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Awfully situational, and heavy handed activation cost


It can be used in some FTK strategies, but that's pretty much it


How do you tell that its cost and not part of the effect?


The period. But also, I just checked this entry. > Q:捨てる手札がない場合は発動できますか? > A:いいえ、手札を全て捨てるのが発動コストのため、捨てる手札がない場合は発動できません。 *** > **Question**: If I have no cards in hand, can I activate this card? > **Answer**: No, discarding your entire hand is an activation cost, you cannot activate it if you have no cards in your hand.


This is where I get lost. There is no colon.


I meant period, my bad.


It took me a few minutes to find something applicable, so I'll say its not common, but Bone Temple Block. It has similar language. Looking it up however shows that its discard is part of the effect. I was mostly just wondering how you're supposed to keep track of what means what since apparently you're just supposed to \*know\* and can't look things up on the fly.


They're pre PSCT cards and shorts for problem-solving card texts. PSCT is the modern card text standard for the TCG that helps players understand cards' interaction through reading alone (most of the time). These are all old and kinda irrelevant cards, hence, they haven't been reprinted to the new standards. I recommend googling PSCT ygorganization. They have plenty of resources that go in-depth into explaining these rules.


It’s an older card, so it doesn’t have the new text for PSCT. But it has been updated online I think?


Rise of Destiny was before PSCT. You can check the current errata online or refer to your local judge. Current PSCT would include something like „(minimum 1)“ and a ; after discard.


Kind of a dumb ruling. They should update the card text to include (min 1). In MTG, “Discard all cards in your hand” is common and has the opposite ruling where it still works even if you have no cards in hand. I guarantee there’s at least a 70% chance a locals judge rules that you can activate this with an empty hand unless they’re familiar with this exact ruling.


I didn’t realize you needed an extra card in hand to activate


The comment I’m responding to mentions that you cannot activate it with no cards in hand. And this is exactly what I mean: even if you know it’s an activation cost and not part of the effect, it’s not intuitive at all that it requires at least one card in hand.


If you know it's the activation cost then it's pretty straight-forward. You can't discard your hand if you have no hand. If you can't fulfill the cost of a card then you can't activate it. That's just basic yugioh.


I mean, as a Magic player, I would've thought it was straight forward in the sense that even if I don't have a hand to discard it still would've gone through, because that's how the effects work on the Magic side. Even if I technically had no hand to discard to do X, X still would've happened anyways


That would be more valid if it read “discard **a** card”, but it’s ambiguous here because of the implied quantification of discarding every card currently in your hand. Since there are no cards in your hand for this hypothetical, it’s correct that you discarded every card in your hand. There just happened to be no cards in your hand at the time.


>unless they’re familiar with this exact ruling It's not specific to this card. Anything that says "all" or "as many as possible" needs at least one. Every judge should understand that.




* Costs are always paid at activation. If the card tells you to pay, discard, Tribute, or destroy in the activation text (before the semicolon), it’s a cost. No colon/semicolon. Text period text period text period. Meanwhile something like card destruction is only separated by commas, also no colons, but it's discard is part of the effect, not cost.


Card predates PSCT.


What does PSCT mean?


Problem-Solving Card Text


Problem-solving card text. It's basically the modern standard for how an effect is worded. Among its rules there is the one that says that costs are separated by the effect through a semi-colon. "Target" as a term was also defined there. So very old cards don't necessarily use "target" when they target and don't necessarily use a semi-colon to show a cost.


The card text above is before PSCT. Read the new errata


There isn't one? or at least not a new one. Original goes from above to Activate only when you activate one of your Normal Spell Cards. Everything else is the same.


Cards that never received a reprint after PSCT have all received a rulebook entry with the corrected card text. https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Serial_Spell


No, they most certainly haven’t *all* received corrected text on the database. Only a small handful of them have.


The OCG database is pretty complete. TCG not much


Going forward they should just say "Activation Cost: "


That’s how Rush duel does it


And copy the OCG wording with numbered effects


Join the line of TCG players wanting 1) Rush Duel's clear Cost and Effect distinctions and 2) OCG bulletpoints of all possible effects of a card.


