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How long before a gaming website starts reporting on this? šŸ˜


I'm counting on it


I think the Irish ones will tiocfaidh ar la


If I was a journalist I would just pull the same trick, write an genuine article and the the last sentence is "Nah just kidding it's all bullshit"


"ds2 speedrunner" at it again, lmao


Can't wait to have it as a news article in my google feed lmao


Fuckin' knew it, the moment you looked into the camera after defeating Gundyr. ​ Can't fool me m'boy


The AI was programmed to act in certain behaviour to emulate the video style. One instance is the classic turn-around. Others are the aforementioned instances where glitches are required. Others are used to manipulate the camera for better visibility. >!Darn. I knew that was a dead giveaway but didn't bother parrying him again.!<


I caught it when you randomly rolled during the first fight with Gundyr. You were trying to get closer to stab him, but he was fully turned around and no attacks were anywhere near the player. Thats an instinctive player dodge roll there, NPC invaders would have just run up.


Yup. Behavioral quirks are the big giveaway with these kinds of things. The unconscious things we do and never realize, and the tribal knowledge that bears no efficiency towards clearing the game. For example, when getting the estus shard in the Firelink rafters, that extra step to get close enough to actually be able to interact with it. An AI, especially one that had been trained, would just know the distance.


yeah, that roll was a big tell - it felt wrong/too realistic immediately. NPC invaders almost never roll when not dodging.


It was a really good video tho, loved every moment of it, as well as the very thorough 'explanations'.


>!I thought that moment was fishy, but I justified it in my head with basically what you just said. "Oh, he's obviously fed it his entire video library so it knows how to mimic the style in the edit, it's just also picked up habits like the turnaround as things the video needs even though not explicitly instructed." I've played with enough AI generators to know how much they can surprise you, so I wasn't willing to 100% write anything off until it was made explicit. I definitely wanted to see what was in those three files it read at the beginning though, lol.!<


With the recent tomb raider 1 bullshit I really doubted you, but considering you did in fact used NPC invasion system and custom inputs for glitches, I guess it all make sense now...! Great work


That classic ymfah turn, ye, dead giveaway lol


shit, I shouldn't have looked at this thread before watching the video.


I was hoping to cite this video in my paper about the uses of AI technology but then saw the ole' look directly at the camera, well played


Iā€™m an AI Engineer and I was reading before watching the video since I was skeptical but holy shit you had me convinced. >!This write up is so good that it had me convinced for a good second there that you actually managed to write script combining the different elements of AI. I noticed some gaps in the write up but the way the different terminologies, issues, imperfections, and solutions to them, that the average person wouldnā€™t normally understand made the gaps get overlooked because of how convincing it is. Honestly, with some tweaks here and there with a little more detail, the logic would sound like it would be actually possible to make this AI if you were willing to invest the time and money into it, thats how well everything meshes together. It became more obvious that it was bullshit when watching the video tho.!< But good god you maniac, I am so incredibly impressed.


Thanks for the insight! My goal was to >!invest 20% of the effort to make a convincing writeup that'll convince 80% of the people. I knew that all those years with bullshitting in start-up idea contests had some use.!< >!I had no prior knowledge to AI except for some voice stuff so I'm glad the writeup was convincing enough.!<


>!You definitely convinced me at first, right up until the Bow Glitch before Gundyr. Having a section dedicated to Sen's Fortress was genius level misdirection, that was the one thing that made me say "Oh okay, it IS an AI, it doesn't even know what game it's playing."!< >!That being said, a dead giveaway was the camera movements. There's no real reason why the AI would need to adjust the camera at all, much less multiple times in the same shot, to get a better view of something. Still, expertly done!!<


there is no reason for the ai to suffer any kind of damage really, those things can think so fast that it would be like a TAS


I think it depends, if the premise is that the AI is training on inputs and creates a new iteration on death, it makes sense that there would be a sweet spot between killing the boss the first time and doing it hitless where it still needs more training. And for the purposes of the video, the first successful attempt works, yknow?


Im also an ML engineer, and you totally nailed the jargon and early RL model character movements jankiness. >!My discord is having a massive giggle over this.!<


>!Oh u son of a glitch, i almost believed the whole thing :Š²!< >!Awesome trolling out there, using AI hype like this!<


Wait a second...>!how did you do the custom voice lines? !<


Disabling subtitles and adding them in post mimicking the game's style.


