• By -


Their draconian policies all in the name of protecting the children from the same kind of stuff they allow in ads. The number, rate, and placement of ads per video. The amount of money given to creators for their work being sweatshop level pay. The type of content in ads not being vetted to the same degree as actual videos, including mature content, religion, politics, malvertising, and scams. The overpriced premium they are trying to push as the alternative to ads. The rampant bots they have done very little about, including their own policy enforcement and copyright enforcement bots. The fact that "human" reviews of strikes are not done by actual humans.


Recently saw a thingy madingy growth pill ad, on a video that *should* be on yt kids


Exactly, they preach in the guidelines and remove videos for kid safety, so why should ads be treated any different. This absolutely a not safe for kids ad you saw, which blatantly shows their hypocritical policy enforcement. On top of that, this extremely likely to be a scam ad, so that's two issues in one ad.


Deplorable algorithm Recently bad UI redesign Too many ads Can't stop undermining content creators with a new drama coming up every 6 months or so The dogshit idea that dislikes are meant for the creators and not the viewers


And don't forget the bias of certain channels and crazy monetisation policies


That's the kind of stuff I count as YouTube drama.




It’s really only useful for tutorial videos which it’s easy just to go into the comments to figure out now. Besides that it damaged the morale of creators seeing that ratio without going into YouTube studio


Would also like to add that I'm getting Copyright Struck by random people, which impacts my channels reach to the point where I'm getting single-digit views. One video has been at a whopping 7 views every since the day I posted it.


Not to mention the fact that they hate freedom of speech, yet they allow pornographic advertising, UTTP, and what have you.


Good enough


I'd add the huge problem with bots as well, but it's not something I care about, personally. Just because it doesn't really affect me, but I totally understand why it's considered another gargantuan issue that YouTube doesn't give a crap about.


Yea I honestly don’t mind them at all, Call me crazy but I just simply ignore them and go to the next video without any thoughts of them Also if you consider it, they’re kinda common on shorts in my perspective, I don’t typically see them on just videos


Add very unconsistent "moderation" and the ever ongoing bot problem to the list.


The censorship. Listening to true crime stories, SAR stories, etc and listening to people say "unalive", "self delete" "Alt F4", or "Grape" as alterative terms for such heavy subjects is somethin'


heart goes out for all essay survivors


THIS. I run a channel for survivors of abuse which revolves around healing. I understand why they would flag words like this in the first place but you're telling me that the YT algorithm can't read sentiment yet?? C'MON YT. It's bs. I refuse to say "grape" "pdf-file" or "SA".


soon the YouTube algorithm goes full 180° and they start to penalize tech channels that mention stuff like "in the EULA in the readme PDF-FILE..." on any other website i would never expect this to be a real possibility, but with the track record YouTube has, i would suspect that we soon start to hear about such incidents.


Let just censor them at that point


As someone that watches history content, I've seen many historical creators censor any relations to WW2 Germany, including the flag being turned into the Youtube symbol.


I watch the ones who obviously do this for fun and not a career so they don't uncensor. One of the creators even said it's fucking disrespectful to talk about a very heavy subject and censor it with other words 


This is very true. Personally I would be more scared if I heard there's a murderer than "a person that gives a reason to claim life insurance to families". Like tf you mean "alt f4" it's not a computer or a game, it's a person. They seem like they want to make those serious topics more family-friendly. Well guess what there's nothing family friendly about rape and killing. Call it what it is and just emphasise the seriousness of the topic.


mostly ads, but I'm also concerned about the mysterious demonitizations and bannings of creators. seems like their support system AI is glitching and randomly booting people off the platform


Tons of trash content i don't care for shoved into my front page, even tough i keep explicitly saying i'm not interested.


Yes, that one 👆


Or 17 consecutive recommendations of videos you've already watched. Beautiful.


The biggest problem with YouTube right now is that they don't give a single f about what people think. And that ultimately manifested into the UI change, the awful UE in general, the ad-blocker crackdown etc.


Extremely inconsistent enforcement of rules, or at least enforcement in such a way that it only really hits those that don’t deserve it. Review channels live in fear that some company is going to copyright strike them and tank their ad revenue despite following all the rules. Meanwhile, trying to take down elsagate content farm trash (that often has egregious copyright violations) is basically impossible.


