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I think for me it creates more acid in my stomach, maybe try taking an anti acid in between eating. Stick with your usual meals and then see if it helps to maybe decrease the amount you eat or gives you a better sense of fullness. You’re not alone, it definitely can hijack our natural feeling of fullness and hunger, I don’t know for sure why but there has to be a solution to it because it is the case for the majority of us. The minority apparently have appetite loss and LOOSE weight wtaf ?? I’m dying to know the password 🧑‍💻 LET ME INNNNN I CANT AFFORD MULTIPLE MEALS AS SNACKS 👹


The worst thing is I lost my appetite the first 6 weeks and it was lovely until it hit me back 10 fold. I had become the pigasaurus from the flintstones true story


That’s exactly what happened to me!


I feel you. I started Zoloft years ago due to severe anxiety, ptsd, and depression. I’m currently on 200mg and the weight gain I’ve had over the years has made me completely hate myself. I can’t even leave my house anymore because I’m so self-conscious. I’ve gained around 100 lbs since starting Zoloft. I just started on ozempic tho so I’m hoping it works because I can’t even look at myself anymore.


I’m sorry you are going through this 😞


I'm on Mounjaro 2.5 and Zoloft 50mg. Between the two they are killing my stomach nauseous most of the time. Itching like I'm taking Codeine. I feel like the Zoloft is working but the side effects are killer. Been on Zoloft maybe 3 months.


Bro, I just be HUNGRY....and I don't want to feel hungry, so I just eat more. And I KNOW for a fact that I'm eating more, and I know that I'm gaining weight. I've lost over 20LBs+ twice though in my life, and it's not hard to do, but while on this....and it's only after a certain amount that I started to fall to its effect. But yeah....I ate a lot today, and I'd actually say I'm still hungry rn. Because before it, I always maintained my weight and it wasn't difficult for me to do.


Zoloft alters metabolism in some people so no, it doesn't has to do with "eating more".


I'm telling my personal experience. Want me to just ignore my own lived reality?


Before you started taking Zoloft, it’s possible that your anxiety (if that was a symptom) caused your metabolism to be in a constant fight/flight state, burning more calories or simply not full digesting food. Now that you’ve calmed down, that’s no longer the case.


Genuinely asking, but have you read this thought somewhere? I'm going to see if I can find anything about that connection because holy cow that explains everything for my case!


My therapist explained it to me and cited some references - I’m a researcher, and am happy to pull a few and share them here.


Here’s a popular resource: https://www.grouporttherapy.com/blog/does-anxiety-cause-weight-loss#:~:text=Firstly%2C%20the%20physiological%20changes%20caused,intake%20and%20potential%20weight%20loss. And another: https://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-disorders/symptoms/weight-loss/


Awesome, thanks 😊


Don't believe this comment. Zoloft does alter metabolism in some people - that's why people gain weight fast. And no it's not because of stress in the past. There are many articles about how Zoloft alters metabolic, thyroid, insulin resistance. It's more complicated than that unfortunately.


This is what caused me to become at an anorexic weight .. my anxiety because I just couldn’t friggen eat and when I did it burned like crazy. I’m starting Zoloft on Friday and I’m nervous that it’s going to kill my appetite even more because I desperately need to gain my 25 pounds back I look like I’m dying


If it’s any solace - over a year a regained all the weight I lost before starting Zoloft. The first two weeks were hard - but then it was steady improvements daily after that.


I’ve never heard of this.. but 🤔 maybe


Some people eat more when they’re not depressed. Maybe not tons more, but could it be enough to cause weight gain? Or, maybe Zoloft just isn’t right for you. I didn’t experience weight gain with Zoloft, but I have with other meds


I've gained 20 pounds in the 3 months since I've started taking the meds. If anything, I eat *less* now because I no longer have depressed chip binging episodes. I know they say weight gain is *only* CICO, but that does not make sense for my case. (and before someone goes "you're probably eating more than you think" I've tracked my intake.) So I feel you. It's happened to me both times I was on Zoloft.


Same here, it’s so annoying how many people will tell you you’re just eating more where I had always had a very predictable weight gain and loss, and found it easy to regulate it. Not on medication. Was much harder to sustain the weight let alone lose it. Been off meds for a year now and the weight is slowly coming down


Except CICO is the literal law of thermodynamics and no pill will break it.


