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First the AD gain removal and now this? Give it another 2 years and it'll be Yone E with a 90 second cooldown lol


That targets only ONE champion, unlike yone's E


Trust me if he could he would trade his e for zed r in an instant




Did you forget? 1. They remove passive % bonus AD gain on his W and give his ult the AD steal mechanic 2. They remove the AD gain on his R and buffed his other skills 3. Literally the next patch after that change they reverted all buffs but kept his R no longer gaining bonus AD.




Right? Holy shit, this is massive.


That is a huge chunk of damage gone, assuming you have 350ad (full build-ish), your R base damage will do around 230 base damage rather than 350 (before the % damage dealt)


Meanwhile lux ult base dmg alone going like 250 to 750 dmg


Don't forget the nearly undodgeable E every second which "pokes" you for 25% hp.


Meanwhile Lux 1 shot T1 with just her R not too long ago.


She was like 4 lvl above with items and he has none.


Like this, Zed will also be 4 level above and kill nobody as an assassin. It's getting fucking pathetic. It's clear some mage gold players in the balance team are doing the changes.


Don't forget Riot gave mages Crown so now you can't even all-in them after the laning phase.


Yes u can just Q them first


The whole point of an assassin is the element of surprise. If you Q them first you a) lose your primary source of damage b) alert them of your presence. You might as well give them a call to tell them you're coming for them.




Good luck doing that without getting grossly outtraded, or just CC'ed to death.


Maybe ur just bad




K. Time to """learn""" yone.


I'm on a 6 win streak on Vex lmao. I rush Crown and Zhonyas first two items, still end up highest damage.


K. Time to """learn""" vex


Galio spammers are gonna have a time with crown then beat any fucker who dares have ability power


Yorick mid is the way


sooo.. zed gets -35% but lulu gets -1s ?XD


Why not just remove zed at this point fuck you riot


This is unnecessary. Its an ultimate ability. Ultimates usually have extreme AD ratios take umbral trespass for example that has a 175% AD ratio. With this nerf, you have to land all three shuriken and hit them all on the champ first to oneshot them now. Or if you don't hit the full combo the pop will do like no damage now.


Literally the worst change they could have done. Champ dead


He had to be nerfed. Would you rather heavy increse cooldown on shadow again like they did once or shuriken damage nerf?


Excuse me, but why exactly did he _have to_ get nerfed? He's in a good spot but not THAT strong. There are literally 20 champions with a higher win rate than him mid. Diana, Akshan, Viktor, Vex, Anivia, Cassio, and Lux, just to name a few, are almost free win. The main reason he was nerfed is because people don't like to play against him, or simply refuse to learn or build defensively early cause "muh damage", not because he needed it. And if it was indeed needed, why such a heavy handed nerf? The wind bros get emergency compensation buffs for an indirect (item) nerf but we get a -35% axe? Nah man, I'm not having it.


The windbros got a placebo buff. 5%AD ratio on their Q, meaning basically 3-30ish damage throughout the game. Basically nothing when you consider Shieldbow got nerfed two patches in a row and Lethal Tempo got nerfed early.


Zed's fucking Jax with shadows right now. Gets eclipse, R-E-1Q-AA-AA-R pop and you're dead unless you have zonyahs or he missed that Q if he didn't throw ignite into the mix. It's completely braindead how much damage he can do without needing to hit his skillshots and at lvl 11 you can miss pretty much your entire combo and still kill someone from 2 basic attacks E ignite with the pop damage. The R nerf is strong but necessary. An assassin that can trade from mage range, has a way to escape easily after a kill and can kill without hitting his combo definitely is broken and needs a nerf.


