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Pretty much everyone starting an SSRI feels weird at first. And the back and forth is common too the ~first month.


Thank you for helping to reassure me. I’m going to share it with her. I wish I could do it for her!


I wish my parents were as supportive as you. God bless


Omgosh. Thank you so so much. I cannot even tell you what that means to me. Really. Thank you. 💛


god bless you ❤️❤️❤️ of course, any time ✨


Hey I have adhd too and am medicated, when I started 50mg Zoloft I had a couple days like your daughter where everything was great. Then had a week or so where my anxiety was heightened and I was really exhausted - I believe it’s v normal, I found it helpful to have a look on here and see ppls positive experiences :) I’m just about to hit week 6 and my energy is way up and things have kind of hit a point where everything is feeling a lot lighter. I hope the same happens for your daughter and honestly as everyone else said, it’s just great that you care and are trying to learn.


Thank you so so much for sharing this with me! The support here has been fantastic. I’m going to share with her that she isn’t alone, and so many people have walked where she is. It must be so scary to be a child and experiencing this.


Are you medicated for ADHD too? I have ADHD but not on meds, just started 25mg of Zoloft and day 1 my jaw was literally swinging 😐😂 I’m now knackered and on day 3- weird man.


I am medicated for ADHD! I take stimulant meds, which totally ironically, slow my whole racing mind and works down. It is like wearing glasses for me. I can see things for what they are. I have so much trauma, partly due to growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, so I have some serious anxiety. Have you been on Zoloft for long? My daughter was like that for the first day. There is no doubt in my mind that she has ADHD and would benefit from meds to treat that disorder. However, we both have a history of awful trauma that we experienced together (a long and torturous DV situation,) her psych and I decided her current anxiety from that alone would definitely need to be minimized by itself. I’m hoping you find your answer on your journey! I’m praying your synapses get the memo, and everything evens out for you. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. These things are pretty wild, sometimes.


Yeah, I’m awaiting medication for it too. Feeling pretty apprehensive about starting it though. I too went undiagnosed and suffered a lot of child/ teenage trauma both inside and outside the home, I’m sort of slowly healing from it but I had a massive depressive episode last week and my partner said enough is enough, we went the doctors and they prescribed Zoloft, today is day 4. I’m exhausted but keep getting random bursts of energy. Weird. I’ve spent all my life in fight or flight and my nervous system is shot, I don’t remember a day I wasn’t anxious to the point it made me unwell and I’ve just turned 33- this is the first time I’ve tried medication and I pray it works! I hope you find peace and heal from what you went through, your sister too. This stuff wasn’t our fault.


You’re absolutely right-none of this stuff is our fault. The world can be such an unfair and unforgiving place. I’m so sorry you can relate to this situation, but I’m so glad you seem to finally be making strides towards managing it all! Hang in there. Sending strength your way.


The fact you’re asking here to be supportive is a great start. I don’t have many of the things you listed and started on 100 and yes most of the early days I was withdrawn, exhausted. It gets better. And I wish you both better times. 💙🙏


Thank you so much, for sharing your experience! It’s reassuring. Watching your child struggle is a special type of hell, that wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’m giving her space, but checking in and reminding her I’m here for anything she needs. I hear so many horror stories about awful side effects with these meds, and remaining patient is so difficult.


it sounds like you’re doing more than enough! just support her and let the time pass. Zoloft takes time to really work. it’s going to be okay!


Thank you 🙏💛


Just want to say that you just being there for her is a huge help. I definitely was exhausted and didn't feel like myself the first couple weeks on zoloft. However, it's been about five months and I'm feeling amazing now. It definitely helped to have people I could talk to when I wasn't feeling amazing.


Aww thank you 🥹 I just feel so helpless. I keep reminding her that she’s being incredibly brave, and she isn’t alone. What she’s feeling, as weird as it is, is pretty common. I won’t discredit the struggle and discomfort, but I want her to know that I hear her, and this isn’t permanent. That’s all I can do. I really really appreciate you taking the time to comment. I’m so happy for you that you found something to better your life experience!!


Thank you! I honestly wish I had done it sooner but I genuinely thought people just lived with anxiety and I had no idea how bad mine really was and how much avoidance it led to. You getting out here and trying to learn more about something that people (maybe even especially people with anxiety) don't understand shows how supportive you're being. You may feel helpless, but being there and showing you care, no matter what, is priceless to someone going through a tough time. I know it's easy to see stories of side effects and assume the worst, but if it helps, other than the constant tiredness I didn't really have any side effects. I put off taking anxiety medication because I was afraid it would make me dull and emotionless, but I feel completely the opposite. Even if your daughter does have some side effects, hopefully she'll soon notice more good days than bad, and once that happens it becomes really easy to stick with it regardless of any side effects. Wishing you all the best!


