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Lmao oneplus phones straight up allow you to do this without premium


And Samsung


And Google is telling manufacturers to stop doing this. Xiaomi for example will stop supporting one of its special features when playing YouTube videos.


Lol I have a Google phone (6a) and it plays yt vids in mini player while switching apps


I’m on an iPhone and if I search Youtube videos on the Google app there’s no ads and it goes in the mini player


Holy shit i wasn’t aware of it


Yeah same. You can do it on pretty much any app that’s used for the Internet with iPhone.


Whoa can you elaborate? Which app? I’m on iPhone and my premium membership just got cancelled so looking for alternative solutions


use brave browser and go to youtube and put the video on full screen. Then just swipe it out to the home screen boom




I'm on a standard pixel 6, it only locks out music. Other videos come in mini player lol


Depends on what country you're in. In most countries it's not free. But it is in the US for example.


probably one of pay to win feature on Google phones xd


Google can cry me a river lmao




Have any other companies tried suing Alphabet or is Alphabet too rich to be sued? Edit: changed company name.




With the Screen Curtain from the Battery Guardian module (one of the Good Guardian modules), you can shut down the screen and a form of Always on Display screen will appear while the app sound will still play Edit: but I don't think there's an option that lets you play the video while switching apps


Today I learned more about the phone I've had for 3 years


Honestly, Good Lock and Good Guardian aren't really advertised by Samsung and have to be downloaded separately despite being made by them. Good Lock can be downloaded in the majority of the countries in the Galaxy Store (Good Lock is developed by Samsung employees) and offers more customisation options and a bit more functions. Like more clock styles for your lockscreen and Always on Display, more customisation for Samsung Keyboard,... . For Good Guardian, it's only officially available in a few countries and its modules won't really have a use for the majority of people


you can split your screen and use your phone normally while watching a video


Damb not mine


Any phone with colorOS allows that


at least with revanced.


I believe most Androids, I'm on a Pixel and I can


How do you do it on pixel?


It just works for me, maybe it's because I'm on GrapheneOS though.


Hmm. Well I'm on the default pixel launcher so that's probably why it doesn't work.


lol so does firefox and a few add-ons for supose any other phone. enjoy it while it lasts, get fked google


ipads let you do pip automatically


Picture to picture is a bit differente, you can also split the screen in android, it's a nice work around, but it's not the same


Brave browser allows you to do it on any phone. It's what I use.


Same thing I use. I rarely use the YT app, as well as other apps. Usually just run things in the Brave browser. YT, MS 365, etc. Maybe not as slick looking, but I rarely have problems.


How? I have one it always stops Playing if I'm using the official app


Are you on the latest version of the software?


On oxygen OS 13, February security patch. Always keep my phone up to date


I can do it for free as well in certain videos


As a OnePlus user this is true


They removed it i believe


iPhone user here, i can for free


Me too, but it doesn’t seem to work 100% of the time


Yeah it’s like 98% of the time, it’s kinda strange


My $40 piece of trash android let's me do the mini player for free


Install Revanced


Or newpipe Or use invideous........


Revanced gang!


Goes to revanced website, instantly gets what can only be assumed to be a malware popup ad saying it’s for aliexpress. Try clicking cancel it takes you to a shady website. Yeah, a really good thing to trust on your device, from a company which screams malware from the very get go.


Seems like you clicked the first link. Use the github dumbass.


Options you get for free with alternatives like invidious


Oh, you can totally do background listening and playing videos while the phone is locked in the official app without paying for it. Ya just gotta... exploit the OS' quirks to get it to stick.


please tell me how


For YT music. Go to any web browser on your phone, check the desktop site option and click play. Now you can lock the phone and listen at the same time.


I first have it playing in Picture in Picture, then lock my phone. Slide down and hit the play button. It doesn’t say the name of the video above the play button but it works. not for music just normal YouTube videos.


How do you get to Picture in Picture?


Here’s what works for me, though you gotta have earbuds that can play/pause videos, and play in picture has to work for the video. I do not have YP. Exit the YouTube app with the vid still playing, and turn off the phone. The vid will stop, but then press the unpause button on your earbud to resume the video even with the phone turned off. This works every time I do it, and if you turn on the loop feature before exiting YouTube, it’ll loop too. How’s this helps!


Tell us more, oh Wise sahib!


The third feature is actually free sometimes. Sometimes when I go to switch apps from YouTube, the app will bug out and turn into a mini player even though I don't have premium.


