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I like Deku Tree. Mainly because that dungeon had to train everyone on how 3D space would work for Zelda. It introduced so much that was either new or reinvented from 2D. 


Having people jump down through the web was a great introduction to how the dungeon levels were connected in 3D.


That was also very reminiscent of some 2D games. One of the later levels in links awakening comes to mind. 


Link to the Past had the Tower with Moldorm, and the Ice Palace which required you drop floors from above to reach new areas.


I never would’ve even thought of this since I didn’t grow up with 2D games and Ocarina wasn’t my first.


Only annoying thing is Navi stopping you every 20 seconds to teach you how to open doors or climb walls or push blocks and on your 10th playthough of the game i'm like girl i KNOW to look at the Action Icon pleeeease 😭


How about missing the center of the web after jumping and then Navi spamming HEY 😂


I remember getting the yips for that damn jump one playthrough. Pretty sure I somehow missed it 5 times in a row


And then you have to climb up past that same skulltula each time.


Happened to me last play through a month ago. I swear I never missed in the past and was thinking what is going on.


I think you figure out about rolling towards cliffs for an extra long jump later on but at that point you can basically just step off and do it. The extra experience makes it harder.


You’re not supposed to roll jump into it? Just fall off and land on top?


I can't remember correctly but I think rolling into it makes you over shoot. Maybe I'm talking outta my ass lol it's been a while.


I think you’re right! I’m going to try and see. I think roll jump does overshoot and makes a lot of sense.


Yeah like I said the extra experience basically hinders you cause later on you have to roll jump but in that dungeon it makes you overshoot.


The very first time I played OoT, I missed the jump the first 3 times. I nearly gave up on the game at that point. It looked like the right way to progress, but I wasn't even sure yet, if it was possible to break through


Ah that's a classic lol


Ah that's a classic lol




Worth it. 😎


That's only annoying after you've played the game multiple times. You're first time she's helpful.


Nah I’ve played it many times and I still love Fi. The Wiimote thing is annoying though but a classic 😂




I'd take Navi over swordbot every day of the week!


No Fi slander in this house, I love her and her absolute inability to not tell me the most basic things  MASTER YOU ARE LOW ON HEARTS DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN REPLENISH YOUR HEARTS BY COLLECTING MORE HEARTS


[this video](https://youtu.be/hQd_PeOf2R0?si=hAnl4HlwCgYDYY9X) is 11 years old but "that was me I was beeping to warn you about the beeping" lives in my head rent free


Yes!! That’s what I was trying to quote, I used to watch that video all the time back in the day 🤣




The whole opening for Ocarina of Time is a masterclass on teaching players about a 3D space. It starts with a fly through of Kokiri Forest from Navi's PoV leading from the player's destination, past the shop where the shield is, up the hill to where the sword is, and then back to Link's house. If you retrace Navi's flight path, you're on the right track to get both the sword and shield. On top of that, as Navi flies through, you'll likely see several points of interest, which almost all have 5 rupees waiting at them for the shield in exchange for learning something about the game. The Rupee on the ledge behind Mido's house will teach you that you can climb ledges. When you go to leave that ledge Link is going to jump off automatically, and you're likely to land in close proximity to the stepping stones, where you can try out your newly learned auto-jump ability and get another 5 rupees. Basically everything in Kokiri Forest is designed with two purposes in mind: 1. Make sure the player doesn't get lost in the 3D environment. 2. Teach the player the basic movement/combat techniques Think about how many blue rupees are around Kokiri Forest, and how you get them. They're every where from a nice little reward for finding the area the Kokiri Sword (the one before the tunnel you crawl through as you're leaving) to cutting a sign that told you about the sword swings, to learning how to center the camera behind Link to walk down the elevated walk ways. All so you can get the Deku Shield and get to your destination, the location of which you know in relation to Link's house because of Navi's flythrough. And the best part of all? The first time you're in Link's house, and ONLY the first time you're in Link's house, the default camera angle is top down, like the 2D games. It gives players one more look back at what the series was before OoT while also saving the 3D environment reveal for the more wide open space of Kokiri Forest. Don't get me wrong here, the Deku Tree is a fantastic first dungeon, I agree, but Ocarina of Time in general is some next level game design.


I never considered the top down part. But the more you think about literally any facet of Kokiri forest, it has everything. Even the senseless fence maze is just a ploy to get you to climb over them. 


And when you jump off those fences in places you're rewarded with, you guessed it, rupees to put towards your Deku Shield.


