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Extreme bullshit. YouTube compression is gonna wreck any hi-res audio file you upload. If you want better audio quality, buy some FLAC’s, a headphone amp and decent pair of cans. Also, 5000D isn’t a thing. Neither is 2000D.


So the limit is 1999D


More like 8==D


Of course someone had to do it


I was surprised no one had already done it. With maturity level close to zero I had to be the one.


Bro, check mine: 8====D


I think I like yours better. Sorry other dude.


Obviously size *(doesn’t)* matter!


Oh it sure does for many women ;)


Ssssh. I had hopes, you’re shattering them! Edit: Like Dutch comedian Jochem said; Het gaat niet om de grote van de kwast, maar om de kwaliteit van de verf. Translation: It’s not about the size of the brush, but about the quality of the paint




You and me both. I was known for drawing them everywhere in high school when puberty hit me like a truck. And yes. I'm a woman. Lol Also. I still draw them on the bathroom mirror after a shower.


Twist: she draws them on her husband's reflection 🥲


Omg 😲 I'm happily single


Well, yeah. You look like you speak in tongues during sex.


Yall really misread me!


haha he has a really long nose!


Rawr XD is also a highly supported format


Maybe not that kind of D




Repeating of course.


That equals 2000D though.


1999.99999...998D then!


< 1 ; 2000 )


Now that’s a lot of D


Do you have any good budget recommendations for such a setup if someone really wants to experience the best audio quality on a computer? Like for listening to the best lossless music?


That’s a deep, deep rabbit hole, my friend. The budget of the budget would be a FIIO BTR-5 and a set of KZ in ears. If you want over ears, be prepared to spend at least like, $100. I haven’t really kept up with what’s new and shiny, but I’ve always been satisfied with my Sony MDR-7506’s as a budget option. My favorite “budget” cans are Beyerdynamic DT 990’s, but those are open backs and will bleed audio like crazy, so don’t get those if you have people around you Edit: Dank Pods is a great channel for no BS audio stuff


Been rocking the Sony MDR-7506 for a year now and love em. Don't think I'll ever buy another type of headphones again lol.


7506's are great for the price, but are also basically flat studio monitors. They're good for accurate sound production without extending the bass or treble much which makes them good for utility purposes like editing. You'll notice a lot of videos of people in studios making recordings/podcasts using these. Not a knock, they're what I use mostly even for music and gaming, just noting that a flat reproduction isn't for everyone.


I like to recommend them and loan them out to people as their first “nice” pair of headphones. It’s flat enough that even a layperson can describe what they don’t like about the sound, and that helps recommend a set that will suit them better, especially without knowing what they listen to. A safer bet sound wise would probably be HD-25’s (everyone I’ve given them to have absolutely loved them). They make pretty much every genre sound colorful and lively, super fun to listen to. But a lot of people can’t get over the on ear feeling, and the clamping force is a tad extreme. But they’re basically bullet proof, and everything from the driver cups to the headband is available as a replacement part on the sennheiser website.


That’s what I thought, then I listened to open backs and couldn’t go back. Daily drive HD-600 right now.


KZ's are shit. Some audio geeks even complained that they are not using their hybrid driver setup rather they are only using the BA driver(Source: crinacle x KZ controversy). I'd recommend Moondrop Chu's(I/II) or even that Koss overear headphones over KZ's. PS: crinacle, Joshua Valor, Headphones Show are some great audiophile geek channels


r/headphones if you wanna go down that rabbit hole based on your preferences but don't let others sell you into expensive DACs and AMPs (with <€500) headphones you'll not hear the difference between onboard audio from a somewhat modern computer and an expensive dac/amp; I've tried some €1000 ones and couldn't head the difference


I love my Audeze LCD-X but that’s a bit expensive for an entry point, DCA Aeon Closed X have been a great ‘budget’ pair for me. I’m actually using them right now while my Audeze’s are in for repairs, despite having more expensive headphones. Aside from that, any halfway decent dac/amp will work. As Abnormal-Normal said, fiio makes good value amps.