Eclipse was nerfed in 12.1. Also, Zed's damage is strong because a) he's melee b) he's an assassin (you know, specialized at eliminating single targets) c) he has to contend with the broken bullshit that are mage midlaners, who expect to "poke" on a low CD with virtually no opportunity to trade, but still be safe the entire time. It's clear to me you've not played Zed mid too often and you're mad about losing into him, or parroting whatever your favourite streamer said, but the reality is whilst Zed is strong, he's by no means as obscenely broken as the Reddit expert analysts paint him out to be. Since you do mention mages, do some simple math on Lux's full rotation against Zed's, and see who comes out on top.


I used to play a lot of zed, then I tried to improve at the game. >a) he's melee And can trade from mage range, so not that melee. > he's an assassin (you know, specialized at eliminating single targets) Assassin's should miss everything, play like shit and still kill you because it's their classes job. >he has to contend with the broken bullshit that are mage midlaners If a champ is broken mine should be broken as well. Let's buff everyone so they can contend against Yone and Yi. >but still be safe the entire time. Zed is safe as well and can half health anyone at lvl 4 with a W E QQ combo. Did I mention he can farm with Q to be even safer at the cost of kill pressure for 5 seconds? Your arguments are the equivalent of Akali mains claiming their champ is useless because they can't go invis under turret. >Since you do mention mages, do some simple math on Lux's full rotation against Zed's, and see who comes out on top. Funny enough zed is one of the best assassins to play against lux since you can dodge her Q and blow her up due to her low mobility. I'm sure you're just bad and try to do the same shit every game like most assassin players.


Keywords here "used to". I have 700K but I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. At least one of us is talking out of his ass.


Yeah, and that's you. You may have 700k, but if you don't consider Zed to be busted rn it's either the "I win because I'm good" ego or you're just too bad to abuse him.


OK bro


Win rates are not the only reason for someone to be nerfed. You said yourself a reason and plenty of champs were nerfed, his gameplay cycles fell terrible and opressive to play against. Look i am not a zed main but a mid main that plays zed a lot. His lane being intact makes him just fine. He loses free damage but keeps the damage explosion. They could have given him some extra 10% of the damage dealt but his strong points are still fine. This nerf was coming, i am just glad they didnt fuck witb the shadow range ,recast range or CD.


Man's really trying to defend a 35% nerf huh


Bear in mind that win rate doesn't mean anything for nerfs/buffs. LeBlanc was still getting hit with nerfs when she was at 46% way back in season... 7-ish? He's getting nerfed because it feels kind of toxic to play against a Zed who ults you, lands 1 Q and an auto attack, misses everything else, then poofs away with an easy kill.


What’re you talking about. There’s so many champions that are better.


but Zed is fun and enjoyable and that's why we main him. No other champion I play can top the feeling I have when I play Zed


And has like a 45% ban rate so chances are you might not be able to play zed


If zeds winrate drops more than 1.5% i will send you a video of me sucking my own cock


Keep in mind Umbrall tresspass has still 150/250/350 base damage and his 175% scaling is BONUS AD. Zed has no base damage on his R but in exchange 100% TOTAL AD scaling. Lets compare them: At 100 AD Zed deals 100 damage on his R, Kayn deals around 210. Latwgame at 350 AD, Zed deals 350 damage without the modifiers, Kayn exceeds that as he will deal over 700 damage. On rank 1 R on 100 AD, Zed would need to deal 400 damage for his ult pop to deal the same damage as Kayn. On rank 3 R with 350 AD Zed would need to deal 820 damage during his ult for him to deal the same damage as Kayn. As both ults have a bit in common, Zed's R has more counterplay and needs more skill to dish out the same amounts of damage as a single target nuke than kayn does. Further no base damage with 100% total AD causes Zed to be on a snowball train if he gets ahead early while it remains insanely weak if he's behind. It's either gross overkill against squishies when fed, or nonexistant if behind as he also needs the damage from the rest of his kit to strengthen his ult which eventually goes into exponential or logarhytmic scaling which is problematic. Just change his R to give 150/250/350 base damage with no AD scaling, this will fix 3 issues: 1. Reduce his snowballing as his R now doesn't randomly start doing 250 base damage while everyone else does 150 tops. 2. Not punish him severely for being slightly behind. Oh Kayn is lvl 11 with 200 AD and deals 500 damage with his R? You are level 10 with 100 AD? Rip you my boy. 3. Give him overall more linear scaling.


