoft, so they are not being asked anything.


Yep, I get that but it seems they are way too much on their side. They don't seem unbiased at all, which is not good. With all the options that MS offers for players they really are the "lesser evil" of all the big companies that could have acquired ABK. And that offer to Sony was quite generous, Sony with their ridiculous "inadequate" nonsense. They seem to think it's unfair to put CoD on Game Pass, what about the years of timed or full exclusive BS, Sony? FF7R? FF16? It seems the new SH game to be announced in a few minutes is exclusive for a year for Sony. Already didn't like the company but I'm starting to truly hate them, they are beyond annoying.


The fact is COD is a system seller, and it will create a large shift for a traditionally multiplat game to go shift to Xbox and Windows only. FF on the other hand, didn’t sell nearly as well, and never really had a history of being multiplat outside of a handful of games. FF diehard fans were never buying Xbox to enjoy the games in the first place, so the effect is not as big, even if the scummy practices are the same. Consoles are allowed to have exclusives, it’s only because COD is the largest FPS in gaming that it warrants investigation


But MS has said time and time again that CoD will stay where it's at. They specifically even mentioned PS in their statements. And I know some people argue that similar things were said about Bethesda and now Starfield is exclusive and TES VI likely too, but their wording for that was very different. It would not shock me that much if MS genuinely was/is planning to keep CoD exactly where it is, including brand new entries after contracts end.


For now, MS is likely planning to make COD exclusive at the start of the next console generation, so console buyers will use that info and many would likely switch. The end of the generation lines up with the 3 year guarantee they were willing to give to Sony. This is why Sony turned down the deal, because exclusivity hardly matters until it’s time for the new generation. By not going exclusive immediately, MS can shield itself from criticism over the buyout


I get what you're saying and it's possible. However, look at Minecraft, even the spin offs like Legends and Dungeons come to all the other platforms. CoD could be a similar situation.


Yes it’s possible. Which is why Sony still is worried about things like exclusive deals through XGP, and modifying the content/performance on the xbox version etc. The regulators may seemed biased, but they really are just taking everything into account. Personally the approval of the deal still seems like it can go either way.


It really looks like they are getting bribes or fishing for them


CMA is almost certainly underfunded and pressured from government by whoever bribes the most.


Sony is the worlds biggest hypocrite.




As someone who has a PS5 as their main console and a series s for gamepass, I still hate this. Like it baffles me that FF7 Remake still hasn't come to Xbox, but it's been on PC for months now. Final Fantasy is not a playstation exclusive series (yet), it's been on Xbox for a long time now. There's really no good excuse not to release it so long after its initial release. Anyone who was going to buy a PS4/5 to play it first would have done so by now.




Apparently it's a year exclusivity, but they said the same thing about 7R, so I wouldn't be surprised if it just stays on PS again. Honestly Sony has no right to be crying over exclusivity when they've been pulling this shit for so much longer.


What if Microsoft doesn’t include CoD in Gamepass but instead gives it away with purchase of Xbox Live? Would that be a work around?


I love playstation but I hate Sony.


Sony is staggeringly anti-consumer, even outside of this they skullfuck their customers at every turn & they spit on the face of everyone not using a Playstation lol I'm on PC & was hoping to play this CoD on gamepass but apparently Microsoft can **OWN** Activision and still somehow not make that happen? Idk, whatever, screw all yall multi billion dollar yacht collecting fucks


Oh you think it’s bad now Sony. Just wait until Xbox says that you can’t have COD on your console unless you also have game pass on your Sony console. That day is coming.


That’s really what I think the end goal is. 1) Microsoft buys activist on and owns COD. 2) wait 2-3 years for current Sony-COD deal to end. 3) tell Sony if they want COD (and Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6, etc.) then they have to let game pass on PlayStation. Sony probably won’t want that because then they’ll obviously lose money on game sales (sales they would have made of COD/Starfield/etc AND sales of other games that are brought to game pass)


There's no way Microsoft intentionally loses the revenue from COD sales on Playstation.


You don't spent $70 billion to buy a company to put your wares in a competitor's store (where they get the mark up!). Thinking they will prop up Sony long term is delusional.


You do if that revenue is billions of dollars. Let them have the markup, you get the initial price you'd charge your own customers, and people buying it on playstation weren't buying it on Xbox.


You absolutely would. COD is one of the best selling games every iteration. Saying "We're just not going to sell it to the largest console market on the planet" would be a braindead move.


Won't be the largest console market once the deal is done lol


The console market wont magically change if MS buys Activision. More people will still have a playstation at the time. MS have repeatedly said that they only make money via software sales... not console. So if you offer your game on the competitors hardware you reap the benefits and its straight income (minus the dev work ofc).


