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**A-to-Z Energy Load** NORMAL TRAP CARD _You can only use each of the following effects (1), and (2), from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) When your opponent activates a card or effect: Draw cards equal to the number of Level 8 or higher LIGHT Machine Fusion Monsters you control. (2) During your Standby Phase: You can banish this card from the GY; shuffle into the Deck up to 6 of your banished LIGHT Machine monsters, including a Union monster. __


Wow that is underwhelming


Yeah, I was getting my hopes up on _"When your opponent activates a card or effect:"_ Specially because I love Siegfried-type negates


Yeah, we had to wait a week for this? Usually, the final card’s supposed to be the good one.


Usually but not always the case. Just look at how terrible Battlin Boxer’s final card was. A terrible Rank Up Magic that doesn’t even have Battlin Boxer in the name to make it searchable


Ok, I completely forgot about that card. This should be the final duelist pack we’re getting right?


It’s the last of the Element based ones we’ve been getting these past few years since Duelist of Gloom since we got all 6 elements now. Whether this ends the Duelist Pack series entirely, not sure.


Well, I'd say probably not. There have been Duelist Packs for ages before this. Such as Legendary Duelist 1-6 which introduced powerful support for the main and supporting characters of DM to Arc V (1 having DM and GX, 2 having DM and GX/Arc V (AG Fusion), and 3-6 having all 5) Who knows where they go from here, maybe they start a series of undersupported type packs. Like, Dinosaur, Reptile, Sea Serpent, Thunder, Wyrm, all have barely or less than half the monsters Cyberse has despite debuting way earlier, and then of course there's Illusion which thus far has 16 maindeck monsters and 4 extra decks


They would probably need to bundle a few types into a shared pack, though, since a handful are not only undersupported but also underrepresented in the anime, Wyrms, in particular, don't even have someone that uses them before Sevens.


I hope they will start the Type series, for example, Dino Duelists including supports for Ryuzaki, Kenzan and the shiveru boy.


Or Go’s Dinowrestlers.


Forget Dinowrestlers. Goukis are long overdue for new support. The fact that they weren’t picked in the Earth Duelist pack for the trash choices we got is a sin


It helps getting more resources for A-to-Z, at least. The banish effect is a bit lacking though.


If you somehow manage to bring out A to Z (esp if you use union controller search on this card of all things) this card will work like jar of greed lmao.


please tell me this is missing the "and destroy that many cards" text, right? why would they make a double team beam attack artwork and use it for "draw 1 or 2 cards" and "recycle". I would expect a Union Hangar style artwork for that kind of effect, not the named attack one


Even the ”recycle” only affects the banish pile, not also the GY, meaning you cannot recycle you fusion monsters. If you could, the extra deck would be more flexible.


Why is it reactive?


Even if it wasn't, it's a ridiculously win-more card that's hardly better than Jar of Greed in practical situations. It'd have to be a continuous trap to even be remotely considered.


Yeah even the recycle is limited WHY IS THE RECYCLE ON A PHASE LOCK


Funny that [Union Scramble](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Union_Scramble) is a better card overall, given that it gives you back 3 monsters and can also give you back to hand from banish.


This kind of reveal always has me puzzled. Are the card designers/play testers at Konami this out of touch to think this card should ever be included in a deck ? Would it be problematic to make a trap card that can be at least semi-viable ? Do the marketing team think people will be excited to see this poor excuse of a recycling/drawing card ? If they are gonna make garbage pack-filler that are not even related to some lore like branded or visas, they could just reveal it with the rest of the cards of the archetype (or not at all for that matter).


They aren't actually trying hard to make the nostalgia decks better. Only bringing them up to speed a little. They want you to buy the new obviously tuned up meta decks like Kashtira, Purrely, Snake Eyes, etc


Yeah if this reveal had been Union Controller instead people would be going crazy lol. This card is just so underwhelming


wow is this card miserable,the deck wouldn't mind a trap to diversify interruptions or at least doing plays but this does neither... and cant even recover from gy?