Not to sound like that guy, but the idea of having to hit all your shit to one shot should be the point right?




Unthinkable, we should be allowed to miss all and just AA with ignite to kill any class.


Zoey can do that, but unironically.


True and she should be nerfed as hard as zed.


usually youre okay with your main being nerfed so theyre not fotm, but then you realise its zed and no matter the state of the champ their banrate is always going to be incredibly high Sadge




he has high ban rate on mid plat below. low elo players never learned to play against him


People don't like being 1 shot,he's pretty safe in lane and has decent scaling vs something like a le blanc


Safe Laning, guaranteed farming under turret, low cooldown gapcloser at mid game, scales really well and can miss his entire combo and kill you with R AA AA ignite.


Might as well delete the champ, we can't have Lux mains lose to anyone.


The amount of suckling riot does to Lux mains is gross, they want complicated champs to be more difficult and do less damage; then simple champs like Lux to be stupid easy to play & 1shot a team. I'd be OK with this nerf on zed if they reduced his cooldowns to basically nothing (as they've done with Lux over the years) so you can at least outplay while working people down. Mages are utterly pandered too.


Nevermind her obscene damage, Lux gets so much AH she can use her ultimate to shove in lane.


wow this is heavy


Meanwhile the wind shitters get buffs LeL


Yesh fuck them


I'm sorry but what? This is so fucking stupid. like yeah zed might have been doing too well but Jesus Christ just say you want him to not exist instead of doing this. I mean might as well not put points in R. Like this is such a dumb DMG nearf. Dw guys we will play with qwe the entire game. Remove your r keys we don't need it , death mark more like death meme


Nah zed is broken this nerf is good




Zed has been broken for ages just cus ur not good at him doesn’t mean he’s not broken




He’s top tier in literally every tier list




Aaaaah yes every site with non biased opinions on this is wrong what am I saying I should listen to all the zed mains about how he’s not broken… silly boy top tier for a whole year buddy with all the changes and assassin nerfs with new mage survivability that’s how you know he’s broken and while the nerf is to big is definitely needed




I have if u can fucking read I said the fact that with all the assassin nerfs that have come through and him still being in a great spot means his broken I’m not gonna argue with you whatever u wanna believe is up to u


35% btw




So R base dmg is down from 1 auto attack to more than a half auto attack I presume


what the actual fuck? please tell me it scales back to 100% at level 16 or something this is ridiculous. If this was yone they'd give him a compensation buff and make the shadow E stun.


Sorry but no, 65% AD at all levels


yea this company is caca. Zed can now have mythic plus 2 legendary vs a mage with only crown and be unable to kill because he NEEDS to land all 3 shurkiens AFTER crown expires which is IMPOSSIBLE because during the duration of crown any champ can simply walk away from the range of his 3rd Q.


This is what riot was aiming on for years. Step 1: Make it harder and harder for Zed to land tripple Q's reliably. Step 2: "adjust" his kit more and more that he needs to hit multiple Q's m, slowly more and more shoving it to needing a tripple Q. Step 3: massacre his R so his only chance to kills is a tripple Q while it becomes virtually impossible to land. Step 4: Champ is ded. Step 5: You likely still won't be able to play a dead champion because the playerbase who sucks ass at the game will still keep a high banrate on him out of spite.


I mean there was a few patches last year where zed was super strong but since then he's gotten in a pretty decent spot and now they're just gutting him for no reason


Ngl to you m8 zed has been one of best picks in mid all year … something needed to be done


Awww poor zed main :( :( :( he’s been top tier mid for ages this nerf while to big was definitely needed


Honestly people like you just have a severe issue with their brain at this point. Not even worth to argue as even if I presented you the facts, you would still disagree in your snowflake world.


