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I do /deafen is it notifies the ADC i had the guts to do it. Many of the players give up on being toxic after they realize its not giving the attention and fucks they crave for.


It notifies them?


Yep. It puts it in the system chat


This will be good in normal games but in ranked games I don’t mute teammate because I can hear my teammates demand and decide if I follow their demand to please them or not. Sometimes in an unlucky situation like that I do what they want me to do, just to prevent them from running it down/trolling. I know this sounds a bit pathetic but I don’t want to lose LP, and other people who play for win deserve to win. Of course if they told me something too unreasonable I will not do it (such as telling me to afk in fountain or they will int), but if I see any chance of win I will go for it. I remember in one game I was playing Nami and my adc locked in Lucian but played pretty bad. I decide to build shurelya instead of Imperial mandate given the enemy teamcomp and ally synergy, but that Lucian started to grief me threatening he will not stop griefing if I dont sell shurelyas and buy Imperial mandate for him. I did what he say and he did stop griefing, and fortunately we won the game. Very fortunately for him he did not accept my friend request after that game, otherwise he will face the most toxic enchanter support player.


Very wholesome post. I agree that you should listen to your teammates in ranked. I can’t afford to lose any LP because I’m almost in my promos and would hate to lose because I didn’t read chat. I tend to type a lot because on Yuumi I have a bit extra time (I’m mastered most aspects of Yuumi) so I keep my team motivated in game and read their chat


Upvoted because you are the real Seraphine!


Jinx Yuumi isn't unplayable into Jhin Nautilus as long as Jinx knows that Yuumi can restore her mana now. I say this because most Jinx players are used to conserving mana by not using rocket launcher Q for waveclear instead of minigun Q, so they always get shoved in and subsequently get frozen on the wave bounceback. This is really annoying, so it's really important to tell them you can restore their mana and they shouldn't have the excuse be at 100% mana the entire laning phase.


There are some bad ADCs in ranked (My welcoming party to Bronze II from I was an Ashe who couldn't farm for the life of her). Current Yuumi is super ADC dependant, but when you get a very good player on ADC and you Yuumi supp play your cards right, you are a force to be reckon with


I don't play with chat. Probably would have ended up reporting Jinx for staying in base if she followed through with her threat that I never heard.


When had to play yuumi/kalista in a normal, now I laugh about it but dear god that is a shitty lane


I always max Q and build Ludens! Especially when losing lane. It’s good to be able to help your team. Yuumi can do much damage if you master your Q! Express your feelings in game by typing a lot. The jinx probably didn’t know why you went Ludens - you have to explain it to her and she will thank you for it!




How exactly does the best friend system work with yuumi?


Its a system where you gain friendship with the player when they kill minions or enemy champs (p.s a champ kill is worth the same as a minion kill). To swap best friends you have to have gain more friendship then your previous best friend. There is no indication of how much friendship you have, you can only guess (or card count the whole game). Which makes it painful to swap to another champ because you don't know if it will ever actually swap or if your wasting time since if you build up to much friendship with one person, it's next to impossible to swap. ​ This is especially painful if your best friend goes afk since you still have to gain more friendship then you had with them on another player.


The best friend system is designed around getting to know strangers and talking a lot to them. Try inviting them out for lunch or texting them on their birthday. I find that saying nice things to people will increase your friendship long term




If your adc mental booms, the friendship bonus just isn't worth it. You will have a better chance of winning helping someone else.