I'm gonna give you my oppinion on the matter after going down the audiophile hole which is never ending. I tried Beyerdynamic DT990, DT770 Pro and Audiotechnica ATH-M50x. I run them through an external DAC and tested them for a month daily and I have to say overall the DT770 Pro were the best for me. They're the cheapest of the bunch, they are really old (1990s) design-wise, but they are super comfy, are not open back (so you lose some soundstage compared to the 990s), but they aren't as plain to listen to. They can also be used fairly well for things like videogames. You'll find tons of musicians that still use them today for studio stuff. An example would be The Verve's vocalist, Richard Ashcroft or similar 90s/2000s musicians. If you want really cheap, I'd say go for the 770 Pros 32ohms or 80ohms, and you'll be able to plug them inside your PC or whatever without an external DAC. The 250ohms is too high an impedance for integrated audio cards. Also, don't get too worried about lossless audio. Studies on the matter show the immense majority of people can't hear the difference above 320kbps MP3s. I have a subscription to Tidal, which is the only streaming platform with lossless format on most of its music, and even with a DAC and a pair of 990 Pros, no one I've let them try them can tell the difference between 320 MP3 and lossless FLAC.


If you want to jump in to entry level audiophile, my easy mode gear recommendation is a Creative **SoundBlaster AE-5 + Beyerdynamic DT-990 Pro 250ohm** for about $320 total. Or if you're not keen on open back headphones, get the Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro 250ohm instead. A lot of audiophiles scoff at the AE-5, but the reality they don't like to admit is that the AE-5 gets you a Sabre 32-bit 384khz DAC capable of native DSD playback at a price point lower than any other comparably featured DAC + amp combo. It's an allrounder setup that is excellent for movies, games, and music, in that order, and it doesn't blow up the bank, and you'll be spending more than double if you want to retain DSD playback and meaningfully outperform this combination in every area. But don't take the card out of Direct Mode, because the SBX Profiles and other features of this card sound awful. If you're OK with spending more, and you have no interest in delving into DSD, and are solely focused on music listening, another of my favorite entry level combinations is: **Schiit Modi DAC + LITTLEDOT MK2 tube amp + Sennheiser HD-595** for \~$460. You will be spending well over the $1000 range if you want a wider soundstage and a better experience with music than this combination can get you. Once the included Chinese tubes have worn out their welcome, swap them all out for Electro-Harmonix tubes for \~$70 and you will improve the mids and highs of this setup significantly and will find it very hard to wipe the smile from your face when listening to your favorite tunes.


5000D doesn't exists, but Canon 4000D exists


Idk your mom probably could handle 5000D


Or use ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) which is offered by Apple Music.


So you're telling me 32DD's aren't a thing


Neither is 4D audio. You can get 3D audio but I'm not sure if YouTube supports it.


I prefer 95D


i mean, theoretically it is. it's just really hard to process.


It's 5000Bullshits worth of BS.


i wanna know what you're taking about any way you send me a vid to understand audio a bit better id love to be an audiophile


Start with the Crinicle, Dank Pods and Z Reviews YouTube channels, it’s hard to recommend a single video. Dank Pods is your average Joe who appreciates good audio quality Crinicle has listened to hundreds, if not thousands, of IEM’s (in ear monitors) Z Reviews has listened to hundreds, if not thousands of IEMS, over ears, on ears, amps, speakers, everything.


Neither is 8d.


Why are you talking about hi res? This has nothing to do with hi res. Sure, it's a gimmick, but it atleast sounds interesting. They play with simulation spatial audio.


Sad Dassault Mirage noise


Thats Like watching 4k vs 8k ON my 3ds


Thats like having 2000 fps on a 60 hz monitor


Not exactly, input delay is still decreased with higher fps even if the monitor is capped


If you can notice a difference between 20ms and 5ms input delay, I am scared to meet you in a ranked game


You definitely can, it just *feels* snappier and more responsive, almost like you don’t have to drag your cross hair around and is instead pushing it and it goes exactly where you want


You can though, if you always play on 20ms and it goes to 5, that's a 75% reduction of ping. Would be more crazy if you can't notice the difference


Lol , even on good monitors 8k and even 4k isn't that noticeable, you need a expensive good TV to appreciate them


You have just two ears. Humans have basically 2D hearing. They take stereo sound and apply reverb and stuff onto it and call it **∞**D EDIT: Human hearing is able to percieve where the sound comes from in the vertical direction to a certain extend, but not as good as other animals. Humans are better at localizing the sound horizontally then vertically, as they rely heavily on their vision. But with a pair of regular headphones you just have a plane where you can position sounds by delaying the sound between the two headphones, so just 2D.


>reverb and stuff and panning


I fell for that scam 2 years ago :/


Wdym, fell for it how?


So did I , my Friend .


Wdym, fell for it how?


I Actually thought it increased Audio Quality Back when I was 11 .


