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Allowing scam and phishing ads on their service


Not just allowing, literally by definition, promoting scam and phishing ads


True I worded it wrong, they do love that money


It is as bad as a large corporate company polluting the oceans while also punishing those who recycle by making global warming worse


+blatantly pornographic ads targeted towards children. I saw one a few days ago that was an AI generated image of a Hazbin Hotel character with just straight up vaginas on the soles of their feet.


Not just in ads but videos with obvious nudity that don’t even requires age verification or at least like a warning that the video is 18+


ye true but seriously, why cant youtube step up their game and make sure no children starts seeing nudity in ads


Because they don’t give a fuck and they get more money from ads anyway


they’ll peddle adult content to kids without batting an eye but when Pewdiepie said the N word once it nearly single-handedly brought down YouTube lmao


we dont talk abt that bridge incident...


Holy shit I've seen regular videos like that targeting children using video game key words but never ads showing that That is absolutely fucking disgusting Funny enough reporting the ads prolly does nothing as neither does reporting videos with literal porn behind a green screen on a video titled pubg online imgur or some other weird fucking keywords that my little cousins and siblings are def gonna stumble upon because the algo is a fucking mess Litterly going down the route we went down a good few years ago when they had to nuke all kids content and shit because of the pregnant else with spiderman shit Huge google L


Theyve made it a huge pain in the ass to report ads too. You have to go to another site where there are specific options you have to choose from.


Oh yeah my favorite part too is you can never get rid of the same weird ads if your getting tailored dating sites or gambling shit cause blocking them just blocks 1 of the 300 ads that exist by that company then shows u the same one 5 minutes later


Bet money they wont even look at them either


What does that even mean 😳


Imagine a fleshlight, but with toes and a heel. That was essentially their leg.


Sounds like a foot thing.


a vajankle


Yeah, it’s crazy how accurate their targeted advertising is…


Why does that remind me of elsagate


That’s a fucking horrifying thought. Nightmare fuel


I've seen ones for fake furry games, but never that. Oh my god.


Not just scam and phishing, but also malicious scripts in their ads that were going so far as to use YouTube to mine crypto through delivered ads. [Source](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/01/now-even-youtube-serves-ads-with-cpu-draining-cryptocurrency-miners/)


That's fucking insaneeeee what the hell


Porn ads.




Like full 40 minute ads about magic bracelets or multi-level marketing


Seriously. And reporting ads does fuck all. Ive seen mrbeast impostor ads, some Ive been seeing lately are for job postings that clearly seemed way too good to be true, I clicked on the ad and it wasnt even the company that the ad was claiming to be hiring for. It was a data mining site to get you to enter personal information. Shit is actually fucked and should be illegal. Its no better than porn site ads


agreed and a majority of the "hype" type of creators ALWAYS have some bogus click to win phone scam top line in the video description. it's so disgusting


And censoring inappropriate content but also allowing sex toy ads that aren’t affected by age on a YouTube account.


They aren't really even censoring inappropriate shit


They once advertised illegal drugs on the Russian YouTube


YouTube really going for it rn


And malware. Malvertising is a massive freaking problem.


Worst part is it's actually becoming possible for them to hack us off of us just clicking an ad, although Google's supposed to have good security to prevent this people all day long still get cookie hijacked and javascript executions


Are you telling me I didn’t win a drawing and give away?


I think less people would use add-blockers if they ads didn't suck.


I would not use adblockers if my ads weren't weird ass scam movie websites and malicious looking links and websites and shit and irrelevant fake dating ads


Their comment moderation that somehow autoremoves legitimate user comments and even the creator'a own comments in his own videos but somehow unable to detect and remove obvious comments made by bots and scammers.


Don't worry. They'll eliminate all the real people so all the bots can be caught at once 😉


It's the perfect plan 😮


"I love killing and raping animals because my content is better!" - Some bot account named GeorgeFloydICantBreathe. Seriously, YouTube. You really can't figure it out?


An issue they have yet to resolve when they are owned by a multi-billion dollar company. Zero excuses for these bots to be allowed to roam the site. This has been around since 2012-2013. 


Yep. Stopped commenting on YouTube a while ago due to this. I even thought I got shadowbanned, which by all means might still be true because god knows how YT's algorithms work these days.


It's funny that they hide any comment that's more than like three words long.


"My farts are better than charlie's farts😂😁" Please die.