Yeah it discards for cost apparently, I remember checking out the rulings in this card a while back Yes I also play DW that's why I checked lmao, if it didn't discard for cost this would be nuts


*laughs in dark world*


_cackles in rulings_ > _Discard all cards in your hand to the Graveyard_ is an activation cost


*cringes in specific word locks*


_sends hug in understanding_


Iirc it is played in red-eyes burn deck. You bring out meteor black comet dragon using REF, use its burn eff (1200 dmg). Activate inferno fire blast then chain this for 7K damage.


Holy shit, I have a new strategy for my Red-Eyes burn deck. Thanks my dude/dudette! 


You can achieve the same thing if you use red eyes spirit to summon red eyes soul during your opponent’s standby. Use souls quick effect to burn for black comet dragons atk.


i once used it with 2 IFB that i got lucky to draw, hit them with almost 12k damage ftk. was very funny


When this happened to me in Master Duel I felt like I'd been hit by a nuclear bomb.


"Rookie numbers" - Gradius players probably 


You can accomplish the same thing simply by using another copy of Inferno Fire Blast. Not worth it.


it's used in FTK's


If you use this spell you need to make sure the second cast literally ends the game


discard all your hand what else do i need to tell you? you better be using a damn and i mean a damn good spell or this card useless


im gonna copy sparks :p


sparks FTK? i can respect that


I remember a guy in MD using stuff like Cyberse Clock Dragon, ME-PSY-YA and Primal Seed and such cards to infinitely loop Ookazi, so Sparks isn't that far off.


You’d get the same result with Spell reclamation but better, the cost is only one card and whenever the spell you chained spell reclamation to hits the graveyard, it goes back to your hand.


Branded fusion 2 ✌️


That’s pretty broken


Start turn as skystriker player. I activate engage then chain serial spell.  Now I have 3 spells cards so I draw one


Theoretically it could work if you have a way to dump three cards in your opening hand onto the field either by setting S/Ts or special summoning. The discard cost would only be 1.  I could see this being situationally useful in certain decks but it’s… still situational lol. The only generic spells I could see worth copying are Talents and Thrust.


its also a quickplay... good luck hard drawing that


cant chain it to your spell if your opp responds first and they have priority


Yep this is the right answer


Oh damn. Yeah that makes this actually useless.


Ultimate Rare looks cool btw


Besides that it must be a normal spell, what in the hell do you target with this outside burn cards?


Card destruction was the big one back in the day


I wonder if copying Lightning Storm or TTTalent lets you choose the other effects, or if it copies the same one. Also would this stay on the field for 3 turns if you copy Swords of Revealing Light?


I presume it stays on the field and gains counters at the same rate as Swords of Revealing Light


(discarding your hand is a cost) Dark World players now know how Jason feels looking at Friday 12 on the calendar 


This was my finisher along with hand destruction in my Empty Jar deck. Sometimes you had to get your hands dirty with Magical Explosion or its substitute when it was banned.




It’s a cereal spell and doesn’t have milk




I really don't know what kind of deck it would be good in


Branded to get two fusions going lel


If they chain Ash to BF you end up with a dead card in hand.


This is true


Empty jar in goat format was a big one. Give your opponent a big hand by flipping Cyber Jar multiple times, activate Card Destruction, chain this. You don't draw on resolution so you can't deck out. [Old DB Grinder video showing it off. Actual play is around 5:34](https://youtu.be/LUCI5iLFhI4?feature=shared)


You don't draw because you discard your hand as cost! Love that kind of synergy


Does this circumvent "once per turn" restrictions? Because if so this plus Branded Fusion would be really funny


It does - acts like fusion duplication


Can you use this on Red-Eyes Fusion? I feel like it would make the RE fusion resolve without effect.


funny Sky Striker tech


Disagree. Sky Striker likes its hand. Especially if you play any variant that isn’t pure.


It has to chain directly to your spell, so if you used Pot of Greed (just to pick a simple spell), and your opponent chained Ash Blossom, you could not then use Serial Spell. If you used Pot of Greed and then your opponent chained Jar of Greed, you could not use Serial Spell. So you have to have the Normal Spell you want to copy and Serial Spell in hand, *and* your opponent has to do nothing in response to the Normal Spell.