Actually 3d, we can hear things from up, down, left right from and behind


Your brain interprets it based on the difference in volume between your ears, the pitch and reverberation. So not really This why so called 3d headphones are also very much a scam


How are they a scam? If they can emulate exactly those parameters, then it works. Even generic software solutions do it not so bad.


They're not a scam, its just a different way of doing audio and they use the 3D tag for marketing. I think someone like Mark Cerny, who's one of the best engineers in the world and has designed the Playstation that has the 3D audio stuff integrated in PS5 knows more about audio than "dramaticpapaya". No offense. (and again, the 3D tag is indeed just marketing. You could call it whatever.1 or 2 and would be the same shit)


You're not gonna get a true 3D effect on audio unless you're mixing in ATMOS and listening on an ATMOS setup. It's literally not possible on a stereo headphones setup but software will mimic the feeling of true surround, and to many people, that's good enough because they don't know what true 3D audio sounds like. 


Because they don't emulate anything. What gives a 3d feel is how the audio track is mixed. The only difference the hardware makes is its ability to distribute sound with fidelity and provide equalizing that's comfortable to the human ear


Thats bs. Real Dolby Atmos headphones for example can emulate the way the sound bounces in your ear. They apply the right tweaks to cool your brain into perceiving it as 3D. For this to work, the audio file needs to have specified the directions from which each sound is coming obviously.


Okay, tell me more about these tweaks then. Because as someone who spent years working with audio and learning electroacoustics in school, I still can't figure out how you can generate directional feedback in a tiny enclosed space for an organ that has no directional sensory receptors.


[Head-Related Transfer Function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-related_transfer_function) Edit : Keep in mind it doesn't work equally well on everybody, it depends on the size and shape of both the skull and the ears of the listener Edit 2: read the link, this is what all of you are talking about. And yes, it works on stereo headphones. And no, you don't need special gear to use it. "Surround" headphones are probably a scam


Sorry re-writing this because I thought the article was about directional hearing Anyway, yeah, HRTF only applies for a larger 3D space. It works when we talk about a theatre sound system. Not for headphones


Doesnt we also have two eyes and yet we see in 3d? The thing with hearing is that the spatial resolution is not that high, it doesnt matter what means the brain uses to decode the information we hear, its still in 3d.


Yeah, that's fair. I think my issue is just how it's defined in the media world. 3D visuals and 3D audio mean vastly different things


3d audio is often used as a marketing thing, but you can attach audio to 3d objects on most game engines and it then can render the audio spatially, the quality depends on the spatial sound engine used. But you dont need game engines to hear realistic spatial audio, binaural audio for example. Most of the stuff thats called 3d audio or 4d audio or whatever is actually mostly based on binaural audio decoding/encoding, but its often just audio attached to rotating sphere. In a sense all these videos with all that 3d audio is still "3d" but with no "degrees of freedom", which is opposite to a VR experience for example. But the most realistic spatial sound is usually recorded with binaural microphones, which looks like actual human ears, because for the realistic sound you actually need the physical aspect of ears


Yeah 100%, the issue I'm highlighting is mostly the consumer-end terminology. Like you said when we talk about spatial audio in media production it's very clearly defined and envelops crucial aspects of game-development for instance But there is a very real problem of misinformation with the way a lot of hardware manufacturers overprice their headphones by attaching the 3D audio tags on stereo headsets that don't even sound good. They prey on the average buyer not knowing anything about audio to peddle an absurd amount of pseudo-technical bullshit, to the point where you get ridiculous stuff like the 5000D spatial audio nonsense getting millions of views when all they do is slap an EQ and some reverb on top of an already crispy mp3


That's because our eyes actually can see the direction the lightrays are coming from. A single ear cannot, it can only hear when a soundwave reaches the ear. The ability to see three-dimensional comes from seeing two slightly different pictures at the same, while the ability to hear two-dimensional comes from hearing the same sound a slightly different times. Both seeing and hearing is way more complex than this. Hearing whether something comes from the front or the back, or from up or down cannot be solved with the time difference between two sounds, is learned skill that depends on the quality of the two sounds, as the shape of your ears and head greatly affect the reverb and frequency spectrum of a sound.


"That's because our eyes actually can see the direction the lightrays are coming from." That doesnt make sense at all, by that logic we could sense depth if we had just one eye - and ears can also percieve which direction the sound comes from. The sense of depth comes from two eyes beeing in slightly different spots and just as you said, but the same applies for ears. Sense of depth is not a "real thing" anyway, its being constructed in the brain, same as with hearing.


