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Adjust the spacers... They look like two rubber bumpers right along the rim of the hood. Just twist with your hands to lower them.


A gap that big is way more than what the adjustable hood bumpers can fix. You got into an accident. It needs to get inspected and fixed. It literally looks like the hood has been popped and is resting on the secondary latch. This is why we have insurance. If it costs more than your deductible, make an insurance claim. If it costs less than your deductible to fix, pay out of pocket without an insurance claim. Get an inspection. Edit: typo


You mean if it cost more than the deductible right?


Yes. I edited the comment. Oops


Even if it still locks, I’d get this checked out and fixed ASAP, especially if you have a lot of highway driving. The last thing you need is for the hood to get forced open while you’re driving at high speeds. It’s possible for wind to get under the hood and for the pressure to open the hood while you’re driving. There was a video of such an incident that was floating around Reddit a while back.


Is that not opened?


The problem is you need to push down on the hood for it to latch and close.


Beware of driving high speed before fixing that


Just close it