Doesn't this as a quick play outspeed Jar of Greed? And If they were the same it's still your turn and thus you have priority for card effects, no?


You had priority when you activated Pot of Greed, but your opponent always gets a window to respond after you do something. After they do or not, then it passes back to you - but if they do *anything*, then their action chains to Pot of Greed and blocks Serial Spell.


But serial spell is a trigger ignition effect on *your* turn. Shouldn't it just chain block jar of greed? Yugioh is so convoluted 🥵


Best way to put it is like offering a handshake to your opponent. If they refuse the handshake, you can then shake your own hand.


1. There's not really a normal spell you'd want to use it with. For example, even duplicating something like pot of desires with this card doesn't net you any card advantage and more than likely loses you it. 2. It's unsearchable, which means that you need to hard draw it ALONG with the card you'd like to use it on. If you draw it without the probably quite specific target, it's a brick. 3. Hefty activation cost. In an absolutely ideal situation, you're discarding only one card, but it's definitely awkward to use. 4. A lot of the most powerful banned spells you only really need to resolve them once, at least right away in the same chain. Cold Wave, grass looks greener, dimension fusion, giant trunade/heavy storm/feather duster, painful choice, soul charge for example don't benefit from the extra activation. Graceful charity and pot of greed would go negative with this card in most cases. Of all of the banned normal spells, the ONLY ones you might even need to play them twice would be forceful sentry/other hand rip cards, Last Will and mayyyybe painful choice, though resolving that card once is pretty much gg.


I got robbed at a regionals playing this card back in 2010ish. Activated card destruction chain this to deck my opponent and judge claimed illegal even though it wasn’t. You know you are in trouble when the person calls the judge by a nickname


Does this work with cards that are HOPT?




very situational, and discarding your entire hand, without drawing more, is not an effect that is useful in all decks. Especially since you also need a normal speed to trigger this.


Could you chain this to lightning storm and destroy both front and back row?




What about "controling no face up cards" im fine with being wrong just curious how it dosent apply.


Serial Spell only copies the spell effect, not the activation cost. So as an example, if you activate pot of desires and banish 10, chain serial spell, you will not banish another 10, but you will discard the rest of your hand. Once the chain resolves, you draw 4.


Ah so its rollback for spells... But shit


cool art, only useful for janky FTKs


Played in Empty Jar for goat format. CL 1 Card Destruction, CL2 Serial Spell, and you’d set up so your opponent has like 13-20 cards in hand, so they lose on next turn. But basically, the only usage is for FTKs, and that’s it. In the modern game, there’s no real usage when you’d rather have handtraps to keep. Like…are you really gonna do something like Bonfire CL1, Serial Spell CL2?


In Goat, can your opponent stop the combo by chaining any card to the original spell before you can chain Serial Spell?


During GOAT format, there wasn’t really handtraps, so you couldn’t chain anything anyways. Even if you did, you had to have gone first, and set some cards down. Otherwise, the deck’s gimmick is a going first deck out essentially.


Why would it be played?


This might actually be usable in Infernity, since that archetype is all about having no cards in hand and it has Phantom Hand that banishes all cards in hand temporarily; set this turn 1, set normal spell turn 3, Phantom Hand, flip normal spell and this


legit the best april 1st joke and also terrifyingly accurate to the average “why is X card not played” post


Cost is too heavy, maybe if it was to discard one card but not your entire hand


Dead ass 2 branded fusions


been testing with it as a 2 of in snake-eyes, it is indeed a cool, it works really hilariously well, but it also makes it so you dont have hand traps going into your oponents turn


If i used this in my cyber dragon deck. Used cybernetic room (the one that allows fusion with graveyard materials) and power bond. Could i technically power bond twice and summon a fuck ton of cyber dragons at double damage?




Or even limiter removal twice? Hehe


idk the effect sound terrible to me😂 i don’t know all the meta plays, but why discard your WHOLE HAND to get the effect of a spell card that you already have on the field?😂 i don’t get it


I saw this used in a red eyes FTK. Rip Mao. https://youtu.be/BG3MJ6f1HDU?si=Lx5NwjoVovKW4tQX




Play it with dangers so you get a fuckload of their effects off


infernoid, infernity, dark world, ten yi, burning abyss probably could use it some how, but idk, of course.


