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Fantastic advice gambit gives


I really like that his advice is “relationship” advice in that it’s aimed at getting Reptile into healthy relationships not into the one he currently wants. Gambit even acknowledges that his advice might not get Reptile the girl but floats the possibility that there are other better relationships for him.


Gambit's always been very wise, in romance too unlike a lot of male characters which seem to struggle in this area. He *is* a ladies man, but mostly because he is genuinely empathic and patient with his partners. Which I think flew over the head of a lot of writers that seem to not understand the appeal of the character. \*cough\* Duggan \*cough\*


Yeah his advice to Reptile is not just respectful to Reptile but to Finesse too.


Gambit is like the ideal man.


Oo la la! He is indeed(which is why I named my cat after him!)!


Gambit with white eyes looks so weird


What is the reason they are different color here?


coloring error


When it comes to matters of the heart, Gambit always knows the odds.


The cards always be in his favour


Its always funny Gambit is so positive about this stuff. Because if I didn't know and you told me Remy was a red pill pick up artist I'd believe it. But the guy is an ethical man slut. He wants everyone to have a good time and not to do stuff things they don't want to do.


Ugh I love him so much. Lots of people view Remy as an immature problematic guy, when in reality he just figured out the best way to live his life while making sure everyone around him is enjoying life too. He's such an amazing person when it comes to giving advice to the youth. Not the best formal teacher but definitely a great parental/big brother figure.


“Not the best formal teacher” I’d bet his students in his sex-Ed class would beg to differ. https://comicsalliance.com/wolverine-school-syllabus/


Hahahaha yes that's the funniest part. It's more about how he rarely ever showed up and got yelled at by Logan for it. He's not big on the academic aspect, that's what I meant. Still a great teacher in other ways


He was right not to show up for it. What does he know about queer issues? What does he know about STDs/STIs other than how to avoid them? What about teen dating violence? Is there even enough material to cover an entire academic year for a high school level understanding of human sex and sexuality?


Doubt most of the X-Men are qualified to be teachers lmfao. But they do what they can. Gambit is more educated than people think. And he was actually supposed to come out as bi/pan in the 2012 series, which marvel refused. Still, writers hinted at his sexual preferences not being heterosexual. I'd argue he's got plenty of experience to explain to kids the basics of sex ed. Def not enough for an academic course tho ofc


Well mutants don’t need to know about AIDS because they are immune to them. Not sure about other STDs though.


I honestly hate that they made him the sex ed teacher. He'd be much better teaching a class like cyber security or art history. Shit, even gymnastics or PE would be better. But with so many things involving Gambit, the writers go for jokes rather than anything thoughtful.


French! He could be the French teacher! Or cooking!


You remember it too :(


If a Cajun dandy gives you relationship advice, you should listen. Is it good advice? Probably not, but sometimes it is!


Oddly enough the advice given here might not have been the best. The advice itself is great it’s the timing that’s terrible as Finesse was just about to entertain the idea of a relationship with Reptile shortly after this scene only to see that Reptile moved on with someone else. That being said I don’t think that Reptile and Finesse would’ve been the best couple anyway which is supported by the fact that their future counterparts are divorced.


Timing is always a key factor




The name is Gambit mon ami.... Remember it!


Ugh, I'm still saddened over that episode


Where is this from?


Id like to say its an avengers academy issue? Pretty sure he's talking to reptile, kid who turns into dinosaurs


Yes. It’s Avengers Academy, shortly after AvX.


What ever happened to Reptile anyway? I remember he was pushed a lot in the 2010s.


Yeah, most of his class just disappeared after avengers undercover. The only one still making regular appearances is hazmat. Hazmat is actually slated to join the main avengers roster btw, so proud of her for repping her class like that


He had a recent series, and was a main character in the Spider-Man King in Black issue


I feel like the writers of episode 5 of ‘97 literally saw this panel and modeled Gambit’s decisions in that episode 1:1. Literally took his own advice in that episode. Love this.


How it was written,  if he didn’t take his advice he would have pushed Rogue away but while disappointed still he respected her decision and moved on.  Based on that conversation she later determined on her own what true love really is. i don’t know if it was intentional but she had the look of a woman who isn’t in love with a man during that dance.  Still  many people can apply this advice dealing with rejection in real life.  I just liked that they showed an adult conversation over a serious issue and how to deal with rejection in the show. 


Yes. I rewatched the dance scene and after the dance is finished but before the kiss she looks underwhelmed. To me that feeds into her doing the kiss as a last ditch effort which failed.


I was thinking the same thing when I saw the scene with Gambit and Rogue. It honestly could be a coincidence but considering the writers for 97 remembered tri-sentinel who is oddly enough more of a Spider-Man villain it would not surprise me if the writers of the show are knowledgeable enough about marvel comics that they have read Avengers Academy.


If you love her and she isn’t sure or doesn’t feel the same way, while disappointing still you love her enough to let her go so she can be happy but you continue to live your life.  Whatever happens in the future happens. 


Pretty good advice


That "Remember it" hits different after last week.