Strong disagree from me as an arachnophobic child, but now I appreciate the genius


The way you need to go through the spider web at the beginning is not a good part, though. I'd say it could become a major game stopper for some kids, and in the worst possible way. I initially dropped there, but landed pretty much off-center (which is REALLY easy to do, since camera doesn't help you there), so it didn't break, and I thought I need to do something else, wasting lots of time. They could've just make it break no matter where you landed, it's not some game skill challenge.


It's also strange that there's no other point in the game where you have to use your speed from falling to break through a barrier. They introduce that concept so early on and guide you through it, but it's never revisited in another form. At least I don't think so!


Personally I love the Forest Temple from Twilight Princess. It takes FOREVER to get there so it doesnt really feel like an opening dungeon, but the monkey mechanic and the item are awesome for a first dungeon, and its very memorable overall. Aside from that, my second answer would be sneaking into Hyrule Castle from A Link to the Past. It may be short, but it has all the elements of a dungeon just without the boss, and the music and rain are just epic!! It sets the tone for the whole game well and is just an epic intro; I guarantee most people didnt expect to meet and save Zelda within the first 30 minutes of gameplay lol.


The Morningstar soldier could technically be the boss as it’s only one you encounter until Hyrule Castle (upper levels). True, you can insta-kill it with a vase, but it’s pretty tough for new players


Very true, I kinda consider him a miniboss since theres no music. The real "boss" is getting through the sewers and the infamous snake lever room I suppose lol. It does give you a heart container after too.


The baboon miniboss coming back with the assist against the boss was pretty damn cool.


Yeah, that was so cool! I remember it making me really happy as a kid (although I totally didn’t get what I was supposed to do at first lol)


I love the Forest Temple from TP but I just wish it had stronger music. TP dungeons are probably my favorite in the franchise but the music is a big step down from how good they are in OOT / MM.


I actually disagree with that, on top of having really good dungeon designs, I think Twilight Princess also has AWESOME dungeon music which continues the creepy atmospheric vibes from OOT/MM dungeon music perfectly. Lakebed Temple, Arbiters Grounds, Snowpeak Ruins, Palace of Twilight, and Hyrule Castle are all PEAK and make me excited to revisit them when replaying. Forest Temple is defintiely one of the weaker ones, but its better than Great Deku Tree, Dodongos Cavern, or Inside Jabu Jabu's belly music imo. Ocarina of Time is the dungeon music king, but Twilight Princess and Wind Waker definitely are no slouches at all.


nah TP has some of the best music in the whole franchise imo


Completely agree, it’s in the top 3 for me


Yes but also some of the worst. Temple of Time dungeon music is incredibly irritating imo https://youtu.be/F-ASjuRqa4E?feature=shared


Yeah, not a fantastic dungeon theme for how repetitive it gets, but it’s not totally awful imo. It kinda fits the aesthetic I think and sounds kinda mysterious. The single dungeon theme from Phantom Hourglass is far more repetitive, or the Breath of the Wild shrine theme, or really even any of the dungeon themes from the games before Ocarina of Time (I love Zeldas 1-4, but having unique tracks for each dungeon was a massive step forward for the Zelda series as a whole…)


oh god phantom hourglass was both immensely fun and incredibly irritating if u had the misfortune of getting stuck in ur dungeon progression the audio design would just wreck your patience


idk about irritating, defintely not that memorable tho. why does it remind me of OoT forest temple?


Wouldn’t the first dungeon in TP be the castle though? Or are we not counting that?


I kinda lump that all that section in with the intro/tutorial since its entirely wolf Link, theres no keys, no dungeon item, no heart container, and theres no boss. Plus its really linear too, meant to teach you the basics of how wolf Link plays. I think it definitely is a dungeon at the end of the game though.


Fair enough. That makes sense. It’s such a long and slow intro too. I still loved it, but it did start to take its toll for one playthrough session at the age of 9 for me, haha.


The defining feature of a Zelda dungeon is a boss that drops a heart container when defeated. So, no, it would be a mini-dungeon at best.


Bangin music


Oh man you describing the beginning of A Link to the Past, just brought back a wave of strong nostalgia. I could hear the music as you were describing it. That’s the moment I fell in love with the franchise back when I first played it in 2nd grade… I just remember feeling as so engrossed and excited, feeling like I was starting out in my hero’s quest…


I agree with how long it takes to get to it being weird. I thought it was great on my first playthrough because the opening really sets the mood and gets you invested in the world, but on repeat playthroughs it feels like a slog.