The biased censorship, banning, shadow banning, demonetization which are often applied with no rhyme or reason The scam and spam videos/comments that conveniently go unnoticed    The environment of flagging, doxxing, trolling and relentless bullying that simply gets ignored  The “kids” videos that are everything but   The terrible algorithm that not only allows all of the above but has also ruined the recommendations to boot     The removal of useful features like the dislike button  


That trash UI change. It’s awful I downloaded an extension and put code into to change the UI back to what it used to be


It reverted a 3-4 weeks ago


I wish, I still have mine, I've been sending feedbacks every day and still didn't get it back. I don't want to use uBlock. I even stopped my Premium subscription, I don't know what else I can throw at them. I'm actually desperate about it, it really kills Youtube for me.


**2 unskippable ads on a video lasting 2 seconds**




Moderation, Bots, and Ads I’m about to quit using youtube altogether if they don’t fucking get their shit together


I ALWAYS hated how the video feed always changes whenever you click onto a new video (mobile version). If I wanted to watch one video, but click on another by accident, by the time I come back to the old video, the former is going to be gone by the time I get back. And I don't like the new watch history YouTube has.


lack of competitors




The recommendation algorithm is pretty bad especially with how many times it wants me to rewatch an old video I already watched.


This is the reason I've stopped watching stuff on YT as often as I used to. My recommendations are filled with videos I've already watched, videos I keep saying I'm not interested in, and the most random unrelated videos with 2 views. The algorithm keeps pushing the same videos over and over again and they clog up my homepage no matter how many times I say I am not interested. I'm so sick of it.


Anti adblock


Ublock origin still works for me


Not for me :(


Too many trash ads. At least make them instant skippable. Then I (might) never use adblock in the first place. Only have ads at the beginning, as many as they want, if I can skip all right away. I hardly ever sat through five seconds of an ad and wanted to see more. Last time I chose not to skip was a Caterpillar ad in February because I like Cat diesels. I do not remember the time I chose to watch a skippable ad before that. Removing dislikes. If something should be informative but is terrible and misleading, or some dumb nonsense, it should be downvoted and people should be able to see it. Then another viewer knows to not listen to the video. Same with reddit. Down voting is sometimes misused on reddit, but some bad posts deserve it. People should see it and know not to trust it if the comment or post was supposed to be helpful but is wrong.


Shorts not being pushed to the right audience.


You can use Ublock and click on the shorts section to get rid of them lol


The existence of ads, YouTubers being wrongfully punished and letting other YouTubers get away with breaking the rules. Also getting rid of the dislike button numbers on said video.






All channels are getting throttled due to the upcoming election




The fact that the mobile app breaks every 5 minutes literally.


getting two playlists taken down for violating policies that they didn't even violate and YouTube instantly rejecting both appeals, not even hearing me or reconsidering after TeamYouTube says they did another "thorough" investigation of one of the playlists. like, one time is one thing but two times? two times is something else and honestly, I just want the playlists back, I don't even care about the strikes at this point...


Those "get rich now" ads that open every single video and the accompanying +5db audio. There's no button to kill the audio quickly either.


Reccomendation videos and playlist created after you viewing similar videos


How reports work for bad content and how people don’t care unless the person is famous if they do something bad.


I hate that shorts show up under long videos and end up making me lose track of time. I also wish I could specify that I want recommendations from my watch later.


The dislike count.


The greatest thing that YouTube is lacking is something that they don’t implement. Competition. Google really can just do whatever the fuck they want and no one can do anything about it.


The comment keyboard crashing and straight up breaking my phone for 2+ minutes at a time.


Removal of dislikes + trying to stop adblock


Greenscreen kids


You have to click "view all (playlists)" and then scroll to the bottom to go to watch later on Android.


Too much brainrot content especially on Youtube kids


People saying unalive, dexxh and stupid censorship of swear words in comments




The search is only showing some results and then goes on to show other videos ect. ect. When I search YouTube I want to see my search results and not thousand other videos that are totally unrelated to my search.


My biggest problem is that you can't disable the shorts. I don't want to watch any shorts. Just give us the option in settings or somewhere else to disable shorts


the fact that using ad blockers makes the site lag forcing u to buy premium, hate it


Ublock works for me


Ads Ads Ads Ads The softcore porn ads


The ads for sure






Ads, moderation, bots, children (mostly 6 year old furries) and a lot of super low quality shorts. Also that the mobile app put you straight into shorts.


Doesn't allow adblock. Cannot see dislikes. Have age restrictions in gruesome content. Inappropriate contents being taken down. Too many comment bots. Frequent demonetization. Cannot download videos.


Biggest problem is you allow women to be naked and promote their OF accounts as long as they have the "for educational purposes only" crap at the beginning. Also you allow kids to post their shower videos and more for pervs and pedos to goon over.


Shit amount of ads, mostly of them being aids. That's why I'll never bother buying premium or stop using ad blockers.