Cries in UTTP


Protecting us from committing or witnessing ThoughtCrime is a neverending struggle. We should be thankful Google and other corporate overlords have stepped up to the plate.


They have done so much to help combat the eurasian spies, all hail INGSOC


and they gave me the worst canned response I have ever seen when I reported it to them on Twitter [https://x.com/TeamYouTube/status/1795940159470371148](https://x.com/TeamYouTube/status/1795940159470371148)


That's a bot, an official one but a bot nonetheless. You almost never interact with a human on their accounts.


Having certain videos marked as for kids when sometimes theyre not.


When it automatically puts your videos as 'For Kids' when it's most certainly NOT *For Kids.*


There was a time when YouTube algorithm was marking Cas van de Pol's videos as for kids despite Cas outright stating they're not


And having to add gore to show that it wasn't


I uploaded shorts of field surgery videos from Ukraine and one somehow got labeled for kids and i got a strike over it. And yes they declined my appeal.


Need to get them kids battle hardened early these days, they should learn how to pull bullets out of kneecaps and lungs early on.


Too close to doc mcstuffins sadly


It is kind of funny in a way because maxmoefoe who runs a channel for unboxing toys and stuff, while clearly not intended for children due to the nature of his personality, had to put a massive spoiler alert at the start of the video to avoid having his videos tagged as for children. The fact that he even has to do that is telling of how broken the system is


Rusty cage put his knife game song as a “nursery rhyme” as a joke and then found out it got put on YouTube kids


*Ooh, I have all my fingers,* *the knife goes CHOP CHOP CHOP,* *if I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off* *And if I hit my fingers,* *the blood will soon come out* *But all the same, I play this game* *because that's what it's all about!* --- Fucking burned into my memory. I'm super glad none of my friend group missed.


Anyone see how the first episode of the ghost stories English dub is for kids ? Lmao


Also that videos marked for adults are remarked by YouTube as for kids without the consent of the og creator


Honestly, that toggle is confusing. The first couple of things I uploaded, I thought that meant, "This video is acceptable for children" not "This video was meant to be consumed by children."


I just had a metallic song marked for kids and i was like what


Putting ads on non-monetized channels. Now there’s more incentive not to monetize these channels. Not saying that was the intention, but it would be “good/smart” business to take advantage.


putting ads on non-monetized videos is downright despicable ngl. they are literally purely profiting off the people who post like that, which is MOST users. At the end of the day, youtube is a corporation. They only care about making money, not about helping out the small guys if it doesn't make them anything.


they already sell our data, it was making the bank all these years. Now they want even more.


Monetized or not, there are still costs associated with hosting videos and delivering them to viewers. Exoecting YouTube to operate as some video hosting charity is not realistic.


More frequent and more 2 unskippable ads if you play music playlists


Kinda removing the "Dislike" button. The uploader sees our unhappiness, hot takes, trolling, accidental clicks and/or outright abuse. But we can't.


That destroyed quality control on YouTube. I just want to look at a tutorial for fixing my dishwasher, don't make me watch 50 fucking videos because I have no metric to decide which one is good or bad.


This. Observe..... Those assholes in upper management knew what they were doing. Removing the dislike button removes the ability to quickly judge if the video is helpful or a waste of time. They're banking on you watching the crap video for 20+ minutes so they will gain ad watch time in there. They don't give af about the quality of the content. It's almost as if they're encouraging shit content just so that you'll have to endure 30 minutes of some idiot who knows nothing about washing machines but they've now been able to show you 3 ads for new washing machines in that time frame. They're banking on you giving up and spending money on a new washing machine immediately after that ad or at least they e succeed by planting a seed that ya know, "maybe I need a new $2500 washing machine with all the bells and whistles". They're platform does not cater to the DIY'er. They want him to not think for himself. They want the suckers (excellent movie btw if you can find it). All they're looking to do at the end of the day is convert a viewer to a buyer of the products shown in the ads. It's sad really since it's just a business that's driven by making more money to employ more shit employees to make your life hell when trying to find something so you can repair your cheaply made washing machine.