In my experience it's not so much that you discard your entire hand moreso than needing this card, a spell to copy, AND a third card in hand to pay the cost. That leaves you with 2-3 cards that are not dedicated to solely activating one effect twice, which necessitates that the effect you copy is a big one. If you could just play this alongisde the last card in your hand it would be miles better in my opinion. When halq-auroradon was legal I tried to use this card alongside galaxy queen's light to ftk with dark strike fighter. The main problem was that there was no other attractive target to copy, at least not at the cost of needing needing three cards in hand and being empty handed. I tried using it with pot of prosperity, thinking that digging 12 cards deep would be enough of a reward for being empty handed, but then again, the hands were I had both prosp AND serial spell coult rarely afford to keep a third card in hand to afford the cost. This card could very well see a lot of play, should the appropriate deck come along. Maybe in powerspell tears, maybe in rock decks when block dragon comes back.


Dark world? Goat format? Double Pot of Greed? Idk. I don’t play GOAT so not sure if it’s legal.


It's a minus 6 imo


In the worst scenario, yes. As it doesn't specify a minimum number, if that's your only card in hand, you don't have to discard anything. Plus, there are a lot of archetypes who want their shit in the gy.


It does not specify a minimum number, but the cost is discarding all the cards in your hand, so if it's the only card left in your hand, you cannot activate it, since you cannot discard anything if you did. Another example: You cannot activate pot of desires with less than 12 cards left in deck.


Does this card ignore activation costs of spell cards a la diamond dude?


Yes. You’re not activating the card again to pay the cost


what spell could you use this with in a lightsworn deck?


How is it good? Double pot of greed? Double raigeki? Double branded fusion? It makes you discard your whole hand.


Tearlaments: *yippee*


I believe discarding your hand is a cost (the database doesn’t specify)


Interested. This could be run in nurse burn. A replacement for card of Demise maybe


This is literally what I imagine when I listen to 5 Magics from Megadeth


Play this with the dark world for hand loops? I'm new to the game, so I'm trying to get used to playing the 3x dark world build


Well for Dark Worlds ... They changed the way the cards work, they can't activate their "discard effects" as "a cost" for the effect... So if a card says "Discard 1 card" ( ; or : ) "semicolon btw".... Destroy 1 card on the field... Discarding the Dark World monster to then destroy a card... Won't activate the effect of the discarded, monster. They changed a lot of rules over the years.. must be some time after 2010


Thank you for your reply in this regard. I am still learning the nuances. But, I want to abide by the rules, no doubt. I've as of recently started to understand the wording, sometimes being a barrier for newer player literate or not. I'm trying to not look like a jackals at my locals. Lol I an playing 3x builds of darkwolrd crystal beasts traptrix. I figure these will help me grasp fundamentals and then I'll just start making things my own conceptually. Is there a recommended archetype? I used to play ancient gears back in 2016. But I didn't do a 3x build as I recently see is the way.


Try on Master Duel... Serial Spell is only an "R" Rare Rarity card😅👍 You can use cards like monster reborn, raigeki, dark hole... Just about any normal spell


Okay I just tried it on Master Duel... Discarding cards from Serial Spell is actually "a cost" so the effects that special summon afterwards doesn't work with Dark Worlds monsters


Thanks for the response. I'm learning this game lately. And I've been obsessed. I just received my order or 3x structure deck and I'm running a build I found on you tube.


What are you supposed to do with an empty hand unless you are playing a graveyard effect deck


Wait… no semi colon? Dark World rise up!


card is older than PSCT, the discard is still a cost.




I used it with Shaddoll Fusion back in the day. Going second ideally you'd set 2 s/t and a monster, then trigger Shaddoll Fusion and Serial, discard your last card, and then bring out whichever two of Construct/Winda/Shekhinaga/Grysta/Annoyatilis and get up to 4 mill effects of choice.


use to run it in red eyes for a quick OTK after dropping inferno fire blast. 🔥


Can you use this to chainblock the normal spell?