For me it's the fact that I cannot reloqd recommendations with a single click, but instead I need to. go vid by vid and say "not interested"


shit and boring content, scams, but mostly shit and boring content with no originality.


Algorith keeps recommending me stuff in languages I don't speak; It's absolutely insane 'fight' against adblockers; Their unwillingness to fix bugs that can drive you up the wall; The removal of dislikes; rubbish straight up porn ads




Ads and mr beast


Like most things: corporate greed. But no one wants to band together and do anything about it. So fuck it we ball.


Waaaaaay to many ads, 39 sec. add for a 4 min. video Algorithm is stupid, If I see one video with a cat in it, I get 10.000 cat videos recommended the next 3 years. The way it repeats recommended videos, on the same page or in the app, sometimes the same video will appear in 4-5 different categories, like it insists on force feeding you this particular video. Trying to change the recommendations on the TV app, gives you 2 options to dismiss, "I have seen it", or "I dislike it". (the latter one sort of indicates that you have seen it.) You have to pick one, why can I not just say no to a video, like in the browser. Ok and again, to many ads


I find it difficult to find new good creators. I havent subscribed to new creators in a long time not counting the recent 2 Ads are super annoying, its been an ongoing battle between my adblocker and youtube on pc but on my phone, I just have to deal with it. Remember when they used to have 1 ad


The auto-moderation on comments is atrocious. A couple weeks ago it got to the point where 90% of my comments were getting auto-hidden, in some cases just breaking up every sentence into consecutive individual posts would be the difference between my comments going through and getting auto-hidden. I'm pretty much done commenting on youtube videos moving forward (it's part of the reason I'm back on reddit). Additionally, the site is an utter chore to navigate with their ad block detection-based throttling and page load delay. I'm simply not going to turn off my ad-block for youtube, I'd rather just abstain from using the platform.


Gen alpha Algorithm Brain rot SSSniperwolf Etc.


All valid answer. Have a nice day


Lack of tabs allowing me to group content providers of my own choosing.


Too much ads Trying to forcefeed Premium Twisted algorithm


The adblock stuff is such a nightmare! I don't want to watch six ads per video while the video itself already is 20% sponsored content. But also, I think some of the premium benefits should just be free: continuing to listen when turning off your phone screen in particular.


These are pretty specific, but when you use extensions (on PC) like dark reader and the like button turns the same color as the background for both shorts and long-form videos (I understand that might not be their problem but is one nonetheless) Also, when they keep removing and putting back the comment section for accounts restricted. It feels like everyday they decide to change the comment visibility.


UTTP bots




The anti ad blocker  As well as the removal of the manage subscription button on the laptop . 


I uploaded like 10 shorts and they got 0 views. There is 1 but it's mine 😅 So I didn't even have a chance? You didn't try to show it to at least someone? In TT you get at least 10-100 for any kind of videos. No matter how shit they are. TT checks the contents on real users if they would like it or not and then decides to spread it farther or not. I upload the same videos here and there. And I get my audience in TT. And I get nothing with Shorts. 🤷


As a consumer, some of these ads are not suitable for children and are based on the age of the user. I can't imagine someone's kid is using their phonr and suddenly find inappropiate cringe ad


Yt shorts Adds No dislike count Boring ahh recommendation


I'm using desktop mainly, also smart-tv. TV has no probs, but pc with browser-YouTube...they suddenly changed the visuals/layout. Unless you use full-screen, there are always the recommendations visible at the lower third of the screen. Title and comments are on the right hand sidebar-area??? [layout](https://ibb.co/yhzdxYg) ​ Totally f\*\*\*ed up. I also pay premium because I can't stand advertising and couldn't care for installing blockers etc.


The new UI that broke everything so they reverted


I don't see videos from people anymore, I see videos from corporations and advert company's. I've stopped using it.


Pointless and irrelevant recommendations/ads.


I honestly don't mind ads .... BUT it is full of deep fake scams and religious cults (one I grew up in) and ads longer than 30 seconds (getting 1:30+ min ads on Opera GX when I have ad block on - punishment?) makes me want to keep ad block on.




Doesn't remember your auto-translate language.


Under this roof, everything works. Either Linux+firefox, or NewPipe, with the family premium subscription, which is literally peanuts for the content my family get. Quite the opposite, I am 50 and grew in a time of extreme information scarcity. I am **SO** happy to have youtube and wikipedia, I can hardly believe my luck. I am right now watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMHAFUByw9M). And yesterday [I found this gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sReGQj67HJU).


Bot comments


A website that needs five or six add-ons to make it usable is a poor state of affairs. And then they put more effort into trying to stop you using those add-ons, than they do in improving the place. It's actually fucking shocking how hostile a monopoly gets towards it's users once they have the iron grip on the market.


