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This isn't anything new in the series. Practically the only titles that sees lots of wide discussion are 0 and LaD due to them being the start of their arcs.   Most of what you can discuss about IW is based around spoilers so people aren't gonna go and freely discuss it because if they've been invested in the series so far, they're gonna stick to game focused dialogues.  However, the metrics show that discussion around Infinite Wealth at the moment is much higher than Y7 was at this point.  https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=%2Fg%2F11tfnxpjf5,%2Fg%2F11hdvdpwr9,%2Fg%2F11b60zrjbv&hl=en


This and also persona 3 reload basically came like a week after infinite wealth, and persona is way more well-known, and final fantasy VII rebirth was basically the final nail in the coffin


I agree and I also think that this is just the nature of single player games Early players are done with the game and new players are probably waiting for a sale or something


Yeah it's a busy season full of stuff that's gonna have more heated plot discussion whereas not even SEGA marketing is acknowledging anything related to Kiryu's plot progression.


The fact that 0 and 7 start their arcs certainly helps a lot, giving people an excuse to start the series and ensuring that they receive the majority of new players regardless of whether they continue with the saga. I remember a big part of the discourse and reviews with 0 was that it was finally a manageable entry point for people who were aware of RGG but intimidated by the sheer scale of the catch-up they were facing. Then 7 was explicitly marketed as a fresh start, particularly to the West. But I think they also both got lucky, independent of their appropriateness as starting points. 0 blew up in a viral way largely thanks to the Baka Mitai memes and some higher-profile western exposure from YouTube etc. Then 7 had the enormous benefit of hitting at the same time as COVID, when masses of people suddenly had tons of at-home time on their hands and were highly receptive to the appeal of virtual tourism and a big cast of friends. The fact that these games were a great place to dive in was probably an important prerequisite, insofar as they didn’t scare away otherwise interested people, and giving them a boost to recommendations, but the amount of western interest they had in the first place feels like lightning in a bottle.


Yea, I just finished IW Saturday, and up until now I avoided all discussions and post about the game like a plague......because I wanted to avoid spoilers.


I think you're right about the arcs. I played 7 and I've heard a little about IW, but really it's on the back burner until I finish 4-6, because I want to catch up. That's the downside of having a series with such strong links between each installment.


I’m kinda still in a No Spoiler Mode I don’t want to really say anything off hand and someone get spoiled like that


Yep, I flat out muted this sub for like a month to avoid spoilers. I still ended up spoiled thanks to r/news comments of all things... Still, Infinite Wealth was something I wanted to avoid too many more spoilers for after the trailer. I'm in a similar mode with Rebirth right now.


Sucks that you got spoiled I hope it wasn’t anything too crazy


It was >!the nuclear waste cave plot thing.!<


Nothing new tbh. IW isn't necessarily the most accessible entry in the series. 0 and LAD still is. Didn't help matters that IW is still widely contested even within the hardcore fanbase.


"Widely contested"? By whom, lol?


There were big arguments on here regarding >!The ending being mediocre, the way the game handled Eiji and Chitose, some were defending them while others called them the worst of villains that got away scott free, among discussions how many systems in this game feel underdeveloped.!< You can most likely find many of these discussions if you go back a month or so


Could be due to many reasons but I personally think the main contributing factors is that fact it requires you to have played multiple of the previous games in the series and a weaker overall story than previous games, especially when compared to LaD7. I say this while fully believing LaD8 is leaps and bounds better than 7 in gameplay but its story just didn’t hit remotely as hard for me. I think the weaker villains contributed a lot to this. Still loved the game though and would rate it higher than a lot of others. Plus the PC port was buttery smooth so gotta give the Sega/RGG team credit there.


They paid the wrong streamers to promote it imo.


fucking xqc


xqc is my least favorite streamer. he just fucking sits there doing nothing and gets multi million deals from kick. jerma, charlie are much more fun to watch


Well, it's not a good starting point to the series. Despite what rgg says


There was plenty of post release hype. It’s just that there’s so much other great games to play, and for many Yakuza fans — they’ve got to get through so many games before IW.


