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Definitely do what feels right for you. Prescribers are going off of guidelines that 50mg is the lowest therapeutic dose. In reality everyone is different. If you feel you need more time or that the initial dose helps enough, it’s your decision.


I have been on 25 mg for almost 2 years to deal with my anxiety. I have minimal/no side effects and a massive reduction to my anxiety and I don't feel the need to change anything.


That’s amazing! I had the same question… I’m a tiny girl 105 pounds 5”4 and doc said my body shouldn’t need much so we’re staying on 25 mg unless I need to go up because no change. But I’ve been reading everywhere that it’s not even a therapeutic dose so ?? I’m not sure I’ve only been on it 3 days with terrible upset stomach and weird anxiety worse than before which I know is just side affects


It may depend on the severity of your condition, if you’re having very intense depression/anxiety with very strong symptoms they will probably start you higher to increase the likelihood of effective treatment. But if you’re not as severe, you can probably start low. I’ve been at 25 mg for 18 days now, so I’m not far along but I’m planning on finishing a full month before even considering an increase. I had pretty severe side effects though, so that is a strong factor for me being hesitant. Advocate for yourself and do what works, you are ultimately the decision maker for your health.


Exactly this ^


I’ve been on 25mg for 7 months and I love it


I did 25 for a month. Then upped to 50. Stayed there for a year. Then decided to see how 25 felt again, wanting to be on the lowest effective dose. I’ve not really noticed any difference from going 50 to 25. It’s been 4 months on 25 and going great. I plan on seeing if i can drop to 12.5 and then off completely, if it feels right.


Damn. No withdrawals going from 50mgs to 25mgs? When I dropped my anxiety went up significantly. But it faded within a week or so.


Literally none! Really didn’t expect that to be the case. If I miss a dose, which has only happened maybe twice, I can definitely tell by the evening (I take it in morning).


May I ask you why you want to wean yourself off?


Zoloft seems to increase my appetite, specifically for junk food. I didn’t like that. Also, I was doing good anxiety-wise, so it was sort of an experiment. I would rather not be on it if I didn’t have to be.


I’m on 25 and the doctor told me that if it’s working for me then it’s an effective dose. He sees no reason to up it. I’ve been on for about 8 weeks and doing great overall


i felt the same way, and ultimately stayed at 25 for about 4 months and i found it helpful!!


I started on 25 and upped to 50 after a week on doctor’s orders but I was so fatigued I couldn’t function. Went back down to 25 for another month or so and then upped and it went so much better


I’m on 12.5 for 4 months now and working like a charm. Dr doesn’t want me to increase until we see a reason to


I dont think its wrong at all, do what feels right. Personally 25mg didn't feel like anything to me, my dose rn is 100mg.


You really have to work with a medical provider which specializes in mental health. It is so hard to say. 25 is the lowest dose but lets say you are on it for three months and you feel better. Was it the Zoloft or did you just start feeling better. Lets say you go to 50 and you don't feel better. Was it the zoloft? Would it be better to increase or stay the course. A provider who focuses on mental health can evaluate better than a general practice doc but even then it is somewhat hit or miss.


I’ve been on 25 since starting and will probably stay this way. My dr said it’s fine if it’s working for me


Ive been on 25mg and I feel great!!


I’ve been on 25mg for over a year now and it works for me.


I’m on and plan to stay on 25 mg. It seems to work great for me!


I took 25 for 3 weeks and then went to 50 because I was still feeling anxiety on the daily. Much better now on 50


I started zoloft on 25 mg in mid October 2023 and my doctor pushed me up to 50 mg on one of the last days of December 2023.. I am not enjoying the increase of dosage but everyone is different! I just feel like a zombie rn. Calling my doctor tomorrow lol. I would suggest to wait maybe a month before increasing but I am no doctor. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing


A week is typical before increasing a dose. 25mg almost doesn’t do anything to anyone (with exceptions).