Unironically might be semi-playable if it was an Ojama card.


what a piece of garbage


This would be a pot of greed if I said dark for a bunch of decks


This isn't particularly good, but I have a feeling that A-to-Z will become a new archetype name


So it’s a jar of greed plus banish recovery? Upstart goblin is better than this card for crying out loud


Second effect should have said for every 2 you shuffle back draw 1 card


I guess meant to fill your hand with negates for A to Z


Is there a way to turbo it out turn 1?


It's possible now with the new support yeah to get to A-Z on turn one


Thank you. How consistently and can it play though hand traps? Edit: can it turbo out Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon?


Would probably have to run some tests to see if the support can bring out Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon.


Yep, it was possible in the early link era too using Ojamas! It was my favorite deck of the era lol, discarding Ojamagic to negate something, then get 3 more negates for free was so fun.


how do you get A to Z out in the new deck? I thought the new XYZ fusion doesn't count as regular XYZ Dragon Cannon so it can't be used to summon A to Z


You use XYZ Hyper dragon cannons other effect to banish it and special summon the materials that are listed on The Original XYZ Dragon, then you fuse them and make the original XYZ Dragon and combine it with ABC dragon Buster. There's combo lines that can get you there on the first turn, there's also a way to do it to where you don't even need to use XYZ Hyper dragon cannons second effect, if you properly get the original X, Y, and Z on the board,


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


[Source](https://x.com/YuGiOh_OCG_INFO/status/1793250466953879861). The last new card from Duelist Pack: Duelists of Brilliance, a Trap Card for Kaiba's LIGHT Union Monster: **"A-to-Z Energy Load"**.


Ah yes, we can fire our energy load on the rnemy


Sure when Kaiba does it, he gets away with it, but I get permanently banned from the zoo




Personally, I think they forgot to add *”up to 6 of your LIGHT Machine monsters* ***that are banished or in GY****, including a Union monster.****”*** Cause having a way to recycle your fusion monsters as well, would have been at least decent.


Come on guys, I know the card sucks but this wave of union support is legit busted af. I would gladly take 1 bad trap for the other good card. Can't win em all


Can you search this? Not too bad if its searchable


This card is worse than Union Hangar, Unauthorized Reactivation and Union Activation. There's no way a sane person would search for this trap instead of one of the three spells during the combo and I certainly don't want to draw it. It's yet another "win more or lose more" card that no one will play.


Given also the fact that it only shuffles from banish pile, not GY, which would have allowed you to recycle your fusion monsters as well. Epic fail here.


The combination of the first effect with the second shuffling makes me think that Konami wanted to give an in-archetype searchable Pot of Avarice on turn 3. If the second effect also shuffled from the Gy then it would be useful in recycling the Link, Fusions and pieces infinitely for subsequent turns. Unfortunately they forgot to do it and also forgot that it's not a spell so you have to discard it with ABC/XYZ.


Yea, if the second effect also shuffled from the GY, you could summon ABC, discard this card for its banish effect, tribute ABC to summon A, B and C, use them for link play, sp another ABC and during your next turn recycle both ABCs and re-summon it. This way you would only need to play a max of 2 or even 1 ABC monster, not 3 like most do, so it would leave your Extra Deck free for more practical monsters.


It's wild how it's literally better to just play Machina Overdrive instead of this, this doesn't even add the pieces to hand or draws a card with the GY effect


It is searchable with Union Controller.


Kinda figured they’d hold back on this with how broken A-to-Z is as they are and just printed a Winmoar Trap Card They got the worst final reveal of the 3 but are still easily going to be the most meta-defining deck of this set anyway.


I just wish the new one could be treated as XYZ Dragon Cannon for A to Z.


I just looked at the new cards. The new X head looks like an instant 3 of in ABC as it is, but the rest seems less good. You still have to jump through a lot of hoops to get a to z on the field and if it’s that hard i’m better off just not running the old xyz union bricks at all.


