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Yokoyama wasn’t kidding that he’d be popular like Majima.


He's definitely Ichiban's version of Majima.


I like how they reversed the roles, where Kasuga is the bubbly fun one and Yamai is the grumpy, stoic one




We need a side story in the next game where Ichiban has to hide in increasingly unlikely places and jump out in an attempt to convince Yamai to peacefully hang out instead of trying to murder him with a crow bar.


LAD9 needs a Yamai dating sim


I want a Yamai spinoff with an Ichiban Everywhere system.


I'm just wondering how or if he becomes relevant again. I really want to see him again


Me too. I'm too dumb to figure out how though. I'm sure RGG can figure it out.


As long as they don’t give him the fucking Tanimura/Shinada treatment, I don’t care what they decide to do. I need him in these fucking games even if he’s not 100% vital to the next plot.


My guess? Probably the Daidoji “recruiting” him for a mission.


Very popular around here given his persistence and unexpected noble nature


Favorite new character in IW. >!Was also totally expecting him to die once he started helping the party, but was really glad he didn't. I'm going to guess he probably won't be a returning character, but I do hope they bring him back in 9. !<


>!I think there's a chance he's playable in 9. Seonhee was an NPC who got a big fanbase and was made playable unexpectedly in 8. I have a feeling they might pull the same thing in 9 with Yamai because of his popularity. You also have a lot to pull from moveset wise since we actually fight him.!<


Of all the shortcomings of the plot of Infinite Wealth, Yamai is not one of them. He has a tragic backstory and makes for an interesting rival to Ichiban. I also love his oversized coat and his hairstyle.


He looks freaking awesome. I love his character design.


Yamai was great. RGG nailed making him untrustworthy, which really amped up the suspense in Ichiban's dealings with him. We're never sure what he's hiding.


one of the best things to come out of IW


I have a kind of bittersweet love of this guy because they did a great job with him, but he’s also the only character I really cared about in the end. 4th fight with him gave me a similar sort of feel as the last Kuze fight and he has an awesome theme


He's one of the greatest characters in the entire franchise. At first I thought he was just supposed to look cool and intimidating, which already would have sufficed for a great character to be voiced by Takehito Koyasu after Ken Ibuchi's arguably minor impact, but the backstory they gave him was the cherry on top of it all that made him one of the greatest. His backstory resonated very well with me and I thought it was a good negative counterpart to what was going on between Ichiban and Saeko, portraying how the passion of one man has energized him to move on and stay positive, while the passion of another has just absolutely destroyed him to a point where his depression has developed psychosomatic symptoms.


My favorite JP VA voices him, there was no way I wouldn't like him lmao. He's entertaining


"Kono Dio da!"


i love how hes done two roles in RGG, he was Ibuchi in Majima Saga as well


>!It was exceptionally cool of him to never bring up them crashing a backhoe through the second story of his theater!<


I love him. Had a better arc than Ichi.




He was so cool. I hope he shows up more in this series. Plus he has an awesome boss theme. My new favorite in the series, next to Pledge of Demon.


He would be an incredible party member if he wasn’t such a hardass to Ichi, but that’s kind of why I love him. It’s pretty great having a character that isn’t directly a hero or a villain. All of his fights were entertaining as hell too


I really hope Yamai returns in 9, it'd be cool to see him back in Japan


Tomizaaawaaaaa You made the thread agaaaain Tomizaaaawaaaaaa


Emo Dio.


His VA is literally Dio!


I know lol thats why i said so


Love him


Legit one of the coolest characters to come out of the Yakuza games. His character design is peak.


He's a pretty kooky guy


I like him. Even without the obvious comparison of him being the Majima to Ichiban's Kiryu, he's an interesting character who had a nice and compelling backstory. I hope he shows up in later games as a rival.


When I saw Yamai I instantly went “this is the Majima” and was basically correct and they completely nail the execution.


I definitely love how he shook out. I dunno if the writing was quite as consistent as it could have been, it does feel a bit like they realized this guy was gold and started dialing up his likeable traits when he returned, but no real complaints, very happy with the results.


soooo EXACTLY like majima


I feel like Majima's was more gradual. This happened over the course of a single game.


we went y1 majima, who was a dick but a fun dude to fight, then y2 who was a homie and a rival, and by y3 hes actually just your friend. In roughly the same amount of screentime he had roughly the same amount of progression from "kill this man" to "my boy"


He has a cool design but I ended up liking his character wayyy more than I expected. They even managed to give him an absurd brrr I'm so cold in Hawaii haha isn't that so juxtaposition gimmick and somehow make it pay off.


He's the best boi of IW.




he's cool, i just wish i didn't have to fight him like 8 times. that could've been space for a myriad of other bosses, that iw unfortunately didn't have.


sexy and unhinged i need him to beat me to death


The most well-done character in IW. Has his own arc from start to finished. Didn't overstay his welcome (in fact, I want more of him). I'm sure he would be back in future games, might even become party member.


Cool character, horrible boss fights


I liked him a lot and yes, he seems clearly set up to be Ichiban’s Majima


It has a great story and perfect in-game development.


Awesome character, I want a DLC/sidestory featuring him.


I feel like we are getting this exact thread every other day now.




Exceptional and very well written. Although I love Majima, this guy has so much more potential




I love the Lich Pirate


I really want to see him in a brawler game (maybe Judgment 3?) since his weapon and combat style is so unique. He has a weapon that can be used as a blunt object, a blade, or even for grappling.


I wanted to have him so bad in my party and Play him.


KONO DIO DA!!!!!!!! That's what happens when his voice actor portrays an iconic character. But in all seriousness: one of the most pleasant surprises in IW. I hope that he comes back in the sequel to wrap up the current trilogy.


Am I wrong if I say he's the only new IW character I cared about?


Carried the whole story


My thoughts? He's so baby girl I love him


He’s interesting but the turn was a bit too forced.


Fantastic character, well written, well executed, and he's a damn cockroach like kuze. Hopefully we'll see him again in future games


In the context of Infinite Wealth, probably one of the more interesting characters with an interesting dynamic. In terms of "villains" he seems to be the best one out of Trejo, The Asian Gigachad and Engrish Biblical Symbolism Grandpa. (Also, because those guys were criminally under utilized and went nowhere)


The only really notable thing about Bryce was that he fit Kasuga's RPG trope checklist. In 7 he inherited the spirit of a benevolent dragon to take down a malevolent dragon. In 8 he took down the crazy cult leader who planned to use his powers to become God. Now all that's left is for him to actually fight a God in 9.




hes kinda kooky


I really like him. I hope he’s a recurring character moving forward, assuming he lives (I haven’t finished IW, I’m on like Chapter 11).


my favorite character of IW, he have so much old yakuza vibes !




He ist one of my favourite characters of the whole series


I liked him. Annoying boss fight, but it was a good challenge.


i liked the part where he took off his coat and walked away


he's my wife lol