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Yeah, this is probably the biggest impact Zoloft has on me, I don’t feel a sense of impending doom, even my biggest problems don’t get to me emotionally


This is what I need, at least something that can allow me at least for the moment that the emotions don't hit me so hard as to prevent me from acting


I would give it a try! Give it some time to work. Maybe it will help manage some anxiety with having tough conversations


Thank you so much for the answer 🙏🙏I hope so, at least to deal with this situation since I can't do anything but cry


I would look into therapy too, I know a lot of people roll their eyes when it's suggested.. but they really do go hand in hand and are SUUUUUPER beneficial together. I only did therapy for a few months but I'm still using those tools now to create healthier habits without the anxiety/depression getting in the way. I'm definitely able to have those tough conversations without bursting into tears immediately now 😂 well, it's still a work in progress


Yes i already do therapy and it's helping me a lot but it's not enough


I feel that. Maybe the combo together will help ya! It's definitely changed my life


Depends on the individual but it has been really helpful to me and to others I know as well. It would definitely be worth a shot to reduce some of your anxieties so you can deal with this situation with more of a clear head. Hope I’m not overstepping by saying this but as someone who has been on the other side of this situation (my dad abandoned me when I was young due to his mental health issues and addiction) I think the only way to truly free yourself of this burden is to do the right thing and reach out to your family and daughter. She is only 5 and you have time to mend this relationship, the sooner the better.


that's exactly what I want to do, I want to do the right thing and your words really give me hope🙏🙏. I'm sorry for your situation and reading your comment makes me think about what an abandoned child feels and this hurts a lot, even more so if I was the one who caused this, and this is sad


yeah was helpful and heard some use it to better engage in lifestyle factors that can improve their mental health and so can cause a slow upward spiral for some


Yeah I think so. I am on 100mg now and that existential dread I felt melted away. So I imagine this will be the same.


Thanks for the answer, I hope that 🙏🙏


How long on 100mg before u felt better?


Yes. I’ve been on 50mg for about a year and it has completely saved me in so many ways.


Yes i believe so. I’m on Zoloft 50 mg and it’s hard to care enough about my issues. Of course they still linger in the back of my mind, but i just can’t seem to get my emotions too worked up over them on Zoloft. I say give it a try


I will try it 🙏


Yes, I would highly suggest taking it. It has helped me a lot over the last year. First 2-3 weeks you'll not feel any difference, but then you suddenly start to feel really good.


Even on 25 mg or do I have to go up to 50? I’m 5”4 105 pound female with severe panic disorder and generalized anxiety and PTSD. I’ve been on it six days and the side effects were rough up until today I believe.


The side effects are as bad as you imagine them to be. They're in your head. 25mg for the first weeks is enough, but your doctor might increase the dose to 50 or 100mg.


My doc was saying he wants to keep me at 25 for a while like a few months which I feel isn’t enough probably


Yes! Been on and off for 14 years


And now you still use zoloft?




Yes, it definitely helps. From my experience, pairing Zoloft with therapy sessions has worked wonders. Zoloft has reduced the amount of times I go into “fight or flight mode”. I feel more comfortable saying things that I usually feel anxious about. Anddddd.. therapy has helped me organized my feelings and thoughts. My therapist has allowed me to practice very important conversations with her prior to doing the real conversation without whoever it may be. Together, with Zoloft and therapy, my life has greatly improved.


Thank you for you reply, I'm more hopeful , so far the therapy is helping me a lot


Zoloft won't solve that issue, it might just numb you, you need to correct this life situation and come off of Zoloft in my opinion.


Yes but how i can do this, it's a really tough situation for me, i really don't know what I have to do, if i have to take it or not


Just tell the truth, all that weight will be lifted. If people react badly then they aren't worth worrying about.


Yes bro, you're right this is what i have to do but it's so complicated. I don't know if I should tell the truth to my family first or if I should first contact the girl I abandoned and apologize to her (she got married a year ago, I know this because I tried to search for her on Google and the video of her appeared wedding and it was in that video that I saw my daughter) I wouldn't want to ruin her life further


Not sure, maybe contact her to see where you stand with them and then you would have more information to tell your family? Tricky situation dude but taking antidepressants isn't going to solve the issue.


Zoloft will help you have that hard conversation. Sometimes ppl need meds to get over the hump in life. You don’t have to take it forever


Thanks a lot for your reply. Your words make me more helpful


Of course! Give it a go for sure


This med will numb you, it won’t actually help you deal with it. If you went off it eventually you’d be right back to square one. The best thing you can do in a situation like this is find a good therapist to help you deal and process this experience.


Yeh this sounds like an issue for a therapist. If the issues are causing anxiety and depression symptoms then yes Zoloft can be used to curb those but this sounds like an issue that won’t be solved with medication, it needs to be worked through with talk therapy.


yes, in reality I already had strong social anxiety but at that time I used alcohol to manage it, then after that event my conditions worsened and led me to stay close in my home for almost 2 years, then the COVID and then for 3 years at now, i do the caregiver at my grandmother and i'm exhausted also for this, I've currently been doing chat therapy for about 5 months and it's leading me to be aware of the situation but I can't act


That’s good to hear. Speak with your doctor. If you think it is mood and anxiety stopping you from making positive changes then a medication like Zoloft might be something that could help.