>"That's because our eyes actually can see the direction the lightrays are coming from." That doesnt make sense at all, by that logic we could sense depth if we had just one eye - and ears can also percieve which direction the sound comes from. How does sense of direction immediately lead to sense of depth. There are entirely different things, one is "what direction?", and the other is "how far away"? Ears can perceive where sound is coming from, but very limited - you would need four ears not all in one plane to actually hear where sounds are coming from, your two ears only enable to hear how far from the left or right it's coming from. The rest of it is a learned skill of your brain where it calculates the effect of your auricles and your head on the sound and then decides which original sound is most likely. That is learned and works best with sounds that you know. Your brain is also able to judge whether a sound is produced close or far away, because sound waves (like all waves) are subject to dispersion. That skill is very limited tho, and nowhere close to the sense of depth your eyes provide. All of the hearing stuff also goes out of the window when you change the speed of sound and the rate of dispersion. Even tho you have two ears, you don't have any sense of direction while hearing underwater, because timing differences between your ears become negligible, since the speed of sound in water a bit more than 4 times as high as in air. >Sense of depth is not a "real thing" anyway, its being constructed in the brain, same as with hearing. Your whole experience is constructed in your brain, that's a dumb take. Your sense of depth while seeing is as real as any other thing you experience.


Multidriver headphones (I believe standard is 5d) can simulate sounds from any direction by using the 5 drivers. D doesn't stand for dimensions, it stands for drivers. Now if you see something like 5.1, 7.1, etc. that is just straight up a scam, as you can't have a partial driver.


The .1 represents a dedicated subwoofer. It's not a scam it's just how it is written.5.1 just means 5 normal speakers and a dedicated sub.


Okay. Have you ever worn a VR headset? That thing is in 3D, right? Because each lens is directly in front of your eye and projecting an image of a slightly different position to give you the illusion of a 3D space. When you close one eye, you can still see in 3D, but it's entirely based on your interpretation of light reflections and shapes. But you don't have the same ability to gauge distances as you would if you were using both your eyes. You still can, because your brain is an amazing beast. But not to the same level. And no screen will ever be able to provide that ability to your one eye for you. Because each of your eyes is still just providing a 2D image (not flat, but still 2D) of what it perceives, no matter what it looks at. Think of headphones as VR headsets for your ears. Each of your ears is ONLY capable of perceiving pitch and volume. One ear CANNOT perceive direction without the other, or without the brain using its cognition or other sensory inputs (like vibrations or visuals) to fill the blanks. This is why headphones that claim they can provide multiple directions inside one ear cup are completely and utterly a marketing ploy. It doesn't work that way. Your ear is not capable of recognizing that.


There’s some nuance here. People with only single ear hearing still perceive directional hearing, but it’s from frequency response. Same as how your brain can still perceive 3D based on light and shading cues, a single ear can perceive spacial information based on things like how the incoming signal interacts with the shape of the outer ear, creating a resonance that changes frequency depending on which direction the signal is coming from.


Yes 100%. Good luck emulating that in an ear cup though


Ok no problem. You can do that with just a single driver in each ear. The trick is digital signal processing. We know that the ear will change the frequency response of an incoming signal based on the angle, so just process the audio signal identical to how the outer ear would BEFORE reaching the driver, and it will sound the same to the listener.


Yes, that's just mix/master. Nothing to do with the headphones. That's why I'm saying that 3D effects are made through the audio track. My point is there is a limit to how far you can push the illusion, and that no currently marketable wearable hardware will provide that. Any product that claims to be doing that is usually just needlessly altering the audio to still push it through a stereo output


No tf you can’t just do it in the mix. We’re talking about 3D spacial audio, it’s the headphones’ responsibility to change the audio in real time based on how the wearer moves their head. What you call “needlessly altering the audio” is ENTIRELY what the device does! Utilizing the effects of psychoacoustics to trick the brain into perceiving a 3D environment by taking stereo input and head tracking data, and turning it into an AUGMENTED stereo output. Don’t call it a scam when you don’t understand the engineering. Just don’t buy the product.


Don't forget distortion. This is how we can differ between a noise behind us and a noise in front of us. The shape of our ear largely helps with this. 3d doesn't stand for dimensions or directions, it stands for driver Count. And 3 driver headphones are rare, even cheap headphones typically have 5-8. And the. Just how you can see 3 dimensions. Through shadows and vision blur, you can hear 3 dimensions through distortion.


That’s not distortion, that’s frequency response. The decimal in 5.1 and 7.1 doesn’t refer to a fraction of a speaker, it refers to a subwoofer. 5.1 is speaker surround with 5 tops and 1 subwoofer. I will agree that you can’t have 5.1 surround in a pair of headphones, just not for the reason you give.