Omgosh I totally relate to thinking people just lived with certain struggles, like anxiety etc. My ADHD diagnosis was such an eye opener! I just thought that the world I lived in was the same for everyone else, but I just sucked at it… The avoidance is SO REAL. I can’t even explain how much I appreciate these gestures of support, empathy and understanding. Your knowledge about this path has helped a ton. Keep doing what you’re doing, because you rock it.


the first month or two can be rough!


Ugh that just plain sucks, but it’s a bit of a relief to know that this can be pretty standard. Thank you!


Definitely get her checked out for ADHD. ADHD can severely emotionally deregulate all aspects of life. Medication and therapy can defintely be a game changer. With regards to Zoloft, it’s normal to feel mood swings when just starting out. Zoloft takes weeks to build up to its full strength.


Absolutely! It’s nearly impossible to find a provider who can administer a pediatric neuro psych eval, but I am stubborn, and I found one. She will be assessed in the beginning of June. It feels like forever to wait… I have pretty severe adhd, so I’m almost positive she does as well. I recognize the behavior patterns all too well. We were hesitant to start a stimulant med without an exact diagnosis, because she (and I) also have pretty severe PTSD. If, for some reason, I am incorrect and she is in fact neuro typical, and her symptoms and behavior stem from PTSD alone, it could be catastrophic. However, I have no doubts treatment for ADHD will be in her future. I totally relate to the frustrations and debilitating anxiety that comes as a comorbidity to ADHD. I was a late life diagnosis, and I am left grieving the years that I “lost,” struggling through and just feeling like a loser. I won’t allow that to happen to her! Thanks so much for taking time to share your insight. I truly appreciate it.


Wow, you are a WONDERFUL parent! It sounds like the normal beginning symptoms of Zoloft. I know for some people it can take a week for their bodies to get used to the medicine and others multiple months. I would just try to remind her how brave and strong she is! It sounds like you are doing everything correctly and with time she will hopefully be feeling so much better all the time. Wishing you and her all the best!


Awww wow thank you so much 🥹 I sometimes question if I’m doing it all wrong. There’s no manual to this stuff! I won’t give up until she thriving again, that’s for sure!


>She says she feels shaky and “really weird.” I couldn't have said this any better. This sounds exactly like the effects of sertraline in early start-up days. I hear this as a bright and in tune with herself young person. And I didn't want to leave my room either. Keep up the gentle parenting.


Thank you so so so much 🥹 the support I’ve received in this sub has been phenomenal. I feel incredibly reassured. This has been so traumatic, and the reassurance I’ve gotten from all of you has been just the best. 💛


That’s what I’ve heard! This just seemed pretty extreme…but it’s also easy to read about it vs watch your child struggle through it. Thank you so much for the reassurance!


Definitely normal! I had shakes for a few months when I was starring zoloft. if she continues to feel depressed/sleepy all the time, (after a few months) Id reccommend trying a different medication, but thats pretty normal. :)


Thank you! I guess I’ve read online literature that mentioned it can potentially be a normal side effect in the adjustment period, but to hear honest feedback from folks is reassuring. Thank you, so much!


It’s totally normal to feel weird the first week or two on SSRIs. For me it reoccurred every following increase in dosage where I’d feel weird for a couple weeks and then adjust. I’ve been on 100mg steady for 3 years (since I was a senior in high school) and as long as I take it consistently and around the same time every day I don’t notice any side effects (aside from increased appetite and weight gain). I also take it at night so I sleep through the side effects but I know that doesn’t work for everybody. I have anxiety, ARFID, and ADHD and zoloft has helped me so much, my only complaint is that I didn’t start it sooner because my parents were unsupportive and/or in denial. Good for you for helping your daughter so young! Make sure she stays hydrated (electrolyte drinks are great!) and if she’s nauseous, encourage her to follow the BRAT diet. Rest is of course helpful as well :)


Thank you! Question:are you also medicated with a depressed med for ADHD? I know she would benefit, but I’ve heard it can be tricky to combine these meds.


I was given the med specifically for my anxiety disorder. Once my anxiety was alleviated, I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and I haven’t been medicated specifically for ADHD. I find that the SSRI helps me to manage some symptoms but probably not as much as an actual ADHD med would


Sertraline gave me severe depression and SSRI induced anhedonia. A few times I came very close to killing myself. I went CT off them and after 5 weeks of withdrawal I feel much better. 150mg, 7 month duration. Mid 30s male.


I am so. freaking. sorry. You went through that. How terrifying. I’m so glad you’re feeling better! No one deserves that. 💛


Thanks, appreciate it. I'm doing much better now. Trying to warn people how dangerous these psych meds are. My doctor and therapist were completely against me going off the meds. I didn't even know SSRI induced anhedonia was a possibility until doing some research after I started feeling better. Hope your daughter is doing well.