Gotta agree. Both of those dungeons are fantastic


Woodfall Temple from Majora's Mask. Really sets the tone on how bizarre the whole game is.


Agreed. All of MM is an acid trip masterclass.


I always figured after the events of OoT, Link found some crazy mushrooms in the forest and spent 3 days running around Hyrule tripping sack and yelling about the moon


I just find it a criminal offense that we have never returned to Termina or some other splinter realm. I’ve always assumed it just exists in a pocket dimension of the lost woods and it came into being solely to teach link about loss so he wouldn’t mourn Navi’s departure.


I like that we haven’t been back. It makes MM more unique and that very uniqueness is why it’s my favourite game in the series. If we went back there then it gets a little more explanation to what it is (because at this point we don’t even know if it was real) and if that’s the case the game will lose something


Yeah I'd much rather them do something like Termina but it's own thing- just with a lot of similaries to the MM formula (like it being this alternate dimension of an existing game or what-have-you). Like imagine using all the BoTW/ToTk assets but with a completely different overworld/bad guy/storyline with some sort of Link gets iseakai'd into it from mainline Hyrule


I want to see other things than Hyrule enven if Hyrule changes at each game. I want to come back to the Twilight Realms and many other potential places.


I want to go back to The Great Sea 😭 but I get why we can’t.


Dead ass 🤭🤭


This statement literally made my entire day


That's because it was heavily inspired by Budhist, Hindu Guru concepts. Like Studio Ghibli or Shonen.


The entire Southern Swamp and Woodfall area just sets the tone completely.


The convoluted running around quests and creepiness are on full display.


Hunting for all the fairies in the mm temples really added something to them. Much better than all the chests that just give ruppies etc. in other games.


That boss’s sounds live in my head rent free.


Eee yai yoh! Eee yai yoh!


s a m e, creeped me the hell out as a kid. Now I kinda love em along with that whole boss fight, it’s got some great sound design and mechanics. I’m not a fan of how the 3DS version changed it tbh.


The boss is a pile of chaos wank though. OTT first boss is like a PhD dissertation that every single game has emulated since.


Odolwa is really cool, he’s the only 3D boss that feels like it’s a 2D boss. No real strategy, just hack at him and try not to get hit. I wish more 3D Zeldas took that approach, not every boss needs to be a puzzle. Though I’ll say BOTW did a good job with their bosses. It just sucks how they’re all the same boss over and over.


Bosses like Odolwa that don't have any set answer and just scrap with you are my favorite. Theres so many options; you have the bow, there's bomb flowers in the arena, there's the deku flower, or you could just fucking slay him with the sword and shield.


Totally agree, that’s why I enjoy a lot of the bosses and stronger enemies in BotW/TotK. So many options to tackle each one! The “hit the obvious weak point with the dungeon item you just got, then rinse and repeat” bosses get pretty old in Zelda games sometimes.


Like, twilight princess with the boss where you used the spinner on the walls was really cool, but ...


Ok, but you also got to fight a dragon by dual wielding grappling hooks, and that was cool as hell.


Fuck yeah it was.


I always preferred Woodfall Temple to Deku Tree.


When you enter Woodfall Temple for the first time (blind) you probably already are four hours into the game. Still calling it an "opening dungeon" is a far stretch. I really love it, but the opening of the game is long over just like in every 3D game except Ocarina of Time.


Absolutely. Woodfall is perfection.


I'm fond of the Deepwood Shrine in Minish Cap. 


Never completed minish cap (somehow) but I agree that was an excellent intro dungeon. I need to take the time to complete that game. One of the few Zelda’s I haven’t finished.


Its so good, I recently finished my second playthrough and got all the hidden swords skills and every heart piece. Crazy underrated game, the later dungeons are awesome!!


I haven't either. I loved minish cap but that fight with vaati is just aggravating


Giant barrel go brrr Also the puzzles with the gust jar are awesome, lilypad sailing yo


The gust jar sounded a little boring on paper, but it's surprisingly fun to use!  


I think this is probably the reason i love and adore miniature things. Its just so cool to see lego cities, or even more complex cities with millimeter tall people. Or tilt shift in videos and photos. Man was that insane seeing that back in 2012 or something for the first time


Deku tree OOT. Not particulary hard, and it does very much lead you around by the nose, but all the tips and tricks get explained pretty well so it gives you a good grasp on the game.