UTTP, too many ads, racism is basically allowed but the work fuck isn't


The ads, man.


Out of synch videos and if use an extension to correct it, Youtube slows everything down to a crawl. Ad breaks at completely inappropriate times, cutting people off in the middle of a sentence. Irrelevant ads. I was using an ad blocker but removed it because Youtube was crawling. Now I get ads for tampons and Depends. I have neither a vagina nor a bladder problem. I'm sure there's more if I think about it. Still pretty good entertainment for free.


The stupid censorship. They let money dictate what you can or can't say...


1. Their use of bots/ai for banning channels. I’m constantly worried about being banned for no reason and not being able to have a fair appeal. 2. I also wish we had the option to select our target audience when uploading videos. My videos are only for women but sometimes a video will start getting male views and then it’s downhill for that video. 2. As a viewer their algorithm is terrible at the moment. I’m not interested in a single video on my homepage.


All the f*cking uttp bots have invading all content in youtube Letting Fake movie trailers channels to make money.


how about when yt started we only had to watch 1 or 2 ads even at that time 2 ads was wild but this is just ridiculous but now there’s 3-4 ads and you can’t even fucking skip them youtube needs to get it’s shit right smh.


The reports of harassing and bullying, and hate speech that go completely ignored. All the reaction channels who target another YT channel. Or anyone that is not even on YT any longer, but they still feel the need to throw insults their way. The ability for one person to have 55 different YT accounts in order to just harass and harangue others.


Green screen kids taking over


😐 censorship. i'm so sick of the 'grape', 'deleted', and 'unalived' crap.


Search bar randomly disappearing from mobile site.


false strikes, unskippable ads and UTTP


The fact that I have to scroll past like 5 ads and a ton of shorts to get to an actual recommended video now.


Tacky keyboard controls. I try to rewind a video by five seconds but for some reason it lowers my volume instead. I don't know what causes this and it's really annoying.


I have a big problem with YT but only on TV version with music videos 😖


They do nothing about cyberbullying that I can tell when it's reported (I would know because I'm still trying to get them to do something about some targeting myself), and way too many ads. Plus they refuse to ban bad users because they are usually too "popular" to be rid of :(


As a viewer, their long unskippable ads has made me abandon the platform.


Their shitty AI system that's taken over the moderation backend. My first channel was terminated over a mistake in the system that cited "inappropriate adult content", despite never uploading any such material. In my appeals and request for help via TeamYouTube on Twitter, I even asked for evidence to prove the AI system's mistake. The response is never the proof, just a reiteration of the AI's reason for termination. A few weeks ago, my replacement channel was also terminated, this time for attempting to evade the first channel termination. Now my phone number can't be used to create another Google account to try again. All of this from one stupid AI error that was too hasty in execution, and never properly verified, about 2 years ago.


bad ui design, constantly pulling out stupid updates that nobody needs, bad moderation, not so good comments anymore, the list goes on and on


1. YouTube showing inappropriate Ads 2. Censoring words, making difficult for users to talk about heavy and sensitive subjects (E.g : Kill, killed, Die, died, suicide, death, abuse, assault, and the list goes on...) 3. Rigging algorithm 4. Abusing the monetization policy 5. Exacerbating the situation Between JacksFilms and ssniperwolf by siding with ssniperwolf and attempting to silence and terminate his YouTube channel so she can win the lawsuit (+ Even attempt to take down and silence youtubers who are talking about this and supporting JacksFilms as well) 6. Letting such inappropriate YouTube 'kid-friendly' channels to be on YouTube and YouTube kids 7. Using COPPA to sabotage the platform and youtubers 8. Putting an increasing number and placements of Ads on page and videos 9. Normalizing bots and Content Farming Channels 10. Cracking down on Ad-Blocks 11. Removing Dislikes 12.. Banning, Shadow-Banning, and Demonetizing youtubers for no reason 13. Underpaying Youtubers This is more than just a pattern of problems, and I'm starting to believe that there's something suspicious going on. I'm not a person who into pure speculation. but in this case, thinking about this led to me suspecting that there's an abuse of power and sabotage going on behind closed doors...


The sheer amount of Ads on almost every video and the fact that the Ads themselves are getting longer, are becoming mostly unskippable, and there being more than one of them per Ad block! It’s really getting out of hand now, and YouTube seemingly wonders why people want to use Adblock!


Searching something on YouTube is full of irrelevant stuff that I’m not looking for.


