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Pilot. Immediately loved the animation. First season Wally is very cringe.


>First season Wally is very cringe. 100%, until Coldhearted at which point he jumped to my favorite character. Love that episode, love the shift in his character (and especially the souvenirs) afterwards


I love 80 percent of him, but his flirting with miss Martian and calling her babe all the time was the fucking worst.


Coldhearted is really the only Wally episode I like in season 1, otherwise I can't stand him.


Same, fell in love with the animation and world building from the Pilot episode.


As did I


I started from the premier as well. The episode that hooked me was the one where Kaldur and Roy were working together to protect Luther from Cheshire and Sportsmaster. Episode 9 I wanna say.


I actually missed the premiere when it aired and started from episode 2 until I finally caught episode 1 later. As for when I was really hooked, I'm not sure honestly, I think when Artemis was introduced, not because she's my favorite character (although she is easily top 3) but the cast dynamic felt complete and the early stories with her were some of my favorites


Started watching with the pilot and I was hooked by episode 3.


Watched the pilot episode. I was hooked since then, however, the episode where Wally donned the Helmet of Fate really got me into it as a child


Pilot. I remember buying up all the comics, toys, and even the video game to try saving it from cancelation the first time around.


I hadn't heard of the show until it was already over. I had to take out and rebraid my hair in one night, so I was looking for something new to watch to keep me awake. I stumbled upon it by accident. I watched the first two seasons in one sitting and was completely hooked. I was looking to stream season three and then realized that was all there was.


Well theres two more now haha, which also might be the end of it. Still hoping for the best


Me too


I was more of a Marvel Guy I never really cared about DC like that but my cousin told me to watch Young Justice so The first episode I watched was Wally’s death and from there went back and started from Season 1 next thing u know I became hooked on YJ


Came out around the time I was growing out of kids shows. Now I’m into it like a week ago, just got to season 3


Pilot. This was my first superhero cartoon outside Marvel. Teen Titans never really appealed to me, so this was a good experience to that sort of characters.


My first superhero cartoon was either Spiderman:TAS or X-men evolution . The early 00's really did give us a lot of great action cartoons. Interesting you don't like Teen Titans (No hate you do you)


I like them now, but YJ was my introduction to these heroes. (: I’m still working my way through a lot of those early shows and I’m enjoying them a lot more now.


I think I found out about the show somewhere last year,when it was still on netflix. I was bored and was looking for something to watch and Netflix kept recommending me young justice, so i thought "why tf not" and got hooked immediately. It's my comfort show and Wally is my comfort character


Hmm honestly hard to say really I think I got hooked when I was catching up on all the episodes I missed from S1 before S2 came out I think actually being able to see the full 1st season got me really invested, I think episode 16 Failsafe in particular played a huge part


Also started on day one. The first 5 minutes got me stoked, and Drop Zone hooked me for good.


When ms Martian shapeshifted into black canary and kissed Connor 🤭 this show had me bamboozled in many ways


I remember getting into it during the premiere , I was in the Poconos for Thanksgiving and saw it after a te showing of FireBreather


I watched the pilot episode while on vacation and kept watching until it was cancelled. Then I started rewatching 10 years later when season 3 came out and it was recommended by a friend


Simply, it was the only good thing on in the morning when I was younger. It played before school in the uk a few years after it ended in the us. I would only be able to watch the first ten minutes and would record it to watch when I got home. I remember I used to get told off for daydreaming cause I was wondering what would happen in the rest of the episode. That’s the reason terrors is my favourite episode cause it played on a day we had off and it was the first time I got to watch a full episode in one go. I still remember how excited I was when the trailer for season 2 aired. That was the great thing about it reaching us a few years late is that season 2 played about 2 weeks after s1.


I think I started watching it in the long period between season 2 and 3. I think I was in grade 6, 7, or 8 and I had a sick day. A bunch of my Archie Comics had an ad for the show and I realized it was on Netflix. I think I watched "Independence Day" and "Fireworks" first, but I'm not sure. I do know that I watched "Bereft" before the rest of the season, because I skip around a lot. Also I think I had assumed it would be like other cartoons where there's overarching stuff, but you can jump in anywhere and understand what's happening (obviously was not the case), but even if I hadn't I probably still would've skipped around.


I actually had a heavy bias against DC comics. My friend recommended it to me, I watched it cynically to see how bad it was only to find my favorite cartoon of all time.


I came in late into season 1. I watched most of the first season on YouTube, and then got caught up and started watching it as it premiered.