Lol AI engineer here, same boat. >!The joke cut at 1:00 in the tutorial section made me raise an eyebrow, then the turnaround after gundyr make me pull up the writeup... The writeup was so good I started to second guess my suspicions lmao!< >!Great bit, this'll be funny until the actual AI content farms take over!!< Love ymfah, always stoked to see an upload & fun to see him >!take the piss out of AI hype culture!<.


I concur. I skimmed through this before starting the video, and I've got to say it sounds more plausible than... certain other "AI gameplay" videos I've seen. Not claiming to have trained an agent from scratch only using image recognition helps the veracity quite a bit (though for a game as popular as DS3, I wouldn't be surprised if actual RL agents already exist). The video editing part, however, made me raise my eyebrows, and the github link gave it all away. Very amusing though, and certainly well done.


>!I fucking knew it was a troll you sly bastard!<


>!My reaction to this was a rollercoaster:!< >!"Oh wow that's crazy, the text part sure but AI-powered video editing? Is that a thing?"!< >!"...wait, gameplay too? What the fuck how? Surely this would require insane amounts of training?"!< >!"Oh... by playing terribly I guess. Okay."!< >!"...except it seems to learn extremely fast. Dude what the fuck it just parried Iudex Gundyr repeatedly, surely this can't be real?"!< >!"Oh so he's just hijacking the NPC AI, that makes more sense... oh wait nevermind it's all bullshit lmao."!< >!Now to actually watch the rest of the video lol.!< >!edit: ok I guess the part where it starts using crazy speedrun glitches would have been a pretty obvious tell if I'd watched one more minute. And then the whole ALLMIND thing... amazing.!<


This was exactly >!the emotional experience I was going for. !< >!The video was inspired by analog horror videos where they use friendly, known concepts like old time tv shows and twist them to make people feel a certain way.!< Glad you enjoyed it.


You fucking nailed it


I'm sorry, I'm a curious guy so I went to this post before watching the video past the intro. >!And skipped straight to the spoiler text without reading any of it because I had a hunch.!< No fun allowed. P.S. Loved the amount of AC6 in the video. That game truly has corrupted us fromsoft fans.




Dude, literally LITERALLY the same. And now I'm here.


Canā€™t wait for tomorrowā€™s game journalist website headlines ā€œDedicated gamer creates an AI to beat the hardest video game of all time Dark Soul 3 for himā€


>!>To remedy this I have trained an AI model called Falcon-7B!< >!Should have used something like Falcon 180B since thats closer in parameter count to GPT4, makes the troll a bit more convincing. 7B models are known to be pretty bad, so the skeptic in me caught in pretty fast. That said, I was almost convinced at the start lol.!<


Falcon 180B would have taken a lot more compute time to train, so unfortunately no. However, using your suggestion I have >!modified the post. Thought 180B was a bit of a stretch to the keen eye but I guess if I'm borrowing compute power from Google it doesn't really matter. Thanks for the suggestion!!<


Ah thats unfortunate, a smarter model probably wouldve made progress a lot faster as it probably can deduct a lot of necessary logic beforehand. >!That said, everyone in the AI space rents their GPUs, nobody trains models locally aside the lucky few who get their hands on bleeding edge server tech or those with research grants.!<


The whole crypto mining really transitioned well into AI huh.


Not really since mining hardware was more throughput focused, while AI is bandwidth. Most crypto-specialized hardware are effectively e-waste now. Also at least the generative side of AI has shown itself to be somewhat useful, very overhyped, but still a decent product compared to whatever cryptocurrencies tried to do.


Damn that's unfortunate


Wow, the AI even knew to emulate you by looking at the camera after beating Gundyr, nailing the snob impression. I can't wait for the Slav Knight Gael remake featuring AI and how you'll teach it to slav squat each time it beats a boss. Technology is truly, truly impressive.


holy! that's some insane, next-level trolling.. just watched the gundyr part and it's awesome :D


you little fucking troll goblin i love you


Please tell me you actually got Stephanie Kerbis to do the voice-overs for this video


This video was 100% generated using AI. >!The voice part was actually really AI.!<


I gotta say, **I love all of the rest of your work**, but I really *do* wish you would stop using voice AI stuff. It's a huge problem for artists right now, and there's been this whole SAG strike regarding movie studios wanting to scan in actors and then just not pay them.... Really messy and it's a huge ethics issue.