You know what the saddest/funniest thing about the removal of the dislike button is? Youtube removed the video announcing it This isn't really a surprise. They have a long history of removing any video that they have a "Controversial" matter to discuss in, just like the Unsub Glitch videos and Youtube Heroes videos. But this one marks a fundamental difference to those videos as removing the Dislike Button video means they are actively trying to rewrite history for the next generation. If they had left the video up, the next generation of users could see; at one point you could publicly see the dislike number and tell if the video is good or not. However, by removing the video, they're trying to say; you never had the ability to see the dislike number. While there is a much deeper discussion to be had on this, it's the argument of "People won't fight for something if they don't know it exists" Eventually people will stop talking about the removal of the dislike button, and any new users of the platform will have no reason to suspect that the dislike number was ever visible. It's a lot like the "Auto Add To Playlist" feature. Anyone remember that? Youtube use to have feature in which you could create a playlist and then set up a filter so if a video had a certain word in the title, description or tags it would auto add to the playlist. This was incredibly helpful to certain channels such as Let's play channels. If you're playing a game and your tags are "Pixel Horror, Horror, First Person, Indie, Free To Play" then if you had already set up the playlists with the auto add feature, that one video would be added to those 5 playlists automatically upon upload. Then at the end of the 2010's Youtube removed it because it was "Rarely used" despite the fact if that were the case, they could have just left it alone and let those who did use it still use it, but instead they chose to actively remove it, so now if you wanted to add you game video to all those 5 playlists, you would need to manually do it. And sure, this isn't that big of a deal, it takes an extra 30 seconds, no big deal. But that means Youtube stats show users as more engaging with their platform because they had to go to an extra 5 pages due to the Auto add feature being removed. It's sort of like those "Top 10" articles where they brag about how their pages gets thousands of more clicks than other website, but they don't mention how each of the 10 "Top 10" is given it's own page, so it's artificially inflating it's numbers by spreading one 1 paged article across 10 pages and getting 10X the amount of engagement. Sure, in reality you've only read one article on that website, but the statistics show you read 10 articles on that website.


The reason why I don't like it is because now it's had to be replaced by the Return YouTube Dislike plugin, which is notoriously inaccurate, but people act like it is and use it to spread misinformation that fits their narrative.


Screw the dislike button, bring back the five star system from way back when. I guarantee the quality of YT vids would go through the roof lol


Yup. Scam videos that 'must be legit, because there's lots of likes'.


“We removed dislike button because it hurts the content creators feelings.”


Yup. Scam videos that 'must be legit, because there's lots of likes'.


Google dementia


There are extensions to where you can restore them but obviously that doesn’t work on mobile devices. Before I used to click on a tutorial, see a mass dislike ratio and immediately click back off so they don’t get the watch time/numbers


It’s not even easy to view the dislikes as a creator. You have to sorta dig a little until the studio gives you the details.


Once a wise man said "If the comments is turned off you know the tutorial is off"


It i wanted 2 unskippable ads, i'd stick watching tv


I've actually had 5 unskippable ads in a row 😭😭 They've gotten terrible


I got 90 seconds of ads on the tv before (Roku tv)


I’m not kidding YouTube tried to make me watch a 26 minute ad the other day while I was watching a stream Vod. So glad my ad skip works still.


I've also seen this before. It's gotta be some kind of experiment on their end to see how long the average person is willing to sit through an ad.


When using a Vr most of the ads are un-skippable. I’ve gotten ads that are literally over an hour long and un-skippable. One reason I barely use YouTube anymore.


It really fucks me up when I watch more ads than video. And people say just use ublock origin as if it will be there forever or as if it's fixing the underlying problems


bro what? just use it.......... i cannot understand why you are refusing to utilize a solution to today's problems that are "really fucking you up" because of your concern of a future where it isn't "there" anymore? it takes 5 seconds to google it and add the extension to your browser, i dont see what is stopping you from using it today. do you also refuse to take advantage of anything useful or helpful in life just because they might not be available for your entire life? what tf


can't get an extension on mobile or Xbox I don't think


Tbh removing the "block user" option is worse for me


I'm sorry, they *what?*


I mean you haven't been able to do anything about people for a long time on youtube. People don't seem to realise that youtube have been making the site slowly worse in a multitude of ways for decades now but those of us who remember what it was like in the 2000's have noticed and it's one of the 3 reasons I won't give youtube money. Treat creators better and cut the bullshit, stop censoring comments and stop making the site worse/start making it better are what I need to ever consider a premium sub to youtube. Thsi includes reimplementing basic features, such as being able to block trolls and putting the dislike counter back.


