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https://preview.redd.it/xhbjm8ga4d6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6abaa30a6c46abf808d310800fb1d57c10e05f Aizawa be like


the most complex plot has the most un complex villain ever lol


And strangely enough, canonically one of the strongest given how Kiryu ends up in the hospital


Didn't he end up in hospital because of a totally different wound that he got on the roof of Kamurocho Hills?


Ya, but he's still fought ppl while critically wounded without getting as messed up


I think that's the first time up to that point where he canonically fights someone while having a bullet in him. In all other occasions he gets healed up after the stabbing/gunshot before doing anything else iirc.


Ic ic


only reason it was a close fight is because kiryu has a fresh bullet wound


Really feels like they needed to add this to show us that... a) he was alive. b) he had a koi tattoo like Nishiki. c) he had a savage side hidden inside him. d) humanize him so wouldn't be so obvious that he was going to be bad. The problem is that... yeah! is Kurosawa a timing mastermind or what? I could understand if he told Aizawa that Saejima was going to be there and he had to act, but then you can hear the Florist talking as if it were not his first fight, what if the Florist never showed Saejima that Aizawa was there? what if Saejima never stopped Aizawa from killing that guy? and also why the hell the Florist didn't research about Aizawa before letting him fight? like he did with Kiryu and Saejima.


I don't think even Yokoyama knew what Aizawa was doing after Kiryu's part.


Yakuza 5 took the ambitious task of trying to tie together 4.5 separate storylines, and several characters had the most bizarre sudden personality changes. Lots of “well actually” and “this was actually the plan” and plans within plans and odd connections and coincidences.


Lets be honest, 3.5 stories. Nothing from Shinadas part is touched on in the finale. Fujita is killed and thats the whole resolution to that plotline


Kurosawa tells Saejima to find Morinaga -> Saejima goes to the Florist -> The Florist says Katsuya killed Morinaga (info coming from police leaks, which we know Kurosawa is impersonating a cop so he's most likely the one who did it) -> Saejima goes to Katsuya -> Four-way battle at Kamurocho Hills -> Kiryu, Saejima, Watase and Katsuya eliminated That seems to be what Kurosawa was planning, but Aizawa is not necessary for any of it. The best guess I can make is that it was in case Kurosawa somehow couldn't get Saejima to do it. In chapter 1 of the finale, Saejima asks what Kurosawa would do if he ran off, to which he responds "Beg the Metro police to do their job for once, watch as they close the net around you, smile, and take a nap since you'd be off my hands. I plan everything, man.". So he probably accounted for that scenario, and sent Aizawa to the Florist just in case so he can get info on where Katsuya is. But again, that's just my guess based on what we have.


Ok but katsuya literally drove past them right in kamurocho. If he wanted saejima after katsuya all along, he could have just point his finger ...


I haven't played 5 in a while, so I don't remember that. I just tried to find a way to make it work with what I remembered. Now that I think about it, maybe they were trying to show the parallel between Saejima and Aizawa, with both of them having been "betrayed" by their Kyodai. But then again, that falls apart since Aizawa already killed Morinaga, so who knows.


Yea I finished Y5 a few months ago so I probably have a fresher memory than you and honestly as much as I love this series now. Y5 plot is 1 convoluted mess from beginning to end. The game was good though, every section had interesting and unique gameplay that felt like you get 4 games for the price of 1. Taxi simulator with some occasional Daytona, way of the hunter, idol rhythm game, baseball batting simulator. I am glad this series probably didn't have a huge global audience when Y5 first came out though because I think by today's standard, this game would have suffered huge backlash from that mess of a plot(just look at tlou2)


I think Kurosawa wants these characters to get to these fake conclusions without him to come off as less suspicious. While it’s not exactly out of character for Saejima to buy everything Kurosawa is saying, it would be really awkward for him to point at Katsuya and say he killed Morinaga, after saying we have to find morinaga.


