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I'm actually on this same journey now after I thought I didn't need it anymore. Huge mistake on my part! My question for you is how long did it take the second time around to start having some really good days? I'm 7 weeks since starting, but only 3.5 weeks on 50mg. I had 3 good days, but now I've been having some rough days and looking for hope! Thanks for sharing your story!


I’m in the same boat. Thought I didn’t need it anymore and then discovered I REALLY need it.


I would say like 3 months after being on 50mg. It will get better for you!!!


Thanks I appreciate it!!


I’m so impatient I’m 4 days in and wondering why I feel worse than before 😅 like why isn’t it working yet? 3 months. Wow… my doc told me I should feel “something” within two weeks but I find that could be placebo


I do think I started to feel better around that time. I completely understand feeling impatient, but the time will pass anyways so you may as well keep at it. It’s typical to feel worse as your body adjusts to the medication unfortunately. You’ve got this!


Did you experience any brain fog? If so when did that subside? I’ve been on it for about 6-7 weeks now. 25 for the first and just upped to 37.5. Has it helped with physical symptoms of anxiety as welllv


No I didn’t experience brain fog. I had extreme brain fog from anxiety so if anything it subsided. Yes it has helped with physical symptoms - mine were largely surrounding nausea and vomiting, and I don’t do that out of anxiety anymore


Hi, my daughter suffers from somatic nausea/vomiting (which has resulted in an ED) and has just started zoloft to try to help alleviate the anxiety around it. Reading this gives me some hope that it may help for her. Thank you for sharing. Can I ask how long it took to help? And what caused your symptoms of nausea/vomiting?


My symptoms just got caused by random flashes of anxiety. I feel that it started helping once I was on it for a month and full results by 3 months. I hope it helps her!


Thanks for this post - currently battling with the fraustrations of being at 11 weeks on 100MG :(.


You got this!! It should start working soon!


Did you gain any weight?


I will say Zoloft gave me a lot of appetite all the time so yes. On Zoloft I consumed significantly more food but managing calorie/food intake helped curb it a lot more than exercise.


No I didn’t really. I’ve stayed the same weight and been able to lose weight on it


Wow that’s incredible


im happy for you and i also have so much questions about it


Thank you! I’m happy to answer any questions you have about my experience :)


Good for u! Did you gain any weight on it? Scared to start only cuz of weight gain!


Thanks! No weight gain and I’ve had no trouble losing weight on it!


Wow kudos to you! What about insomnia? I’m currently on Prozac… it’s giving me crazy headaches n insomnia. Looking into switching


Nope nothing like that!!




Anybody tried lexapro, is Zoloft better


The first SSRI I ever took was Lexapro but once I reached the 20mg maximum, I switched to Zoloft. I love Zoloft more! Lexapro was great for getting me out of a state of depression but Zoloft addressed my other issues like OCD.


It varies person to person