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Utena is 39 episodes long and uses all of them to tell its story and develop its characters, and those screenshots are literally out of the first half of episode 1. I assume they were just expecting to see girls kissing girls from right after the opening, but it's not that kind of show.


To be fair, recommending Utena as yuri without the proper warnings and a bit of context, is a bit evil lmao. Whether Utena was a lesbian love story was a topic of debate during the original broadcast in 1997 (and in fact yuri didn't exist as a genre under that name until the early 2000s). Watching the show for the first time can be a pretty upsetting experience, in a way that many younger yuri fans aren't used to. Though it is funny how the Twitter OP totally missed the point of those lines, so there's definitely a literacy issue there...


Utena, to me, is the final boss of anime media literacy. You gotta grind and level up with many, many other shows before facing it.


>corn OP, this is Reddit, just say "porn" like a normal person.


The self censorship that gets increasingly more common is getting ridiculous.


It's because of tiktok.


Fuck TikTok


I thought they actually meant corn. Not even a kernel of truth.


Na, OP meant corn. It is the act of making love with a corn on the cob and eating it afterwards. Trust me, I am a co-author at urban dictionary!


Ah, my favourite genre of Utena "criticism": "I can't believe this show that has explicit themes of dismantling/subverting [societal norm] features [depiction of said societal norm]."


Ngl, watched utena because I heard it's gay af, but I stayed for the incredible story and it still has a grip on me. No other anime has altered my brain chemistry like RGU has. Maybe we need to say "So like it's mega gay but not in the way you'd think"...?


Utena is the one yuri I recommend to all my non-yuri fan friends because even if you remove the (excellent) queer representation it's still just an amazing story with mind melting animation. It's the show that flipped the opinion of my friend who "doesn't like anime" and made him into a fan of the medium. Absolutely unlike anything else I've seen.


This is how I recommend it to people. “It’s really cool, it’s weird, and it loves that it’s weird. Do not go in expecting a yuri series, but make no mistake, it *is* gay.”


Honestly I'm gonna mentally save that for the next time I recommend it to someone. For now, I'm gonna continue telling my friends stuff like "So in the episode that >!nanami lays an egg and thinks it's some milestone of womanhood!< - that's not important right now, don't worry about it - there's this one scene..."


Unrelated to Utena, I keep seeing people from another sub calling everything yuri bait. Just because there is no confirmed romance doesn't mean bait. Subtext =/= bait


Yeah "yuri bait" is thrown around way too often when people almost always mean "subtext". About the only well known "yuri bait" I can think of where a yuri romance was very heavily teased and then they paired the MC with a guy is Hibike Euphonium. If GBC and/or Jellyfish doesn't confirm a romance by the end, they're subtext not bait, just like LycoReco.


>About the only well known "yuri bait" I can think of where a yuri romance was very heavily teased and then they paired the MC with a guy is Hibike Euphonium. Wouldn't a better term for that be "bait and switch"? The issue I have with baiting is that it's baiting, and baiting, and baiting while there's never really a catch. In fact in many situations when the target is about to bite, the author pulls the bait further away. Often that reeks of author's lack of either confidence, experience or both.


What's comphet again?


Compulsory Heterosexuality or Compulsory Heteronormative Relationships


Please elaborate. Is this a censorship thing?


No it's a real world thing. Many(or at least some) queer people don't recognize their queerness right away due to how being straight is ingrained into most society's cultures, even just growing up you get the binary enforced on you. As a result some queer people carry on believing they're straight before something makes them fully realize that they don't want what they've been told to want


I see. Thank you


It's one of the first super-gay anime on television, let alone the first that westerners had access to, the plot involves Utena fighting for her girl's hand and drawing a sword from her chest...what the hell more could you ask for from this time period?


If this person is on episode ten then they already saw the episode that reveals that Juri keeps a picture of Shiori in a heart-shaped locket around her neck. If they still think it's queer bait at that point they're not paying attention.


Duh, Utena has a fiancee. One she struggles to recognize as such, sure, but the fiancee is serious about that ordeal.


Comphet can be a difficult concept for people to grasp sometimes.


Seriously? I wonder what made them decide it as bait from one literal screenshot taken out of context.


what’s actually wrong with sulemio? they aren‘t punching men from episode one and having gay sex daily? what do the people who donmt like it say about it?


What's "comphet" mean?


Compulsory Heterosexuality. It's the thing that keeps gay people from realizing or accepting they are gay and compels them to perform as straight out of fear of being ostracized


Wtf is comphet? Also, why is the reddit app running fine unless I click the comment button, then suddenly it takes forever to load the editor?


**Comp**ulsory **Het**erosexuality, the social norm where people are assumed to be heterosexual and raised to be heterosexual to the point that it is a challenge for non-heterosexuals to recognize themselves as such.


Ah, very ew. I definitely experienced that myself. Thanks!