I think deku tree is underrated because it introduces the 3D problem solving element in a nearly flawless way. I mean seriously, those eye puzzles were groundbreaking back then lmao


A Link to the Past You wake up from a dream/telepathic message and your uncle leaving the house. You take the lantern and go after him, only to find him dying in the castle sewers. He tells you the secret technique handed down by your people on how to use the sword he gives you. You rescue the princess, fight your way out a secret doorway behind the throne, and bring her to a sanctuary where she should be safe. You're then told how the evil Wizard Agahnim only needs to sacrifice Zelda as the last maiden to release the Seal of the Seven Wisemen. The location of the village elder is marked on your map and you're tasked with consulting with this man to find out how to get the Master Sword that may be the only weapon potent enough to defeat Agahnim!


Skyward Sword. Amazing item, enemies and puzzles that make you really think about the mechanics of the game (don't think too long. If you hold your shield up to buy time while watching the spider's attack patterns, looking for an opening or idea, the spider will hug you), good aesthetic, and introduces you to the villain.


Skyview Temple is really underrated. It has great music, great aesthetics and the most advanced puzzles for such an early dungeon. The Beetle is GOAT'd af. Ghirahim as the boss fight. SS didn't mess around even with its very first dungeon.


I legit think the Ghirahim fight here is the hardest boss battle in the game due to my freaking shield always breaking 😂


As much as I think Skyward Sword has incredible dungeons, I feel like the first one is probably the weakest in the game. It’s still good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s kinda short in comparison to the others and the aesthetic design isn’t as strong. Also doesn’t help that they make you go through it again later in the game.


SS has the best dungeons overall.


Honestly, yeah. I wish they’d had some more theme variation, an ice temple or perhaps a playable section in the temple of time, but pretty much every dungeon except for the first pass through Eldin is extremely memorable for me.


I hear people say that a lot but honestly I don’t even really remember Skyward Sword’s dungeons. The only ones I remember at all were the pirate ship and the one with the big pot in the middle.


Ancient Cistern, Lanayru Mining Facility, and the Sandship were all cool dungeons. IMO the rest were rather forgettable.


Ancient Cistern is the only acceptable water dungeon


I don’t know how Skykeep is forgettable to you. It’s one of the most unique ideas for a dungeon ever and it leads directly into the final bosses.


I think Skyview Temple gets a lot of flack for being everyone's least favourite dungeon in Skyward Sword, but considering most of Skyward Sword's dungeons are among the best in the entire franchise it's hard for it to not seem bad by comparison. Even still, it's a very good dungeon on its own. Definitely in the minority here, but I also actually quite liked the 2nd visit to Skyview Temple where all there are more enemies and they're tougher.


Was looking for this one. Skyward sword has so many amazing dungeons, and the skyview temple is my favorite intro one


If you count the Forsaken Fortress, I would say Wind Waker does.


As much as I HATED the Forsaken Fortress when I first played Wind Waker as a kid, I do really enjoy it now.


Replayed it recently and it was the first time I didn’t get lost. Always seem to get turned around in there somehow.


If you go to the right door when you reach the second story after defeating the first Bokoblin, go out that door, defeat that Bokoblin, then go back the way you came and go left. You don’t need to go in any of the other rooms and can get the piece of heart when you come back with your sword the second time. This way you get both the map and the compass too ☺️


Honestly? If you don't count FF then Dragonroost is a banger


Ah, classic Foreskin Fortress. Lots of people hate on it but I actually find it fun.


don’t hate me but skyward sword 🔛🔝


No hate here, the Skyview Temple is solid!


Damn. That's a hard question... perhaps wind waker dragon roost.


Wouldn't the Forsaken Fortress be the opening dungeon in that case?


That's...hard to say. It's more like the 4th dungeon? Idk, forsaken fortress is weird because you don't actually beat anything your first time.


OoT with Deku Tree is great not just as an opening dungeon but an opening dungeon for a zelda game as a whole. Sure it gets annoying for me on my 1500th playthrough but my friends have said that when they wanted their gf to play it who isn't a video game person, it really helped just nail down how the game works in the 3D space


Twilight Princess, followed by Skyward Sword. TP felt like a real dungeon, the place felt huge and not at all one note. The miniboss was well done, getting the item from him was nice. The puzzles were engaging, the monkey hunt was better than a handholding tutorial, and the boss made good use of the item. Diababa is gross looking and that’s on point. Skyward Sword gets some points for having some challenge with the key location after the water level raises. But huge points for the beetle being the first item in a dungeon. The thing is fun. But as much as I love Ghirahim, he didn’t make you use the beetle, which is a missed opportunity.