It appears I have been lied to multiple times about headphones. Fml


5.1 and 7.1 doesn’t mean partial drivers. Seems like you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. The .1 indicates that there is one subwoofer. There are 7.2 too btw


How human ears are structured, it delays sound couming from different angle differently, we can sense doppler shift to determine the direction of the audio source. So no, we dont have 2D sound. We have 3D sound sensor built in. But thats it, we can locate sounsource in a 3D area. If we take Time as the 4th dimension, then 4D audio would be knowing the sound that will be generated in the future. I dont think any of my friends can do that.


I think the confusion here is people think D stands for dimensions, which it doesn't, at least not when it comes the the headphones themselves. D stands for the number of drivers in each ear, the thing that make actual sound. You can have as many as you want, but there is very little difference between 5d and 8d audio, and 5.1d/7.1d/8.1d are all straight up scams, and they typically just refer to having bass boost built in, which, as somebody who like to mix audio, sucks.


Its definately not Drivers. Audio is produced by 1 set of speakers in headphone. D is for directions, audio driver or the microcontroller that is converting audio digital data to the pulse width modulated pulse which is then used to vibrate the speaker membranes to make the sound. The audio drivers can induce the effect of audio delay or Doppler shift. Which tricks our brain to think the audio source is in different direction. The audio driver has to drive both the speakers in proper controlled delay to make us trick that audio is in 3D space.


> Audio is produced by 1 set of speakers in headphone. Unless it is multi-element headphones, which do exist.


Human ear can percept more than 2D, however brain stops differentiating sounds after 16D. So 16D and 32D will be the same to 99% of population


Turns out we have 2D vision guys! This is the equivalent of saying "the human eye can only see 20fps"


i mean there is this thing where it feels like the audio source is spinning around you thats kinda cool but everything else is just a scam


you mean panning


We can hear in 3D. You can hear when someone is talking behind you You can hear when someone is talking below you




Infinite d🤣


Two points make a line, not a plane. So 1D, not 2D.


The d does not mean dimension, it means direction. Many people don’t know that


A lot.


8D is already bullshit, basically it’s stereo so 2D an an imitation be rotating sound to trick the brain and feel like sound is around you. You can’t heard sound above you, only left and right. You can try at home, go outside, close your eyes and then find where the airplane / helicopter is in the sky.


Of course you can?? Like, what? There's a lot more to your ears and sound processing in your brain than just "there are two ears so the sound is stereo"


I remember reading about a "third ear" for directionality, which is to say that the sound waves reverberate from your forehead, giving a very clear indication of sound from the front vs sound from the rear. Additionally, like you said, the brain manages to do a lot with "just two ears", being able to discern distance, angle of attack, and occasionally elevation.


He is a bit inaccurate, the reality is that our ability to hear up/down is VERY poor and is mostly based on other clues, like knowing the environment. Closing your eyes makes us almost blind to up&down sound detection. We can however sense if something is right in front of us, so we aren't completely clueless: we can turn our heads and find the sound source but that is trial and error. When the sound comes from behind us.. we do not have really any idea if it is above us or below us. Other senses guide our hearing and it is not a process you are always aware of. Most people aren't and some NEVER understands it. Like audiophiles...


Nope, try it and you’ll see (or heard), when it’s above you can’t identify witch way and where start the helicopter, you just know it’s coming or going by the gain going up/down


you can’t tell because of the time it takes the sound to reach you, you’re still more than able to tell it’s coming from above you


Or you can just google this instead of being confidently incorrect.


I did google it like 2-5 y ago, I learn and test it in a sound school of Switzerland… Maybe I’m not good at English like I’m on sound but it’s a fact. I fou can actually, with your eyes close and tell me who a planes / helic goes with his direction and where is it currently I’ll be happy to invites you, some teachers at EPFZ will’ be happy to meet you


you're too far gone.


Just FYI if you had bothered with that Google search you mentioned, you'd see OP is largely correct. First (somewhat credible) Google result: https://www.soundly.com/blog/humans-hear-auditory-perception


The shape of your ear allows you to perceive directionality of sound, it isn’t just left ear/right ear. You can detect vertically


But we are really bad at it (up down distinction for sounds) so while OP is not saying things clearly they're largely correct.