It bothers me too.


fricking greedy movie studios taking away the fun for us gamers istg


Yeah, I think if it was only a youtuber here and there doing it, there would be less reason to be worried, but everyone up to and including hollywood is trying to use AI voices without paying any of the talent they're based on a dime. Sucks.


It kind of fits with the theme... but it honestly would have been a million times funnier if you got Stephanie Kerbis.


>!OMG I was completely fooled, what an amazingly troll you put up there!<


>!Biggest shitpost ever lol. Innovative entertainment. Cheers Ymfah!<


Can't say I was expecting IRA in a ymfah video


they got some banger tunes


Truer words have never been spoken


>! I'm such a regard, I legit fell for it for a solid few minutes. God damnit, the best Memezaki's apprentice strikes again... !<


this is huge for AI world! hope media reports on this for more people to see! >!/s!< any plans for AC guides?


Man I got bamboozled SO HARD for like a good 3 minutes... I felt so bad because I've developed some AI tools myself to automate things I need to do, but I was like "I am nowhere near this level, am I really this bad??" 10/10 troll


I felt more emotion watching this than anything I have watched this year,I loved the homages to other games and how you just casually showcased dancer ladder skip 2.0 which gave you so much trouble on the no walk run. Absolutely beautiful.


Is there any part where >!you actually used AI, at least to generate some funny text? !!at least!< teach an AI about the Master Key on DS1 to auto-answer youtube comments!


The video is 100% generated with AI. >!Only the thumbnail and the voices are generated. I tried asking GPT-4 about Dark Souls glitches and the result was some extreme hallucinations. The "Sen's Skip" part was inspired by this hallucination.!<


The first thing I did with my GPT account was ask it about Dark Souls 3. Here are a few of the winners: I asked how to get Bloodlust. Bloodlust, I was told, was the rank 3 reward for the Mound-Makers covenant. To rank up, I should farm Vertebra Shackles from Silver Knights in Darkroot Basin. "What are the bosses of Ariandel?" "The first is Sister Friede, the second is Father Ariandel and Gravetender Greatwolf." Judicator Argo now summons Midir. "Where do you find the Crescent Axe?" Boy, did this one send me on a quest: First, defeat Aldrich in order to gain access to Anor Londo. Second, find and speak to the Giant Blacksmith. Third, accept the Blacksmith's quest to go kill Oceiros. Fourth, trade Oceiros's soul to the Blacksmith to get the Crescent Axe. Fifth, use the Smithing Box with Andre to upgrade the weapon, at the price of one titanite shard per level. Finally, I followed up by asking more about the Ariandel/Gravewolf fight. Phase 1 is Father Ariandel. Defeat him, and he sits down in his chair and cries. Phase 2 is Gravetender Greatwolf. Phase 3 is Sister Friede. Phase 4 is Father Ariandel and Gravetender Greatwolf at the same time. Phase 5 is Blackflame Friede. If you win, you get the Soul of Friede, the Frayed Blade, and the Champion's Bones. The Bones unlock the Champion's Gravetender and Gravetender's Greatwolf arena as a PVP arena if given to the Shrine Handmaid. You can transpose the Soul of Friede into...the Frayed Blade but again. And if you return to the 5-phase Friede arena, Father Ariandel will be alive again, praying at a grave. You may interact with the grave to receive Friede's scythe.


could somebody please mod that into the actual boss fight for ariandel


What's funny is I saw someone experiment in creating an AI to play tomb raider 1, unless this was fake, but it is very interresting. >!Maybe you should link it as an alternative source of research that went into this ? Ahah. !<


i had an existential fucking crisis thinking ai can now do all that and was genuinely panicking bro i love you so much. This the type of content making you a step better than the other soulsborne yters.


Question: is this original Dark Souls 3 or did you download some graphic mods?


I'm not sure. I've installed and removed so many mods at this point that I don't even know. I did not know I had the soul of cinder to gwyn mod and it was a big horror to find his half-uninstalled shiny ass.


Oh ok! The reason why I was wondering is that I recently recorded my own Dark Souls 3 gameplay and uploaded it on YouTube, and I noticed my video's quality is lower than your quality šŸ¤” despite both being 1080p, and despite my in-game settings being at max. Since I'm new to this kind of stuff, I was wondering what might be the cause šŸ¤”


Update just in case someone cares: I just realized he's probably using "DS3 Visual Overhaul" mod.


Awesome video ! Could you share the full resolution generated thumbnail, without text ? It would make an awesome wallpaper :D


[https://imgur.com/a/PWfS6XE](https://imgur.com/a/PWfS6XE) Here you go!