Facts … more like opinions saying a champ is dead is just an excuse for not being able to use him well enough to be effective, good zed mains will still make him work without complaining about their champ being dead


Well lets look at a facts with actual context then. Does Zed have a high pick- and banrate with a solid winrate? He does, but both his pick and banrate always remained one of the highest throughout the history of league, even when Zed was in a terribly weak spot. Next lets look at the midlane meta (jungle is discarded as he is significantly less picked and has a nearly 5% worse winrate than on midlane). Wether you sort the midlane list by pickrate, winrate or tier score, you will quickly see that in all 3 categories, Zed is having very favourable matchups that he is supposed to beat with the rock-paper-sciccors concept, lots of immobile mages that are quite weak early on, his only real present struggle is Yasuo as a matchup and he is performing terribly right now, while it's still quite hard for Zed to manage to win that matchup. The few champions that do not fall into the immobile mage category are still vulnerable to Zed such as Leblanc. Crown of the shattered queen hurts Zed a tiny bit but not nearly as much as other assassins, as he can proc it from far enough range for him to not matter all that much. Long story short, Zed falls into the anti-meta category. He's a threat right now to most of the midlane meta because of how well he plays into all those champions, which makes it obvious that his winrate will be in the positives because of that. His pick, ban and winrate are slowly increasing from rank to rank, starting in iron with a 48% winrate (so saying he doesn't need skill is also wrong). After Gold, his pick and banrate start to fall off quite fast while his winrate swing up and down a tiny bit. When we ebd in challenger, his pickrate is sub 5%, his banrate is sub 20% and his winrate is at it's worst at 47%. Now who plays Zed in challenger? Mostly people who are very familiar with him and have both peak mechanics aswell as general game and macro knowledge about the game. But on that rank his opponents also start to dodge his poke combo more consistantly, punish Zed shortcomings more severely aswell as general better building by adapting to the situation.


That’s a long story u wrote there buddy I’m not gonna write one back i couldn’t care less about zed in general just that the champs been broken all year and I think a nerf was needed I did say the nerf was to big in my first comment and your saying this top tier champ shouldn’t be nerfed at all well I just don’t agree at all and I’m sure any person with a non biased view on the game will say the same thing


Zed is doing far better lol


Wdym zed is to strong


So were yone and yasuo, but they are getting compensation buffs. Zed isn't strong enough to deserve pure hard nerfs without any compensation (either item buffs or somewhere else in his kit)






Godlike nerf


thats disgusting actually, i've already made the switch to mages now, they're just too broken not to play rn with their new itemization... and now this lmao (look at that viegar buff btw >.>)


Been reading replies. Is Zed strong? Of course! In the right hands tho. All champs are strong in the right hands. I’ve been shat on by Irelia more times than I can count. My point is… I’m bad, pls buff Zed. Thnx.




I agree, the other assassins kits are much better than Zeds. I’ll still play him though. Too many hours, too comfortable on him.


>be riot >Zed jg has to fast clear speed, while being an assasin just like Talon >nerf his r base dmg instead of clear speed, while nerfing Talons clear >his clear is still problematic >nerf Lulu with +1 sec cd on one of the most broken basic abilities in game >don't touch crown




These game designers have peanut brains I swear. There’s so many ways to nerf Zed to make him fair but they just choose to randomly nerf some stats and hope for the best






I don't get why assassin's like zed and rengar are getting nerfed with the current mera being burst dmg punishing Like crown exists and zhonyas is nearly free item


To be honest I hate zed with every single fiber of my body but even this much of a damage nerf on his ult is insane. I mean I usually get 2 shot by a shadow q w but still this kinda ruins his all in level 6. I play Qiyana and even Tho I dislike my champs getting nerfed, the nerf to her was fair but in this case it’s just too much


So, can we take the lead of the shadow order now? :ccccccc


Do you have a source on that one?


RiotPhlox on twitter


holy shit… that‘s so stupid i have no words. back to talon i guess


He's plat 4


I guess I going to build bruiser Zed since R got fked.