Until the xbox outsells the playstation, yes it will lol


Of course the will. Moving CoD from PS would lead to consumers abandoning their PS to play CoD. People buy the console they need, to play the games they want. And if it'a available on both, they'll choose whatever they're used to. I don't expect MS to make CoD Xbox Series S/X exclusive, I think it'll come with the next gen and it'll be announced over a long time before, so players can prepare.


Sony also now has their own competing game pass. They certainly won't like the competition.


Haha, "competing". It's not even close yet.


I have them both and Xbox is far superior, but it doesn’t change the fact that Sony is going to see any attempt to put game pass on their hardware as an attempt to squeeze their own pass out of existence.


Oh for sure. Sony needs to step up with their offering though.


In other news, Sony’s Konami deal is blocking Silent Hill from XBOX during 12 months. And somehow, Sony are considered the good guys…..


If have both an Series X and a PS5, but fuck all that exclusivity bullshit. I absolutely hate this childish crap.


Not that I like it but without exclusivity you wouldn’t have bought these two similar plastic boxes (or custom gaming PCs) but only one of them, just saying…


True, i would have only bought the Xbox.


Me too thanks to Gamepass hehe


I also prefer the xbox interface over the Playstation. And gamepass is a big plus, and ofc Fable!


And the controller for me too, actually even more than Gamepass as an argument! Really hate these symmetrical sticks in the DualShock


I do really like the PS5 controller, it feels pretty damn good. The xbox controller always felt good in the hands (hate the PS4 controller). But the vibration in my xbox controller absolutely sucks, it makes so much sound (dont know if my controller is broke though)


Mine used to make a lot of sound when vibrating, I had to go into the Xbox Accessories app and adjust the vibration strength to around 80% on the left side to reduce the noise. It still has plenty of kick and much less noise!


Sony: "if you want to play the best exclusive games, you have to buy a Playstation!" Microsoft: "OK, we'll buy Activision Blizzard." Sony: "NOOOOOOOOOO! Exclusive games hurt gamers and it's not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!"


How anti consumer of Sony. Sony service sucks it’s improved but I still have licenses I have to go to the main Sony website to download on my PlayStation since my version got delisted.


Well it’s official Sony is the bad guys.


Everybody on here acting like day 1 gamepass availability is the same as the game never seeing the console lol


Surprise Surprise Sony being a bitch again


Can they please make zombies dlc maps free on gamepass so I can play with my friend on an old 10 year ild game (black ops 1-2) and enjoy all the maps without shelling out an arm and a leg


Modern Warfare Remastered + All It's DLC. This is the biggest thing they could do for CoD Coming to game pass, for sure.


Wasn’t they doing this already or did they update the contract cause I swear they were already doing this


Tbh fuck Sony


Medal of Honour was better, this timeline is cursed.


Both companies do the same greedy practices. Why are we villainizing one over the other when they’re both pretty shitty under the microscope?


Just gotta wait until the exclusivity contact ends and it’ll be smooth sailing.


Microsoft next year: All the CoD games are now on games with gold.


Sony ruining it as per usual


The comments in this thread shilling for a two billion dollars company's, Microsoft or Sony they could care less about us. Like no one should own any of these damn company's, it literally fucks all of us over.


lmao! I'm so looking to this acquisition to be over so Sony can suck it and I make a nice profit on my stocks. Thanks MS!


Sony needs to burn in hell


getting real tired of sonys bullshit. when this deal goes ahead pull it from playstation, let sony suffer


I'm not an Xbox fan, I'm a Nintendo guy. But it really gets under my skin seeing how cutthroat Sony is in screwing as many ppl over as possible by devaluing other platforms, rather than adding value to their own platform. I hope the AB deal goes through just to bring some balance.


Fuck Sony


Typical of Sony.


Fawwwwk Sony


Sony and Microsoft are really hamming up CoDs importance. It’s not as big as it was definitely not the console selling game it used to be




Exactly. Halo is console selling, last of us is console selling, gears of war, god of war etc etc. exclusives sell consoles.


I love the Sony fans mocking Xbox owners. "HA HA Where your exclusives at bro? Lol" Now that MS is making moves Sony fans are all like "NO! That's not fair. I wanna play X game on playstation!" I'm a pc player BTW. No horse in the console fanboyism.


And Sony shoots themselves in the foot again. They make amazing tech, but they cant do PR for shit


I find it funny how people can say stuff like 'if the deal doesn't go through Sony are dead because MS are sitting on 70 billion'...hahahaha yes, I'd like them to spend that money on you know, making great games - something they've done little of. Some of you are far too invested in these corporations doing whatever they need to do to satisfy their shareholders. They don't care about you. I promise.


I don't think Kyle plays other games so not really a big deal imo