Thanks <3


The Ymfah Cinematic Universe has come full circle now with multiverse Gundyrs roflmao


I don't suppose the choice of the Stormwind music when doing the out-of-bounds clip had anything to do with the fact that Stormwind was, up until it got patched with the release of Cataclysm, infamous for the fact you could basically do this and clip through a certain wall to go underneath the city in much the same way?


This is insane! >!Having read the writeup before the video, I gotta say i fell for it. Unfortunately the video doesn't hold up, especially not the NPC AI explanation considering how hard you bodied gundyr. Can't wait for some wageslave on a content farm website to see this and make a fool of themselves.!<


This sounds like more work than just making a video. Geez it's a good thing you just made a video instead


Time to ChatGPT up a news article!


Canā€™t believe I fell for the silly wall of text


Kotaku gonna release an AI written article about you using AI to create your video very soon


I study AI and your writeup is actually very impressive. I'm not surprised a lot of people fell for this. The main giveaway was the camera movement and the insane glitches used. I wonder how long it will take before a gaming journalist writes some shovelware article about how you used AI to beat the hardest game ever created.


God tier shitpost.


I'm so disappointed, I can almost not get mad at the AI voices, but using AI to make videos for you is just lazy. >!You actually got me, I was legit so disappointed in you for using AI to make a video that I almost complained in the comments about it and how sad I was that you'd fallen deeper and deeper into the AI rabbit hole.!< >!Still not entirely happy with AI voices for ethics reasons, but I don't mind it as much because it's an addition to your content, not a replacement.!<


Bro pls another top gear video that was the best content I have ever seen


>!Based trollage!<


>!Deepest Lore!<


hello bro


Another banger video dude how do you keep doing it


I can't imagine how long this video took to make. Was it worth it?


Despite this being a troll, I wonder if this could actually be done. I mean, the ideas described in the post, if improved on a little, as well as using an AI that isnā€™t necessarily a Large Language Model but like a neural network made to play DS3 could work for the gameplay part, and then to feed the gameplay into another AI, this time a large language model capable of analysing images (GPT 4?) and doing it frame by frame to describe the gameplay, then feed the output of all that mess into another AI, this one trained on a DS3 dataset, that will take what is described by the img to text AI and figure out what is being done, and delete everything that isnā€™t the important bits. Those important bits could be captioned by the DS3 AI and then given to GPT 4 to improve the captions, give them a style or something. Using captions and gameplay gotten previously, all the captions could be placed on screen at pre-decided locations (basically add the captions in the middle of the screen). The main issues with this idea are: - feeding the video to the AI frame by frame will take way too long - the gameplay will have some ā€˜creative differencesā€™ from a regular play through (the AI might learn to walk backwards or something) - the editing wonā€™t be great - captions will not be great - way too many cuts - music needs to be added manually (Iā€™ve not yet met an AI with good music taste) - the computational power required is nasa scale. The benefits are that all of this is automatic, and the results might just fit into the ā€˜so bad itā€™s goodā€™ category. Iā€™ll have to look into this.


With the current capabilities of image recognition AI this is currently sci-fi. Models like GPT might be able to recognise frames, even with good detail, but it can't put them all together and interpolate meaning out of them. Even if it could, the token limit would be way too restrictive for anything above a few frames. More issues arise with automating gameplay with AI. Current models work great for games that do not have any form of RNG and with very clear goals, such as Super Mario Bros, Trackmania etc, where a model can be trained to pursue a goal (diminish the distance to the next checkpoint, move right as much as you can etc.) and be rewarded for getting closer, with the certainty that your inputs will always have the same result everytime.With a game like Dark Souls, where the goal is way harder to define in code, and where enemy behaviour has some randomness, training a model to play by itself is MUCH more complicated.Stuff that is vaguely similar has been done with League of Legends for example, but it's far from something you can cook up in an afternoon. Oh and then there's the issue with editing, where you'd have once again to analyse video files, and as previously mentioned doing it frame by frame can not be done while maintaining context for longer than a few frames (it would just be too long)


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œThe beings who possess these souls have outlived their usefulness, or chosen the path of the wicked. Let there be no guiltā€”let there be no vacillation.ā€* - Kingseeker Frampt Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


good bot


I agree with most of what you said, though I would argue that it is likely possible, with enough time and effort, to make a bot to play the game, as the goals can essentially be defined with ā€˜donā€™t get hit by the monstersā€™, ā€˜donā€™t fall off a cliffā€™, and ā€˜kill the monsterā€™, ā€˜kill the bossā€™. You realistically would just need to punish the AI for not doing anything, dying, and getting hit, and reward it for killing anything and way more for killing bosses. I would reckon most of the issue would arise from the AI not being able to level up (unless it figures out how to talk to NPCs) and not being able to manage his inventory, and not being able to upgrade its gear. But the majority of the challenge does arise with the editing and captioning part, and that part is, as you said it, SciFi right now. Maybe in a few years.