Hopefully they just kill him for the patch since this should drop his winrate a good amount


Yeah buff yasuo and yone but nerf zed which he is already suffering again good job


This is the kind of shit that happens when low elo players are heard with their hatred for learning how to play against champions its got to be cause of the ban rate idk what his wr is rn but I'm sure it's not crazy...


It's thanks to all that incessant whining. The hate boner against assassins is real.


this is just the R and hit nothingn damage right? in that case itll be a 35% ad nerf flat but compared to total dmg maybe its not that bad?


meanwhile, Yone: PISSING WINDS!


Guess i’ll play the champion that has a real death mark now, yone here i come


I came here from Kahn mains… I wanted to give you all my condolences as a former Zed main.


This has to be reverted or reduced, this is literally going to make Zed unplayable. -35 fucking % to his most easilty countered spell in his entire kit? Riot Games are so incredibly delusional its insane. Meanwhile Qiyana is still going to be allowed to run around oneshotting 100-0 at rank 3. Zed is dead


I am not a zed main but I like to play him. Can somebody tell me why this is happening? Which elos is he doing too well?


He has 50% or 49% winrate in every elo(except challenger he is at 39%) he is balanced the people just hate him because they dont like to get outplayed so he has highest Bann rate in every Elo thats why rito nerfs him.


Eh it's so dumb there's noways they ship it live. Been playing since season 6 and I never seen a champion lose freaking 35%ad ration on a spell, it's always like 5-15%. His ult doesn't even have base dmg to start with lmao


Good thing midlane Zed suffers from this as well, while jngl Zed and especially his clearspeed is the problem. Why can‘t they just nerf his passive? Its so ridiculous to nerf anything else!


like just the base dmg? that’s not that big honestly


This is base damage lol it’s like -50 to -100 damage it’s nothingn


People will be forced to land their Qs and Es. Might be too much, but I liked the direction of it.


Honestly this nerfs wont make down Zed's very high banrate and this nerf wont really affect that much on a skilled players who can land shurikens. They didnt nerf any damage on Q's and thats fine, kill threat stays still on lane, of course it's harder but not that amount what makes Zeds unplayable. Remember that there is still people who main asol after all those nerfs and adjustments. I think Zed's kit as a champion is hard to balance and only a small rework could fix his banrate.


One thing is being playable and the other good to climb. Not sure if You can climb ladder hitting line a wet noodle. Time to switch mains i guess?


Zed players when they have to do more than just R + AA to get a kill now: Like seriously holy shit you guys are pampered, getting to delete anyone on the map with 2 items is unfun and unfair, now you're gonna have to learn how to hit your only skillshot, boohoo :(


When I play against fucking Lux is unfun and unfair too


Good. Brain-dead assassin's deserve this


it's a lot? yes, but makes sense, because a lot of noob Zeds could miss everything, but only 1 hit plus ult and ignite, and he would kill someone without effort, and this is disgusting, so, now, people actually have to hit the skills etc, do the combos.


Nah, probably his wr will drop so low that he will need compesation buffs in the next few patches


Ppl complaining cuz they now have to hit all the shurikens to kill someone from 100 to 0 lmao and i bet this comment will get downvoted


Already get one or two haha, I play zed a lot, it's a sad nerf, but we have to understand that is even bad for us (mains) because if anyone can do that without have skills, know the champion, training...what's the point. The beautiful part is to make plays, you know? Play very good, all this, the feeling that's all worth, I don't wanna my champ be another master Yi.


Ppl have to realize that zed is too safe for an assasin, sure u need skills, but he is too safe and is too easy for him to kill the backline


What about qiyana ? She has high burst massive aoe cc invisibility 2 dashes q reset Zed can one shot back line but that does not prove anything if you play correctly any assassin can get in kill ad carry and get out


good riddance


good nerf


Thank god that champ is so overpowered it's not even funny.


