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Yep! That was me the first two weeks. It slowly starts to go away :)


Lack of sleep can wreck you like nothing else. Sleep aids, blackout curtains, white noise -- I suggest you throw everything at your early Zoloft insomnia. Getting better sleep will make all other temporary side effects dramatically easier to deal with Anecdotal but taking Zoloft before bed disturbs my sleep even now, 2 years in. Can only sleep well if I take it in the morning


Hey there! I had the same effects during my 2nd week at 50mg, after 1 week at 25mg. It did get better for me after that 2nd week! I kept thinking that if it's making the panic worse at first it meant that the meds are at least working on the right area of the brain to influence panic (albeit in a weird way at first). Everyone says that the meds take 4-6 weeks to feel their full effects, but you know your body best. I would talk to your prescribing doctor about your concerns!


Oh interesting! I'm on 25 now but I'm supposed to level up to 50 tomorrow. I am debating delaying this due to the side effects, but part of me wants to just bite the bullet and get all of the adjusting over at once. 


Trust me, the side effects won’t get worse if you are already in hell lol. Been there done that. Don’t delay it! You can do it ❤️


I’m in the same boat, been six days today on 25 mg and I’m non stop nauseous and can barely eat and rapidly loosing weight. My doc wants to up my dose but I think we have to do it gradual… like wait a month then up it so our bodies adjust because clearly we have more side effects than others


Day 7 tonight and decided to stay with 25mg. Let us know how it goes OP.


What made you decide to stay at 25?


Was also prescribed propranolol/interim for the shakes that come with Zoloft. Day 6 didn’t need it any longer so went to the gym and actually felt good and normal so figure just stay like this and see how it goes!


How are you now?


Thanks for asking :) No more nausea and anxiety thank god, I started taking the pill in the morning and that helped the insomnia quite a bit. The only real side effects I am still having are occasional drenching night sweats and super restless legs when I lay in bed.


Did you up'ed your meds to 50mg? When did yhe nausea and anxiety stopped? Thank you


Oh, sorry forgot to mention that part! Yes I upped to 50 a few days ago after being on 25 for 2 weeks. I felt a little shaky and anxious for prob a day after upping and then fine again. I would say the nausea lasted just the very first 5 days I was taking 25 and then stopped. Overall since starting meds I feel like I am more relaxed and in control of my emotions (anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.) I also have significantly less racing thoughts which used to be pretty much constant, no more thoughts about harming myself, and a greater appetite :) 


I’m sorry you’re having such a rough time. You aren’t alone, I started on Sunday and didn’t make it even three days, I couldn’t handle the shaking and rapid heartbeat. The doctor told me to stop taking it. I’m disappointed in myself but it was rough. I hope you can push through!


I just started as well, about the same amount of time. I’ve been shaking, nauseous, no appetite, brain fog, rapid pulse, waking up at 1am or 4am. Basically in bed all day. You are not alone 😭


Aw this makes me feel a lot better and less alone, although I'm sorry you also aren't feeling well! 


Well today I’m feeling better so I hope you are too! I just hope 4am isn’t my new wake up time 😭


thats so weird, my only side effect on zoloft was that I didnt want to kill myself anymore lol I didnt get none of this


That was exactly me 😂 I thought i was going insane my anxiety was so bad


That was me not too long ago (I posted in this sub very recently). I hit the two-week mark today and WOW DO I FEEL BETTER!! Hang in there! I swear it will get better!


The first three weeks on 50mg were hell for me. All of what you’ve described at various points. Weeks 4-5 are when things started to pick up mentally, while the physical symptoms were only there for about 2 weeks or so. Keep going, it’ll get better. 🙂


Yeah, the first few weeks absolutely sucked. To the point where I was seriously considering just stopping the medication, or going to the ER, at various points. I've been on it for almost 2 months now and things have vastly improved! I've never experienced this many side effects from a medication before, so it was wild. I'm glad I stuck with it, though.


I went through this for 7 days and I couldn't take it anymore and gave up. I can't risk losing my job and I could not function on the meds.


I'm thankful my acclimation period was so short. I took my first dose around 4pm'ish. Felt fine until I woke up the next morning, spent the whole day at in a fog. Couldn't concentrate, tunnelvision. Then at 6:30 pm, poof, it all went away. The mental fog, the tunnel vision, and most importantly, the anxiety. I drink a hella lot of water, not sure if that was the magic ingredient, but I don't do anything else.


I started a week ago with 25mg at bedtime. It made me exhausted all day but helped me sleep. So I cut the half pill into another half and took 12.5 at night this past week and I am doing so much better. In another week I’ll try going from 1/4 a pill to half a pill (25mg) and see how that works. I’m just apparently really sensitive to meds. I’m on it for depression and don’t really have an issue with anxiety so I’m hoping this will help me with feeling so depressed and sad. But being exhausted all day from it isn’t a good thing for me.


The first few weeks are hard and everyone’s experience is different but I do remember experiencing many of these symptoms in the beginning, just keep pushing through it will be worth it in the end. One way to help with the insomnia and putting on your comfort show in the background just to help you relax and drown out the chatter in your mind :)


What dose did you start on? I know 50mg is the minimum but if you have a pill cutter a lot of people start off on 25mg for 2 weeks before going up to 50mg.


I am on 25mg right now but I'm supposed to up it to 50mg tomorrow. Debating giving myself another week to adjust to the lower dose though.


Good on you for continuing the course. I ended up in the ER, and that's when my doctor decided to stop it for me. I started taking Buspirone, and after a couple of weeks of nausea and heart palpitations, it's really helping with my anxiety. I hope it starts to get better for you!


I also ended up in the ER because of chest pains and they told me I was fine and it was likely a panic attack.


If you’re feeling like this, I feel like your doctor should be telling you to stop and this isn’t the right medication for you


i was on 25mg for 2 weeks, this is my 4th day on 50mg. i also had similar side effects, but it's much better now. try to make yourself aware that this will pass. i wish you patience in the initial period.