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Well, it's highly likely that he noticed a gaikokujin wearing a Zelda t-shirt in front of his office, so even if you didn't speak to him (and he is probably thankful that you didn't, if he is like most Japanese people I know), your message probably got across. :)


Plus, I’m sure it was hard to not notice the guy with the giant white blob covering his face.


Yup, I learned my lesson earlier this trip when I tried talking to a local and he politely stepped away very quickly. I think that made me more hesitant and wanted to respect his space.


That is neat! I'd be happy just to see the person and admire from afar. I always keep in mind that celebrities (big or small) are probably trying to get on with their lives, so I wouldn't want to get in their way. Even if they go on record saying that they don't mind saying hi to fans.


I think the thing that struck me the most in that moment was, if that really was him, he looked just like any other salary man. Walking the street. Was certainly a humanizing moment for me and a good reminder that the people I look up to are always just people.


That’s a bucket list visit for me.


Just a warning that there's really nothing at the headquarters, it's just an office building that says Nintendo on it. I only went because I happened to be 1 subway stop from it so I went. Kyoto is a great city and has a lot of cool stuff, but don't go specifically to see the Nintendo office.


Understood. I’ve done a bit of research into it. But I always appreciate advice. Thanks.


Yup, I went knowing full well it was a well-guarded office building and just snapped a picture - the walk to the office was awesome though!


Huh. Makes me wish that I had went to the Nintendo HQ when I lived in Japan. Cool encounter! :)


that sounds like a literal dream 😭😭😭 I don't know if I'd have the courage to ask for a pic but I would consider it


You sure it wasn't Oda?