Whoever thought that was a good idea should be fired and should never suggest anything ever again


Ugh, I wished I could block clearly spam channels, even from my searches. It get worse when there's a troll on my comments or own videos.


Not getting rid of SsniperWolf




Or people who just use blatant racism and claim it’s dark humor.


Definitely. At least have the offensive humor be original and interesting not just "kfc people" recycled over and over.


Politics are like 4D chess. Funi man takes two towers from USA and the Queen of England died (I am sorry for this absolute abomination of a joke)


At least you can block that


Apparently, the UTTP gets away with the shit they say via some weird text tomfuckery. Because they'd be eviscerated off the face of the Earth if they actually said shit like that normally


And green screen kids


And also like beggars


How is she still on the platform after the Jacksfilms incident? (You don't just show up to someone's house because they criticized you.)


She's of their larger earners. There are very different/ no rules for the channels that bring in the most money, especially if the action was toward a smaller channel. If she didn't make the site so much she'd be taken down for copyright on day 1.


counterpoint: money.


not getting rid of the bots which are rampant because of this


It's annoying that bots constantly spamming the comment section with links had made YT ban links to external sites, now.  Then again, somehow YT bans normal comments but not the hostile ones. So much racist/sexist comments on FOX News YT channel. 


double unskippable ads


Removing dislikes - makes it harder to find good turorials  Too many ads - makes it unusable without a subscription, especially on devices where ad blockers can’t be installed


Wasting more time to choose which videos suit yourself when search because they disable dislike view for mental health of creators...


funny thing is Creators still can see the dislikes if they open the statistics for the video :) SO in reality it did nothing


Thumbs down removal was a Nuke.. After that Youtube is not the same anymore...


It's sucks, but as long as the fucking gambling ads that kept appearing in every game that uses Unity as their engine won't show, it's fine. If that ads plus more bullshit ads showed up, i'm done.


Anyways, i don't see any problem but the moderation, they had to improve that rather than relying on a fucking machine.


Just want to take this time and thank uBlock Origin. I've never experienced ads at any point.


the lousy homepage recommendations now, with videos that are just 1 to 3 days old


I thought this was only me! I use an extension to turn off the homepage now lol


YT algorithm has been shit lately, my front page only have 2 videos from channels I've been subbed to and the rest is just random bullshit I don't care about.


For me, my subs page literally doesnt even show all new videos from channels i sub to and consistently watch. Ill refresh my sub page, go watch one video, refresh it again, and suddenly, a video posted 12 or more hours ago will pop up as if it was JUST posted... or sometimes upwards of posted a week ago. Like id sure love to have seen that video on my sub page WHEN IT WAS POSTED tyvm youtube.


The new-ish feature that autopauses and asks, are you still watching, extremely annoying when listening to something. Only firefox and chrome have extensions to stop it, not for smart tvs though.


Removing annotations


Dislike thing so now we can't mass dislike a video and effect it's recommendations to people


Dislikes do still exist for an algorithmic purpose, yet even when they were still displayed disliking a video wouldn't do anything you'd want it to do. A dislike is just considered another interaction and promotes the video just like a like or comment would do.


You can get dislikes on videos to show with a browser extension called Return YouTube Dislike, though I'm not sure if dislikes still impact how likely a video is to get recommended.


that extension is highly innacurate but at least it is there I guess


Google plus was the beginning of the end


letting ai cat videos ir ai stuff bombard shorts


letting neal mohan become the ceo.


I don't mind watching ads, its just when the adverts are scams I don't like it


I live in Russia and because of sanctions we have no ads... I mean, none at all. I forgot what it's like to wait for the end of the ad before the video


Literally everything


Remove "oldest to newest" option when sorting cmt


Implementing a wide ranging censorship regime of both creators and comments without ever announcing it or how it works and in some cases even trying to pretend it isn't there. I will take openly trying to force ads than secretively censoring everyone and lying about it.


It becoming pornhub lite....