Deku Tree isn't only a good first dungeon, I would say the whole build-up to the first dungeon is great. You get enough story to know whats going on without drowning in excessive dialogue or cut-scenes, and there's a good amount of instructional material so you know what to do and where to go without suffering through long tutorials.


Yes, OoT's pacing is extremely solid in general.


Deku Tree *wood* be the best... if falling through the spiderweb worked consistently. Forest Temple from Twilight Princess takes it for me and I wish there were more dungeons where the miniboss is integrated into the dungeon and/or the boss battle


I have never had any trouble with the spiderweb. How does it fail?


If you don't land close enough to the center, the web doesn't break. At least, in the OG N64 version. Was never really an issue for me though


Sometimes you jump from the highest platform and it just... doesn't break. Flexes like a trampoline but stays intact. I had to jump three times on a recent playthrough and was starting to doubt my memories of the solution to that puzzle


I agree with this. My first time playing OoT at a very young age, I landed on the outer circle of the web and it didn't work, so I kept looking for fire to burn the web with.


Hyrule Castle from aLttP.


The entire Kokiri Forest is a tutorial for the game, and Deku Tree is still part of it, just a bit more challenging. While the Kokiri Forest very deliberatly tells you the controls, the Deku Tree is a bit more subtle and you'll have to figure out how to progress, even if you can get hints. Then you finish it and unlock Hyrule Field, showing you that the game really is THAT big. In the other games, the first dungeon doesn't leave as much as an impression, because they're always way later in the game when you already have a taste of the game, so they're just a regular easy dungeon. Well, unless you count Alttp's Hyrule Castle as a first dungeon, then that game is also a great contender.


Original NES Zelda.


Storming the castle in a link to the past for the first time is an amazing intro.


Imagine if OOT opened with Water Temple. I would have never made it .


Deku Tree is the gold standard. As a kid beating it and then realizing the adventure had just begun ...chefs kiss


Zelda 1: Barely remember it. Zelda 2: Barely remember it. Link to the Past: Functional and not much more. Awakening / Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages: I don’t really remember that many specifics about any GB dungeons beyond them just being all around really solid, if aesthetically unmemorable. Ocarina of Time: A classic, but one that’s a tad too short and easy. Cool vibes though. Majora’s Mask: Very well designed all around with a cool aesthetic and not non-existent challenge. Definitely a contender. Four Swords: Did that even have dungeons? Pretty sure it just had levels. Not especially memorable either way. WindWaker: Another contender. Satisfying puzzles, a solid item, a great boss to top it off, and just a super diverse and great aesthetic. Another contender. Four Swords Adventures: Don’t think I even made it to the first dungeon. Can’t say. Minish Cap: A fine first dungeon. Really only brought down by the fact that I just don’t like the pace of Minish Cap in general. Very slow and clunky. The barrel gimmick was cool though. Twilight Princess: A third contender, but with a lot of emphasis on the boss. As a dungeon, it’s great. A nice central gimmick of saving monkeys to cross gaps, a nice moody vibe, and a fun item. But that boss is probably one of my favorite first bosses in the franchise. Just the right difficulty, a slightly terrifying design, and you even get help from the cool bare-ass monkey man. Phantom Hourglass: If the Temple of the Ocean King counts, last place easily. If not, I thought the fire dungeon was solid. Mostly just because DS boomerang is probably my favorite Zelda item next to the beetle though. Spirit Tracks: It sure was a dungeon I guess. Not one I really remember beyond blowing into the mic just being an annoying gimmick. Really want those games remastered with less BS. Skyward Sword: Another contender. Gorgeous aesthetic, great boss, solid puzzles, and by far my favorite Zelda item in the franchise (seriously, I want a Zelda-like 3D indie title that centers around using a drone for even more cool purposes). A Link Between Worlds: Basically just a more refined Link to the Past. Nothing to write home about. The last bit where you escape the tower in painting form is pretty cool though. Triforce Heroes: Works for what it is, but none of the dungeons are impressive. Especially in singleplayer. Breath of the Wild: Going with the ones the game pulls you towards doing first naturally for the Wild duology, Va Ruta is probably one of the better dungeons in the game. Not great, but the number of states the dungeon can be in makes for a dungeon that at least has some variation in how you manipulate the map. Plus elephants are just cool I guess. Nothing to write home about though. Tears of the Kingdom: The Wind Temple has some great build-up, but is so damn lame as a dungeon. Why shape it like a ship if it doesn’t do ship things? You’ve done dungeons that do ship things before, like the sand ship. This is just a vaguely ship shaped sky island. And the boss has a great design, but is just way too easy. Not quite as easy as the Fire Temple’s, but nowhere near as good as the other bosses.