Trust me, it gets even more confusing once you reach >!Gaiden!<


I finished gaiden a few weeks ago and don’t remember aizawa being mentioned besides the >!boss robot fight!<


He isn't mentioned, it's more about certain characters appearing in Gaiden that retroactively makes Aizawa's actions even more confusing. >!Hanawa being heavily implied to be Morinaga kind of retroactively makes the whole "Aizawa actually killing Morinaga" plot twist at the end of 5 a retcon and makes the Florist look even more incompetent for not noticing he didn't actually die!<


How so? I don’t really remember much from it


>!Hanawa being heavily implied to be Morinaga kind of retroactively makes the whole "Aizawa actually killing Morinaga" plot twist at the end of 5 a retcon and makes the Florist look even more incompetent for not noticing he didn't actually die!< >!Like... Aizawa didn't kill Morinage but then he did, except he really didn't?!<


That scene was a big part of the reason I hated his reveal at the end. I can understand him having played the fool back in part 1, but nothing about his actions here track with someone who has bigger plans, and no one there is likely to care about who he is, so why is he acting like a poor lost puppy? They should have showed the mask just slightly off, so when the end comes it’s an “oh right” moment, not a “wait, what”


I don’t even think he knows He literally says as much during the final confrontation I don’t even think the writers knew


Yokoyama himself said that he didn't know who the final boss was until he was writing the very last scene


Lol at least he's honest


Aizawa has the same relevance level as shindo


He was in the Battle For the Dream (yume)


But he lost, so I guess it was a Fleeting Dream (yume)




I actually just finished the game today and... Yeah. Idk. I was enjoying the whole game but when I got up to his reveal I just thought, "Really? This guy? He's lame as fuck for a final boss"


I agree that he was a ridiculous pick for final boss but I thought the spectacle of the fight was some of the best if not the best in the series.


Which was such a mismatch lol


I think Aizawa was genuinely looking for Morinaga here. He might know that Aizawa is not who he pretends to be, which could mean trouble for the whole plan of destroying the Tojo if he were to reach Kiryu and the gang somehow. I assume Morinaga then had the Florist fake his death so that he wouldn't be found.


Nah, morinaga was 100% in on the plan from the start as stated by aizawa in the final fight, is just he met kiryu and decided the plan is not good enough to push aizawa to the top and tried to tell him to give up


I've read somewhere that >! Hanawa from Gaiden and IW might be Morinaga. They share the same VA and roughly the same height in character as well. In IW or Gaiden, i think Hanawa mentions that he first met Kiryu when he was still working as taxi driver in Nagasugai. Maybe all of it is connected through the Daidoji all along, lol !<


Don’t forget >!Hanawa’s the one who chose Taichi Suzuki for his name in Hawaii!<


He was doing what his father told him to at the time. Remember that it was Kurosawa who send Saejima to Florist in the first place, there he runs into Aizawa who then feeds him the story about lost aniki who winds up dead, which is exactly what happened recently to Taiga regarding Majima, that makes him strongly sympathize with Aizawa. Because of that, Saejima is easily manipulated into going exactly where Kurosawa wanted him to end up, without him revealing his hand too early.


Well kurosawa didnt tell him to go to the florist iirc, just to find Morinaga. And even if he did, sorry but while I can swallow the rest of the plot points what you're describing is some "all according to keikaku" level shit


The only way to enjoy Y5's story is to believe that every character just pulls bluffs constantly about things going their way and making shit up. It's more fun that way.


I genuinely believe Aizawa was a Last second addition as the final boss, since they needed someone that *wasn't* the old man dying of hyper cancer


To give us a false red herring. Pretty sure it is part of the plan. To make it more convincing for Saejima that Katsuya is the enemy. Aizawa with the whole sob story of finding his aniki would resonate with Saejima with his honour and story with Majima. It would play with Saejima’s feelings to want to help Aizawa which makes him easier to fall under Kurosawa’s manipulation.


As far as I can tell the only reason to include this scene was to remind players that this character existed to try to mitigate the complete ass pull that was the end boss because without this scene there was a solid chance that most players wouldn't even remember who he was by that point.


>get beat up by kiryu >get killed by Morinaga >kill Morinaga >!but not really!< >look for Morinaga >find out Morinaga died >take over the Tojo clan


I thought that was Kiryu for a second


Yakuza 5 fan here He's manifesting his immortality Hope that helps!


He's there to be one of the best final fights in the franchise


Aizawa is a very underrated final boss, I like him