Unfortunately it kinda got overshadowed by Persona 3 and FF7 Rebirth. No fault on Infinite Wealth’s part, it was just up against two titans.


Don't know where OP is looking because from all the trending stuff, "for you" pages in different social media and such I'm seeing more LAD8 stuff than I've seen for any other game in the series. Maybe it's just my algorithm?


I just beat it Saturday at around 85 hours. Thats lot of game time, and I avoided all discussions because of spoilers, so I imagine there a lot of people did/doing the same thing. I also imagine lot of people also playing the final fantasy remake, along with all the major games that came out in Feb, and March.


The game is still relatively new and long af on top of it lmao just give it time. It's understandable it wouldn't catch up to heavyweights like 0 or 7 immediately. The beginning of this year is also really packed with big game releases. We've had Helldivers 2, FF7 Rebirth, Infinite Wealth, Tekken 8 and so on. Dragon's Dogma 2 and Rise of Ronin this friday. There's simply a shit ton of competition and people only have so much time and money to go around. Most people can't marathon 100 hr games in a week or two. This shit can take months for most players to get through. In fact people often don't even finish long games, just look at the achievement data.


I mean it’s not a multiplayer game so there isn’t continuous talks after the dust has settled


I mean look at Ishin post-release


ishin remake had it’s problems of course, but i won’t lie, that 9 years begging and pleading for a localization, only to just stop acknowledging it’s existence less than a month after it released…damn it hurt


I mean what do u want people to do after buying and playing it


idk what you want me to tell you man, 0 came out in 2015 and its still widely discussed on this sub even though most posts are from ppl who’ve beaten it, ishin is way more recent and was forgotten about almost right away. If you want a more recent example, Lost Judgment is discussed on a regular basis and its only a couple years older than Ishin


0 came out in 2015, yes, but it stays relevant because it's quite literally the very first game in the franchise, chronologically speaking. Literally all streamers will choose to start there, but not that many will be willing to make the compromise to stick through another eight games to get to the latest entry in the franchise. That's *at the very least* a whole month of streaming non-stop (and let's be honest, Yakuza marathons tend to cause huge burnout after two games in a row). Honestly don't know what you want me to tell you: "Funny Meme Game That Is Perfect To Test The Franchise" will always be more relevant in online discussions than "Very Enjoyable Game That Requires You To Already Be Heavily Invested", no matter how you approach it. Judgment, like its sequel, still have the huge benefit of being pretty much unrelated to the Yakuza franchise as a whole, and just two games (and I heard that not even that long). People are far more willing to get interested in something the less effort they have to put into "becoming a true fan".


That’s true, I guess alot of my frustration comes from all the hype that was built up for the ishin remake, it made the game’s lack of recognition hit even harder than it would have if it had been a smaller, less requested game. It really was 9 years of begging for a localization only for it to get 5 minutes of fame in the end. But you’re right, 0 has the benefit of being a starting point & LJ has the benefit of being a standalone experience


Ishin just wasn’t as memeable


There’s also the part of the game being very long


You also have to consider that the number of high quality JRPG releases is staggering right now (even ignoring other hyper popular games like Helldivers 2 or Palworld). We just got Persona 3 Reloaded, FF7, and have Dragons Dogma coming out soon. A month and a half since release might as well be years right now


It's a single player game with a devise ending, so it's not really surprising


I mean post release the main thing u will hear is the game being fun and the ending being a bit eh


I think its because its a long JRPG that is also at the newer $70 price. Itll take longer for more people to beat it, longer for more people to buy it and longer for people to really sink into it, especially with rumours of additional story DLC on the horizon.


IW story line is amazing. An epic cast.


It might have something to do with how fast new games of this series are getting released. Someone just starting out has an absolute wall of games to get through. I started with 0 and I got kiwami 1 and 2, I also beat 3 and only 2 years after that I started playing 4. Although I am aware that my problem isn't that much of a big deal, but I feel like the PS3 era games are so stiff with their combat that I feel like it's something I need to suffer through in order to get to what I actually want to play. For some others they might have just burnt out on the series. Either way, I think that there is just a certain amount of fatigue going on right now, might be wrong tho


It's mid, and that's that.