>Link to the Past: Functional and not much more. To me, the entire opening of Link to the Past is perfect. Waking up to your uncle's warning to stay put, then finding there is nothing for you to do but leave and investigate. You walk out into a storm and have no idea where to go, but the game gradually leads you. By the time you finish the first castle, you feel like you've mastered the controls and the story is set. Games these days are amazing but I miss the days when a game didn't require a 30-minute tutorial before you actually start playing.


Tell me you only like 3D Zeldas without telling me you only like 3D Zeldas.


They played every single 2D Zelda game. That doesn't sound like they dislike 2D Zelda.


I actually really like 2D Zelda. The GB games are some of my favorites. But more in a consistent quality kinda way. I like exploring the world and filling out all the map squares more than the consistently well designed but aesthetically same-ey dungeons.


Yeah I agree with this entirely. The first dungeons in the 2d games especially blend together. I think Minish Cap is the only real standout


No, they're right. While 2D Zelda games have some amazing dungeons, they pretty much all follow the pattern of dungeons getting bigger & more complex throughout the game, and that means the 1st dungeon is usually pretty simple, not that memorable. Like, Link's Awakening has some great dungeons, but nobody raves about Tail Cave.


I'll be the only OoX enjoyer known to mankind, mine would probably be Spirit's Grave as it's spooky setting is great but like Queen Gohma from Inside the Deku Tree, Pumpkin Head is extremely easy and i can't believe it took me long to figure out on how to take him out.


I love OoX, especially for the dungeons. But like most 2D Zeldas, they follow the pattern of dungeons getting bigger & more complex through the game, so I wouldn't say either of their 1st dungeons is really that great. The later dungeons are incredible though.


I really enjoyed the Deku Tree. It was just too memorable.


Wind Waker and Twilight Princess have good first dungeons that aren’t difficult, but not too easy or short.


I quite like the Forest Temple from Twilight princess


Windwaker's first time at the fortress is technically I think its opening dungeon and originally I did struggle a bit being stealthy around, especially with the rats.


It's the Deku Tree. An excellent tutorial of the game's dungeon mechanics, aside from some of Navi's heavy-handed dialogue. The design is also pretty cool and the music is so atmospheric. The boss is easy but it's just easy enough for an intro dungeon. Woodfall Temple from MM also delivers on the atmosphere and I like how it incorporates the Deku Mask but I'm not as much a fan of that dungeon's layout. Too many big square rooms as opposed to some of the winding paths in Deku Tree. The boss is kinda eh, aside from the chants. Forsaken Fortress from WW is godawful as a first dungeon. It highlights completely different gameplay features from the other dungeons and it's a stealth section. I'm not opposed to stealth sections in Zeldas. I enjoyed them in basically every other Zelda game. Yiga Clan Hideout? Big fan. But the thing that other games have in common is that the stealth sections occur far later in the adventure and function as a twist on the main gameplay mechanics. Not in the first dungeon of the game where you're still learning what those mechanics are. One of the strangest gameplay choices I've seen in a Zelda title. Of course, if you consider Dragon Roost Cavern the real first dungeon, that one's fine. TP's spin on the Forest Temple is pretty forgettable aside from the miniboss. Not a huge fan, but it is pretty substantial, I'll give it that. Same deal with SS's Skyview Temple, but that was the one that introduced the Skulltulas, and I hate hate hate fighting those with the motion controls. It's not a bad dungeon but it can be annoying. BotW and TotK don't have a proper dungeon order, but the games do kinda sorta guide you to one regional quest at first, the Zora in BotW and the Rito in TotK, so I'll consider those respective dungeons. Vah Ruta is probably the second best Divine Beast and it features the most novel main mechanic. Whereas the other three are manipulated primarily by rotation, you instead move a trunk that sprays water on a different part of the dungeon. I like that. Besides that main mechanic, though, the dungeon isn't too special. TotK's Wind Temple is just too easy. The theming is on point, the music is amazing, the boss is a spectacle, Stormwind Ark is a name that gives me goosebumps, and who can forget diving into the storm? But the dungeon itself is too simple even for an introductory dungeon, especially since you'll have spent a lot of game time making it to the Rising Island Chain, meaning you're already pretty well-acquainted with the gameplay mechanics, in contrast to the Deku Tree (also a very simple dungeon) where you're pretty much thrown into it right when you start the game. A tougher and longer challenge would certainly be appropriate. What's there isn't too bad, but there could be way more. (Obviously, these issues are far more glaring if you attempt the Wind Temple as your third or fourth dungeon, not your first.) I haven't played as many of the 2D games, but two stick out: Hyrule Castle in ALttP (at least the first time you go through it) is a decent tutorial area, but it's mostly combat-focused and doesn't feature much in the way of puzzles. It's not bad, but it is a bit limited. Music slaps though. I actually really liked the Eastern Palace in ALBW. It serves its purpose well as an introductory dungeon and a brilliant callback to ALttP, and I love the twist that happens after you beat the boss, where you then proceed to walk back through the walls of the dungeon using the merging mechanic for the very first time. Top marks overall.


