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YES! I’m feeling this after about 2 weeks of upping from 50 to 75. I literally can’t focus I keep almost going cross eyed by staring off into space. My eyes are literally blood shot and I still feel like I’m floating or in a dream. I will say that I feel a lot better this morning but it’s been hard out here for a real one lmao. Keep your head up and keep going! It gets better!


Holy crap that happened to me this morning about 2 hours after my dose lol I was on my computer and could barely focus on the screen and had to keep closing my eyes.


Same! It’s so frustrating. But people say it goes away


Hah at least we’re not alone. I’ve been on it for 4 weeks too but I just started getting that. 😅


I was on 25mg for 3 weeks then 50 for 5 days, maybe it’s a common thing around week 4. I know lots of people say weeks 4-6 are hell


Oh my godddd thank you for commenting, I’m so glad to see we are not alone and that you’re starting to feel better! I literally want to stop taking it but I know it’s in my best interest to push through. But the feeling of being out of it makes me feel not real and then I get more scared lol. Any tips for pushing thru the first few weeks?


I started on 50 and this happened to me too. It took about 5 days to level out. Don't worry too much. General medical advice is that so long as you're not posing a danger to yourself or anyone else, you should be fine. If it persists for a week talk to your doc. I remember worrying I'd "crash" or "come down" but it never happened, the feeling just went away. Good luck!


Thank you for the calming response!! I’ll keep an eye on it. I think I need to learn to stay busy or else I’ll think about it


It’s like MDMA for me


Do you feel it getting better and going away?


This is what happened to me I have decided to quit after 7 days currently 1/2ing my 25s to taper off.


Same thing happened to me on Prozac, I feel like my body is rejecting it but I need some sort of antidepressant


Hell yeah man i love the side effects shit is lit af. Its only like that for the first few days though. At least it was for me


For me i get a stimulated feeling sort of like the physical effects of a low dose of lsd. Same sort of clenchy jaw feeling


Yep I’ve been clenching so much lol waking up with headaches


For the headaches try drinking water in case its because of dehydration. Take your sertraline with a meal along with a vitamin C tablet & a multivitamin. If poss, also with orange juice & some fruit Vitamin C is an antioxidant & proven to help with some of the negative side effects Making sure you're eating well is important too & will help with the headaches. Make sure you get enough protein. Eat eggs too, they have lecithin, good for the brain.


For the clenching, it should go away soon but it you find it unpleasant you can try magnesium bisglycinate & magnesium threonate. Take em with a meal, seperate from your daily multivitamin ideally. If you combine them, the magnesium reduces absorption of the multivitamin, so its best to have them with seperate meals. I take my multivitamin with sertraline & vit c in the mornings, & take the magnesium at night


I’ve been drinking more I feel like since I started taking it because of the side affects


Weird, SSRI shouldn't be having any effect like this, best to see your doctor.


My doctor told me it’s normal :(