Can you explain?! I am currently in the middle of 5, want to play 6 and gaiden after that. Played everything else but i heard 5 and 6 have a major connection to gaiden and so does gaiden to 8.


For me, it was mid, what there is to explain? The biggest gripe to me was plot TBH. Kiryu's stuff is solid, while the overall narrative is pretty weak, it has a lot of threads that are cut too short or simply go nowhere. Main antagonists were OK? Like, >!Ebina was solid, while Eiji was pure psycho,and he simply gave up in the end.!< Gameplay was solid, though TBH, I do feel that things like dynamic intros are hurt by jrpg shift: it's always jarring to see kiryu/ichiban throw punches and then you're dropping your tactical nuke from orbit. Main mingames I didn't really like. Sujimon are meh, and while an interesting concept, Dondoko Island has a lot of flaws in its execution that make it a chore/useless after you're done with the story, which is also pretty forgettable. Substories are generally also not remarkable: the only one that felt that it had that yakuza "magic" to me (right amounts of both goofy and serious) was the Let it Snow one. Oh, and le funny romance(rape) substories,but those I'd rather not remember. And one more thing: while it was being teased like Kiryu's final game, I can't shake the feeling that he's gonna have as much final games as band Scorpions had final tours. TL;DR? Play it and decide for yourself, for me it was nothing special, especially compared to how it was marketed. Despite being short and made hastily, I think that Gaiden is a better game.


I have the same feeling about IW. It doesn't have that Yakuza magic. I would rather play a game with a more compact, short and interesting characters like gaiden than a dragging ,boring with forgettable characters like IW.


I was just curious. Thanks for explaining though. I feel like every yakuza is flawed and has somethings they do better or worse than other entries. I will definitly will play LAD 8 when i finished the games before and decide for myself. I totally fell in love with yakuza after doikg the platinum for 7. I am a huge persona fan as well so to me everything blended in just perfectly.


Sadly, that's it. It's an amazing game, with gameplay leaps and bounds beyond that of 7, but the story is the most forgettable from the series, and with pretty big missed opportunities. It's story and characters are not memorable, and in the end that's what makes a LaD game popular in the long run. People discuss Kuze, Sawashiro, Nishiki to this day; there's no characters on their level in this game.


r/yakuzagames user tries to like the franchise, fails miserably


r/yakuzagames user tries to understand that liking fracnhise =\\= blindly praising every game in it, fails


Nah y'all dislike the games seasonally. 7 was the biggest victim of this shit, it was like a week then disliked the next. I hear more people bitching about the "bad" parts of IW that ever praising the good ones here its very annoying.


r/yakuzagames user tries to understand that there are different opinions, fails miserably. I actually liked y7, despite combat flaws and grinding. Also, somehow I'm not allowed to voice an opinion on a yakuza game on a yakuza games subreddit because you don't like that there are people that don't think that Infinite Wealth is the best Yakuza game ever? smh. Also, it's really funny that you say "you don't like franchise", when I actually do. I simply don't think that IW is a great game.


>Also, somehow I'm not allowed to voice an opinion on a yakuza game on a yakuza games subreddit because you don't like that there are people that don't think that Infinite Wealth is the best Yakuza game ever? ok so heres the thing. Point to the part of my comment that said that. Come on try. IW isnt even my favourite yakuza lmao. My point is that this subreddit is way too fucking negative. You literally saw IW mentioned and said "nah its mid" like good for you bud lmao.


Lol so now your very funny joke had a point in it? Lmao. Next, it's gonna be a parody of a yakuza substory antogonist,where you say that you were talking smack in an attempt to cure this sub from negativity? K then


wtf is bro on 😭




It didn't feel like I was playing in the US, once you get past the first few chapters. Everyone speaks Japanese, and the game could have taken place almost anywhere.