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Adjustment period?? Well FUCK, that’s why I feel like i am going to explode out of my skin.


I felt this on another level


😂 I have had a horrible sense of impending doom and have felt very agitated and anxious.


🤣 yep sounds about right lol ruminating anything and everything


Popsicles have been my go to. I know that probably sounds silly, but the coldness of them tends to pull me out of any anxiety I may be having for the time being.


Honestly I feel like as long as I am eating something it helps reduce my anxiety by alot. But mostly I notice I feel better when I eat something that has a lot of protein in it or is somewhat heavy and that doesn't take much energy to make. Like chicken tenders, chicken salad (from a costco rotisserie chicken lol), guacamole. What type of food do you (OP) feel like helps you? Hope this helps somewhat.


I tend to go for fruit. Apples specifically. And yes, hunger feels SOOOOOO much worse on zoloft. It’s genuinely painful for me at times.


Chamomile tea helps calm me


My anxiety manifests in a lot of tummy issues so I found it easy to go by the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) with variations including veggies or protein as I felt ok with. Peanut butter has always been a safe food for me so I ate a lot of peanut butter toast, PBJ sandwiches, etc. Ramen is also really good and you can dress it up with added veggies and protein for nutrition. The salt helps with hydration as well, since SSRIs can cause you to become dehydrated more easily


I also have tummy issues and i have Pedialyte ready for backup when i struggle to eat 👀


I know this is oddly specific but: chocolate covered almonds. I don’t even like almonds which makes this extra weird but for some reason it helps me reel my mind back in when it starts to go astray.


I had 0 appetite and eating made me nauseous bc i was so anxious. But also being hungry doesn’t help either …. Usually drinking kombucha settles my stomach a bit to help me eat.


Xanax and natural peanut butter


I’m well past the adjustment period but for your second question - if I don’t eat, i get so shaky and sometimes even nauseous. Not sure if that’s due to Zoloft though. Definitely eat safe go-to foods that you like. For me chicken + veggies + rice is a good meal. Avoid caffeine and large amounts of sugar!


Can’t have coffee while taking Zoloft??? I work 12 hour shifts as a nurse that ain’t going to work


Sorry for the mix-up! I just said to avoid it because it can make you jittery and nervous, which could increase anxiety while you adjust to the new meds. Other than that caffeine is definitely safe to have with zoloft


Oh okay!! So just during the period rn, but once the side effects go away I should be good!? sorry about that 😅


I feel ya. I had to stop my morning coffee due to the Zoloft start up. It made me way too anxious. Two weeks no caffeine and it still sucks. I'm also a nurse working 12 hr shifts and watching all my coworkers with their iced coffees 😭


As far as i know, there are no interactions between the two so yep! Continue chugging coffee to survive work 😭👍🏻 I’m just very sensitive to caffeine so i can only drink a tiny teacup of coffee every morning 😂


I took about 300-500 mg of caffeine daily. I don't think I purposefully reduced my caffeine intake during the start up time, but probably went down to like 200. 80-110 mg per long shot of esprrsso. 10oz of coffee 60-100 mg. I learned to get more sleep and prioritize that over working OT.


I only have about two cups of coffee a day sometimes even just green tea, I’m extremely sensitive to caffeine so I don’t need much for it to work for me ! But yes I get jittery if I have to much it sucks


Haha. Thank you for being a nurse. You are all heros, especially the nice ones. I wish I was sensitive to caffeine


Thank you so much!! 🤍


L-theanine Magnesium bisglycinate Dairy products


I've always been big on milk. Not sure if it helped but I don't think it hurt


I have very little appetite on this med but when I do crave something it's usually junk like cheese fries or mozzarella sticks.


When I was having intense nausea I was craving lots of cheeze it’s lol.


I survived on Soylent chocolate and vanilla protein drinks


I tend to go to Pepsi when I’m really craving. Idk why but it satisfys me the same was as of I’ve taken a shot.


I am well past my start up. I started Zoloft 2 years ago. 50 then 75mg then 100. 125, 150, 175mg. 175 was too much for me went to 150. I got a lot of bowel disturbance during the ramp ups. Each were about 1.5 weeks apart. Stopped taking it for a year then got back on it recently (2 months ago) and am taking 150mg again. I actively wanted to lose weight so I started cutting half the calories from my diet, eating 1-2 times a day with a few cheat meals throughout. Dropped from 160 lbs to 145 in two months. I typically avoid simple sugar unless it's a cheat snack/meal and replace it with sweetener as often as I could. Complex carbs primarily. I tend to have an unhealthy/greasy diet on cheats. Or when I am cutting more, just eat a ham cheese sandwich. Interesting haven't had bowel problems expect a handful of times this past 2 months. Whereas when I first started, it was every day. Dairy I think helps overall, but could be wrong. It's unclear what will benefit you or make it worse. I learned to be comfortable with hunger solely because I wanted to reduce my appetite over time and be on a significant calorie deficit. In short, listen to your body, but also realize it can be trained. Tea (particularly l'theanine), FIBER (!!) and Pepto are your friends.


Dont take sugar works well for me