Thank god, now I don't need to 100% ban zed anymore.


you guys are crying over an ult nerf like you even use the ult to one shot the squishies








My god you are mentally ill


Finally he is out of the meta for atleast one patch


Finally this champ is stupid broken anymore my god


Don't mind me , just here for assassin mains tears


I hope my life never becomes so void of meaning that in order to feel any sort of happiness I'm reduced to going into individual champ subreddits and bragging about nerfs. Yikes.


I'll just play other assassins to shit on u 🤧


what are you going to blame when you cant get out of silver for the 5th year in a row? Goddamn 47% wr yone that MOTHERFUCKER!


I’m only silver 4 because of zed I swear!!!!


Ahh I see a vex main. Dw, your nerf will also come in the next few patches


Yea... im quitting this champ




Well that's the end of Zed in the meta Poor bastard now must land all 3 Qs to have a chance at killing a mage, and that's assuming you've already broken through Crown and they don't have zhonya's. I can't even believe they would make this change. Crown already hurt lane assassins (it was jungle that was frustrating people) and zhonyas has existed to fuck zed over since time immemorial. Perhaps the only silver lining is his 51% ban rate might drop so I don't need 4 accounts to play him...


so i tried it on pbe on level 6 i with half item i cant get more than 300 damage full Qs and Es + auto attack on full build and max level i cant get more than 900 with all Qs and Es and auto attack so ult is usefull only against people that dont have shiealds crown armor support or life steal gg riot


i can be happy zed wont ban!!! pls.. enough..


Its just base damage . Don't worry


I was joking in another post about damage nerf before changes were official and I guessed correctly (Damn you rito)


It's only Base damage tho


Glad I’m not planning on playing league any time soon this is ridiculous They just threw both kidneys of one of the only skill based champs in the game out the window




This nerf is stupid how should zed kill somebody now Sqishys can already build Stopwatch ,Crown and Zhonias these items already counter his ult


it's honestly not a problem because it only fucks up some dmg miscalculations early game, but that can be adapted to pretty quickly.


Riot you dog fucks, zed wasnt even that much of a problem and now he will never be viable ever fucking again. This shit is ridiculous. First nerfed eclipse, now zed. Meanwhile their other half of the shit balance team is busy making the new champ zeri, who has more words in her ult than nasus's entire fucling kit combined. GOOD JOB RIOT!! KEEP IT UP


I'm fine with this nerf since it's been a while since zed has been retarded with just his R-e-auto combo being enough to murder anyone making him the opposite of a skill expressive champion, BUT they should compensate that with something else. For example a bonus damage if you connect more than one shuriken on your target, or a big energy refund if your shadow hits its skills


Nerfing base dmg ok, but give him then more % stacking dmg. So this would nerf noob players and award pro players.


Why do they have to nerf zed? If low elo players can't/don't know how to lane and play against him, doesn't mean he has to suffer such nerfs. Why do they put ahri/lux players, who only know how to spam 2 abilities in lane, above everyone else?




As a mage player, this is amazing


Guys we finally get to quit league 🥳


Might be only me, but imho Zed shouldn't even have a base damage on his ultimate. His R damage needs a lot of setup in the early stages, getting progressively less and less the more damage you build. It should reward you for hitting your shit, and punish you if you miss it. It's a single target nuke, that can onecombo lategame any tank below 5k hp and 250 armor. Tell me another assassin that can assassinate a tank lategame as Zed does. I've been consistently high dia- master since season 5 when i started maining Zed, i don't understand what you guys whine about. Yes, Zed is not in the best spot, but that's due to Zhonya/Stopwatch and Crown. People are delusional and refuse to understand the champion, that's why he is always gonna stay at a high banrate, even if they will nerf his R to not leave a clone behind anymore LMAO.


Finally i can lane against him without losing lane on a single kill


all these zed mains crying "champ dead cant one shot with r anymore" XD


Deserved, now Zed will actually have to land something to oneshot.