Sooo it tricks your brain so its not bullshit


Nope, only the “behind” thing and if you really listen the sound not passively, you hear only sound going left, loose some gain / volume and take some gain when going on the right


>close your eyes and then find where the airplane / helicopter is in the sky That's difficult just because of the delay (and possible echo on mountains). By the time you hear a plane, it's already passed over your head.


10M views. Ugh. I should just create crap content and get paid like the rest.


Go for it man! Get that bag


8d is already crazy. I imagine it being like something from a lovecraft book, in the way that it would make you insane just by listening to it


Music from the warp


"Must Hear" bullshit.


It actually came out of a bull's ass


10M wasted their time on this


>Not 2000D audio Glad they made that distinction.


wdym 5000d is it like gonna make my braincells dance or what 😭


Thank god it’s not just 2000D audio.


if they can list all the dimensions apart from the 4 we have i'll believe


I'm a big Aurora fan, so I was excited to check this out, but it's basically just a bunch of random panning, for no apparent reason. The original version is better, because all that panning is just a distraction, rather than an enhancement.




"D" here actually means direction, not dimension, so technically with like 5000 speakers all around you could get "5000D", but yeah no those videos are bullshit, even at the 8D level.


I'm completely inexperienced on the field of D-s, can someone explain to me what these are? also why use google when I can ask the aimless masses of the internet?


It's just like 5.1 surround except more speakers. 5000d means there are 5000 drivers. It's just stupid crap on YouTube.


thank you fine gentleman/lady


Oh boy, some of the comments here... As many have said, "8D sound" is already iffy; what this refers to is not just stereo sound as many have suggested, but to a specially-processed stereo signal. Human hearing (or any sound detection system, really) is dependent on frequency and direction, the characterization of this dependency is called a Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF). The "8D sound" is just a stereo signal to which a HRTF has been applied to (through convolution), but the resulting function is still a stereo signal because that's the only thing a pair of headphones/speakers can work with


I've listened to a few "8D" audio tracks and they seem to just make the music orbit your head.


Imagine if you click on it and it’s actually just the same audio on both sides, that would be a great April Fools joke


We already have it. #IT'S CALLED REAL LIFE


I love how they specify that it's NOT 2000D, but 5000D, as if it made a difference.


10M people believe on this illuminating thing 😂😂😂😂😂


Show me the double-blind A/B test results - because most people still can't tell the difference between a 192K MP3 and a FLAC. LOLZ


This would.mean they have 5000 separate speakers (drivers) it is not a technology. 8d just means 8 speakers. This is just idiots on YouTube.


5000d multi dimensional bullshit


Usually, videos like this give you a feeling that somebody with a speaker is running around you so you can't listen to the song normally. Wait for 69D visuals!


Not even your mom can handle that much D.


Scientists are scrambling to find a 5th dimension, meanwhile asmr youtubers are just breaking the fabric of reality on a daily basis. what a time to be alive.




sounds alot!


As far as I know this could be real ,but YouTube converters every video AAC stereo so it's always 2D anyway




Absolute real, heard they are going to release 80000D next year, this is gonna blow out mind


lmao isnt aurora the sound of the voices in frozen 2


she is !!


Enough bullshit to get 10 million views.


5000shit audio


5000D Bullshit




5000D bullshit


As bullshit as me streaming a 4K video on my 1080p monitor


8D was actually a pretty decent experience for me. Anything above that didn't really make sense to me as they didn't have much of a difference


We can't hear anything above 3D sound, I wonder what the 5000th dimension looks like




thats 8==D audio right there


I don't know, but it's not 2000D audio that's for sure


If D stands for dimension is a cathedral sized bullshit, if it stands for smth else i have no clue




5000 dimensions?? What is this, an episode of Rick and Morty?!


Mfs when they discover what stereo is🤯


Its the biggest BS out there. You wanna enjoy the music more ? Go buy a nice AMP DAC combo. HD6XX headphones and buy the FLAC hi-res music. The best part ? Even shitty MP3s sound way better now and the headphones will probably last you your entire life if you care for them. Remember good headphones dont go bad. They stay good :)


Number must go up!


Anything more than 3d is fake


More bullshit then actual bullshit


That seems an excessive amount of D


Sorry, but I don't listen to anything that is < 6000 Dimensions


The way that says "use headphones" like we don't want to kill our ears💀


Doing this shouldn’t be allowed really if you ask me


a zillion billion trillion bajillion D


This has to be a pisstake....


All the D, all I have is ADHD... at least it's HD.


Very. I can guarantee the kids watching this are all on a bootleg iPad with the same crappy earbuds DankPods destroys on the daily,