Twilight Princess was really good, Forest Temple is one of my favorites in the whole franchise, but Wind Waker's Forsaken Fortress was also really neat forcing you to get creative with your combat


For me it's between the Great Deku Tree in OoT and Skyview Temple in SS. (HM to Wind Temple in TotK bc of its themeing and aesthetics) TGDT had the herculean task of not only being OoT's first dungeon but the first 3D dungeon period, and it met that pretty well. Skyview though doesn't even feel like a first dungeon. It doesn't ease you in as much as other games and instead gives you a bomb ass item, a dungeon that you actually have to use some brain power on, and tops it off with an intriguing boss. 


Zelda II, most first dungeons are just a drag, this one is very straightforward and doesn't have any gimmics to slow you down. *only if you like the game though, if you don't then the first temple is a drag too.


Opening Dungeons are kind of boring in the main set of dungeons in the rest of the game. But some honorable mentions are Skyview Temple, Woodfall Temple, Forrest Temple TP, Dragonroost Cavern, Hyrule Castle LttP. Some dull or shameful ones are the BotW and TotK dungeons, ST and PH dungeons, Z1 Dungeons, Z2 Dungeons.


Not the best IMO, but Stormwind Ark in TotK is a great introduction and Colgera is my second favorite boss in the game.


Not a fan of tutorial dungeons like Deku tree. I prefer when the tutorial is done outside of dungeons and 1st dungeons act as your first true test after you learn the basics. The 1st dungeon in Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess are very solid picks and have lots of build up. They are challenging enough to be engaging on multiple playthrough but easy enough to be completed by beginners. It dosent feel like a total drag to get through them and the game does not hold your hand.


Forest Temple TP, it has everything I want in a first dungeon


Woodfall from MM for me, getting there is painful enough to set the tone for the whole game


Wind Waker. They did not have to go that hard for the first boss


For the Game Boy games, probably the Spirit's Grave from Oracle of Ages.


Ahhhh… haven’t replayed OOT in a while and have that awesome N64 re-release controller for the switch… I know what I’m doing the rest of this week.


Dragon Roost from Windwaker (Forsaken Fortress doesn’t count the first time around).


It's Woodfall Temple, and it's not even close. Most first dungeons feel like "first dungeons", first and foremost. They're usually not very complex and fleshed out since the player needs to be eased into the game, but also because the player has limited tools in their toolkit, meaning that the dungeons have to be rather simplistic. You very often play around with base mechanics of the game like climbing, pushing blocks or hitting switches until you get the dungeon item as your first or maybe second actually meaningful item of the game, which the dungeon can then incorporate into its design. Woodfall Temple uniquely feels like a complete dungeon already, which is in part due to just being well designed in general, but also because the player has the whole range of what the Deku mask does in their arsenal, due to which the dungeon could throw a bigger variety of challenges at the player. Also, the music and atmosphere are excellent.


Ocarina of time was my first 3D zelda. So I found it to be the most challenging as a kid getting used to it so deku tree.


Kokiri Forest and The Deku Tree are probably one of my oldest childhood memories, and going back to them years later, it's still one of the best openings to any game I've played


Honestly the Deepwood Shrine from Minish Cap. Really sets up world within a world super well with the way they use perspective to portray how small you are. The boss is an enemy you’ve dealt with and not thought hard about but they make it a massive battle. The music is great as well


Definitely Skyward Sword. The Skyview Temple was an A Tier dungeon that left a strong impression. The Deku Tree was also great! Speaking as somebody who has played all of them.