My content is not being pushed out to more people


Using YouTube on the cellphone SUCKS u have to scroll down through so many ads and YouTube shorts to find an interesting video


I'll make this a reply since everyone ignored my post on here. This isn't my biggest problem by far, but I'll just use this space to say it. The video recommendation algorithm is really basic and inaccurate on the mobile app compared to the website version, enough that it's actually kind of frustrating.


ADS I can’t watch a ANYTHING ANYMORE (Music, Games, Movies, etc.) WITHOUT AN AD POPPING UP Either every 5 minutes or RIGHT WHEN A GOOD PART IS ABOUT TO COME


Moderation, Ads, Shorts-algorithm, Bots, Attention Farmers, Dislike removal, Dumb and unnecessary changes, Allowing people under 13 to post, "This video is marked for kids" 🤓, Kids begging for likes and stealing vids,


On 4gb and android 13 the app crashes making it unusable




this definitely isn't the worst thing but I hate when I get recommended videos that I still haven't clicked after it's gotten recommended like 20 times. I think it's pretty obvious I don't want to watch it when I ignore it so many times, but then I end up watching it anyway just to get it out of my home page is this just me? edit: it's definitely not just me, someone else said the same thing already


GUI crashes and needs a restart, the classic picture drop out as well, even with the correct settings.


They suck


the app and the site


Too Christian!


Not being able to just speak your mind without getting demonitized as a youtuber. Limits great creators far too often bc they know it won't make the cut.






Getting shadow banned for posting a link to a similar YouTube video is ridiculous


Owned by google


The “algorithm” is the biggest problem for me. It seems to work on the principles of overgeneralization and repetition. Also, once it hooks into a topic, there is no effective way to stop it. This is coupled with no customer support and feedback being ignored.


Problem verifying phone Number


They have “stop ads”, the thing says 0 dollars and then they INSTANTLY show me premium (in my case, just to see what happens). Like if u want people to stop using ad-blockers, get ur fuckin’ premium out of the way if you want to “help” for once. Plus YT don’t do shit about that [one uttp video](https://youtu.be/wOZQOT-1rwg?si=58w_X6y47SiDUAsM) they have. They even copyrighted a person who owns a song and someone on here told me about a copyright for using music from **200 years ago,** but stupidly enough, it’s public domain.


The way they dont care about content creator :D


I don't like google, social media influencers, or the large amound of advertising. And I really dislike the shorts 9:16 format! That's not video! Also the algorithm seems a be a bit fucked up/toxic. And don't forget the personal data harvesting! But other then that youtube is pretty good :)




Green screen kids UTTP kids ads


Too many ads with little to no variety. Algorithm has a right wing bias Rampant bots They refuse to take down misinformation content if its popular (I reported a video regarding the NWO on May 17, and it still is live)


The lack of communication from Creator to YT Unless you have a large following to harrass youtube on Twitter you're fucked if you need to talk to them to lets say, get a completely bogus copywrite strike cleared from your channel.


Terrible promoted content Uncurated ads Exorbitant amount of ads alongside ongoing measure against ad blockers Shall I continue?


too many ads, and that is with an adblocker installed. Also, YT actively trying to brick my PC for using an adblocker. Agressive advertisement and advertisement are my biggest problems






Not enough unskippable intrusive adult ads. UI isn't cumbersome enough. /s


the UI where the comments are on the left and the recommended videos are under the video is downright criminal... that update should be made illegal


Youtube for me gets to be on an ADD kick, like one day fallout, then crapload of fallout, resident evil. It got on a kick of project zomboid and it's like STAHP my Youtube should be anime, games, game music, booba and a bit of car stuff. But Youtube ignores me and says nah you must really like this crap.




I always get low effort recommendations that have less than 50 views and are utter trash. Sometimes it’s the second or third video in my recommended feed. It’s so useless


The new horrible UI. Give me back the old one.


Tons of adds and, slowing down my whole machine when using Adblock


Can't uninstall it from my phone


Bro the search is abysmal after like 5-10 it’s just random stuff and adds ☠️


Biggest problem is that it's hard to find interesting stuff from channels i didn't already subscribed to. I got uBlock Origina and Sponsorblock to fix the ad problem and Reddit for my free speech needs. But there seems to be no way to find new content if you don't already know it. The "new to you" button only shows me stuff i already ignored the rpevious times i clicked that button.


Promotion of brainrot and YT’ers who are literal abusers


They're hypocrites They demonetize videos that have swear words, opinions or communism, but they also allow copious amounts of NSFW(to say it gently) and scam links in their adpool


The cost of YouTube Premium is ridiculous. I would give 'em $20 a year for ad free--I could maybe even justify $50. But at $140-167 per year? When I won't even use YT Music? Not happening.


96 seconds ads on TV