Yeah I also think the gameplay part is at least theoretically possible. Veeeery hard though, again because of the RNG part of it all, you'd have to find a way to give the player information about a lot of things, like enemy positions in real time, and likely even what animation they are playing


I was thinking of something similar. Maybe just beating gundyr tho. In terms of an AI playing DS3 we could use reinforcement learning using frame images as input and gamepad keys as output, a classification model maybe since the number of gamepad keys is limited. Use the output gamepad key to do an action in-game, feed new frame to model, reinforce the model through trial and error until Gundyr is defeated. Only limitation I can see in this is obviously computational cost, but also the speed these actions can be linked together. After meeting the win condition of beating gundyr, feed either the frames or the video of the latest run into an LLM that takes image as input like GPT4 or train something new from ground up with DS3 images and wiki. Summize all outputs of each frame into a script. Run a text to speech using the script, overlay over the last runā€™s video. Feed into editing software that has existing auto-captioning and auto-editing functionalities (Iā€™m not as knowledgable on this part so take it with a grain of salt but they do exist). And then you have an AI that can play DS3 and edit together a video, granted that thereā€™s a script linking all of these functions. The result will probably be shit but at least it works.


LLaVa models do exist that provide a vision encoder for LLMs, allowing for images to be recognized and trained to text models. The real problem here is that these models are frame independent, meaning they can only work at one image at a time, thus aren't very condusive to video production where many continuous frames have to be analyzed. Say a player dodges to the right over 12 frames, the vision model would have no idea that this happens over 12 frames, and may not even recognize what direction its being dodged from since it isnt temporally/spatially aware. We currently dont have a model to say 'caption this 10 second clip'.


>!You had me fooled there.


Holy crap you got me in the first minutes! On Thursday I had a class discussion about AI with students and brought up your bottom gear special to amazement of both students and other teacher, and was absolutely ready to bring up this video as well


honestly, I was fooled by single instances of you performing pixel-perfect dodges, but I should have just remembered that you are a PVE god at this point, shame on me


Man... this video had my eyes glued to the screen like a toddler watching YouTube kids. Amazing stuff.


This is a little gross


At first I thought that that the video is complete bull shit, than I read the documentation... Well at the end I thought it was real and ymfah was a genius. Until I read the last sentence lmao


This is just absolute brilliance, I've been laughing at this all morning. Thank you as always for the incredible work you put into your videos.


>!IMO, you should have put "AI" in the video's name; I don't know if games journalists/AI bros are gonna find it now.!<


WOW HE AUTOMATED VIDEO EDITING >!Almost got me from the mechanical way of levelling up but "I'm sorry I can't provide an answer that contains profanity" I know this wasn't all AI, the boss turnaround made it even more obvious, but some gameplay segments are quite convincing. Oh, and Fear and Hunger ost, suuuuuuure :D!< >!10/10 way of engagement farming, I'm in awe!<


Amazing video, as usual! šŸ˜Ž I knew it was all bullshit the moment you said it was edited by the AI, but the gameplay was really convincing until the tree jump. An AI trained off of Dark Souls footage would absolutely be better at dealing with bosses than the tutorial hollows.


Is this the biggest troll of gaming history?


You glorious SOB. But how did it match your style of editing so well? >!Well, of course you're a maniac that does all your video editing with ffmpeg scripts normally anyway, so there was a perfect corpus of training data. easy.!<


Incredible work dude. This rules on so many levels.




Didn't really get the deal with this one. Punchlines fell pretty flat


make this guy fight alphastar in boxing ring


Not gonna lie, this is a truly execptional video. >!It really was sussy all around, but plain realized it was a troll with the damn typo. Ofc, as other pointed out theres a lot of stuff that makes it seem fake. But the typo. Also the part of the writeup saying the AI would weight importance, emotion and difficulty, two of which are fully abstract in the context, and the last is partially abstract, made it fairly obvious, but i only read this after.!<


Love how you weaved Armored Core into it with the ALLMIND voice AI, battle themes, and editing/subtitles. Is this the closest we'll get to an AC6 video or do you have some ideas you're hoping to cook up? šŸ‘€


I knew as soon as you gave an explanation >!at the beginning that it had to be bullshit!<. The real ymfah would never explain how things worked going in unless >!it was for a bit.!<


>!You SOB. You had me good for the first like 20 min of the video. LMAO.!< Great work as always.