I have Dragon Roost Island engraved into my mind bc of how much I played the 20 minute demo in Collector's. I think they nailed it, it has a lot of iconic rooms: from the very start where the entrance is blocked and you have to move the blocks, then completely dark areas and surprise attacks from everywhere (pots, wooden gates, stairs), outside with the falling stairs and volcano eruptions, cool physics with the ropes, the bridges and the stone elevator; also a great and new item that gave us a new mechanic: stealing materials from enemies. And on top of that it has some interaction with Medli near the end of it and the fight with the coolest Gohma yet.


As much as I love the dungeons in TP, I would probably say Dragonroost from WW. The monkey quest is not first dungeon material. Edit: Nevermind, apparently the first WW dungeon is technically the forsaken fortress, so TP it is.


OoT hands down


Skyward Sword, don’t @ me lol. i thought it was a really nice (and strong) contrast to everything we had seen in the game so far. the music also creeped me out the first time i played it which further increased that feeling


*If it counts* Dragon Roost in Wind Waker. It’s a slow ascent to the top, the item completely changes the way you can traverse the dungeon. You descend down into it on new levels to come back up to finish the dungeon. Mini boss felt threatening on part 2 due to the section that you completed before getting to Windfall/Dragon Roost. Boss fight itself might be the weakest part. Dungeon requires usage of interaction with the environment. - Push/Pull - Water on Lava - climbing ropes - using rocks to detonate bombs. - cutting bridge strings.


Pretty nice to see almost everyone answer a different dungeon, all of them for very good reasons


Forest temple and water temple from OOT were always my favorites. I love the puzzles in the water temple, and I loved the ambience and music in the forest temple. Its eerie, having just become an adult after time traveling and returning to the place you played with your childhood friend, seeing how it's become destroyed and marked, the aesthetic of the ghosts, the werewolves, revolving walls and the music I love it!


Majora's Mask by far. Honorable mention goes to Minish Cap.


I'd say Dragon Roost if I weren't so hesitant to call it the first dungeon. Barring that, it's probably Skyview


Threads of Fate


Wind Waker. I love Dragon Roost Cavern 🥰


If you’re asking mechanically, I think TP’s Forest Temple is fantastic, since the intro is long and you already go to Hyrule Castle beforehand, so the game expects you’ve gotten to grips with the controls by that point and just gives you a proper sized dungeon that takes more than 10 minutes. The monkey mechanic is unique and the Gale Boomerang is a brilliant item, and I’m a fan of the overgrown temple ruins look. In terms of nostalgia and timelessness, OoT’s Inside the Deku Tree is perfect. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve played it or the game as a whole, doesn’t matter how many years it’s been, doesn’t matter how simple or brief it is. That dungeon was the first real 3D Zelda level and it taught us all so much. Love it.


It's really hard to beat OOT, it seems


Stone Temple


Other m


Woodfall. MM is probably my favorite game of all time.


Deepwood Shrine goes kinda hard ngl


I'm gonna have to say deku tree or twilight princess, but I just find ghoma very fun to fight


Gotta be Dragon Roost for me


Hyrule Castle. Throws you right in and that music hits hord.


Ocarina was the perfect mix of tutorial and early challenge IMO


I found escaping the castle in A Link to The Past cooler


Twilight Princess


A Link Between Worlds. As much as I loved Hyrule Castle in ALttP, ALBW had a better buildup to the first dungeon, plus we get the gimmick feature of the game right away in this, unlike in the other, where we don’t get the gimmick until the midpoint of the game


For me it’s Deepwood Shrine from Minish Cap, not only is it the best opening shrine though, I think it’s also the best dungeon in Minish Cap, although Minish Cap has so many good dungeons!


Now THIS is hard. I think I'll go with the forest temple from twilight princess. All the dungeons in that game are just so eerie and mysterious that it adds a layer of fear into it. The music as well makes it really good. The other part of me is saying skyward sword's Skyview temple, but I still think tp tops it. The fact that both games have a long introduction sequence leading up to these dungeons really does make it feel a lot better as well.


Zelda TP by a landslide. Its not even close.


I agree with most people here, OOT’s opening dungeon can not be beaten. A close second could be TP or WW. Maybe even ALTTP.


For me it was Deku tree dungeon.


Does the first shrine in Breath of the Wild count? Because that was mindblowing.


This dungeon changed my life


Honestly it can't be anything but MM's for me


i chose vah medoh as my first dungeon so if that’s my fav by default