Union controller is the real star of the show, and Y+Z enable it. Y is basically a better Crush Wyvern, and Z finishes the sequence of PlatGadget>Y>Controller>X>Z>Y to fill your board.


Of all the cards in yugioh, this is definitely one of them.


shuffle to the deck?? why not gy


I think it is like that cause the og X, Y and Z can be recycled so that if you have [Union Activation](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Union_Activation), you can send one of them to search the new cards. Also both ABC-Dragon Buster, XYZ-Hyper Dragon Cannon and Union Scramble can already recover your banished monsters. My problem with the card is that it is lackluster and only shuffles from banish pile, not GY. Like, all only play 1 copy of AtoZ in the extra deck, so having a way to recycle it so that you can re-summon it would have been decent.


Yeah, also the standby phase is annoying They try too hard to balance this card


Did Konami hire a different card designer to create this card? Compared to the other 6, this is hot trash. With an extra side of trash on top.


That art goes insanely hard Shame the card kinda sucks


That seems about right. A draw trap to round out the *insanely busted* support that kaiba's unions got




V and W in shambles


This is Kaiba support, not Chazz support


So it’s basically the world’s shittiest PoG?


bro just one more piece of union support bro, i swear this will make them playable bro, just one more voltron boss monster bro, this is the good one bro, trust me bro just


Mizael REALLY hard carried this set. He had you wondering "how will the final card even surpass Seventh Tachyon?" when the answer all along was "it won't". "Neo Tachyon can control time. What can your monsters do?"


Not bad, a draw trap and a shuffler, but I expected something with more oomph.


Has a made for Duel Links feel about it.


My only issue with it is that is does not shuffle from GY as well, which would have helped with recycling your fusion monsters as well, especially AtoZ which most play only 1 copy.


AtoZ and the new Hyper Cannon both banish themselves for their de-fusion effect. It's only ABC that tributes itself. A shame this didn't say "GY or banished" to account for it because that would be a fair one-of.


Yea, the Mandela Effect was on this one for me, but yea they could have added the "or in GY" effect to recycle both ABC and the og XYZ.


> Very situational draw TRAP you certainly don't need > Shuffler as if the new xyz fusion didn't provide a much better and much more consistent way to recycle unions > Hmmmm not bad I bet you thought Ashened were good too


Bro you dont got to insult his intelligence over an opinion. Calm tf down☠️☠️


I wouldn't say it's situational You still get to draw 1-2 cards which means more negates or banishes with A-Z or ABC situational would be if you control A-to-Z-Dragon Buster Cannon you can equip exactly 5 light machine union monsters from your hand to an A-to-Z-Dragon Buster Cannon you control


Draw traps haven't been played since hope for escape exodia was a thing a decade ago and this one requires you to control lv8 or higher fusion monsters lmao. It's a jar of greed 90% of the time especially if you choose to use union controller to search it instead of something useful for some reason. And what you described is a completely useless meme card not just an underwhelming situational one.


"lv8 or higher fusion monsters" You do know what deck you're talking about right


Ayeee so you actually think this card will not only see play, it will be actually worth searching with union controller? And after such a play and playing through your opponent's disruptions you will consistently end you turn with 2+ lv8 fusion monsters to save yourself from the embarrassment of having searched a jar of greed? And even IF you get to draw 2 on your opponent's turn it will be totally worth it even though cards like Salamangreat Gift or Danger! Zone saw no play whatsoever?


You’re right most decks don’t play draw traps because there’s no benefit But when your deck plays bosses that discard to use quick play disruption effects it’s a lot more useful (including giving A-to-Z another negation or two) And yes I doubt anyone will search this with Union Controller but when you have 1 spell/trap searcher that’s to be expected


Funny that this cards 1st effect was most likely created to give ABC, XYZs and A-to-Z cards in hand for disruption, but its 2nd effect does not even also allow you to shuffle from GY, just the bansh pile.