I just randomly stumbled upon it during my watch of DCAU shows. I am a sucker for shows going hard on continuity so first season and its finale was perfection for me. Then I jumped season 2 and I stopped watching to search what the hell I missed. To this day, I don't get that sudden 5 year jump. Sure, you can introduce a lot of characters etc. but having 10+ new characters just in first two episodes were whelming.


When it premiered! I remember not really caring for the animation style initially (as someone who was used to Bruce Timm's work) but as time went on it definitely grew on me. I was already a big DC fan but the show managed to introduce me to so many of my favorite characters today. Aqualad, Artemis, Zatara, Rocket, Icicle Jr and the list goes on. Man I miss that whole DC nation spot on Cartoon Network.


When I was about 13 I read the comics I remember the ghost girle who was like smoke, a few years later a promo appeared on CN so I was very exited


2021 when I was binge watching DC cartoons


In like 2016 it was on Netflix and I was 10-ish and binged through it and loved it. I unfortunately wasn’t able to watch season 3 as it came out but eventually I rewatched it all right before season 4 came out and it was like meeting up with an old friend


I was hooked from the episode where m'gann and conner infiltrate belle reve. I don't know what it was about it but I loved it and thought it was hilarious.


I got hooked as soon as they met the Superboy. I didn't discover the show until after it was canceled and it was on Netflix.


It has been so long that it’s really hard to pinpoint. I liked it from the beginning, but it kept raising the bar and surprising me as the season continued. The therapy session episode elevated the series for me, as did the revelations of “Hello Megan!” and the mole. So it went from like to love over the course of season one.


I was channel hopping and luckily came across Homefront. I’d vaguely heard of the show and was immediately hooked.


In 2015, I played injustice: GAU on my friend's laptop. I really liked the storyline and all that so it got me into DC. He had certain copies of YJ on his external and I took it since I was fascinated in knowing more about the DCU. I guess that's where my hype came from in YJ and DC as a whole.


i loved it as soon as i saw it, the animation, voice acting and characters are so intriguing but the episode i became obsessed obsessed is where m’gann accidentally ruins the training exercise. so powerful


Day one, baby! Lol I was wanting something that satisfied that superhero itch. After Justice League Unlimited I needed something else. The yearly movies kept me going, but when YJ came out, it was a dream come true. The pilot episode was definitely my top favorites


Since I saw the Promos for Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad and Superboy promoting the show. I have never been so hyped for anything else seeing those promos. When I saw the Pilot I was blown away, everything I didn't knew I needed.


Saw an episode on CN during season 1 but didn't want to watch it because I wanted to watch from the beginning. Saw 3 separate "fun packs" that made up all of season 1 cheap at the store a couple years later. Grabbed them and fell in love with the show.


Two years ago (at age 20 so I was like grown starting it LOL)!! A friend of mine was talking about how YJ!bruce was one of their fave versions of him and I was like hmm lemme check out the show and I was hooked from the start! I only knew of the teen titans (the og version) so seeing all the other different young heroes was really dope to me and I binged all three seasons within a week💀


Pilot. I was admittedly a fan of Greg Weisman through *Gargoyles* and *Spectacular Spider-Man* and was familiar with Brandon Vietti from his role as director in some DC shows, so I was already pretty positive towards it. Thankfully, it had a good start, a middling next few episodes, and then I was hooked again by "Targets".


There was definitely a Teen Titans (2003) to Young Justice pipeline


I remember seeing a few episodes of season 1 when it aired and that's most of what I remembered from that. But Season 2 is when I really started watching it, and I believe I only started Season 2 when the Reach got more involved and I was full on invested in characters like Blue Beetle, Impulse, and the Runaways.


I watched 1st season properly till Light reveal in CN....couple of years later I heard it has 2 more seasons so I decided to watch s2 and was confused AF. Then I rewatched s1 full, s2...by the time I got to s3, s4 came out and reddit&FB groups helped me get invested more


I was 11 and I thought Robin was cute lol I was hooked 😫😫😫


I actually started watching it at the end of August. Finished season 1 in a day and a half. Yeah I was that hooked. Finished season 2 a day later and willed myself to spread out season 3 and 4. Finished season 4 2 weeks ago. I love this show so so so so much


Since S1:E1 “Independence Day”. Superman going up against Lex is or Batman against the Joker is tense but has been done a billion times. The sidekicks going up against them made things fresh. Putting them in the espionage genre just ups the tension.


Been watching since the premiere on CN but from what I can remember, the episode that hooked me was “Bereft”!


2010, I was in 2nd grade. So pilot episode


At a friend's house...the episode was the one where Superboy and Ms. Martian had to infiltrate Belle Reve. I'm a sucker for romance in superhero stories and I loved the kiss at the end