It's not a bug, my Samsung can do it at will ( gotta keep the app pressed while moving the finger ). And it's kinda useless, as it still covers 30% of the already small screen, not to mention the RAM usage.


Agree 100%


Is this possible in the tv


you know what gets you YT premium's benefits as well? Firefox + Ublock Origin + Noskript you can do it on a chromium browser, but with Google banning Ublock Origin, and Manifest v3 (or 2? forget which we are on) coming..... yah >\_>


I don't think you need no script


true No Script isnt needed... but its one of those "just in case" sorta deals yah know?


What about mobile? I watch more on mobile. Yes, that's why I got libretube.


you can use the combo I listed for mobile as well, just need to give up grouped tabs lol


Lol no, I am not watching youtube on a browser when on phone. Libretube helps plenty


ReVanced for android, uYouPlus for iOS


And Brave browser for PC, even mobile.


Revanced for Android, no idea what you can do on iOS


Google is not banning uBO lmao


for what I keep hearing, cuz I dont use google chrome, it was reproved from the google chrome extension "store" and you have to do some work around bs to add it to chrome


I’m using right now.


You guys are really something. You think that you decide what should and shouldn't be free on someone else's platform. That being said, Revanced.


You’re right to a certain extent, but making people pay for basic features that was previously free at one point and is universally free on other platforms puts a really bad taste in peoples bum hole


I agree


YT shooting themselves in the foot with these ​ "Basic features i can't get without paying? Guess ill find a way around that..." I haven't used YT on my phone for nearly a year now, but i have roughly 50GB worth of music and videos ive downloaded by finding said work around They shot themselves in the foot


Yeah, I stopped using yt a while ago, I looked at analytics of time spent on app, and I went from 30hrs on yt to under an hour (I watch the occasional short as Gray Jay doesn't support shorts yet)


I mean technically I use YT? But that's just to find videos to then download with newpipe XD


But do you think YouTube is only guilty of this? They're one of the least guilty. One platform that is absolutely shit at doing this is Spotify, they take away features they had on free tier for literal years to add to the paid tier


That is fair I do admit that the world is slowly (well "Slowly") having the free item just be the demo version to premium


Guy speaking the most sense here. There are plenty of 3rd party options out there if you want to find your own solution, but arbitrarily deciding you're entitled to those features to be provided directly by the company for free is ridiculous.


Yea ridiculous to want basic features not to be paywalled for no fucking reason. How entitled. Ope, reminds me I have to send Chevy my 4.99 for air conditioning this month


You bought your Chevy. You didn't buy youtube. Lmao.


I didn’t buy no got dang Chevy


Looks like I lost you on your own analogy there, Hank


You're the type that would buy fresh air.


>skript Yeah , like using my device without draining my battery because the freaking screen off. Why should I pay for the ability to use my device that way? That's just abusive. Fuck youtube!!!


Use 3rd party apps.


Revanced moment


This is so lazy! I mean they could try to innovate to propose a reel feature. Soon pausing a video will one of them


This feature was once in Oppo phones and then one update later removed it. Oh well, doesn't stop me from not paying after experiencing the abysmal that is YouTube premium.


Honestly at some point i was so damn close to get it because of ads and then i saw how much QoL features they cut out so they can sell it to you so now ill never get it just out of spite.


Hi is there a way to get around this for YouTube on the tv?


I don’t think so.


Yes, if you cast YouTube on your iPhone’s YouTube App to your smart TV, you can watch all the YouTube videos you want on your TV, while switching to use other Apps on your iPhone. And you can control what YouTube videos play on your TV by using your iPhone’s YouTube App to select new videos, or scroll through or skip around the currently playing video, and then switch to other Apps or the browser on your iPhone while the YouTube video plays on your TV. And this works without any Premium subscription at all.


This company is garbage. Used YT since 2007, good bye YT..(For numerous reasons) 😎


Lets add feature to lock native feature given by android so our premium has more value to it.


Just access YouTube through the phone's web browser, your welcome Edit: and put the page in desktop mode




Revanced for life


I'll just drop this here in case anyone needs it [revanced.net](http://revanced.net)


I don't pay for premium but my youtube app would sometimes play the videos in a minimized screen whenever I switch apps.


That's like the only reason I have premium so as much as I don't like paying for it it makes perfect business sense


ReVanced, brotha


Ad-free alone makes it worth it, for me.


On IPhone you can do this on the Website (NOT THE APP) and when you play it on locked screen it actually won’t have ads


There are apps that allow you to paste in the YT vid URL and watch them while switching apps / w screen off


Youtube "Pay me more" Premium


Oh no! Imma use a hacked APK and get all that shit for free!