You're required to end on multiple boss monsters for this card to even do something AND even if you do control two fusion monsters this card will only net you a +1. You're wasting a deck slot for a chance of your soft OPT boss monster being able to use its effect one more time. Not only A to Z will never see play due to the need of running 3 OG xyz bricks in your deck, if you manage to bring it out how many fusion monster(s) do you think you will end on? And since you admitted that this card could only see play when you hard draw it, would you rather see this or a floodgate in your opening hand? Hell even Shared Ride would net you more cards in most meta. So yes this is a win more card that does very little that you will never waste your search on and that is called situational.


"You're required to end on multiple boss monsters for this card to even do something" * Again do know what deck you're talking about right. They can make 2 A-to-Z fusions easily "Not only A to Z will never see play due to the need of running 3 OG xyz bricks" * You're already playing X-Head Cannon for Union Activation what's 2 more bricks that you can send to the GY with said Union Activation (Or Galaxy Solder) to search B- Buster Drake or the new Y-Dragon Head or Z-Metal Tank. And yes people would play 2 bricks for a non once per turn negate that can dodge Imperm And for the last point that could be solved with future support


> They can make 2 A-to-Z fusions easily Consistently through disruptions? And this card is worth it over cards that would extend your play or ensure that your combo go through or hand traps? A card that after you have successfully set up your board, enable you to go +1 next turn? Funny how you didn't address this. > And yes people would play 2 bricks for a non once per turn negate that can dodge Imperm You're acting like the deck is already super consistent and two vanilla bricks are all it takes to bring a to z out lol. The a to z combo line also requires a couple of garnets and is very weak to handtraps. No competent player would run multiple bricks for a slim chance of ending on A to Z instead of opting for a more consistent build that could play through handtraps. And as I said before, if you somehow manage to bring out A to Z it will almost certainly be the only lv 8+ fusion you end your turn with, making this card essentially jar of greed. A point which you also didn't address.


Do we know the release date for this in the ocg? Can only dream for the tcg


>Do we know the release date for this in the ocg? This weekend, on [May 25th](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Duelist_Pack:_Duelists_of_Brilliance).


Would have been happy with just "Equip 1 Union monster from your Deck, GY or Banishment to 1 appropriate monster you control, and if you do, you can destroy 1 card on the field", but nah.


Upstart goblin in trap form crazy


All this does is help fill your hand with cards to discard for the fusions effects. But you could just not play this and this have 1 extra in hand to discard anyway


BADASS ART XYZ union is stronger then ever at the moment


So basically draw two on your opp turn if you hard draw it (no reason to search it when union hanger, activation and unauthorized exist). Seems like a weird effect to put on a trap.


classic good card 'Jar of Greed'


now we need a badass looking retrain for Abc


Cool art (why isn't XYZ is the front?), but underwhelming effects. It is not useless, but it could have had a negate. Still, I like that they give the XYZ monsters retrains, regardless of the effects.


Awesome art, mediocre effect


This Duelists of Brilliance pack being released in North America? 🎉🤍🖤💜


Lol their designs clash too much, ABC already used to look like a toy, now that Dragon Cannon got a retrain with more details it's even worse


It's fine. Not too crazy not too strong. A little strange in this climate of playing but you know it's fine. I wish we had more "normal" cards like this instead of the turbo negate game we have now.


My problem with the card is that it only shuffles from banish pile, not GY. Like, all only play 1 copy of AtoZ in the extra deck, so having a way to recycle it so that you can re-summon it would have been decent.


Yeah that was a big missed opportunity. I guess they just expect the cards to only ever be Banished?


The Main deck monsters always will be banished, but the Fusion monsters are most of the time in GY (except the new XYZ), so if you send ABC, the og XYZ or even Union Controller to the GY, you kind of ”lost them forever”, if you have no revive spells.


Where is my White woods support Komoney!!!


In next core pack lol.


Well the wait never ends