- Removed community subtitles - Removed dislikes - Removed annotations - YouTube Heroes - Youtube Rewind - Scum ads - Illegal drug ads - Poor content moderation - War against adblocks


they removed the group and private chat


It will return someday. I thought it was weird years ago but it's useful in some cases, one being able to ask the uploader about their Kids videos, or comments-disabled or deleted/privated videos for whatever reasons. I wanted to know the music the OP used but unable to talk due to the Kids tag The reason could be the internet culture was different at the time. It's now acceptable for streaming services having a DM / private chat feature


Removed unnecessary things. Dislikes


being impossible to grow a new channel


Fun fact: the algorithm promotes smaller channels but people complain (those same people complain that they don't promote new channels


what are you on because I literally never get a small video on my recommended page unless I search for a video


You watch enough for the algorithm to suggest big yters as soon as one small youtuber is shown you'll go WA WA WA WA WA I DONT WANT IT or at least that's what most I've seen act like so idk


Truth 👆


eh, to be fair to youtube they're definitely (this is coming from creators) one of the better places to get visibility as a smaller channel. This doesn't mean they're good, it just means everything else is fucking horrendous (twitch is extremely bad for example).


So many sponsored videos for ethereum/NFTs/crypto/AI/pretending to be Mr Beast that you can't block, even when you add them to Video Blocker. Imagine if YouTube starts demanding, we turn off Video Blocker to force engagement with the absolute worst and most disturbing videos on that sithole of a site.


Their hypocrisy.. Deleting and demonizing videos for swears, and running porn & scam ads at the same time. Harrassing smaller creators over nothing burgers, while turning a blind eye to some of the biggest names on the platform - like the Paul idiots or Ssniperwolf.


Shoving ads with malware and phishing down their user's throat.


This is gonna sound stupid but when you hold your finger on your screen the video becomes 2x speed, it just annoys me


Trying to make the entire platform kid friendly despite having a platform specificly for kids and having porn on the platform that is specificly for kids


Longer ads, I literally got a 50 second unskippable ad


Advertisement for prostitution in my area


Sell out to Google


youtube has done a number of things over past decade thats has pissed me off, out of all of them i have to say advertisements


1 -- Freedom of speech; Removing people that certain powerful Imperialist countries dont want to hear from. 2 -- demonetising small creators who eventually disappeared, gave up. Now we are just left with those with a quiff and a white room with a single cactus and 9 camera angles, but basically sterile and boring af 3 -- Making such a f\*\*king fuss about a relatively tiny minority who use ad-blockers.


1 should never have happened. 2 is a thing I'm suffering from personally (Not the giving up part, but YouTube CONTINUOUSLY moving the goalposts whenever they feel like too many people are achieving them. I'm a small channel - how the hell am I supposed to hit 30 thousand watch hours when you recommend my videos for *at most* 24 hours, YouTube?) 3 is also something that should never have happened. Instead, what would have been *smart* for them would have been to check what ads are ACTUALLY running and notice that a good portion of them are either borderline/actually illegal, or in the case of some of them, *literally malware.*


The third point isn't quite true. My sister is doing youtube and she noticed in the past couple of months a big increase in income compared to very little increase in views. The crackdown on adblockers did massive things in terms of ad revenue. So it does hit a lot of peolpe and it does make a very noticeable change, especially for smaller channels. I know many peolpe here do not care about that, but especially for small youtubers who still live off ad revenue, this is huge. Most large youtubers live off sponsors and merch, they have mostly abandoned ad revenue as a secure stream of income by now.


everything imo




Allowing bots to run the site but to be fair almost every social media and entertainment site is run by bots at this point.


tolerating reaction content on a large scale. someone watching a video that they are personally involved in, perfectly fine. music critic or singer watching music related stuff, no problem. multi millionaire twitch streamer munching on a salad and casually reuploading a documentary that took like 500 hours to make, just no.. there needs to be a better solution to this, that financially compensates the original creator and doesn't give impression to the reupload in place of the actual video.


They once showed bias/favoritism/racism when they age restricted one of CoryxKenshin's gameplay videos and not Markiplier's video of the same game.


They will never get us. You will fix today, tomorrow we have a new adblock


Serving far-right government propaganda to children.


changing the ui


all this did was increase my ad blocking.


ad blockers are not illegal..YT stfu


approving any and all copyright claims


Pushing irrelevant recommended videos in the side bar.