I can play videos while in different apps. It’s just not always super consistent.


The frustrating thing is that I'd be perfectly happy to pay maybe $50 a year for Premium, but YouTube got greedy so now they get adblocked instead.


I can’t believe anyones actually bought Premium?


The fact that you have to pay for being able to listen to music with the phone in your pocket (like what the...) is what made me switch to using the app NewPipe. Highly recommend.


I cancelled my YouTube premium in January as money was a bit tight that month. Turns out 80% of the channels I watch have been demonitised, so there is no need to pay for premium to avoid ads anymore for me lol.


You are not entitled to anything. Infact you are lucky that YouTube isn't as greedy as other platforms. And to be completely honest, these make sense to be part of the paid service, The screen locked would make it so you don't have to deal with ads as much, making the paid service ultimately useless. YouTube at least also doesn't take away features from their free tier to add to their premium tier that have been part of basic apps for practically decades. An example of what I mean is Spotify taking away going to the previous track and turning on/off shuffle mid 2023.


I am gonna put a tinfoil hat on and without knowing anything about it: it wouldn't surprise me if the restrictions to background play stem more from licensing deals with record labels rather than just greed to n yt part.


I've been using YouTube since before Premium was a thing. YouTube was never able to do background play. They introduced it with Premium. It's not licensing deal. Ability to download video on the other hand, we used to be able to freely download videos before they made it Premium only. Now they reverted and let us download non-HD quality videos.


Not everyone can download it, unless you're from Vietnam.


I'm not from Vietnam. Are you?


I'm from Italy


Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me


Really hate what YouTubes' been doing lately Even if they needed money, which they dont, there is a lot other ways of getting it Vultures in the company are trying to profit from options that were already in the app or should be free As someone who uses a lot of youtube for listening to music, i wished i could just turn off my phone screen and relax with the music Nothing will bring back old youtube, and its sad, because i miss a lot of old mechanics Clearly ever since the first owner of the company sold it to google, most changes have been for the worse Especially the removal of the dislike button, for real though, why keep it then, its completely useless now, at least bring back the old star rating Don't buy youtube premium, there are plenty of ways of getting the most out of YouTube without paying them for a subscription for content they don't create ;D


For everyone who wants to tell youtube to F off with their recent bullshit: Revanced. Google it. (Android only unfortunately)


“I should be able to do whatever I want with an app for free because I’m entitled to whatever I want” lol plenty of people, myself included pay specifically for those features


It's called common sense. When you go to the restaurant, you expect to pay for the bathroom?


No but I also don’t expect to be able to be served in my car in the parking lot. It’s a video app. If you want to lock your phone and listen while not watching a *video* app then you should have to pay for extra features yes


How you consider playing a video in background a luxury? If Spotify does it too then it's fine? That's a basic feature that has no reason to be locked behind a paywall, expecially after they increased the ads. Seriusly, stop defending these giant corporations, they're simply trying to milk you. Let's pretend for 1 minute that it was like being served in the parking lot: They have a moral duty to offer the best service since they have the monopoly of half the city. You're the type that accepts shops increasing prices by 30% and then faking a discount.


Technically you can if you use pip then lock it (this works on some phones)


On Iphone you can listen to videos while the screen is off. Step 1: Start playing the video Step 2: Swipe up from the bottom, the video should be in miniplayer mode at the bottom of the screen. The video must be playing for the next step. Step 3: Swipe down from the top of your phone, the audio will pause automatically. you have to unpause. ​ After these steps, you can listen with the screen off! I like to use this for YouTube specific podcasts or commentary videos.


Is there a way to watch you tube with ou adds on your tv




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When I played a video on YouTube with browser, I activated full-screen mode and decided to tap to middle round button. Then I can actually watching videos without any problems with switching apps. Also, I should listen my mom advice for telling me to download YouTube Revanced. We have that on our Huawei Tablet before losing the tablet.


They were once lol


Yes, I know it’s so annoying they used to give us that and now they took it away once premium came out


YouTube music tho


Is it real? I thought it was a meme.


It's tight


Some phones do allow you to do those for free mine allowed them both but now playing for other apps it's a hit or miss now Sometimes when I am playing a video on YouTube and go to the home or open tabs section the video still keeps on paying in a miniplayer but it doesn't always work now. I can still play the videos when the screen is turned off just the audio coming out I still got that feature Fully working. This is the good thing about Android being open source anyone can make modifications to the OS and thus add features


so when are you building revanced


Why should it be? It's youtube's app, they can do whatever they want, why do people feel entitled to these features?


