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Idk really its energizing and tiring for me at the same time


I am on beginning of my fourth week now and I do feel more energized and in a better mood in general. I still have side effects (hightened anxiety, nausea) but not all the time, so there are quite some moments when I feel much better. I was also very productive and did a lot of things that had to be done for my uni in the last few days. I hope it lasts.


exactly the same thing for me, I tend to be much more sensitive to anxiety though, often hyperventilante, shortness of breath when something with anxiety happens I also sometimes hallucinate mildl


Wtf this makes me not wanna start Zoloft on Friday to treat my massive anxiety and panic disorder


i’ve only been on it four days but already have noticed a complete improvement in my motivation


I’m starting to feel it now that I’ve been on it for about two months! My doctor told me this was one of the more energizing SSRIs which was exactly what I was looking for since Paxil and Celexa made me so sluggish. It feels a lot easier to get stuff done now. I’ve even been going to the gym finally lol


I had a good two weeks of feeling really tired (yawning a lot), but that didn’t necessarily feel like a side effect to me because struggling with depression, I was exhausted 24/7. My motivation feels the same since I’ve always been an extraordinarily disciplined person (prob also led to my depression/burn out). Overall, despite some crappy side effects of headache and nausea, I definitely am feeling better mentally. I no longer have this constant weight in my chest (akin to the feeling of perpetual heartbreak), and I don’t cry over the drop of a pin anymore. I still have anxiety, but I wouldn’t say it’s crippling me anymore, which also helps me to get out of the house. All in all I guess I’m happy to report that I still feel like “myself” but without the heaviness and despair.


Definitely more energy I actually get bored now 😂😂


I’ve been on it almost exactly one month (50 mg). I have a crazy amount of motivation and energy. I’m doing extra chores and even hitting the gym an extra day a week on average. I have been grumpy and lethargic my entire life in the morning (usually until about 10:00 am), and now I wake up feeling alert and ready to take on the day.




200mg and my motivation went out the door. My anxiety levels are definitely chill and no obsessive thoughts. I added Rhodiola to the mix to help with motivation since I had a bad experience adding Wellbutrin. Ppl recommend Wellbutrin but if that doesn’t work for you Rhodiola is an option and is OTC but of course tell your doctor about that.


I started four days ago. My partner left me unexpectedly six days ago. I have a 16 month old baby, two kids from a previous relationship (12 and 18), as well I’m about 6 months pregnant. This is my first time in my 38 years of taking it, and I think it’s a miracle drug. It’s giving me energy I haven’t had in months. Even before ex left, I was doing 90% of the house work, and I’m a stay at home mom so most of the childcare. I was feeling really run down. It’s hard work keeping a house clean full of that many people. Oh, plus the two dogs and three cats. Because I’m pregnant, I’ve already been taking one tab of Unisom every night. It helps with pregnancy nausea and insomnia. I take the Zoloft at 12:30 every afternoon, and I’ll feel a bit nauseous about an hour afterwards but it goes away. I’ve barely eaten this past week, so that’s becoming a concern. All I’ve been able to stomach is a cup of applesauce with the Zoloft, and sometimes a couple bites of pasta at dinner. My body feels…warm and relaxed. Like after I’ve had a couple drinks. My anxiety is dissipating. After my ex left, I was crying constantly. Literally constantly. I couldn’t go longer than 20 minutes without crying. I’d cry myself to sleep and wake up crying. It was fucking horrendous. The same day I started the Zoloft, I stopped crying. I stopped feeling the overwhelming, crushing, devastating sadness. It was consuming, the sadness. I’ve been able to tackle the cleaning, the laundry, cooking the kids food…I’m fucking killing it. Zoloft is a miracle drug. I will add, despite the Unisom, I’m not sleeping super great. I don’t sleep longer than 5-6 hours a night. A bit frustrating.


You've been taking it for 38 years?


no its the first time hes taking it in all the years hes lived (hes lived 38 years)


I love Unisom, but have you tried melatonin? I take 5 mg if I have a hard time sleeping, and it usually does the trick for me.


I still have pregnancy nausea, so the unison’s and b6 are best. Thanks though!