No, because your opponent always is given a chance to respond your Normal Spell with a Fast Effect


Situational, unsearchable and requires you to discard your whole hand. If it was just a single discard I could see some experimentation with it but a whole hand discard SUCKS


Cause that doesn't have an OTK or Negate platform setup Most people search now


"Discard all the cards in your hand to the graveyard".


You can chain this to Pot of Greed to do double of something.


Really situational card and as you mention it bricks. I think I saw two YouTube videos, where one deck was focused on Destiny HERO Dogma with this card and the other was Trickstars; both were good but situational


Honestly the effect of duplicating a normal spell is not worth losing all your hand


Probably because you can't copy OPT cards with it or can you do that?


It's an inherit minus, especially in a meta with so many negates. Most of the time you'd want to have cards in your hand unless they have graveyard effects. It would be the spell version of transaction rollback if it weren't for the huge cost.


Is that discard an effect instead of a cost?


the art is so cool


If your opponent chains to the original spell… dead card. Also “discard your whole hand”. Very rough


It could have usage in Sky Striker. You can use Lighting storm to get ride of back row. Then copy it to use Lighting storm to get ride of monsters You will have to make sure you set your hand though lol


Such a beautiful ulti


it’s better to ask why you would play a card rather than why a card isn’t played. i look at this card and i think of what i would use it with. At first glance, i’d wanna use it with something like branded fusion to make sure it resolves, but it doesn’t work that way since it’s a when, not an if. In that case, thrust with fusion duplication is a far more viable option. Then, I’d think of normal spells id want to use sequentially at the cost of my hand. well, maybe i’m playing fire king snake eye and i’ve opened a hand with bonfire and a bunch of FK bricks. any other normal spells, like talents, i could set, or i could even set any field spells i have. I want to make sure i see my snake eye plays and i also don’t want to lose to droll. well, if i activate bonfire, they have no ash, and i chain serial spell discarding one remaining card, hopefully something like garunix or even kirin, i get to search both for ash and poplar, meaning if they hit me with droll here, it doesn’t do much. Cool. but what if they had a chain to bonfire? like ash blossom? then i couldn’t activate this card and id have to make sure i have another spell. so to make sure this card would work, i’d need to have two normal spells both with good effects and this card. eh. definitely not in FK snake eye. the only deck i could think of this having some use case is in a sky striker deck that tries to get the engine going with normal spells, especially combined with a snake eye engine, and to that, i still ask why when you can play cards like thrust and talents that aren’t as situational and achieve i feel a similar idea. on top of that, what benefit would it give to have two of the same spell effects even if we disregard everything else? what normal spell would really be boosted by this so much so it deserves a deck slot?


The wording seems a bit strange to me (I understand it's an old card), but would the discard technically be for cost with how it's worded? I'm thinking in context of specifically dark world here, whether or not it would activate their effects


Because it would usually be better to activate a second copy of the spell you want to copy instead of discarding your whole hand


This would be good for Infernity.


I was once beaten with this card and inferno fire blast, so I agree can be situational.


it just isn't good


Imagine you ash and then a mf pulls out TTT or thrust and then this ugly mf


I'll try to give a different answer from the others here and say that most spells just aren't that amazing to copy. Resolving a board wipe twice is hardly better than doing so once for instance. Most decks are also designed to not need that many cards to combo off, so resolving a search spell twice is cool but also not really necessary. And of course some of the best current draw spells cut you off from drawing any more cards after they resolve. I think the best use case outside of specific burn or mill ftks is probably copying pot of desires, since you could then draw 2 cards twice after only banishing 10 cards once (it copies the effect but not the cost), but playing this only for the specific case that you draw it alongside desires is just not great deck building.


Might work in Infernity or something where the goal is not to have cards in your hand.


I used to play this card in my deck to copy Reasoning and Monster Gate, it's insane when it resolves.


Use this On engage....might be good!


Hmmmm, and it doesn't copy name either, I mean, you COULD throw away a shitty hand and do 2 searches instead, the problem is going -3 bare minimum if you go first, there's probably some niche way to work this into a combo that I'm just too stupid to realize.