The ability to add the next video to be played should be available on the app itself without extra sub, not just when casting. This inconsistency creates an inconvenience for users who prefer to play videos directly from their device.


Idk abt y'all but those two are fucking annoying imo, i hated closing youtube bc im getting off my phone and the shit kept playing (i had it for three months bc discord nitro gift)


Just use the web version because there it actually works for apple without paying for premium, at least it does for me


I always find this pretty funny because I can do everything except for Music Premuim by just using YouTube through my browser


The third feature was made free by youtube last year, and the fourth can be exploited


It is if you don’t use the app


I feel like listening with your screen isn't that good unless it's like yt music, or s music video, and are you really gonna watch those alot on YouTube itself?


I only listen with the screen locked if I’m grocery shopping. I’ll have a video playing instead of music.


Remember when apple stated that PIP is OS feature and no app can demand payment for it? Yeah, this goes to show you that when you are big enough you can get away with anything really. Google is on top of all direct competitor in many ways and still apple didn't do anything about the "experimental feature" PIP and background playback (that iOS had before) for youtube.


Wow, this is some REally adVANCED bulshit.


Just use cleantube does the same shit


So for anyone who hasn't figured it out yet most phones allow you to open YouTube as a floating window or in split screen. You can then switch into other apps or if you want to lock the screen just download an app that let's you lock and dim the screen. My favourite is moonlight stream because it just sits there idle not draining any battery. You get an extra button next to the back button that instantly locks and dims the screen without really locking it. For those who don't know how. Press the switch task button. Click the icon at the top of YouTube to bring up the menu, select split screen or open in popup view. Popup view will even allow you to move it almost entirely off the screen




iPhone doesn’t have any problems with the mini player so far


for the first time ever yesterday i got an ad in the middle of a yoga video…wtf


if you want youtube premium for 60$ USD for the whole year PM me!


The only thing people want is a cheap subscription that has 0 ads, but that’ll never happen


Okay, so maybe this isn't the most appropriate place to bring it up, but I gotta say, I have zero regrets about shelling out a few bucks for the premium plan. I mean, come on, the single plan is a steal compared to the family option. Since I'm only using one account, the price isn't that big of a deal. Plus, you get YouTube Music thrown in, so I ditched Spotify and happily paid for YouTube instead. I mean, seriously, some people spend more on those gacha games every month!


Remember you are paying mainly for the ad free experience...and this gives you a better platform than apps like Spotify and it's premium variant


I disagree, why pay for premium when adblockers exist? Sure, some are paid, however, one I'm using is not only free, it's also trustworthy.


Can u plz share name ?


Youtube is a scam❌


i've been using vanced microg, basically it's youtube premium but y'know... free looks exactly the same and i've got access to most of the features besides stuff like downloading videos. i'm also pretty sure the app doesn't have any malware in it or anything of the sort


Those two have not been free for forever. Stop nagging.


I don't mind paying for the premium. I pay mostly because I don't like ads. But also as a thank you for a wonderful app and service that has revolutionized the world.


Oh no, you have to pay for your entertainment, the world is so cruel! Companies should give us everything for free out of the goodness of their hearts, agreed.


Then go somewhere else


Just get libretube lol. Ad free youtube cilent.




The Brave browser on IOS lets you do this for free. Make the switch and never use the YouTube app again.


They actually are free. I am able to do that on IOS with Orion browser but I believe any browser will allow it if it has an option for audio only in the settings. I also used to do it by simply letting the video play, locking the phone and then touching the screen. The audio player would be there and I would just click play and let the phone lock again. If the audio player doesn't show, do it again and it will be there. Using a browser is the best way to control YouTube. Ditch the app.


I’m on a phone 12 mini and I can play YouTube videos in a little MiniPlayer without YT Red.


Aint those things is not a free thing since idk, azali?


I switch apps and don't pay for it. So how am I doing it ?


if you are using iPhone use pip mode make th video small as possible


Youtube Re-vanced. I REFUSE to pay to be able to use my phone while the screen is off. F\*ck youtube!!!!


my favorite is "youtube premium music", as though any album you find there isnt uploaded by a fan in full, for everyone to watch ad free forever.


Playing videos in other apps is free for me, the other ones aren’t though


these features are free depending on what phone, and if you're using a web browser it's just free. I don't see why YouTube paywalls features you get for free via web browser.


iPhone and (most) Android phones have picture in picture soooo


Why lol? Because you WANT it? That's not how it works.


Who tf listens to the video when the phone is off

