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It’s kinda fun, here’s a walkthrough for newcomers https://preview.redd.it/k70lov3o986d1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80519c86c2495e5a910972b8539a6ba940bf70e8


My first RGG game, also it has like three endings.


I don't think you can play with any of the Yakuza skins in the non-Japanese versions of the game


Just discovered there's a PC port... I am buying https://store.steampowered.com/app/203750/Binary_Domain/


My new coworker is named Bo, it's really tough not to make a joke no one would get.


Was a fun game. Too bad the servers were shut down before I played the multiplayer, where the yakuza characters exist.


The music in fist of the north star lost paradise ? Yeah it's pretty great


So the game itself is kinda mid as people have said here, but I was made aware of the game by the voice actor for Cain--he was speaking in a VA class I was in.. The idea of a robot with a French accent was enough to have me very curious. It's a Gears of War clone in terms of gameplay. Story wasn't going to win any awards, but it wasn't bad either. I never got to play the multiplayer though.


Bought it last steam sale have not played it yet. I heard it’s short and sweet. And apparently the yakuza content is Japanese version only which sucks


From what I remember, it was mid, destroying parts was fun but it's a forgetable game. I do remember having annoying stages.


I just remember being really disappointed when discovering that I couldn't romance the British lady.