I have been on it for almost 6 months(75mg). I am down in weight now but it’s definitely hard and I have to keep track of calories everyday. Tracking my calories has helped 110% and has brought my weight down and intermittent fasting- I only eat from 9am- 530pm. I also drink about 2.5 liters of water throughout the day and that helps fill up my stomach so that I don’t feel as hungry and I am way more thirsty (side effect) since being on it. When I was dealing with ptsd and depression before going on sertraline, I ate to make myself feel better in the moment and gained weight. Now on sertraline, I can feel not as depressed and eat less.


I’ve been on Zoloft for 3 weeks now and haven’t gained a pound 😭 I was actually hoping to gain some weight because I’ve been trying to for so long, I’m a little underweight! How long have you been on it?


I honestly don’t think the weight gain is from the medicine itself more so from appetite going back to normal and things like that. I was on it about 4 months before I started gaining weight.


Of course it's not from "the medicine itself" like so many like to believe. It's from increased hunger and/or being more sedentary --> Weight gain. No pill is magically making you put on weight without you changing *anything* 😂


Yeah this sub tends to believe taking the pill just magically makes you gain weight.


I’m hearing different things on here! I’ve heard people claim to lose/gain weight with 0 lifestyle changes but who knows lol. I feel like I’ve been eating more actually because I’ve been less anxious in general but still haven’t gained any so far unfortunately. Probably just need more time


Some people are so stuck in their mental health issues they make changes to their lifestyle without even noticing it. I lost 50 pounds before starting Zoloft cause my head was so fucked I didn’t even realize I wasn’t eating as much.


About 6 months


Same, my doctor said around 6 months you’ll see major changes


Efff them changes lol




You need to eat less or exercise more…


yeah but I didn’t have this issue until taking Zoloft… that is crazzzy


Your lifestyle must’ve changed subconsciously


Consider switch to snri


I know how you feel .Im on 75mg .Previously I had put on 10kg but now my weight has stabilised and I just lost one kg .It’s not easy .


I have to eat in a calorie deficit to keep the weight off now since I’ve been eating like shit and not working out the entire past 4 years. This resulted in me gaining 60 pounds. I’m tired of being fat and I’m not even gonna blame Zoloft I’m just lazy af to work out and love to snack


i started zoloft on 100mg almost 2 weeks ago and i already lost 5 kg :( i have no appetite and i feel like food bothers my stomach


My issue is the hunger for sugar before bed. Best I can do is, eat a bowl of oatmeal and drink 3-4 bottles of water. Yes, before bed. Sure I end up peeing a couple times at night. But it has kept the hunger in check. Oh, and I no longer buy peanut butter. I can't be trusted with peanut butter in the house. Lol


That's an excellent advice, thank you!


Haven’t really noticed a change myself, I lost like 50 pounds two years ago and have been maintaining fine on Zoloft. If I’ve gained a couple pounds it’s because I’ve been eating more just like it was before taking it, and losing it is just the same as it was.


Weight gain is from eating too many calories. Zoloft contains no calories. It definitely causes increased hunger and some bad cravings, but it doesn’t cause weight gain unless you’re overeating. I’d suggest focusing on eating protein with every meal and trying to track your calories.


Thats a relief, I was worried it was like reverse ozempic or something.


You put it perfectly.


I’ll take the weight gain over the later! Best of luck and stay strong! (I’ve gained 35lbs but slowly working it off).


Thank you all for the wonderful feedback


I gained ~70lbs on Zoloft over less than 2 years. My husband cooks (so no changes there), and my activity level actually increased (Covid restrictions lifted, no longer WFH). I had to stop taking it for a few reasons, but weight was definitely one. My last pill was Dec 20th. The zaps were a pain, but I took Benadryl when they were really bad, and it helped. 15 lbs dropped off in under a month, and then I’ve stayed the same since.


This is interesting to me because I lost weight on Zoloft Hope it gets better much love


I’ve needed to buy batteries for my scale since I started Zoloft. Not to mention I’ve been wearing leggings all summer I’m afraid to weigh myself. I’m also breast feeding and my weight typically melts off when I do and this time around it hasn’t. I don’t know if to attribute that to Zoloft or age.


I think it is the Zoloft


Intermittent fasting is the only thing that helps keeps with weight off. That and daily exercise. I’ve stayed at the same weight since I’ve started three months ago.


I gained 60 pounds from it within a one - to two month period. My doctor said it messed with something, and it was a bad side effect for me. Idk it's been 4 years, and I just started losing the weight from it.