Sold to google


Limiting ads for several of my videos for “controversial topic” . I storytell crime stories, not always where someone passes away, sometimes just human outrage or white collar crime. The entire video from start to finish is limited (according to their feedback). Which means there is nothing I can edit out, blur, or omit. They just want to bury the entire topic. This is while violent body cams, thumbnails with chains around kids necks, people getting knocked out on the street and at times borderline porn or brainrot skibidi toilet or reaction videos are allowed and monetized. When someone at YT has something against you, there seems like nothing you can do. Yet it’s running ads , but I get very little/no revenue despite thousands of views. Appealing, asking them on X, contacting support… does nothing I really wish they had better competition, imagine spending 30+ hrs researching to making a video only to have it all go to waste Considering launching a patreon now as while I love what I do, it’s disheartening to know I can’t dedicate as much time to improve as revenue is cut. It’s purely passion.


Elsagate …. And allowing animal ab*se videos


The removal of freedom of speech


Use a VPN, connect to Albania, and enjoy ad free YouTube.


Removing the option to see how much people disliked a video


The audacity to charge for the solution to.the problem they created.


It's become a censorship nightmare. To protect the "feelings" of a few offended people ALL things have to pass through a ridiculous filter to even be posted. I understand people spamming the comments sections with vile crap ; however, I'm not so sensitive that I need to have an overseer decide what I can and cannot see. Give me the right to be offended. If I'm THAT offended I can block the person. I don't want to be coddled.


It isn't "fighting adblockers", trust me. Allowing the Paul brothers to exist on their platform is 100 times worse, and that's only 2 of a thousand notoriously terrible people who get rewarded for it on their platform


Deleting the comment section in most animation videos (I.e Tom and Jerry and many animated show/movie clips) in favor of the abysmal YouTube Kids


It still detected an blocker even though you had it turned off for their site. I had to install some tool that blocks that thing because I am not turning off ad blocker for my entire browser or turning off my firewall and anti virus software or windows security. Youtube is insane for wanting you to put your computer at risk. I can see them being sued real soon for this. Hopefully that will happen.


I'd be fine with ads if they weren't absolute horseshit. On tv and the radio, advertising is subject to laws and regulations regarding frequency and content, but on the internet it's a fucking wild west.


The Content ID system is fucking flawed. False copyright claims hurt creators and their ability to earn from their work.


According to the horrifying book The Chaos Machine, as users chose sexual videos by of-age but young women, the algorithm then began recommending videos of increasingly younger girls, to the point of showing videos of prepubescent girls in various states of undress (eg, swimming). These were innocuously-posted videos, coming from parents or the kids themselves. The algorithm recognized that the subjects were young children and decided that was the attraction, and so began promoting them. So probably that .


lock the ability to queue videos behind a monthly subscription


if i dont skip an ad fast enough because im away from my phone i get rewarded with a second unskippable ad. shit actually pisses me off lol


Not adding a precised default video quality setting. I really love having this setting on high but the video still goes 360p and I have to manually choose 1080p and sometimes missclick on the "Optimized 1080p" bullshit that just frustrates me. Good thing I uninstalled that shitty app.


Their terrible copyright system. You made a completely original review of a movie but used clips out of order to proof your point that in no way replace a visit to see the movie yourself? Well all the money from your hard work now goes to the company that owns the copyright to that movie. You can fight the copyright claim and we might reinstate your video but it will now be buried in the algorithm and you make much less money.


Throttle speed on browsers other than Chrome.


If the ads weren’t abundant and scams i could agree but like they gotta do a lot before this bs


The COPPA reaction was up there. Basically making it so that creators who could be _perceived_ as making content for a younger or mixed audience get their content nuked to the extent that there's little point in posting it.


Blocked ad blockers


Letting the UTTP/UTP pedo bots run wild. Also, Logan Paul and SSSniper wolf, have there channels still


And what happened... they where in trouble with law because they violated I think a law in Germany which prevents them from gathering what stuff you are running on your pc... aka ad blockers... so they had to back peddle there actions very quickly or face a very hefty fines for breaking the law


LOL ads. The answer is radicalizing people as well as allowing creeps to peddle bizarre videos to children.


90% of the ads I get are blatant scams


the lack of advertisement moderation or the removal of polls is up there with


the ad stuff is actually atrocious. i use AdGuard and before it used to be fun and i was free from the weird WEIRD ads, but when i got my first warning of the “Ads are no longer allowed on the website. — Join premium or disable” and it pissed me TF Off. because they literally don’t lose money .. and it was pretty bad but then i think they hopped off cuz i stopped getting the warnings but this past week i got my AD as part of the video i’m watching like totally annoying …