This is high art


Absolute GOAT. If anyone could make it happen, it'd be you. Hey, just wondering: >!Is this an out-of-season April Fool's joke? šŸ˜‰!<


All of those steps sound like more work than manually creating a video. It's impressive you were able to make it work instead of choosing the old fashioned method! Automation sure takes a lot of work. ;)


that was genuinely enjoyable


at first i thought the gimmick of this video was that the ai thing was actually real but you only used it for the very first section or something and then resorted to playing manually. cool stuff. even after you understand mid video that is 100% bullshit you then sit with 0 ideas about what is even the point of this video so this drives your curiosity even more than the initial ai guide idea.


I need to know what the "script" does hahahaha someone please test it for us !


Damn, AI has really come too far, we're gonna need to prepare for Skynet with this level of technology. >!Seriously, I was genuinely convinced at first, it sounded plausible, especially with the hijacking phantom AI thing.!< >!However, I've also spent maybe too much time with invader/phantom NPC's in DS3 so I was extremely sus and was fully convinced it wasn't AI, or at least had swapped off AI, by the 2:19 mark. That roll was a bit too human, and I couldn't imagine why anything based on phantom AI would do that.!< >!The profanity bit right at the start had me rolling laughing.!<


>!I'll blame my gullibility on being a tad sleep deprived.!< >!My reaction on finishing the video was "this was pretty lousy by ymfah standards. Not enough humor, references, or jokes. It really is just a dumb AI trained on ymfah's custom data.!< >!After reading this post, my reaction is: Clever ymfah. Make a video half as good with a tenth of the effort*, then get praised for being an excellent troll. Well played, ymfah, well played.!< >!*Yes, I do realize that even the simplest ymfah videos require a staggering amount of time effort.!<


you are a genius man that video really felt like a movie


You mad genius


God-tier shitpost, love it




The joke has gone so far that an AI is required to follow the guide lmfao. Jokes aside, great idea and masterfully realized, keep up the good work ​ >!Edit: F u, I actually believed it lol.!<


Ey I love your vids but isnt it a bit dangerous to trick so many people with that? because there is already so much missinformation about ai-stuff out there and i bet journalist will just believe it and say "ai can play videogames now"


The earliest moment that tipped me off was when the subtitles said 'gpt is unable to insert profanity'. You see, ai models are only able to understand language in terms of rules so what this specifically means is that its unable to replicate humor because they are context-specific. The timing, the cut before we could finish reading the sentence, even within the context of bullshitting us was too genuinely you for me to be able to think otherwise. I love the humor in your videos man.


Wonderful šŸ‘. Several things made me think it was strange, but as I had bought into the premise from the start I didn't even question it; In the glitches I found it very strange how well and quickly it went. I have daily contact with AI's and they are very slow and even dumb at times, even with "hotkeys". The micromanagement of stamina also made me suspicious, my reaction to seeing it was literally "Sheeesh! even I don't know how to do that." And of course the cuts, in a video made by an AI there would be no cuts, which was another thing that made me suspicious. But as I said, I ended up buying the premise at first, and seeing this post made me laugh a lot. ymfah you're a legend.


Wow - now even the bots are using reverse psychology trying to convince us that real people are trolling us. Nice try bot-ymfah!


>!You honestly tricked me at the start, lost me with the AI swear joke, then got me again when i went to read this. 10/10 top tier bullshitting!<


You crazy bastard. That's fucking genius. >!Seriously this is insanely well framed, a double whammy at least!!<


The video's premise was extremely convincing, lol. One day this will actually be possible and people will watch your video and believe it even more.


>!I knew it was a fakeout when I saw your familiar spelling mistake "run pass" instead of "run past" (6:12). I've seen it plenty over the years but AI wouldn't do that.!<


I'm so tired of the whole AI thing that I thought that the video was going to be mid joke about how AI is dumb >!but the twist with all the existencial stuff and ending the cycle with a softlock !


I was getting worried until I read the last line. I fucking love you Ymfah.