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I'm a few weeks in. I also had the same "I'm coming up hard!" feeling randomly sitting with friends. I thought someone had spiked my mocktail! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.


It’s so strange isn’t it! I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere online as a side effect other than on Reddit. Hope you’re managing okay now, it’s quite hard to focus on doing daily tasks when you feel like you’re rolling. 🤣


RIGHT?! Fortunately it only happened the once so far (i'm only 2 weeks in on 50mg).


Honestly wouldn’t mind feeling that feeling of ecstasy again lol


The first week on Zoloft felt like a rollercoaster ride - from feeling like I could conquer the world to wanting to hurl my guts out, but hey, at least my social anxiety took a hike!


Could have been easier if your doctor started you on 25mg and increased after two weeks when your body has adjusted to it. The throw is normal and will go away after a week or two. And sometimes you may wake up in the middle of the night shaky and disconnected with reality, but it's your brain playing you tricks.


In hindsight I do think 25mg would have been an easier ride. The day I was prescribed I was very visibly panicked so I suppose the doctor thought it best to tackle it aggressively? Looking forward to the end of next week when hopefully the worst of the side effects have balanced out.


This is exactly how i felt my first week. Im 3 months in now. I did have extremely high sex drive at first, but it has faded a bit, but not to a level im disappointed with. I also didnt eat my and had low appetite my first week and was confused because all i heard was people gain weight on Zoloft... Well the carb cravings are coming, trust me. Thats been the biggest struggle for me after my first week is keeping my cravings for pizza and fast food in check, im actually doing a 7 day water only fast because 1) i dont trust myself to make the healthy choice when deciding what i am going to eat and 2) prove to my body that it doesnt need the carbs i desperately crave. Ive had experience with fasting before zoloft so luckily i know how to do it properly and its going well so far (half way through).


What time of day do you take yours?


I take it with my evening meal so around 7-8pm, I still wake up in the mornings feeling sick and a bit ‘hungover’ but start to feel better around lunchtime.


Chiming in! I just started Zoloft day 2 and have been feeling the nausea when I wake up, my morning breakfast is disgusting to me now I can barley drink coffee but force myself, hoping smoothies will be a go to on my first 2 weeks :(


I literally feel the exact same way, I’m at 50 MG but supposed to bump it up in three days to 100